clothes. ae. aoe 5 is estimated at Vol. 25. No. 52. ~ Galt Red Cross Society decided to raise funds to send a field ambularce to the front. Henry Cooper admitted at Orange- ville the theft of grain from the barn of John Harshaw, a Mono farmer. Two thousand delegates will be in Toronto this week to attend a mon- ster conyention of tho Dominion, Al- liance. Three black foxes and five hundred silver foxes have been aaid to have been trapped at Le Pas, Man., this season. The trial of Dr. C. K. Robinson on a charge of murdering Miss Blanche Yorke opened at Napanee before Mr. Justice Sutherland. Three Isrge barns, including all the implements and crops cf O. W. Nut- tal, near Gananoque, were destroyed by fire last week, at a loss of about $5,000 Morley Bellamy was seriously in- jured last week while working on the farm. of John McDonald, near Guelph, when he was caught in a gasoline engine. Foot and mouth disease has bro- ken out in Detroit, and animal traffic between adjacent Canadian points and that city has been suspended for at least a month. Let us remember that the conser- vation of our natural resources, tho the greatest problem of to-day, is yet but part of another and greater pro- blem--the problem of national effi- ciency.--Ex. President Réesevelt. For the second time in sixth months, Mrs, Kate Barker, an elder- ly Windsor invalid, was carried from het burning home when fire gutted the grocery store of Joseph Rotofcki and a double house adjoining, occu pied by Wm. Barker, whose wife and six children ran out in their night row Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA An oratorical contest will be held in the Music Hall on Friday evening, March 5th, under the auspices of the Literary Society. The contestants have the choosing of their- own sub- ject and the one giving the best ora- tion will be awarded a silver medal. Everybody come out as this promises to be one of the best evenings of the season. A splendid programine is also being prepared. Duriog the investigation into the boot scandal in connection with the first overseas contingent, it was brought out last week that, contrary to specifications, paper and steel were used in the shanks of the boots made for the Government. A poor job generally seems to have been made of the shoes. Split leather was used, the soles were not waterproofed, and had no protection at the soles or hecls. As soon as the Spring comes the boys will play marbles. Ought to be f& popular game, t20, as there's no "oF pi number of allies to be bhad.-- 5. F Yes, nod thcra's apparently plenty of shoote:s to make the game inter- esting. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Lillian Aldrich, a young English domestic, was brought to Woodstock from Otterville and arraigned in po- lice court on the charge of attempted suicide. She bought poison at a store in Otterville, but the druggist who sold it got it away from her and later on she was caught as she was about to throw herself into a pond. She will be examined as to her sani- ty and the authorities say she will be sent to the asylum at London. On Thursday of last week, the la- dies of the Maple Leaf Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Adam Wil- loughby for thé, purpose of making a quilt on which they decided to sell, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross Society. The ladies also decided to to take in sewing for' the benefit of the soldiers. After the sewing was finished and business transacted a dainty lunch_was seryed after which a social evening was spent by the la- and their husbands in games and music. The company left for their gree wishing the M.L.S.C. success good work. Mrs. Wm. Lambe, spent the week- end at Harriston. A true humorist is said to be « man who can enjoy a joke at his own expense. An enjoyable time was spent at the social dance in the Music Hall on Friday evening. Before marriage a woman expects a wan: after marriage she suspects him, and after he is dead she respects bim. Mrs. Melyya Graham, who recent- ly returned from England, is yisiting with Mr. and Mrs. John aiaiaeiin Main Street. The words of a popular song might well be changed to run "Its not the furnace that makes the heat, bnt the fire you've got inside." Canada has just sent a shipment of 4,000,000 eggs to England. They may be treated as contraband of war on account of having shells. ~~ The jury in the case of Carrie Da- vies, of Toronto, who shot Albert Massey, in defence of her character, was acquitted on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt Hamilton were in Brussels on Monday attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. Hamilton's fatber, the late James Duncan. As I have disposed of my business, +}all accounts unpaid must be settled by the first of April, 1915. J.C. Baker, Atwood The Methodist people are getting plans prepared for their new church and gravel is now being placed on the ground from Mr. Albert Wilson's pit who is donating it free, Arthur Krestle, of Stephen, was fined $25 and costs, amounting in all to $33, by the magistrate at Hensall for cruelty tohis horses and cattle by neglecting to keep his stables in | Proper con condition. Red Cloyer, sike arene imo! ae No. 1, Government test.. Get. your requiremente before prices advance. 8. H. Mitchell, Atwood. The supper given in the C. O. F. hall on Thursday evening last by the Elma Centre Patriotic Society, was asplendid success. After all had partaken of the feast, quite a lot of provisions was left and were auction- ed off, also a quilt. The proceeds amounted to $48. While 1 number of men were wor- ,ing ina grayel pit on the farm of Mr. Wood, Logan, on Friday last the bank gave way and caught Mr. Wes- ley Wood by one of bis legs. The bone was broken above the ankle, when Dr. McKenzie was called in and set the fracture. The future well being of Canada depends on the loyal acceptance by the people of the principles which nim at the profitable and scientific development and conservation of ber natural resources.---Earl Grey. The largest single cheque ever drawn in a security sale by a rail- road was written at New York when Kuhn, Loeb & Co. turned over to the Pennsylyania Railroad Co. one for $49,098,000 representing the pro- ceeds from the sale of $49,000 000 of honds by that road and accrued in- tarest, 'Thé auction sale of farm stock, etc. of R. 8. Ballantyne's on Friday after- noon was largely attended. The stock brought high prices, especially the cows, which ranged from $90 to $105. The total amount of the sale netted over $3,200.00. Mr. Alex Morrison wielded the hammer. On Friday morning, Mr. J. A. Hacking, of Listowel, was elected Reeve by acclamation. Some time ago he was unseated from the office on the instigation of Mr. J. C. Hay, of that town, on the ground that his nomination paper was only signed by one ratepayer. James Duncan, a well-known rési- dent of this section, passed away at his home in Brussels on Friday last. He had been in failing bealth for several months. Mr. Duncan was a farmer on the fifth line of Morris township for a great many years, re- tiring about three years ago. He was in his 79th year. He is survived by his wife and grown-up family. Interment took-place on Monday afé ternoon. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA TOTAL E. H. Swine, PaoPainvon: # a Pat ; 2. 7 ee a 1. of Fe . pa a MONEY POSTAI,. POSTAL ORDERS NOTES REVENUE PAID PAID Atwood--$ 1,297 40 6,889.18 $ 608.12 Listowel 6,932.07 ~~ 25,999.91 2,636.07 Milverton 2,418.86 869 63 723.33 Mitchell 4,616.77 1,626.34 Molesworth 2,501.93 68.25 Palmerston 3,811.63 2461.31 | Trowbridge 185.61 73.90 ] Stratford to Grow Oats. e ». MAITLAND. Stratford, March 1.--The Council, at a brief session to-n! fellin with the "more producti policy by deciding to sow oats in city's property adjoining 'the ce tery, the superintendent of which authorized to buy seventy bushels seed grain The crop will bs. for city horses. Sal | 1 Have you renewed for the Bee ? ij March, the first month of Sprig, New stock of 1915 Wall Pap just arrived.--S. H. Mitchell. _ Mr. W. W. Gray, of the Stat Knitting Co., spent the week Mr. and Mrs. H. Richmond. ° Edward Kennedy, son of Mr. Mrs. Hugh Kennedy, of Kincard? was accidently shot to death by | discharge of a shotgun in the has of a companion. i Its early for Wall Paper should see the snaps in RO nants at Mitchell's. Mr. Josiah Tyee cof the | £ con., Elma, received, & telegram Satara evening "from: B Messe. Thos. Diekson at 'Hugh Richmond are in Toronto this week as delegates from the Elma Temper- ance Reform Association to the con- vention of the Dominion Alliance. Will parties having borrowed pips wrenches and jacks from 8. Mitchell, kindly return same at once. The Anniversary of the Union Me- thodist church held on Sunday and Monday evening was a grand suc- cess. The services on Sunday were attended by large crowds, while on Monday eyening the supper and en- tertainment was equaliy as_ large. The proceeds realized {rom the two days amounted to over $400.00. A large gathering of the Shiekhs and Tribesmen of Kiriu Sanctorum, No. 29, Listowel, met in Manzil Hall, on Monday evening when forty Neopbytees took the weary pilgrim- age across the burning sands of the Sahara desert guided by the faithful Tbuffanchees, when they all had been instructed in the mystic signs and secret work of the degree of bu mility the solemn ceremony was closed and all partook of the grand moon feast. Thirty seven from At wood were present and enjoyed the evening in the grand sanctorum of Listowel. CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Alwigs bears Signature of le : readiness. é Riohalllly G ded . . Busan Batestond, of At- 0 visiting at her cousin, Af 1 Hammond, of Maitland. = air. Wilbert Huston, of 14th con.,| moved to the 16th con. to a farm) pre which he has rented for a term | sea. Ques Humber of Maitland people btehded the adiniyersary service at | last Supday eyening and re- a darge aitendance and an enter- | palpa hod prdfitable service. Rev. | ce pe of Chatham, had| p Of the exercises for the occa- Bir. George Woodgook, of Maitland | Che Factory, bad a bee last hauling eoal {: {tion tothe fact hie ts Dusting in an ample supply of | eyo ant pe IOP OES ie { week m the Mopkt on sta- y and ie addi tion to od=as the nuthook is, fairly or the cotaing season the nee | cy@Preparationg@are being* put, in ' opdky, Marehy, 15th, for the honster choech, Stele i p capi Fe at i. : Sieainadaon a z mayor Joseph Oliver, ot oronto and | Chacies Sieeie, of Port Coiborne,; who was quite actiye in the Welland ecunty campaign. The Ladies Aid of the church purposes providing din- ner for the delegates at the Y.M.0.A. -- 'LL SHOW 'EM I've stopped the paper, yes I have! I didn't like to do it; But the editor, be got too smart, And I allow he'll rue it. I am a man who pays bis debts, And will not be insulted, So when the editor gets smart I want to -be consulted. I took the paper 'leven years And helped him all I could, sir, But when it come to dunnin me I didn't think be would, sir. But that be did, and you can bet It made me hot as thunder ; I says, "I'll stop that sheet, I will If the doggone thing goes under. I hunted up the editor, And for his cunnin' caper, I paid him 'leven years and quit! Yes sir, I stopped the paper. a a ee While no official announcement has been made, it is understood that the Ontario Government may yet re- consider its announced intention of cutting in half the Government grant to the Fall fair associations of the province. It is said that the Government has been endeavoring to find a way of meeting the request of the farmers for the full grant or most of it. respect and foresight. here. It isthe safe way as w fur an games eet of Hamilton cate ean Surplus *. 3,750,000 " SAVING } Saving money does not indicate a miserly or | stingy character but rather one with spell The best way is toopen a ron Account convenient. The money is Giauve ay vailable A, M._ROBINSON, Manager, Atwood ell as easy and CRB IV MT NC SES IO Wea Prame.--Killed i im action on Jan- ron ~in Fok SALE 'On a Renr Ta tbe y uary 14th, 1915, Lance Corporal {a eg gs of bis ree | James Donaldson Frame, 8th Royal main part 17 ft, by 26-{t., Kitcheamiane Scots (Peebles Territorials) in bis! (¢ by 21 f, also Summer Kinane | 98th year. Youngest son of Mr. Jas. pantry and wood. shed, "good a Frame, Gowanlea, Vanlaw Road, stable and hen bouse. Also hai ie t | Peebles He was a cousin of Mr. | goft water and a number of 0 [ramen Donaldson, of Elma Deeply | trees. Apply to NIN Wand, At yo | regretted Ont " THE NYAL STORE " USE Dr. Hess Stock. Food sale wicca yk Re 2, oS: co > ae "Sed Dr. Hess Serguei ag for your poultry and to make them eee ' Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer' for lice on poultry, horses and cattle, DR. HESS SHEEP DIP AND DISINPEC TA for disinfecting and lice. All guaranteed or money refunded, E. G. COCHLIN, | RS Se Phe Star Grogery, Neer Gevernment- has at last placed » dul of % i b rune. ots.. in fact Upon siPims ev prota tpiat wer we bpve got bck} enough tom 2 | att ; a YD . v 8 7 fas acive be our" price hay rs : " > + Fy 3 a doz eare | T'swee n ges ° anges, good size, 49c a doz. "LBMUNS--the yery best brand, 80c a.doz, Grape Fruit---large size, 2 for lic. Almera Grapes | 15c a pound. MAPLE SYRUP--Our Maple Syrup is guaranteed pure maple aud notbing else at 35c a qt. or $1.30 a gal. Pure maple sugar 10c a cake. FISH We have a few kegs of very fine Freshwater which we offer at $4.00 per keg or 20c. a doz. 8c. a Ib. or $7.50 per keg. FLOUR AND FEED In Milyerton Flour we have the Jewel, Fine Jewel and Graham Flour, Pure Manitoba, Five Roses and Harvest Queen. We } have a few tons of Bran and Shorts on hand and if you want } any you bed better buy now as the price will be higher the next i} car we get in. ---- . Herring in brine Salmon Trout at , | ij | | | : NEW SPRING const THE STORE THAT SATISFIES W. R. Erskine Preparations for spring sewing at very great savings in prices on Cottons, Sheeting, Pillow Cottons, Long Cloth, Cambrics, etc. Our new prints are Al, good 'weight at 12 1-2 New dress Novelties for spring up-to-date at reasonable prices. Produce Taken' In exchange at highest market prices. W. R. ERSKINE, C sap Main Street, Atwood} | We pay the highest prico for Butter and Iggs, cash or trade. 1} Goods delivered to any part of the village | E. T. Greensides % son! KK Phone 5 SSeS SS ee ~~~ et STE IO gO DIP ON LIP OD FIND