Atwood Bee, 5 Mar 1915, p. 8

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¥ a oe a Se EE ee Lee ee Choice Beef for sale by quarter at 11 cts. Killing done for farmers at reasonable rates Cattle handled on Beefring' Bases Highest cash price paid for hides. 'Terms strictly cash. J. M. Smith, Proprietor Phone 11-2 He EReeREe inne e ye a v Me ote eae Be 17, Ww "fe 4 ATWOOD BAKE SHOP We have choice Pastry each week A variety of canned goods Chocolates, Candies, Oranges and Nuts. Wedding Cakes a specialty . WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Wm. Lambe, Proprietor. are caused by the careless han of machinery or by lack of proper spection before gy aieaces ate put in to commission. The long marsh drain, believed * ne be the longest one ofits kind in wes- tern Ontario, has just been comple- ted at a cost of $50,000, which in- cludes bridges. It was started on Oct. 16 of last year. The drain starts at the eighth concession, Maiden towcship, and extends to the Canard River, a distance of eight and three- quarter miles. It is 45 feet wide at the top and 30 feet at the bottom. Its average depth is six feet. -_ PRESBYTERY NOTES The resignation of Rev. Mr. Amos, of the Presbyterian church, Atwood, was received and accepted at. the meeting of the Stratford Presbytery on Tuesday afternoon last. Rey. Mr. Amos is going to take up farm- ing. Rev. Finlay Matheson was ap- pointed interim moderator and will declare the pulpit vacant on the first Sunday in April. Mr. Shearer, of Poole, was appoin- ted the Presbytery's representative on the Synod's_ Committee on Bills penter of Carthage, was struck by a al driven by Engineer Jos. Fair, of Listowel, who, in the blinding storm failed to see the man until he was within a few yards of him. His whistle promptly sounded and the emergency brake was at once ap- plied, but he apparently failed to hear the former, and was seen to . to allow the train being stopped in time to save his life. Martin was aliye when picked up, and was brought to Listowel in the baggage car, but was dying when a doctor arrived He was over 30 and leaves a bride of five months. An inquest will be held to-night. ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Please give me a call. Charges. moderate. ATWOOD ONT and Overtures at the coming meet- ing. Rey. Mr Nicol gaye a report on Systematic Beneficence to the effect that all the congregations had. been visited and had agreed to co operate towards raising the budget. Rev. J. George Miller gave a com-: Cream Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send youacan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont Managers -|gational and social life. Aldrich Bros. eve Be echo cle che le she ola ole ZosBe che Be oe cBeaBe che cece abe ole Be cBecbecle ile cbe cle ok: Se Se Secle dBacBece cle sBeckack. i ei i ae ie he _ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Beginning on March 1st and ending on Sat. Mar. 13th = This is our annual March Sale and as + WE NEED THE MONEY we will give the biggest bargains we havo eyer yot offered. Be i i i i ee othe ae Eyerything in the store except Derby and Empress Shoes. D. WATTERS :: Main st. : SeeLe che Boole che ce Beale cbs o> ola ole abe che che cheokeole Eo clecbe abe soca che alle ohecleckeale abe cbecle obs be oBeabeale oe close clle ofc ole oleck. 2. 2.8 BP Eee ee Eres ed" ope pong eg ae regres rts Hebeofeofe foofeefe feoteey cle ae ae Sa als Be Bo Beale sSe ale shee Beaks ole ole Bode cheoks ole abel. OE el ee eee er er Pee ee re ee bbe ttt i : 7 Seeds! CLOVER TIMOTHY and ALSIKE t : We have them, the very best that money can buy, and ; the price is right. Call and inspect for yourselves. J. ROGER, Atwood ; Soofeohe fe ofeotory Pet Terr bb dob ae i ae Se ole ste oSoakeake of. Hoohooh ofoofoodonfe of: : HARDWARE and TINWARE ¢ + - ¢ FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER = nL ee, ENTER NOW ~~ GEORGE BRAY at the Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario Listowel Business COLLEGE Thorough Courses taught by Com- petent Teachers. For particulars address Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Physician, Surgeon is Accotcheur, Coroner Barrister, Notary Public Executiye Officer of Board of _Conveyancer Health _ Specialties-- Listowel, Milverton, Atwood \ Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat 'Offices, Listowel and Milyerton | aadeeieee ance eves 1. Money to'Loan, Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. I report for the Committee on SociafWork and Evangelism. The report showed a fairly fayorable condition of affuirs regarding congre- Rey. Dr. McRae, of Mitchell, had » at "cas { nat ere' s Beat Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and etrertencec instructors in each of three departments. : hit a retal, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should get our large, en Cotalogae. Write D. A. McLachlan, "Prineipal, his namo suggested for a place on the Assembly's Committee of Social so --_--_ Hare Always ought, and which has been use for over Cais rno the signaturo ad has been under pere sonal on sinco its infancy. (A Allow no ono to deccive you in this. All Connterfcits, Imitations and *' Just-as-good "' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-- ag it opie What is CASTORIA . Castori 2 harmless substitute for Castor O Parke goric, yrups. Dee and soorbing © C) Itis saaasdie: It contains neither Opium, Narcotic rphinc nor, other ' nnd allays Fcvcrishness, For mo yearsit ; Ihas been in constant use for the relicf of Constipation, |; eens Wind peer all a ies j Diarrhee: It rega tomach and Bowclis, aasimllnts the Food, eRe healthy and natural sleep, © Children's Panacea--Tho Mother's Friend. GenuINE CASTORIA aLways Bears the Signature of ln Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought rere CENTAUR CON Parry, MEW YORK CITY, Service. -- TROWBRIDGE. Thomas J. Tughen, in ber 44th year, diedin Elma on Friday, February 19th. the family residence, this afternoon to Fairview cemetery, Louise Halpenny, beloved wife mld The funeral took place from c lot 6, con. 4,18 Listowel, and was very lavrely «t-|# Saturday, March 6th to Saturday, March 13th Will Be Sewing Week at Gowdy's That "Cotton Sale" two weeks ago was a grand success wasnt it ? For you---who secured some extraordinary bargains~-and for us too dist church, conducted the services. _ attended tbe funeral were Mrs. T. Harris, Mrs. Gibson and Mr. J. Suth- erland, all of Toronto. and three girls: Roy, Thelma and a baby three weeks old at home. The deceased is also sur ny, of Elma; Mrs. W. M. Jackson, of Listowel. --_---- -- @------ = Customs Collector Dead Stratford, Feb. 28.--The death oc: Hess, for the past twenty one years Collector of Customs in this city. He was Conservative M.P.P. for North Perth from 1883 to 1890. ' ldorn in Germany seventy-six years ago, Mr. Hess came to Waterloo county in 1838. Later he engaged in the furniture business in Listowel. Defeated after two years in the Leg: islature, Mr. Hess was appointed Col- lector of Customs at Stratford, and moved to this city in 1893. Mrs. (Alderman) Pauli of this city is -a daughter of deceased. Other surviv- ing children are: Mrs. Jobn Gabel, Listowel; Mrs. (Dr., Ellis in the West, and Mr. Ludwig Hess, Evan- ston, Illinois. SEALED TENDERS marked " Ten- der for drain" will be received by the undersigned up till two o'clock, p m. on Saturday, March 13th, 1915, tended. Rey. McKelvey, of E'hel, a} f former pastor of Trowbridge Metho- |S Among those from a distance who] The deceased is survived by her|s husbar d and six children, three boys |B of Sudbury:jg Richard and Archie, at home; Clara. | vived by her mother, Mrs. J. Wilson, |B of Listowel, and two brothers and|¥ two sisters, namely William Halpen-|@ ny, of Calgary, and Edward Halpen- }@ of Brandon, and Mrs. M. H. Moore, 5 curred here last night of John George} in Listowel on These takes place | Tender For Drains Now we are going to have a "Sewing Week" Sale. Come with "great expecta- tions" »" You will not be dissappoiuted, You usually pay 25c for this qual- ity, sewing week price........ yl WHITE VESTING worth 18 or 20c in the regular way sewing week price............... 12c WHITE BEDFORD GORD food width and weight, a big bar- gain, sewing week price ....... 5c WHITE REPP, yard wide se 5c each, the New Price on Spools--War duty is the reason. But we have stock on hand bought at the old price. Red Paths Granulated Sugar $7 per bag. Gowdy & Co., Limited CREPES! 12}c Yd! APRON GINGHAM Sold all over at 15 and 18c, pretty 38 in., wide, check patterns with floral and stripe patterns also plain or without border, sewing week - white and colors.............++ ke price 10c is our regular price on this cloth. « We have some dandy patterns for OXFORD SHIRTING . 27 inches wide, neat stripe pat- the sewing week sale. terns, sewing week price...... 10c Navy and cadet sounds, neat FREE! A Butterick Pattern with : : every Dollar purchase during sew- stripe patterns, sewing week wire ing phen "Coates of course, during sewing week 4c each. or while our stock last. Bring us your Butter and Eggs. Schinbets News | Friday Fair Day 1 The Store for all the People LISTOWEL ; _-------- I SS ss : . It will be a Goods and you will peaenee for us Tay show you all our Spring save money by buying your Dress Goods now as they are all going to be higher. In all the newest shades and weaves for the construction of tha_drains in the Township of Elma, Eno. a5 tbe! "Gernbelder Drain Improvement ' and the " Branch to the Gervhelder Drain Improyement" tenders for each drdin to be separate and must give the names of. two sureties and must be accompanied with a marked cheque for $100.00. Plans, profiles. and specifications may be seen at my office, Atwood. For further infotmation apply to Wm. Scott, Reeve, Bees Ont. or the undersig The lowest or any tender not nec-. Almost every combi- nation of Colors New New NORTHWAY New | Dress Goods Cotton Crepes Garments . WAISTS | For Absolutely NEW SUITS. arse that you hoo t Spring 1915 Fast Colors NEW COATS he -- m en 15¢ Yd. nee 79¢ to $3.00 ! : ~ MENS' CLOTHING Our big Clothing Sale will end Saturday, don't neglect taking advantage yet. Butter 28c ' J..M. SCHINBEIN & SON Tuistowrel, Ontario PRODUCE PRICES Eggs 28c Rie ee eS saw, tetas

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