Nig ? ---- Friday. night the Literary Meeting under the charge of Mrs. McBain and Mre.-Ratcliffe was very successful Owing to the inclement of the weath- er the turnout was not as large ason former occasions, but nevertheless a fair attendance was present and en- joyed the programme. Shortly after eight o'clock, Mr. Geo. Loehbead'ap- peared on the platform and took | ees. of the proceeditigs in bis gif. | : | rf E. H. Swinc, PRopRIetOR. =e in aid of Red Cross Fund The {éllowing is the report of U. 8. 8. No. 4, Bits and Grey for d ory sok ipesry, Daily ak. 100%, hor, ors 75%, pass 60 Sr. IV. a eer Ra., Mem. Wk., Geo., Com., Gram: Norman' Hamilton, 76; «Wi Smith, 73; John Brant, 65° Wi Milne, 64; Sydney Bristow, 62. Jn. 1V.--Rd, Mem. Wk:. Geo ted way, that makes him a first class | | Spell., Comp., Arith, chairman. Following are the per- sons who contributed to. the Dight's| oo, 68; George Rowland, 61; i die B entertain ment. Instrumental duet by Ada Bilack- well and Marjory Ratdlife; Solo, Erie McBain; Piano Solo, Mrs.. Ev- _ ereté. Coghlin Park Resding, Miss Alice Ha ?Da- ot, Mise Annie Lochhead « and Miss Edith Hammond. Io addition to this, four ee were given, # prize being a was Mids. Mary Cowan, taking address "The Awiulness of the ofthe Present War on Belgium," and gave. many facts which was interest ing, Hacdling the subject very well. | Russia was then taken by Lorne Bal. Elmer Collith; Giiarlie Ruttan, 70: - Charlie? Milne, 72; Jack Steven- An: rant, 60. Sr. IIl.--Rd., Spell, Middleton, » JR. T1L--Rd.. Geo., Gram., Arith,, ii Irene Hamilton, 73; George Gram., Arith., ttan, 65. ) Sa. I1.--Spell., Rd, Arith., Gram, Mem. Wk. Lyle Hall, 78; J Brant. 76; Gordon Hamilton, 75; Alex. Hall, 68; Susie Rowland, 65: Ewart Steyen- son, 62 ; George Greig, 60. Sr. Pr. -- Good, Jia. Peste!! PRIMER.-- Good Johnston Sr. Milne, Willard Ruttan. Jn. PriMpr--Ex, Grace Edgar ; Lillie Collis; Francis lantyné, he divided it up into differ- | MiJnes ; Gogf, Margaret Smith ; Rus: | ent classes and dwelt mostly on the |se Pestell. soldiers of that nation. or| the Homie of the Maple, wag the sab ject taken by Miss Elia Lochbead and many facts were brought out ae country would be when ita pulized » the extent of oth- er né&tions, and to its rich mings; "ag ricalture, water power and- the' net work of railways and its beautiful atoong the islands. aaron on nae aie is " The _ judges were Miss Alice Hammond, Mise McMillen and Rey. Mr. Shaw, who awarded the medal to Mr. Mc- Bain. King closed the meeting. Haye You paid your subscription. In January, 1914, England impor- ted 17,900,000 bushels of wheat from Russia and Australia; it imported none from them in January, 1915 From India and South America her January import of wheat was 1,240,- 000 bushels less this year than last. But from North America, England's wheat imports in January of 1915 ex ceeded 1914 by 15,000,000 bushels. GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Please giye me a call. Charges moderate. ATWOOD ONT ENTER NOW AT THE Listowel Business COLLEGE Thorough Courses taught by Com- petent Teachers. For particulars address Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. Miidindhh STRATFORD, ONT. *, Ontario's Best Practical Ree School. We have thorou courses and experienced centrecsere it each of our three departmente. Commercial, Shorthand and T phy. and you should get our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A. MeLachlw, Principal. elegra Our graduates succeed The singing of God Save the}. H. M. LowsY SLOCAL i Wewstock "of 1915 Well Papers aus sheer jugh arrived. H. Mitghell. Mise Edith "Lesli left on Tuesday for Guelph to eoter thé pal nutes on ptebalion. ye : Borx--Ia Atw Mondalygl Wer-tiome,.s.deagbiat, : Born--In Elma; on Sunday: Feb- ruary 28th, 1915, to Mr. and° Mrs. John Leonard, a daughter. © Mr. Guy Hanna Jeft for his home in. Bounty, Sask., after spending a few weeks in town and yicinity. Mr. Harold Peter, of the 8th con., was in Toronto last week attending the Dominion Alliance Convention. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ballantyne re- turned to Atwood last week after yis- iting at Niagara and other eastern poinis. Miss Bertha Coutt, of Elmira, and Mr. Harold Saunders, of Kistowel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robb, 12th con. Red Cloyer, Alsike and Timothy No. 1, Government test. Get your requirements before prices advance, S. H. Mitchell, Atwood. The four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shearer, of fourth line, Elma, recently underwent an opera- tion for her throat and is getting along nicely. Mr. W. H. Peppler moved on Tuesday to the farm on the second concession of Elma, which he pur- chased recently from Mr. J. J. Wil- liams. Mr. Williams has moved to Listowel and now occupies the resi- dence which Mr. Peppler vacated. FarRM FoR SALE--Lot 14, Con. 13, Elma, 3 miles from Atwood and Monkton, with good brick house, barn with stone stabling, drive shed, good orchard and well. 75 acres under cultivation, 25 acres good hard- wood bush. Mrs. A. M.. Horn, At- 'ood. Tbe jury in the inquest of the death of Robert Martin, who was found badly mutilated on the C.P.R. tracks near Listowel, returced a ver- dict of exonerating the train crew from all blame in the matter. Mar- tin was walking to Listowel and was ran down during a blinding snow- siorm on Friday. Its early for Wall Paper but you should see the snaps in good rem- nants at Mitchell's. Our village was visited on Monday afternoon by the angel of death and took away Annie Dorothy, beloved, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackwell, at the age of one year, five months and two days, after a brief illness with pneumonia. The furer- 'al seryice was conducted by the Rev. W.'A. Amos, pastor of the Presbyter- ian church on Wednesday afternoon at the family residence, afterwards | interment ..was in the Elma = Rowland, 76 ; sae * x , Ralph Rowland ;| 44 OF wm Mr. aod Mrs. MO bs Boge ac aie Tome cordially invited. Centr See Will parties Roving korea wrenches and jacks from §. aiken kindly retarg Game at oneer ~~ Se Punts | sip eel ie it is 6.pec specifications fut t s new Meth: dhtirch will beseade iss uber and tenders will be called for. | In order to facilitate the handing of mail at the front and to endures prompt delivery, it is requested that all mail be addressed as follows :~ Rank, name, regimental: numbet company, squadron, balte unit, battalion) brigade, first (or sec- ond Canadian contingent, British Ex- peditionary Force, Army Post on London, England. Mr. H. B. Morphy (North Perth) has introduced a bill in the House-of Commons to extend to injured rail- road men the right of having their claim made under the Railway. Act and securing priority of claim over any mortgage deed. Mr. Morpby explained that this legislation, if ad- opted, would bring the Dominion Railway Act into line with the Wor- kingmen"s Compensation Act recent- ly passed by the Legislature of On- tario. One of the @iréatest trials of the newspaper profession is that its mem- bers are compelled to see more of the shame of the world than any other profession. Through every newspa- per office day after day all the wick- edness of the world, church bicker- ings and all the mistakes that want to be corrected, all the dull - speakers that want to be thought eloquent,' and the meanness that wants to get its wares noticed gratis in the editor- ial columns in order to save the. tax of advertising columna; all the bores who come to stay afew minutes but stay hours. By editors and repor- ters all the follies and shame of the world are seen day by day and the temptation is to believe neither God or man, nor woman. Itis no sur- prise to tel me that in this profes- sion there are so many skeptical men. I only wonder that journalists believe anything.-- Talmage. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Services. Morning--Special sermon to men; subject, "Christian Manliness." Evening--'The Best Robe." A fu men's choir will sing both morn- ing and evening. The general public CASTORIA . For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years aioe +| London last week. | Stratford on business last Wednesday. 1 Mr. health after being very sick with | 7 SF ter | bome haying spent a very enjoyable "\low Grove, bad charge of the services - | had charge of the services at Watford. _|being made in Elma Centre Ceme- Lj aged 66 :--Mr, Robert Borrelt |; i x Mrs. John Roger spent Tuesday at Stratford, f Mr. Norman Ross took a trip to Conveyancer Mr. Joh Rowland spent Sunday th his parents at EXnbro. Mr. Thos. E. Hammond went to H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, NotaryPublic Solicitdr for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money fo Loan. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Executiye Officer of Board of -Diseases of women and children. Wm. Lemon is improving in pneumonia, Miss Ada Il!lman has returned " THE NYAL Noe svat atoee" 7 week with friends in Milyerton. We ate sorry to say that Mr. Noah Partridge who has been ill for some time is now suffering with an attack of pneumonia. The Rey. Mr. Thompson, of Wil- here last Sunday. Rev. A. E. Doan, Drgp--On Monday, March Ist, 1915, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Golightly. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon. Interment tery. On Friday the death occurred of Emily Newell Taylor, wife.of Robert Taylor, 190 Ontario Street, Stratford, years. The late Mrs. Tay- lor, who was a daughter of the late A Cling Newell, was born in Sonth Easthope, and has resided here for five years. "Besides ber husband, four sons. James, Robert and bend eee Se | | bi USE Dr. Hess Stock Food for to get your horses in good condition for the Spring work Dr. Hess Panacea for your poultry and to make them lay Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer for lice on poultry, horses and cattle. DR. HESS SHEEP DIP AND DISINFECTANT for disinfecting and lice. All a or money refunded. e. Soe COCHLIN, = ; | a of Stratford, and John, of Mitchell, surviye; also three sisters, Mrs. Jave i Harmony; Mrs. John Ad- air, Monkton, and Miss Mary Newell, in Manitoba ; and one brother, Da- vid goa of South Easthope. ey and Cigars eee eek ik i ~ John evade: ay had been lying iat bis bréther Joseph's home on the 6th con. for the past two monthe,| [f away on Thursday eyéning of last week, in his 5lst year. He had lived around here all his life and was never married. He lived alone on his farmon the 6th con. until the time of his Jast illness when he went | ng his brother's place. Funeral took place Monday afternoon and was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Atwood, assisted by Rev. Mr. McKelvey, of Ethel. The funeral was attended by a large circle of neighbors and friends. Interment took place at Mount Pleas- } ant cemetery, Ethel. WM. J. THOMPSON DEAD | Mr. and Mrs. Thompson received the sad news-on Wednesday of last week of the death of their son, Wil- liam J. Thompson, of Wapella, Sask., from poeumonia. Tho late Mr. Thompson has been in the West dur- 'opal 5 you with at up, A ae ia, G pre. at sth ide i? MAPLE SYRUP--Our Maple Syrup is guaranteed pure maple } H and nothing else at 350 a qt. or $1.80 a gal. | ---------------- ---- ees Pipes, Tobacco's { _ The Stet Grocery -- -------- 125 cents a ping. 10c a cake. MEATS Rolled shoulder, Breakfast Bacon, Back Bacon and Cooked Ham FISH: _ Fresh Water Herring in brine $4.00 a keg or 20c a dozen. can't be beat. For Your Calves We haye Bibby's cream aquivalent, Flax Meal and Oilcake. FLOUR AND FEED Always on hand at the lowest possible price. Wo pay the highest price for Butter and Eggs, cash or: trade. Goods delivered to any part of the village | E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 ee ee een SES aR Bee en ---- ---- 2 ene eee Sees a ) Home-made Marmalade ast and Pure maple sugar ae en meee ag) Get your hens laying by feeding them oyster shell, grit and ground bone and for small chicks. We have a prepared food that | | ing the past eight years and was thir- ty six years of age and leaves a wife and three sons: Mr. Albert Thomp- son left on Thursday to attend the funeral. The deceased, was well known in Atwood and vicinity, hé having lived in Elma until going West. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs Thompson' in their sad bereavement. AUCTION SALE -- Alex Morrison has received instruc- tions from Mr. Thomas Marks to sell by public auction on lot 32, con. 7, Elma, on Tuesday Mar. 16th, at 1 o'clock his fifty acre farm and stock consisting of the following :--- 1 aged horse ; 1 mare rising 6 yrs., sup. in foal ; 1 l driying mare rising 4 ; rising 2; 7 choice dairy ws sup. in calf-2 heifers rising 1 yr.; 7 pigs three months old; 60 hens, 8 ducks, 1 drake ; 1 buggy ; 100 bush. seed barley ; 300 bush. oats; about 6 tons of hay; a quantity of potatoes. "< Terms :--All sums of $10 and un-| & der, cash; over that amount eight months credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint. notes, land} ' owners as security, or six fer cent; + THE STORE THAT SATISFIES W. R. Erskine Preparations for spring sewing at very avait savings in prices on Cottons, Sheeting, Pillow Cottons, Long Cloth, Cambrics, etc. Our new prints are Al, good weight at 12 1-2 New dress Novelties for spring up-to-date at reasonable prices. toner, per annum off for cash on creditam-| ~ ounts. All grain cash. Terms of farm made known on day of sale. Produce Taken -In exchange at highest market prices. W. R. ERSKINE, Phone 1. Main Street, Atwood ITD CE CES FSI Q