young and old --loves the rich, delicious flavor of EDWARDSBURG_. Crown Brand CORN SYRUP It isa daily treat--the perfect sweet. children should have on Bread--costs far less than Delicious with Hot Biscuits, Gives a new delight to Baked Apples, Blanc-Mange and Puddings, Makes the best Candy you ever tasted. butter or preserves. and Batter Cakes. He ea hace been practical out of the s te as a evoke he philli a herd tight ie bet aloes her a rn id ings he idea of° Jet it dcepair which had: overcome her o Pi pe Be Boll Just what the ushin aed is 'the sf a her close shut gare 60) "dazed deppair éhe go by unstopped and almost unno- Despair? yes it was meus very like _uer a new quite éleasty afterwards my to the neigh- fon Stoke Ne Newington on tha t bitter y enst wind, Walk way she did not. Weakened as ehe ar less cruel than aone 'life was to her n and Brian eecond great disappointy on "this mole night wou her strength and her hop ld break' ; she f p in- gh her thread- ry marrow of her Make your home more' attractive, and protect it from fire with these beau- tiful, sanitary **Metallic" They wall out-last the building and are vi ear with a ae designs sultabl cto alls pow buildings. Wate: be catalogs: ra of rooms. ata trifling Ceilings and Walls ry in nexsensi They cari be brightened ing cost. Made in innumerable --- be areas over old plaster as well as oo. Motel Retl ls. Man King .nd Dofferin Sts., TORONTO THE METALLIC ROOFING co., 'LIMITED 797 7 Notre Dame Ave., WINNIPEG FROM ERIN'S GREEW ISLE ne e thi tae amt on it any wt fhe said to herself that wae er ag a ve i a "LILY WHITE" is a pure white Corn Syrup, not as pronounced optive mother and sister would be both ae res se in flavor as "Crown Brand". Your Grocer has both Brands, rs neg . Spann nice alae to Suto ght a1 A I per é is ea » TElb - ey , * » in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tins--or can easily get them for you, yet: it waa -ofily beginning to dawn dark. might kill her before ehe reached| NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- , --_ -- iy upon her brave unhappy little eoul. In; her journe: tan " L . = $e meantime the , e mus et atill she revolved in her mind LAND'S SHORES, Imi ou of. ught ehe not efter a past month in The Canada Starch Co. Limited, Montreal the mee? Was i etter to take t offe nees i unsparing A an ~ --_ _. =. : ~ a - -- keep the watching old mother cacked 7 What with uspe vce j et hocause the ent:co! ata Ag eating Happenings In the Emerald Isle of waa not gi apaneny ad month's , ish. Ah, yee itter to haye to} Money, but a : pt three shillings loterest to Irish - ucknowled that she herself, the crashed of the am atacante wht ch she had earned a6 mele breadwinner, nad by her 7 mee premi glee' iy splledie . and ignorance an ra to on | C al CS OUT please brought upon their heads this bit- Be The tonnage entering the harbor teres fault wa uld ehe go and Or, The Hope That Still Lived, not have every f manage som home 'a proportion worth mentio blind and foolish she had been, and would | eason to reproach essed to ae customers more then they had everyth: he ao r Jef. | imy | her | obey | | of Belfast during the past year was the highest ever recorded. Patrick Roughan, one of the lead- | ing boot and bee oe merchants in En- nis, was killed on the Ennis and Athenry Railway line. A thirteen-year-old boy named} al Peter Hughes was burned to death CHAPTER IX.--(Continued), bromaht your m ny $ instalment of alte of their legitimate earnings? She In the cashiers box, during this time, EE ary ¢ na goo en It's our own| must be a very awkward, helpless, { - | at Omagh during the absence of his re. Jeffery had been making little ca al- ult, Von 've aboke to blame but your-| petent girl to make mistakes engeen. to ie | mother. culations on Httle slips of pape Before | elt i ord 6 gee geen ee Ate ae r her Mr. ery's notebook lay significan Ul it@was sixteen shillinge sixteen little Alice, Re 1 > a3 -- rod The death is announced at his ly open iss Jones, Mies Lloyd, and Miss shillings. * the miser able, dimly. apmder tig est brunt of the consequences of her | residence, Portadown of ite, Sohn Merriman knew by experience what this i olce, It | speakable folly. . he ' b , that t she hardly knew what she! She sat d on a doorstep in the bit- oung, M.A., proprie roo the c d pitif | ter cold, and Degan ie or ike = a | | Rartaters News. rebukeful An hour paseed, and the en it 3 ' villings.| her still there. The end of a second hour | Dr. Mulligan, tuberculosis oeea. might eis found no ct policeman ~ gic 'intendent for C cunty Roscom of the been fo he passing oc man, who 'wit! s perhaps, | estopped and asked her what she was doing | fonest erettice and chrant fro dis-| has volunteered for service with muy v y « instead | there. The girl got up then and brac ui rs | Kitchener' s Army. due on the Monday morni ise Jones. | of keepin = tiers: with the gas burning: hers a dazed w >» face the world The Belfast shipbuilding returns Mi sloyd, ond Mise Merriman would! to ¥ water, » stepped bac into the! again. _ £y Olark & Co ave to wait untii Monday thi ie A8{cashiers box a the on yomeut| She away from the questioning scaped instant diemiesni.| Show that Workman, Olar a.» ats 2t 3 gie wh to be! again with the notebeok that had been ly-; policaman, and went in the d 'er heapentona" had we laughed at | launched during the past year nine paid to-night. But all the girls knew that! ing open on the cS her ecrup! vessels of 75,188 ton was praying pelow he He read out «a few of the iteme. lt tion ow n 'For taking twom pieces of paper and élender cum total ou piece of string out ef the hon with- tine Bare, her former mi igtress, to appeal | --permickion, contrary to rules, three which she had. been nt a of her monthly revenue might as ocesible. age the in ich ehe n rest to overcome. she would be le-nigh , dinner it v showe. there's w iat ot you whenever there's Aiohody . and here ure some more P Manecessary talking in bed_ nee for atriking matehes care to the) premise sixpence for wall with naile; threepence for t prowaitin threepence for t eaving of buttered mecad on plate! ' i v i eat pepence {6 rrying slice liad been | & her th it all day, heckon of bread up to dormitory 'll food Millet ing bad eneouraging hee like a star of} be eaten at e proper meal times.' promise shin before her, so that her} He paused to ecrutinize her white face feet might not fail in order to aeeure himgelf that she had 3 Ss had not lon it, in very uth, | become enly ative the delinquenc:e; for Mr. Jeffery calied her to him at the| which ehe had committed and the gshort- moment of her re-emering the shop. He comings : in part.cular which he hz ad found we standin in front of the pay desk,! it nece ry to retuke her. he: and he held some money out to her, The! lipe quiver, bet he thought at the same total sum of it wae ree shillings Fee time that she looke e ie t it thankfully, ane h ood | sequently his volew mat etill, waiting for the reset ae he proceeded rat ut are yo Waiting for her em logue of the sina of omission or cominie ployer inquired ah ply he others sion for which we now financially are gone, and the sooner you follow ck aa mumses nK { the better. I want to put out the w there comes a little m ¢ n Well, what do you want? What do Vou chilling tor. disorderly conduct in the siand etaring at me like that for? op. You have been much soo inelined | 'HM you ease, sift, you you she ron forget that your houre behind the! broke off, stammering, and heid ou her counter are your busine our and be- palm with the three -- linge Iying in .t | long to me, hat consequently any Tf you please, 1- moments epent in laughing and chatter. | She wae too confused bea tow shy » gel zg with your fellow shop-girls are mo- out the wor ehe wanted : 6 ments rob from me nis very even-! conld only stand, humble and flushed and ing I saw you talking with Miss Jones. It | trembling. before thie man, whom she sup-! doesn't make any difference that here ed be her own and her mother's Heros were no customers in the ghep at the time, Alice's sole stay and hope in al] this cruel Businees hours are busin out. You'd on. strange toby rinth of Londen etter ar this in mind You want ell? e said, naw impatientiy, with straightening up a bit. You don't seem to? dean gat ret on hie heavy nderstand properly yet that a shop as wae clear that he did not intend to help | ones has got to be brisk an smart her out of ey difficulty in speakin yon've moved around during the -- gie wondered deap ely why the three week 'or wo as if you thought you } 'hich she etill held out to him; doing the floor a favox by walking about | eummoning 1 ed that she 4 better 'tha ter' oO you "Three Shi dazed, and her -- ¢ nought" Yo er tiembling. little shil li a ve broker pexperienced Maggie did ever now could get gms was up in s ake home t salting: for her out of the t need other aggie answered, uit her courage as she realiz- mus Slings litule eie- urse, three ab nm beanie but my your month's money, deters geriy nt? tings, sir?" The girl er flush di What looked i Ped Any, month : teen ghtpene > ry lghipence will a pepny cudn ~e nd it's only a shudder he sald. with dened a conte inahiew eent tm pu, you } ad ig Aad enough .to do right and or bO may nes t aeotl and o-night. | fine of a shilling for eatin = ahaiets \ bbe were munching a crust, me! y fi 1 of them, haa Paavariily r the help eanpeeillt ito ask. for shillings." before. We quiet it wa 0 live broke from tle was now; nl w P "| up to twenty-five. What are you go- k Away, sh i P hei e neighbor- é defence "| never hough that ed er hood of Stoke "Newington within 6 Jans ing to do with such a record \ when could look on that ae thieving ad i vo or three day wo ahs oe No Be te, go into business ? 'Now | ; 1 "1 t bling lips, and made her difficult way ; peed A enone ! north of Londons Rod? t. worry, father," replied the h tire cet were unaided. ™m as ehe eurry her 6 far She did not drew tér it had We. oor sphere k tha a now, Imost without rest Os 'sheer bread the prospect of ter own tired little Toot could never went that the (To be continued.) % J When a fellow is always on the 'fence, he be pretty | well 'balanced: ore said the father Your report gives you only fifty for arithmetic, and your teacher makes the comment that you can't count sou. "To count up to twenty- "ive isn't necessary: for success in busi ness nowadays."' "Not necessary 1 ' gasped the father. "No, sir. I can start a ten-cent store.' oa i > you wa' . cs ends on this list Re or eomething. | | "Another sob interrupted hi y a bit of the broad Id saa | akfas sir, I t, came hard lo better nex eee, 1 never though: what i an * pu ut in Mr. J pig hie t's where fines do a lot in ing except ¥¢ One of the most arduous dutie and, bit of ! Nout } = L's an amount. ust pow, it is entirely y 7 is shown above. I cannot show y haven't ehown td the id | point of vantage for an observer, ars. must say that it doe a ouly be |body up against the arm of the yo ease me you fe be} , sorry for having disobey ce when of outposts, the follow you find that your disobedience 17 costing | lished recently in The Times : your money. is showa tt my scouts. ; & very bad epirit indeed. nd ROW you must Zo at once. ic time | about 950 yards from ours. I paced 'or the Dp to closed 6 ni bem. down .on my h for : t i coe ae See oe nee jevery moment to run into the German trenches. fines, you woul 2 L_receiv he ral! eix- = seh 1 could only see a few yards in front of me. teen shillings and eightpence a month, ie. canee 4 Ahilling has to be deducted ns volver and map with me. contribution to my medical fa thia Well, to pay a doctor «0 much a. year fc oO I my ase6tants in the event oo went off n my left a bit. illnees-aud a shilling as.a monthly sub- is perhaps that gf outpost york, the € gather information concerning the enemy's movements. obtain this information nearly every de Under certain cer' ing quotation from an officer's 'T went on abont.300 rards in front at It was a pretty jumpy job. ands and knees and crept on for some way, Every. -now and then T-couldn't think why I hadn't struck the trenches. so ¥ The stars had gone in and I was pretty wel! lost in the middle of this big plateau. Windmill Used by French Outpost for Observation Purposes. which falls hee the let wd the -- A itp nal is tried;.one such method a windmill offers a go en the axle, lining his Concerning the general duties letter was pu ix ¢ da zal The enemy's trenches were 150 yards and then got expecting It was pretty black, i) had a loaded r came across a dexd about Ive ' ic ts order al _ e Government ra decided not to permit the circulation in Ireland of 'The Irish Watch,'? the well- tie organ of the. Irish in pasar The silitay porte. haye or- sters in Tprodiuetion of P. pi Bourk's Irish drama, 'In aig is. rs uggested that before the | official departure of Lord Aberdeen jas Viceroy, art wag be some re- blin Corporation of A soldier's home, containing all | Seren pettente for catering, ete., has | just Dublin in a 'Dillaine podie given b y the City of _ Dublin Steam Packet Company. Deep regret is expressed in Ulster iyobunbesr circles in Derry, at the | news of the death of Sergeant An- | drew Ferguson, of the Ist Battalion Trish Guards, who was killed in ac- | tion. The police and military have re- moved from the front of Liberty Hall, the Larkinite headquarters in Dublin, a large notice worded "We serve neither King nor Kaiser, but Ireland.' The Recorder of Dublin has | granted the application of the police for an extension of the order by which ail public houses in the city will close at 10 o'clock for four | nights, and 9.30 for two. At a meeting of the Limerick FLEET OF-GOLD AND SILVER. King George Has Miniatures Every Vessel in the Navy. By the Admiralty's ---- perfect models are made in nD wax of every new battleship before' it is laid down, and these models are tested in a tank specially erect- ed for the purpose The models are from 12 feet to 24 feet long, and the tank is 400 feet long and 20 feet wide. The models are made of wax be- cause itis a material which does not absorb water or change its weight, and so that alterations can be easi- Fleets, not of wax, but of silver, old, are kept by our King and' y the Kaiser. n- ge i every model mt perfect: to the minutest detail. Many of these tiny vessels date, from the fourteenth to. seven- teenth century, when it was the custom of maritime towns to pre- anh them to royalties who honored them with a vis nls The man who is always quarreling with his cook would probably rather, fight 'than eat. Little Mary, while visiting in the country, chanced to spy a peacock, a bird she had never seen before. Running quickly into the house she cried out: "Oh, grandma, come out and see! There's an old chicken in full bloom !'" | FOR SALE Contents of Large Factory Shafting one to three inches diameter; Pulleys twenty to fifty Inches; Belting four to twelve Inches. Will sell en- tire or In part. No ------_- offer | Agricultural Committee it ig stat- | 'ed that there were ten tim more ! ; Wheat sown in West Limerick last | year and five times more in the east compared with the previous year. s. FRANK WILSON & SONS 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronte. Watc For Coughe Colds of any euch edy, tow the Of any druggist, Chemists an h Your oa and 'at the first nd Distemper, eyinpiogse ailme n Bt. ive smell fice loees of that wonderfu) rem. existen panies incemenita COMPOUND Turf Goods house, or SPOHN MEDICAL Co., ad Basterlologists, Coshen, ind., U.S.A. { This is Canada, ac follows wons | more pat ODGERS, GRAY & ST Dept. W.!. FOR A NAME 'Pauline Donalda, We want a duitable name for it, ve. $400.00 for 3 he best 2 50 perfume, and have a cha 332 BLEURY ST., MONTREAL the beautiful new perfu made endorsed and uséd on, woly by Mae. the famo Pri and so will $500 IN CASH PRIZES ame. description of the perfume bes the tl be fi estante send in ihe "winning Ba al equally divided. of $. 00 will me ee ume before pana ttin aan te Serta we will Sp svial Souvenir Bottles a @ the Free You will be d viehted with the nee to win the big prize EWART, PERF UMERS of peed ait a aN, a