Atwood Bee, 5 Feb 1915, p. 8

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Atwood Meat Market Choice Beef for sale by ae at 11 cts. Killing done for farmers at reasonable rates Cattle haridled on Heefring Bases Highest cash price paid for hides. Se Terms strictly cash. | ° 4 J. M. Smith, Proprietor Phone 11-2 eciieneituscanesngaeisad sea Dresden; of Mia. aa ii '|ur'Harvey Smith, formerly editor of| -) The Rod and Guo and for some years" "la resident of Woddetack. Leaving ATWOOD BAKE SHOP We have choice Pastry each week A variety of canned goods Chocolates, Candies, Oranges and Nuts. Wedding Cakes a specialty WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Wm. Lambe, Proprietor. Cream Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. . Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send youacan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Aldrich Bros. | jelections, Mr. '|elected by acclamation as 'Mr. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont Managers so foofe ofoofosfocfe fe feed obs feck nfo of ee ofecgonde ofecfoctoofe cfoofonge ee ee Fe EEE Ee Eee es Erne e er eee ees ee ae ees Sars | We doa Large Business and are} content with small profits: 2.2. .3. .2. 2.8 f, SS. tk Bd. tk oe ae eee We take much pleasure in showing goods as we know ¢ + that both the goods and the prices are right. All rips sewed free. D. WATTERS SP Be Be ekecboade dhocfece abe slacle abe abe abe aheche abe Ze Eek. SR eh eres H Main st. Ze he Be ule abe abe che ole ole ole che abe Be Bs se che Bo cBecbe che obs abecfe al. of 2.2 EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE TEE PPE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EP ELS : Gifts for All t Our line comprises gifts suitable for father, mother, + brother, sister and children. * The line we show can always be depended upon not ~ only for Christmas day, but every other day in the year Easy Chairs, Couches, Kitchen Cabinets, Extention tables, Buffets, China Cabinets, Secretaries z Sectional Book Cases, Music Cabinets, Parlor Suits, Rocking Chairs Pictures in Frame. J. ROGER, Atwood HARDWARE and TINWARE FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER SE EEE EEEEEEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE REE Softee 4 me) bbb bob feeb b bbe b bebe (epee feeb beobeobeob ofeefeebeeb pefefeels febabeefe ep -b bp Fee ee bh ede hee t POTTS POET Pes ENTER NOW JOHN KRESSO & SONS a | 4 at the Are prepar ed to buy logs and to d@ 4 7 | custom sawing in Atwood. Logs to 7 Listowel Business be per in the G. T. R. yards COLLEGE north of the section house. All cus- tom | I : Thorough beeen taught by Com- a foge wall be cut fires tent Teachers. -- For spielen address Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario 7~VerTVerwrrVeVTTee D. A. KIDD, M. D. eee Seaton See H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Barrister, Notary Public Executiye Officer of Board of Conveyancer Health Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Specialties-- Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat | Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Diseases of syomen and children. Jal Money to Loan. et Fs 7 gos & n, "at 'a' comparatively early age. As her husband wasonce Me- thodist pastor-at Trowbridge, the de- ceased lady has many friends in' this county who will lament her death, | 'Smith.--The death: "occurred eud-{. denly in Ottawa, on Jan. 27, of Arth- there he went to. Listowel in 1911 to take oyer the proprietorship of the Listowel Banner, but finding the field there to small, he accepted the 'editorial position on a Medicine Hat paper, latterly he 'has been connec- ted with' the editorial department of the Ottawa Free Press. He is sur- yived by a wife, one son and one daughter. Reéve Alex. Beggs, of Mornington, took his seat at the County Council on Friday morning, having been the successful candidate against Mr. Hugh Kerr in the Mornington elec- tion on Thursday. - -Mr. Beggs had a majority of 118 over his opponent. At the time of the general municipal Beggs was declared John Davidson withdrew his name after nomination. It turned out later, however, that Mr. Dayidson's with- drawal was not made according to law, and another election was neces- sary. The second time, Mr. Kerr stayed in the field with Mr. Beggs, but was defeated. Bowmanville Statesman--Church- es are doing less adyertising from the pulpit and more in the local papers. This is right, too. The sacred desk was neyer intended for an adverti- sing medium. Belleville Daily On- tario editorially says many sensible things from day to day and on this question in part saye: Opinions will differ about the propriety of using display advertising for making an- nouncement of church meetings. But it has become the practice of recent years for all churches to pay the pub- lic press for informing the people when services are to be held and what subjects will bé discussed by the minister. The size of type can make little difference in the priociple involved. The newspaper is surely more dignified, accurate, and satis- factory than for the pastor himself to become a living bulletin board by making all: kinds 'of ahnouncemonts prior to his sermon. ; REET EN Pr aaee | Lord's Day Alliance Rev. Mr. Snider, Field Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance will preach in the Presbyterian chureh Feb. 7 at ll a.m. in the Methodist Church at 7 p.m. and inthe Baptist church at 3 p.m. Enyelopes will be distributed in all the churches and an offering will be taken io aid of the work of the Alli- ance. Report Of The Annual Meeting Fire Ins. Company The Annual Meeting of the policy- holders of the Elma Farmers' Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Agricultural Hall, At- wood on Tuesday the 26th of Janu- ary, 1915, a goodly number of mem- bers being present. J. S. Cowan was appointed chair- man and J. R. Hammond secretary of the meeting. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Financial statement cf the af- fairs of the company for 1914 and the Auditors Report which showed that the company had had a prosper- ous year was read and adopted. The advisability of allowing policy- holders to use gasoline engines and acetyline lighting plants without af- fecting their policies was discussed and it was resolved to consider those articles in future as ordinary -farm machinery providing that proper care be exercised in their use and that no gasoline be allowed to be stored in- side of the risk. Jas. H. Thomson and Wm_ UH. Jolly were re-appointed auditors for 1915 and J. K. Baker, John McCloy and T. E. Shearer were re- appointed directors for the ensuing term when the meeting adjourned. The Bourd of Directors consisting of J. S. Cowan, S. J. Love, James Moffat, D. B. Grieve, George Cle- land, John McCloy, J. K. Baker, T. E. Shearer, and Andrew Stevenson then met for organization, Mr. Me- Cloy being absent on account of ill- ness. J. 8. Cowan was re-appointed pre- sident, John McCloy vice president and J. R. Hammond secretary treas- urer for 1915. Applications for insurance were Wis Ghatoie "Dadia. leit Galveaton| + tfor Rotterdam with 'her cargo of cot- ton. | Card of Thana "To hase 'iase been with us| in our bereavement and by kind words and kindly acts have tried to lessen. our sorrow, By exténd our sincere thanks. Mrs. Thos. Newbigging and Family. " Petrie.Barton:- * At two o'clock Wednesday after- es te Sh The Kina You Have Aunts and has ed by the Rev. Dr. Husser, pastor of the church. After the ceremony the immediate relatives and friends re paired to the bride's home where the wedding dinner was served. The happy. couple left on the evening train amid the good wishes of all for Grand Rapids where they will spend their honeymoon. On their return they will be at home on Mr. Petrie' & farm con. 10, Elma. S. S. No. 5, '5, Elma. Theo Children "8 Panacca-- Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 'THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, The following is the report of S. 8. No. 6, Elma, for the month of Janu- ary. Those marked " were absent for One. or more exams Y. Class total---375, 'Pearl Struth- Bought, and which his: been in. use for orcr 30 ber a os ges borne the signature : sonal sapanvial Allow no one to deccive you in this, i and "J 'ood 7? but % All Counterfeits Intitations are noon in the Methodist church, Don | Panctinents tat trifle with and end the hoaith of egal, Miss Maude Barton, daughter Infants and Children--Expericnce Experiment, of Mr. James Barton, became the hride of Mr Joseph H. Petrie, a pros- 2 C ASTO | A j perous young farmer of 'Elma. The What is R i yee ouurre: were -Utiakbedded. . A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- | large gathering assembled to witness goric, Drops rnd Soo thing Syrups. It is pleasant. It | the ceremony. The bride was given contains neithcr ok nig res -- nor othcr Narcotic away by her father while the wed hel ay eS 2 bay pcre tec. It destroys --_ ding marched was being played by OnE alloys CvG euiee or more than thirty years Miss Christina Petrie, sister. of the Poiicac, ind Colle; for the rclief of Constipation, cow. The osremony was periotm Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. | Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS q ers rs 265. Entrance Class total--445, Bertha Leslie 409, Nellie Vipond 353, Char- les Curtis 237. TY. Class total--737, Roy Ander son 590, Arthur Peebles 461, Nellie uchTRAL Michinalh = STRATFORD, ONT. Clubbing List For 1915. * || Family Herald with Bee ........$1.50 78, Eric Ducklow 76. Class--Mary Curtis ex- arton: very good. lass--Mary Harvey ex- ce Aiba, Mary Carson very good, Wil- lie Smith fair. 7 Primer Class-- Verret Barton, Gordon Dickson, Kenneth Vipond, exellent. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. Bank of Hamilton | Capital Authorized $5,000 000 Capital, Paid-up, ne Surplus '50,000 ACCUMULATING CAPITAL | The lack of Capital stands between many a man and the carrying out of a good business idea. Every young man on ealary has the means of avcuinulating capital. Weekly additions of A. B. McMane, Teacher ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Please giye mea call. Charges moderate. il ts to a Savings Account in the ap Wool one Bank of Hamailton soon oinee him in a posi- "7 tion of readiness for business opportunities. J. CECIL HAMILTON A. M. ROBINSON, Manager, Atwood Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money 'to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, denitigt. en 3 | ae Schinbein's Store Stands for Good Goods New Wash Goods New Towelling New Sheeting; New Shirtings ~ New Suitings Now is the time to buy your "2000s for Spring Sewing 6 doz. Ladies' White Waists, low and high neck, long and short sleeves, Reg. 1.25, on aale;........ 78c. $5.00 to $8.00 Waists on sale for, Lice Waists, Silk Waists all on sale at Ladies and Misses~ Coats New Prints _SSS0E $ 2.00 2.00 Big Doings in Furs Never did we show such values in all kinds of Furs Try this store for Real Bargains accepted amounting to $126,000.00 and the secretary authorized to issue the policies accordingly. The meeting adjourned till Tues- | day, the 16th of February, 1915, to meet again at the usual time and place. J. R. Hammond, Secy. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel, Ontario We have still range to choose from. Many lines reg. $15.00 for 33:00 many at half price und some extra nice coats 1-3 off. Grey 297. inpoti s Dest Practical Training}! Weekly Sun 1.75 Sr. III. Class total--100, Edith -- ipo BO ray os Farmers' Advocate..............005 2.22 Be gece Baik TS, a. [| ar tne doperemer. | enlan Farm neers 18 son 265, Kenneth Barton 245, Agnes ~ Commercial, Shorthand ana Star, Toronto «..+..04 esse 9.75 Inglis 285, Audrey Ducklow 200, St. Telegraphy, "News, . vsselseeeee seve 2.75 Clair Newbigging 155. Dar ereduaten Cnccend.and yom Showa ths Werks, asccevsarearees 3.25 Sdcond Class total--100, Eveline || ®* we cet . ccmensdeensiink 3.75 ------ se) °

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