a Oe et ee i ee "Tere Ls Satine hl, fe 3. ge ce Atwood "Weat Market Choice Béef for sale by quarter at 11 cts. ol oe Killing done for farmers at reasonable rates sd Cattle handled on Beefring Bases 2 Highest cash price paid for hides. . 3G Terms strictly cash. = oe = oe : J. M. Smith, Proprietor Phone 11-2 TeEESEEEERTEREERERERRERERET | ATWOOD BAKE SHOP We have choice Pastry each week A variety of canned goods Chocolates, Candies, Oranges and Nuts. Wedding Cakes a specialty WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Wm. Lambe, Proprietor. Cream Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Puy every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send youacan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont Aldrich Bros. Managers Seale ae Oe ea ee ee oe ee ee ae ee eo ae SO eh iy ? ATWOOD SHOE STORE | i + We do a Large Business and are f content with small profits We take much pleasure in showing goods as we know * that both the goods and the prices are right. " All rips sewed free. D. WATTERS Buco che cle ofaabe cle Be ole afecle ole ole checks cle Esl be ae Mit ie it Be Me ae ae ie Sil ie aie he ie ie Wie Me te) H Main st. Loe ohn ole eke she obeckeake obs the ole abe Se BeaBecke fe cBecBecBe cbucho check. 2.2. + EEE EEEEEE EEE EE EEE E TEE TEE Perbbbt A rrr rT rry Seis! peels | : Seeds ! + We have them, the very best that money can buy, and the price is right. Call and inspect for yourselves. 'J. ROGER, Atwood %, te Bostock ae dae) 2.6%. Phe ae ee ac £ * HARDWARE and TINWARE + FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER fesbeebesde oes obecpedeoteoectrebe edocs foo eebeete feebeotees Booted deodecfood obecfeeteobeofeofeebeeh efeabeote + parinnedhadithntandad a leh PPbE EEE ENTER Now ~ GEORGE BRAY | . at the ; | Barrister, Solicitor Listowel Business | So? a COLLEGE oe Thorough Courses taught by Com- | petent Teachers. For particulars address Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. Mr. Wm. Peter has taken a posi- tion in Mr. 8. H. Mitchell's hardware store. Born---In Creelman, Pcge Jan, 81st 1915, to Mr. and M a G. Clifford, a son. Mr. 8. H. Mitchell has purchased the coal and dray business from Mr, J.C. Baker and will take possession the first of April. William Twinibire Passes Away. There died at his late home, Elma, on Thursday morning, Feb. 4, Wil- liam Twamley, in his forty-sixth year. The deceased had heen in poor health for some time. In November last he underwent an operation at Toronto and for a time seemed to be regaining his health. However, he took a turn for the worse and for the past two weeks had been gradually sioking until on Thursday morning about four o'clock death overtook him. .The deceased was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Twam- ley and had lived in Elma all his life. In 1901 he married Miss Levina Chapman, who with three children are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loying husband and father. The funeral took place last Monday after- noon, 8th inst. at 230 pm. Inter. ment was made at the old Listowel Cemetery. _ > ------ MILVERTON Milverton, Feb. 4.~-On Saturday afternoon two accidents happened at the rink which will cause those in jured inconvenience for some time to come. As Mrs. E. Siegner was leis- urely skating with a lady companion she fell and while endeavoring to save herself broke the small bone of her forearm near the wrist. 'The other accident befell Isaac Baum- ann, a deaf and dumb boy, who ran into the boards with such force that he fractured his shoulder blade. The injured parties were taken to Dr. L. P. Tye's office where Dr. R. Rankin reduced the fractures. Both are now progressing favorably. Rev. Newton Williams, who has been rector of Christ church, Milver- ton, and Trinity church, Elma, since last summer, has been appointed rec- tor at Courtwright and. will be. suc- ceeded by Rev. P. G. Powell, of Pilot) ¢ Mound, Man. The change in ap- pointments will take, place on the last Sunday in February. Mr. Pow- ell as been in the ministry for over three years and is a graduate of Wy- cliffe College, Toronto. In the death of John McCloy, which occurred suddenly to day, Perth County loses one of its oldest residents. Born in 1855, Mr. Me- Cloy had lived continually for fifty- pine years on his farm, third line, Mornington. In 1889 he was mar- ried to Sarah Waters, a family sur viying-- Mrs. W. S. Carter, of Strat- ford; Fredica and George, at home. The late Mr. McCloy was an actiye member of the Presbyterian church, Milverton, and tax collector of Morn- ington, also Vice president of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Ce. ------- > --_-- Auction Sale Alex. Morrison, Auctioneer, has received instructions from R. S. Bal- lantyne to sell by publie auction on Lot 22, con. 7, Elma, on Friday, Feb. 26, 1915, at 12.30 o'clock the follow- ing:-- Horses, aged Clydesdale mare reg. with foal; draft mare 5 yrs old; draft mare 3 yrs old; 2 draft gelds. 3 yrs. old; draft geld. 2 yrs. old; draft geld. 1 yr. old; Hack. mare 6 yrs. old, good worker and driver; gen. pur. mare 10 yrs. old, good worker and driver. a 6. Ayr. cows, supposed to be n calf; 4 fresh cows; 1 far. cow. 2 yeh heifers, 2 heifers 3 months old, 2 Tamworth sows with pigs, 9 pigs 4 months old, 5 pigs 3 months old. Machinery, Massey Harris binder, Deer. hay tedder, Deer. Mower, Deer. side rake, hay loader, dump rake. spring tooth cultivator, corn cultivator, disc. barrow, I set drag barrows, double riding plow, single riding plow, walking plow, drilling plow, steel roller, shoe drill, hoe drill, turnip sower, large cutting box, set of bob sleighs, 2 wagons, wagon box, stock rack, bay rack, manure spread- er, 2 top buggies, open buggy, cutter, fanning mill, cutter pole and neck- yoke, De Laval sepatator, cream can, 2 creamers, set of scales, grindstone, stoneboat, extension ladder, forks, shovels, scythes, chains and other articles. 2 sets of double harness, | set of single harness, a quantity of mangold. Furniture, gasoline stove with oven. 2 parlor suite,s oak rocker, coal heater, fruit sea'ers, etc. Terms-- All sums of $10 and un- der, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be giyen on furnishing ap proved joint notes, land owsers as security, or 4 per cont off for cash on credit amounts.--R. 8. Ballantyne. The hay press was running on tho 16th con. last week. Mrs. A. M. Robinson and daugh- ter returned home on Tuesday after visiting at Wingham and Teeswater. "Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mckenzie, of Sarnia, are paying a visit to friends and acquaintances in Monkton and yicinity. TROWBRIDGE. Trowbridge, Feb. 2.--Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Code droye to Peel Monday to attend the funeral of the late Isaac May. Mr. May was quite well known in this vicinity as he bas visi ted here a number of times. A little girl arriyed at thie home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Tughen last week. Mr. Tughen looks happy this week. The many friends of our enterpris- ing blacksmith, Mr. Tabot will be pleased to learn that he has purchas ed the property he now has rented from Mr. McCormick. Mr. Tabot bas worked up a good business here and no doubt it will continue to in- crease. AUCTION SALE. Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from Wynne Price to sell by public auction on lot 20, concession 8, Elma, on Tuesday, February 16th, at 12.30 o'clock the following: 1 reg. mare rising 4 yrs. sup. in foal, 1 mare rising 4 yrs. sup. in foal, 1 horse 7 yrs, | filly rising two, 2 Holstein cows, fresh, 1 Hol- stein heifer in calf, 1 Jersey cow with calf, 1 Durham cow due Mar. 25, 1 ped. Ayshire cow due Mar. 8, 1 ped. Ayr. bull, 1 Thoro. Durham bull, 8 months old, 5 Ayr. heifers rising 2 in calf, 1 Durham heifer rising 2 in calf, 14 Grade Durham calves, 1 sow with 10 pigs, 5 young sows in pig, one purebred 'Tamworth, 1 purebred Tamworth boar, 100 hens, about 200 bushels oats and Barley, quantity of hay, millet and green feed. Machin- ery, 1 6 ft. Noxon binder, 1 6 ft Massey- Harris binder, 1 6 [t. mower, nasione. new tedder, new dump rake, hay loader. new 13 disc Deering drill with) fertilizer attachment, 1 Noxon "LO hoe drill, 1 cultivator and seeder, 1 set harrows 5, 1 Bissell disc, 1 roller, 1 two-furrow plow, 2 Fleury No. 21 plows, Mannre spreader, low down, 1 scuffler, 1 Massey-Harris oh tL voi 1 wagon, hay rack, 1 ter, lawn mower, | buggy, we Tight wagon, stoneboat, wheel- barrow, 2000 |b. scale, Sanitary churn, fanning mill, DeLaval separa- tor, 2 sets double heavy harness, milk eans, forks, shovels ond num- erous other articles. Furniture -- range coal or wood, cook stove wood, heater wood, bedroom suite, chairs and several pieces of other furniture. Terms---All sums of ten dollars and under, cash ; over that amount eight months cpedit will bs given on furn- ishing approved joint notes, land owners as security, or six per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts --WYNNE PRICE. ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Please giye-me a call. Chirges moderate. ATWOOD a oo: ONT (c= 10 [ emmmeer seamen (0) (900 Drors) GASTORIA ----_------?) | For Infants For Infants and Children. | Mothers Know Tha Know That. Genuine Castoria mofes Digest ont hee: ness and Rest.Contains neither orphine nor Mineral. i tor NARCOTIC. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA At6 months old i} 35 Doses --}5CENTS ------ ---- JUST IN 5000 Yards of Crums and Craftons, newest patterned prints, every yd. guaranteed fast color. Prices---Crums 15c per yard 2 ---------- = Sl for us to show them to you. ws eunvaun SOMrany, Haw Yeunx erry. ; von HAL Clubbing List For 1915. Clonal = A . . ="? 4TFORD, ONT. Family Herald with Bee ........ $1.50 Ontario's Best Practical Training}} Weekly Sun 1.75 ja a We ~-- thorough ge Farmers' Advocate..............0+8 2.22 and experienced instructors in each o . vey theea de pert ents. Duly Free Pres hive Geasaeeeeuexee ape Commercial, Shorthand and Y Star, Toronto veecsee cesses 9.75 Telegra phy. "News, 7 esecceeeeeeee 2.75 Our graduates succeed and you should "World, " 8.25 get our large, free catalogue. Write i} lite Ce aida hl . 'or it at once. ms a ecerpecceccertos 8.75 D. A. McLachlan, Principal. | ae Pa i Capital Authorized $5,000 000 | Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 | 3,750,000 | man and the carrying out of a good busi i = ACCUMULATING CAPITAL The lack of Capital stards between pany a A. M. ROBINSON, uuu Atwood Craftons 12 1-2c per yard 4 Ne We have received our first shipment of Ladies' Waitts) and it will be a pleasure They consist of colored organdie, Rice cloths and Fine Lawn. Prices range from $1.25 to $1.75. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON -Duistoxx7el, Omtario io | New Waists | i