. Saale Be BasBo Berke he cBackeche Se eckacBe BecBecbe Be Heck Mel. £2 2.3 5 ie he Me wae ate Sit Nie aie Ne ie th he Bi dee aa) Atwood -Meat. - Market Choice Beef for sale by quarter at 11 cts. Killing done for farmers at reasonable rates ' 3 | Cattle handled on Beefring Bases . Highest cash price paid for hides. Terms strictly cash. J. M. Smith, Proprietor _ Phone 11-2 ATWOOD BAKE SHOP We have choice Pastry each week A variety of canned goods Chocolates, Candies, Oranges and Nuts. Wedding Cakes a specialty WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Wm. Lambe, Proprietor. Cream n Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL B WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us-send you acan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery 'Co. Listowel, Ont Managers Aldrich Bros. ere errs OE er Ts Ie 5. So Bedi Beale cle cla cBe2. . rT Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Beginning on March Ist and ending on Sat. Mar. 13th ¢ This is our annual March Sale and as ¢ WE NEED THE MONEY we will give the biggest bargains we have eyer yet offered. Eyerything in the store except Derby and Empress Shoes. D. WATTERS :: Main St. Sa cece ole ofecBeabe she ca sbe che abe bechesbe ole abe cle cheole ole ole cloaks cfu ofecle abe ols cle obo cle Zu ole cle ala ube cbeclacle olecBecke cl. .t. 2 + bb tebe be eee th fofebok of} BOE Tee Ee: MES ETE ME" Oe EE eee oes ope ope ope a epee: op oa + He ofedeofe ot. * PEER EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE PE PPE EEE EEE SE EEE EE he EEL e Seeds! Seeds | Seeds { CLOVER TIMOTHY and ALSIKE We have them, the very best that money can buy, and the price is right. Call and inspect for yourselves. J. ROGER, Atwood HARDWARE and TINWARE | FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER et be PEPE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EL EE EE EE EEE EEE EE EEE LEEPER EEE EERE LEE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EE EEE EEE LE bh bbb bebe bbb bebe bebe (obo bbb be bebeebbebebeb bebe eee py ENTER NOW | GEORGE BRAY ; at the ; Barrister, Solicitor | Notr Public Listowel Business | aad Listowel, Ontario Thorough Courses taught by Com- | petent Teachers. For particulars address Edwin G, Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Cofiveyancer Health Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Specialties -- Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Diseases of women gnd children. Money to Loan. x bY for Toronto. stock, ete., this Friday. relatives in town. lie, are visiting with Mr. and ~ Mrs. Lambe this week. Mrs. E. T. Greensides. Rev. W. A. Amos and Mr. attending Presbytery. Drep.--At Elma, on Monday, Feb. 15th, Elizabeth Schwindt, beloved wife of Ernest Fleischauer, aged 59 years, 11 months and 4 days. As I have disposed of my businass, all accounts unpaid must be settled by the first of April, 1915. A Red Cross social evening will be bigging, 6th con. Thursday evening, March 4th. A collection will be ta- ken in aid of the work. Eyerybody welcome. ae Quite a number cf young people enjoyed themselves at the Valentine party at the home of Mr. ~ Norman Acheson, Feb. 15th The evening was spent in music and games after which a dainty lunch was served. It is anticipated that the vote in Perth County on the Canada Tem- perance Act will take place about June 24th. A monster temporance convention has been arranged to take place in Stratford about the middle of March. Warden, Wm. Scott, Geo. Loch- stone, Reeve of Grey, waited on the Ontario Government on Tuesday of this week asking for Government aid in the drainage work known as the a Creek and Extension Drains. The nomination for the reeveship of the Town of Listowel will take place on Saturday, February, 27. It is likely that Mr. J. A. Hacking will have no opposition. The new elec- tions follow the unseating brought about by Mr. J. C. Hay om ground that Mr, Hacking's nomina- tion paper was only signed by one ratepayer. Dan McLeod; an employe of the Western Canada Flour Mills Com- pany, was instantly killed Friday morning at Goderich. While assist ing in moving by means of block atid tackle, the centre block, fastened to the niggerhead on the dock, gave away and the lines swept him off his feet and he landed on his head. When picked up his skull was crush- ed in and his hip broken, both boots being torn off his feet, death being instantaneous. McLeod leaves a widow and four children. An inquest will be held. The Temperance and Social Re- form Association, of Elma, held its annual meeting Monday afternoon in the Methodist church. Mr. Harold Peter, the president, and Mr. J. A. Turnbull the secretary - treasurer were unanimously returned to their respective offices for another year. Mr. Luke Lucas was elected vice- president. Messrs. Thomas Dickson and Hugh Richmond were appointed delegates to the Dominion Alliance, with Mr. Wm. Bell and Rey. Dr. Husser as alternates. The finances were reported in splendid condition and the township will press the cam- paign in the interests of the Canada Temperancs Act, which is to be yo- ted on in the county some, time in June. The Rey. John _NLittle, the county organizer, was present and gave a very encouraging report of his work and the condition of the coun- ty. Tender For Drains -~SEALED TENDERS marked " Ten- der for drain" will be .received "by the undersigned up till two o'clock, pm. on Saturday, March 13th, 1915, for the construction of the drains in the Township of Elma, known as the ' Gernhelder Drain -Imprdyement " 'Miss Annie 'Tolly ke left on Monday R. 8. Ballantyne's sale of fart ti 2 Mrs. W. D. Angus, and son, Mel- fe : yyno, of Stratford, are visiting wie Mr. D. Ward and sister, Miss Nel-} Margarette: Wilton, of Brussels, 1 spent the week-end with Mr. and Adam Gray, were in Stratford on Tuesday J.C. Baker, Atwood} held at the home of Mrs. Jas. New-|- head, Tp. Clerk and Robt. Liying- f ts before prices advance 8. H. Mitehell, Atwood. stock -- 10 Purebred Holstein is, 5 Grades Holstein cows, 4 purebred. one-yr-old heifers, 1 pure- bred heifers calf, 2 purebred heifers two years old, 2 purebred bull calves, Bi Clydesdale colts rising one yr-old, ydesdale horse rising four-yr. old, 1 Purebred clydesdale mare rising 9 yrs: old in foal, 1 aged driving mare, 1 1 Purebred elydesdale mare rising 2 years old, 2 sows two years old due fo farrow first of April. Terms-- Cosh purchasers furnishing bank se- curity will be given from one to six months' credit if desired at 6 per cent. interest per annum. Pedigrees and transfer papers free of charge. ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Please giye me a call. Charges moderate. ATWOOD ONT wont wAL LA es - WEL, , STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. -We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ur three departments. bi eecsat Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should get our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. ; nesday ch 8rd, at one. o'clock the idice D. A. McLachlan, Principal. UINFANTS¢ "CHILDREN *At6 months old 35 Doses --35CENTS For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR GOMPANY, Naw Yoru arry. season that's the reason. a" Quick March " price good Fair Day é: | Ginghams 8c. Yd. Worth l5c., 124c--left over-from last Here's price 8c yd. Fair Day Flannelette Blankets $1.19 The second largest size. Good quality grey or white--pink and blue bordera. This 25c Lus. Dress Goods, 10c Yd. Will make splendid school dresses, colors navy brown and cardinal Children's Cash. Hose 15c. Yd. These are mill seconds, fine ribbed silk toes snd heels, all colors--worth 25c pair in the regular way 5c. Paper of Pins (300 on sheet) 2 for dc. Gowdy & Co., Limited Cut This Out Its GOWDY'S March Fair Day Bargain List In the Grocery Dept. Canned Goods 3 for 52c. Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Plums, Pumpkins, etc. More of That Good 25c. Tea ! Black or Japan Green Not more than one dollar.s worth to every customer 5c. boxes of Hair Pins, 2 for 5c. The Store for all the Be ople LISTOWEL MADE-LIIN-CAIT ADA ne | (ees (0) Ho LOL Table No. 1 100 Suits Ranging in sizes from 27 to 82, double breasted or Norfolk styles: Bloomer or -Knicker Trousers, reg $5 on sale $3.69. == Table No. 3 --~--_ 7B-Suits and the "* Branch to the Gernhelder Drain Improyement" tenders for each drain tobe separate and must give the names of two sureties and must be accompanied with a taarked cheque for $100.00. Plans, profiles and oo, Abwood | may be seen at my office, or For further information ' apply. the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not pec- | essarily agcep GEo. tarts Atwood, Feb. 20th, ee ; =| Ranging in sizes from 28 to 34. Any styles you wish. Some of the larger sizes we can give you long trousers, reg. $7 and $8 on sale $5 50. iOl Sale Lion Brand Boys' Clothing Too much stock is the reason for this sale and every Boys' Suit we have will be put on sale tables. This isa good chance for you to buy your boy his spring suit at 'BARGAIN PRICES Mothers! Don't Miss this OPPORTUNITY of buying your boy a good suit at a low price. HALF PRICE TABLE On this table we are going to give extraordinary bargains. Sizes range from 20 to 35. Some large sizes have long trousers. Smaller sizes have straight knickers. OUR BOYS' CLOTHING IS GOOD CLOTHING M. SCHINBEIN & SON Tuistoxxel, Onmtazic W m. Scott, Reeve, Monkton, Ont. =| 1OL U Table No. 2 | 75 Suits Ranging in sizes from 27 to 34. Double breasted or Nor- folk styles, very newest patterns i. $6.50 on sale $4.75. Table No. 4 50 Suits Extra choice patterns in the very finest cloth. Sizes 29 to 35, regular $9 to $12 onsale $7.50.