ng f ---correct. proportions the elements , ' s + & 1,000 tons of coal ry Be one, rig dese 'aoe eed Dr. te to all "FROM NEURAL ne Cured Saar rob Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Neuralgia is nota disease--it is only a symptom, but a most painful YOUr hits ak, * ry and impure,} ana that" r this eabaon your. nerves "are iiterihe starving. Bad blood © sole cause of the Theat | pains of neuralgia--good rich blood 'is the only. cure.- In this tes have the reason why Dr. Williams: Pink Pills cure neuralgia. They are the only medicine that contain in the needed to make rich, red bl This rich blood reaches the root of the trouble, soothes the jangled nerves, drives away the naggingy| stabbing pain and braces up your health in other ways as well. Here is proof--Mr. C. Lee, Vatchell, Ont., says:--"For 'several years I was troubled at intervals with neu- ing to.give me permanent relief un- til I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thanks to this medicine my blood healthy Gondition and | bin symp- tom of the trouble has d ina aero I can therefore, 'wi who wifer from the fierce Pains of neuralgia.' _¥ou can' get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail 'at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HARD WORK COALING A SHIP. British Crews Can few ater Tons in ~ Three Hou cana the ee of war may mand a vessel shall be coaled at nea this indispensable duty is almost .Anvarlably carried out in port. A super-Dreadnought of 27,000 tons dis- 'placement, and with a maximu steaming speed of "38 knots, is avart- cious in regard to fuel. Speed is vital *to a warship nowadays, and the price for this speed must be paid. When 'one considers-that, under full work- * ing conditions, a super- Dreadnought, L such as the "Lion" or' "Princess Royal," will consume a round 1,000 tons of coal during the twenty-four ours--approximately one ton every i? and-a-half minutes--one, is able o obtain some tangible idea of-the fuel bill which a nation such az the British Empire has'to be prepared to is} check them--to say nothing of n restored to a/| into Williams" Pink | Pills co Vere Ep be eicom the overrun: gene 2aa eo, oe w South 1s gentleman of New : ao ina aps cect from and ore" this (nage, saa eta Pacem te had been a tremendous problem how to mination: They drove farmers froin their lands, and have thraatened such devastation as has not been known: since the succession of plagues para- lyzed Egypt.. Travellers report . that rabbit proof fences are characteristic ; of the Australian landscape. Some years ago an attempt was mado to spread | @ parasitic epidemic among them.' * But: the on rabbit multi- plied faster than' the germs The Aus ha: Ro found a way at last. They have solved the exas perating riddle by turning the rabbits to profit, A demand for rabbit has been created in the world's merts, it appears, especially for the skins What-.was once a nuisance, and a de- structive one, is found to be market- able. This is merely another illustration, of course, of an industrial miracle with which we are f: the util- ization of what has been thought us less, the working up of a by-product something of commercial value. 'The rabbit resources of Australia are probably inexhaustible. It will ie. some time, at any rate, before the to tai measures es are able to sell what they have pleusy of, and do not want to.keep--what, in- deed, they would hitherto have been st lad to pay to get rid of. Such luck is enough to make the-celebrated Aus- an bird, the laughing jackass, split its sides ag laughter, and the kangaroo leap oy. a |NOTHING CAN EQUAL Mrs. Alex. Butchard, Conn, Ont., writes :--"My wughter has used and thinks there is nothing to equal them for little ones. All mothers, who have used the Tablets, say the same thing. They break up colds, regulate the bowels and stomach and keep the little ones healthy and happy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .. 'SOLDIERS' OFFICIAL BATH. 'fage to keep its fleet in being. _ depege ship" is the dirtiest oper- on in the round of toil upon a war- rip, but Jack is irrepressible, bene althougn it is indescribab filthy; although the finely, divided dust persistently penetrates though it clogs the po-es of the skin, finds its way to the lungs, and threat: ens asphyxiations every succeeding moment; and although it entails colli- Had- Not" Seen Soap or Warm Wa- .s ter for Five Weeks. A description: of the soldier's monthly "official bath" is sent from the front by a member of'a London .| Scottish regiment : "Yesterday we 'had a novel ex- experience," he says. "As none of us had seen soap or warm water for sions between various parts of his physical anatomy and unyielding} parts of the ship, is merely sport. \ Why call it sport? This is the o vious question of the uninitiated. Ask | Jack and he will tell you the reason | --he igs out to establish a record. The! . crew of one of His Majesty's super- | Dreadncught's is crowing far and wide over the fact that they took in in three hours | something--an unprecedented achieve- ment. -Instanfly the crew of every | other Vessel in the navy is on its: mettle. It will lower that record by} hook or by crook. Fe & When the crew is piped to "coal! ship,". the first and imperative pre- | liminary is to encase the guns in overcoats, fasten down all hatches, and to make the living quarters as tight as a drum against the pervad- ing coal dust. When the command to commence is given the Tars buckle into their task with a zest which is amazing. The coal is bagged, whisk- ed aboard, and the sacks disappear to be discharged into the bunkers ina never-ending stream. It is somewhat strange to observe the extent to which the coal consump- tion, even among sister ships, varies. Some vessels are hungrier than oth- ers--"con eaters" the engineer calls them.' Thus the original Dreadnought of 20-21 knots devours fuel greedily at ! low speed. On the other hand, when | under full power she is economical, | and when the engines are developing 5,000 horsepower, which is adequate | to give a speed of 18 knots, the con- sumption {is about one ton every eley- | en minutes; at double the porenower a ton of fuel disappears into the maces every five-and-a-half atouians when going at full speed one ton of coal has to be shovelled ey ery three- and-a-half minutes. The "Princess; Royal" and "Lion," displacing 26,350! tons and having a speed of 28 knots, consume on the average, under full steam conditions, approximately 40 tons per hour. Some idea of the huge dimensions and area of the furnaces oa the Flagship of the Grand Fleet y be gathered from the fact that it iene a round 500 tons to lay her fires. a MYRIADS OF RABBITS. Faciiers) of Nimitybelle, Australla, Find Source of Wealth, The rabbit has made great headway fn the Australian district around Nim- itybello and trapping has become a profitable industry, so a Sfdney news- paper reports. One buyer alone, Seens, sent away more than a ton of crop 0 portation of rabbit Ha now czteads in value $2,000,600 ax- & over five weeks, we were ordered to take an official ba We were taken to a town in the rear of our lines and escorted to a large build- ing, Where. facilities had been ar- ranged for the purpose. In the rst room we were numbered off into squads of ten men or 60. Ina second room we emptied our pock- ets and laid aside our boots, bon- nets, puttees, and sporans. In a third room we threw the rest of our clothes into a heap, and then made a double-quick to the showers. There were two men to each shower, we were allowed ten minutes tader the hot water, with a gener- ous supply of laundry soap. "At the end of our ten minutes, we hurried on to a drying-room, where each man got a huge towel as thick and rough as a carpet. Then we rushed off to a dressing-room, where an attendant gave us any- thing we wanted in the way of brand-new underwear, shirts, and socks, while on hooks at one side were our clothes, which had keen thoroughly fumigated. "After we had got back our bon- nets, boots, and other property, we were ushered intc a room where a squad of barbers awaited us, When they were through, we marched, spick and span again, into a tea- room for tea and cigarettes. Could 'anything be better arranged {" --_,--_-- He Was Observant. 'Be observant, my son," esaid Willie's father. "Cultivate the habit of seeing and you will be a ; successful man. "Yes, added |his uncle, "don't go through the world blindly. Learn to use your eyes.' 'Little boys who are ob- serving know a great deal more than those who are net," his aunt put in. Willie took this advice to heart. Next day he informed his sete that he had been observing hings. "Unele's got a gun hidden in his trunk," he said, 'Aunt a s got an extra set of teeth in her drawer, and father's got a pack of cards behind the books in his desk." Some people talk so much the never remember anything they say. Not every powerful man has been rt| able to sustain his his reputation. The Empress of sof Gerioany prac- ions the most rigid econanyy while T March 1--(Specia!).--Another aplen: | by kidney disease, and at length got use-|t© every part of the body. : kidneys. BABY'S OWN TABLETS] th Baby's Own Tablets for her baby pe | -- and H art) ONE MORE SPLENDID cunt BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. =; 'Quebce Man Who Suffered for a Long Time from Kidney Disease Finds\a Complete Cure. ~~» ~ Allen's Mills, Portneuf Co., Que did cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills is that of Michael Gauthier, a well- known resident of this 'place. Mr. Gauthier was for a long time a suf- ferer with a pain in his head caused so bad that he had to quit work. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. He is back at work, strong and hearty, and naturally he feels that he wants 1 who suffer from kidney disease | yijing to know that they can find a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. For Dodd's Kidney Pills not only -- the pain or ache that is caus the most distress, they put the kn neys in good working order and all the impurities and poisons are strained out of the blood. The re- sult is that new strength is carried That's why so many sufferers cured by Dodd's y Pills sum up their condition, "I feel like a new man.' New energy is new life. You can't have it wit With healthy kidneys you must have it. ©} Dodd's Kidney Pills make re --_i____. HAS TOO MANY COOKS. King George Economizes by a Cut in Salary of His Chef. King George is setting an sxe ple of economy in war time to subjects, much as Emperor William loing in Germany. M. Cedard the head chef at Huckiigham Pal- ace, has agreed to accept a 50 cent, reduction in his salary during the war. His raged was $12,500 r annum, so reduction will save the King's a purse $6,250 a year. The cooking at the palace is now of the plainest character and of a kind that "ee be found in any fairly well-to-do house. It could be performed quite efficiently by one of the assistant cooks. The average daily cost of the Roy- al dinner prior to the war was esti- mated at $4.65. The number of per- sons, excluding the King and Queen and members of the Royal family who dine at the yal le is usually three, There were twelve assistant male cooks at the palace petote the war. Of se, seven but the present, otaft i is still le larger than is requi a Mountaineering Soldiers, France has a special body of moutaineering soldiers called the Chasseurs Alpins, who are wholly at home among the snow-capped crags and fastnesses of such a re- gion as the Vosges. They are in- ured to the out of high altitudes, practised in the use of skis, and can move from voint to point with sur- prising rapidity. Small arms are not their sole reliance, for they have aiso light, effective artillery of spe- cial design and construction, ay taken down and quickly assem bled, which they transport on the backs of mules and which they can take to seemingly inaccessible positions. Ordinary troops could hardly carry out such operations in the treacher- ous, snow-blocked, wind-swept mountain passes. a THE DOCTOR'S WIFE Agrees With Him About Food. A trained nurse says: 'In the practice pf my profession I have found so many points in favor of Grape-Nuts food that I unhesitat- ingly recommend it to all my pa- tients. "Tt is delicate and pleasing to the palate (an essential in food for the sick) and can be adapted to all ages, being softened with milk or cream for babies or the aged when deficiency of teeth renders mastica- tion impossible. For fever patients or those on liquid diet I find Grape- Nuts umen water very nourishing and refreshing. "This recipe is my own idea and is made as follows: Soak a tea- spoonful of Grape-Nuts in a glass of water for an hour, strain and serve with the beaten white of an egg and a spoonful of fruit juice for flavouring. This affords a great deal of nourishment that even the weakest stomach can assimilate without any distress. '"'My husband is a physician and he uses Grape-Nuts himself and or- dere it many times for 'hjs patients. "Personally I regard 'a. dish of Grape-Nuts with fresh or stewe fruit as the ideal breakfast for any- one--well or sic In stomach trouble, nervous pros- tration, ete, a 10-day trial of Grape-Nuts will usually work won- ders toward nourishing and re- building and in this way end the trouble. Name een b Canadian Postum Co., Wind book, cate Read ta cin 8 letter? - her famous~ h the: kaiser, spends money ie pois 'a can be me ply 1 For years I purores tat fully. I ruined my stomach wi ternal dosing. I rubbed in ealtona of |P oils and iiniments--none were strong enough. One good rubbing with Ner- viline relieved. I kept on rubbing and shortly cured, My father cured rheumatism in his right arm and mother cured herself of chronic lum- bago with Nerviline, Our family sim-| 0 Ply swears by Nerviline and we are never withou: a 60c. family size bot- ee in Our home. We find that fo> ex- pain, for coughs, colds, earache, poh s minor ills it is a veritable family physician." 9h --___--.- i t _#l-| than that which a gun throws, but © w Proton to ie wee in brows gives it much less muzz zie v waloweys ly shorte tons Gives a muzzle velocity of three thousand feet a second and has a to fifteen es: would fel only 6.3 tons, 'and of only It has a spécial trans wa- gon, from which it can be pe shifted ta its firing carriage. The Bega de§ 6.3 howitzer is capable of pes fired up to sixty-five degrees elevation, and at forty-three de- grees Tiss @ Tange of 10,900 ya its maximum. The shell weighs 760 pounds, and carries as a burster 114 pounds of high explosive. It is said that the shell contains no shrapnel, sus that assertion is open to doubt. --h__. NOTES OF SCIENCE Will Quickly Cure An electric transmission line in _-- has a single span 1, 650 feet across a river. ili is irrigating more shat 2,- 300,000 acres of land and has near- ly ag Many more available for irri- gation. A new cooking utensil that can be used on top of a stove will serve as s| roaster, steamer, broiler, or toast- to er. In France there has been invent- ed a flourless bread making ma-|all the symptoms of intestinal indi- rjchine that transforms the whole] gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. H Instead of wheat into dough. Cement mortar mixed with vol-|® canic ashes has been found valuable | in Japan for work that is submerg- ed in sea water. Operated by two men, a machine invented by a Chicago hotel stew- ard, will wash and dry more than 18, 000 dishes an hour. Thére is a tribe of Indians in Mexieo whose language is limited to about 300 words and who cannot count More than ten Petroleum has been installed as fuel in Ohili's great nitrate works at a saving of more than "30 per cent. of the cost of coal. To prevent a wet pmbrella drip- ping on a floor there has been in- vented2device to be slipped on the ferrule to catch the water. Syria, almost the only country in the world in which pistachio nuts are cultivated, produces about 500,- 000 pounds of 'them a year Natives of the Andaman Islands show respect for the memory: of de- ceased relatives by preserving their teeth and wearing them as_neck- laces, To make men's collars wear long- er an inventor has patented one with an extra buttonhole so that it fitted toa shirt without strain. A combination truck and jack has been patented to enable one man to lift a heavy barrel and support it while its contents are being with- drawn. Engineers in India are trying the novel experiment of catching that country's heavy rainfall in reser- voirs and using it to produce elec- tric power. An oil spout can bey "extended to any length and in any "shape desir- ed by fastening a piece of wire to it and covering the wire with small rubber tubing. According to an East Indian scientist, es feel pain when in¢| jured and he has invented a ma- chine which the claims measures their nerve shocks and reaction. For restaurant use there has been invented a spoon with a detachable bowl of paper or fibre, to be thrown away after use, the handle being fitted to another bowl. Of French invention is a smoke consuming evice for kitchen ranges that admits fresh air, super- heats it and combining it with the coal gas and dust. causes them to burn. ener ean Too Bad. When the little son was about two weeks old a friend arrived to see the newcomer. "How is the' little youngster ?" was the first inquiry. "Oh, fine,"? replied the proud mo- ther. "He seems to be growing more like his father every day.' "Too bad," said the friend sorrow- fully. "And have you tried every- thing?' oa Corns App a, bHstering feet nehed Cu FOC fro | comnincncs 2 by Putnam' Ex- Quicl tractor fn 24 hours 'Putna pga Bee | es _ 40,000 ene Fe Some granites will withstand a Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of inflammation," writes Mr. B., P. Daw kins, of Port Richmond. "y was weak for 2 long time, but well enough . work until 'spring. Bu went wrong with my bowels for I had --. salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and pall after eg J there was pain and fulness, and Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To- day I am well--no pain, no sour stom- ach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Se Just Now He's Looking for Tips. Sa at is Mose doin' in de city? Ben--He is a bank director. "What's his duties ?" "He stan's in de door an' people where to go.' tells Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Stock Definition. Little Johnny, on being asked by his school teacher if he knew what was meant by "at par,'"' replied that "Ma was alw rays at pa when he came home.late LOW FARES TO B41 CHICACO EXPOSITIONS, Via Chicago & North Western Ry. Four eplendid daily traing from the New poasenesr Rerenines. Chicago to San ancisco, Angelea ond Ee an Diego. Choice of ecenic and direct routes. Double utomatic electric catety' signals ail the + ye your trip and furnish fold- ers ane fall particulars. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, ot. Over 69 per cent. of the working women in Philadelphia are earning less than enough in wages properly to sustain their living. It was an Irishman who objected }to-taking an emetic, as he was sure he cotldn't keep it down. Minard's Linimont Cures Colds, Eta Frenchman--"You are funny peo- ple, you Engleesh. You take strong whiskey; you put water in it to make it weak; you put sugar in it to make it sweet; you put Jemon in it to make it sour ; then you say 'here's to you,' and drink it your- self." Mangonville, June 27, (13. Hisagils By ent Co., Limited. 'ords me great planer and must be gratify ing to you to that after ueing bott of your Link me na case Of paralysis which father was afflicted with, a le to ve ore him ¢o normal condition. Hoping ther sueffrers may be beneffted by the TS use of your Liniment, I hon ne erely ont, GEO, H. HOLMES. British as Toy Makers. goed ing to the pgs < pees, QO" ProrreD 3 MEATS--_ Full flavored. and perfectly cooked Difficult Orders, Irate Sergeant (to unhappy re- eruit, who won't "cut it.short")-- Silence wid you !--whin you're spa- kin' to'a h'officer! YOUR OWN ry ret pg Ht WILL TELL meeeantG mye nee ag hs Weak, Waters a ye elds; No art ust just ye Co Secnters Write: for Book of the ve Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, Teacher--"Jane, can you tell ma who succeeded Edward VI.7" Jane --'Mary." Teacher--"Now, Lucy, who followed Mary?' Lucy--' 'Her little lamb." Sinard"s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The source of true living is not in possessions, but in urse- ments. The mould of a man's for- tune is in tis own hands. FARMS FOR SALE. .. w. eaween, Ninety Celberne Street, F YOU WANT TO BUY OB SELL A pate ree. one or Dairy bs aweo pton . borne Bt.. Tcron 4. W. aig Colberne &8t., Toronte. NURSERY STOCK. | TRAWBERRIES, 2 P TATOES. Catalogue free. MoConne & Son, Port Burwell, nt MISCELLANEOUS. TUMORS, LUMPS, ternal and extern Ct ANCER. . Limited, Collingwood. Ont. HAWK BICYCLES BieycisBitedwith Raferchar, New Departure Coaster Bra. and Hubs, Delachable Tires. a gradetquipment, inelnd: Ripe aa $22.50 ox FREE 1915 Catalogue, Bicycles, Sundries, . Ese of Material, You can ere your Bact paw from us at T.W W.BOYD & SON, Notre Dame St. West, Mentreal,. ENGINE FOR SALE New Wheelock 18 x 42 Aufomatic Valve Complete operating condition, flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will sell at less than half cost pr 8. FRANK WILSON & SONS 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto The First of ALL "Home Remedies" ASELINE,"' in its many forms with their innumer- able uses, is the foundation of the family medicine chest. Vaseline It keeps the skin smooth and sound. Invaluable in the nursery for burns, cuts, insect bites, etc. Absolutely pure and safe. British toy making, as an. indus- try, was first started in Liverpool in October, and three branches of this been established. The women's war- ly foun by Mrs. Herbert R. bone as the lady mayoress' bu- reau, opened their workrooms in er with 10 girls, and the --e developed to the extent that are now employing be- tween 40 Y and 50 50 girls, 'Minard's Lintment Cures Carget in Cows. aN distinct work have now, service bureau, which was original- , AVOID SUBSTITUTES. Insist | on '*Vaseline" in original pack- es bearing the name, CHESE- BROU UGH MANUFACTUR- ING CO., Consolidated. For sale atall Chemists and General Stores. 4 Illustrated booklet free on request |] CHESEBROUGH MFG CO. 1880 CHABOT AVE., MONTREAL =i ED. & ISSUE 9--Hie = ba