Atwood Bee, 27 Aug 1915, p. 8

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Atwood Meat Market All kinds of choice fresh meats on hand Home-made sausages, Bologna and Headcheese at reasonable prices. Highest cash prices paid for hides. Terms strictly cash ine adele J. M. Smith, aN, a0. AUP. ot, Ue Tid WE ™ Phone 11-2 cE EREEEN Proprietor ie ' ing. cheaper to buy than bake. We'll Tickle Your Palate < and your economical bump at the same time with our bak- We not only bave a reputation for making good quality bread, but we are experts on all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, PIES, BUNS, etc The reasonable prices we charge for our baking makes it Try one of our cakes. Wm. Lambe Baker, Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor cold floors to LLL ELLA bee a : fe " of $ Sas :J. ROGER, : HARDWARE and TINWARE peeqenrsererreeveererrerverrerrererrettertetttrss No : feet when you jump out of bed. inthe mornings. stall a guaranteed HECLA : " WARMEURNACE and be comfortable during the coldest days & nights... FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER : PEELE EERE EE EE EEE EE EEE EEL EEE EEE EET EEE EEE ED EEE EE oe ae whe oe 3 freeze your : In- ba 9 vhealac$acBe Bo SocBeche sBoskas Tooke sf. Terns Pr the ait She it She errs Leas Pee eS Atwood Pee: er Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid up - - $3,000,000 Surplus $3,750,000 THRIFT The foundation of every fortune is economy. Put aside the amounts that other people waste and enjoy the independence that goes with a Bank Account. . Tainbert The Wuntopal it Oodnail 'of Gs Township of Elma met in the Agri- cultural Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, August 21st, 1915. Members pres-| ent; Reeve, Wm. Scott, Deputy reeve | 2 Samuel Smith, and Councillors, Wm. Coates, John. Illman. and Charles|} Vallance. Minutes of last meeti ng]. were read, approved and signed by - Several <com-} the reeve and clerk. munications were read and filled. Moyed -by Messrs Coates and Smith--That John Densteadt be paid the sum of $720.00 as part payment of the contract of the Gern- helder Drain improyement as per engineer's certificate. Moved by Messrs Vallance and Smith--That this council deem it unnecessary to print or publish the by law to raise tlie déficiency in the construction of the 'Johnston Drain' and cost thereof and that the said by-law be now read 'a third time. Moved by Messrs Coates and Illman--That the by-law to raise the deficiency in the construction of the 'Johnston Drain' "known fs 'The Johnston Drain amending by-law' as now read a third time and be num- -bered 660 and finally passed and the reeve and clerk sign the same and at tach the corporate seal thereto. Moved by Messrs Smith and Vallance--That by-law No. 661 of the Township of Elma for levying Provincial War Tax, County, Town- ship. Railroad and other necessary rates for the ycar A. D, 1915, as now read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Messrs. I!!lman and Coates--That by-Jaw No. 662 for leyying the rates on the different school sections and union school sections in the Tp. of Elma for the year A. D. 1915 as now read a third time be finally passed. Moved by Messrs Coates and Iilman--That the petition of John J. Hyiners and others that the clerk prepare n by-law appointing John Roger, O. L. 8. as engineer for the same. Moyed by Messrs Smith and Iilman--That by-law No. 663 ap pointing John Roger O.LS. as en- gineer to examine and report on the proposed Hymers Drain as now read a third time be finally passed. Moved by Messrs Smith and It!man--That the reeve and clerk issue orders for the payment of the following accounts :- John Seelhoff, rep. culye$sr 50 and 31 con 1% é -assisti ' went $1.00, Ei ward Smith, ditto, $5 00; Mrs. Wm. Jolly, account for lumber, $8400; Geo. Lochhead, preparing bylaw re John- ston Drain, $2006, debentures re Johnston Drain, $3.00; Wm, §- Shearer, 51 yds. gravel per W. 8. Shearer p m, $7.65, 22 yds gravel per Wm. McKeever p m, $3.30; Wm Pelton, 30 yds gravel per Wm. Me- Keever p m, $4.50; Mrs. Benj. Brandt, 51 yds gravel per Jas Ham- ilton pm, $7.65; John Hanna, 47 yds gravel per Jas H. Dickson p m, $7,05 ;Jas. Newbigging. 44 yds gravel per Robt. Burke p m, $6 60; Chas E. Coghlin, 35 yds gravel per Coghlin pm, $5.25, 32 yds gravel per D. P. Cameron p m, $4.80; John mente 107 vas gravel per _ Bal- ots cake per BE. L. Mann p m, $9.90: J.T. Mann, 52 -yds_ gravel Russell | ~ ) ODIST CHURCH alee Seats ps this ene a" é i 'subject--"The Light "of: _ Alvraooe service will be held at Ftlatowsl: Aug. ote the final game for the W.F.A. intermediate championship, played here to-night, Mildmay won from the locals by 4 to 2, and thus became champions. The result was a surprise in moro ways than one. In the first game, played at Mildmay, the teams were unable to score, 80 evenly were they matched. To-night, however, the visitors were superior to the locals as their two-goal victory shows. TROWBRIDGE Mrs. Stuart, of Listowel, is visit- ing friends on the 6th. Mrs. J. Marks and Mrs. Wilson visited Listowel Monday. Mrs. J. Vine entertained a few of her friends to tea Friday eyening. Miss Johnston, of London, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Alice Booth Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm Booth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Struthers, 16th con. Mr. Tom Vine and Mr. John Bur- rough left for the west this week. The boys will be missed from the 6th Mrs. J. Porter and family returned to their home in Hamilton on Mon- day after visiting friends on the 6th line west. The Maple Leaf sewing circle of the 6th line west met at the home of Mrs. Robinson last Thursday and the ladies are still -busy with Patriotic work. ---- electric power in Listowel carried on ae: by a paictity of .262 yotes, eaiied e§ 19000. 00 shoe oe on the mar- ket in Listowel, all at big reductions. Bernie has to raise $3000.00 in ten days, Sale starts on Saturday, Aug. 28:h, beon time, every price reduced J. W. Bernie & Son. FarRM For SALE -- Being fifty acres, more or less, situated on lot 6, 12th con. of Elma. The land is well under drained and on the premises are a frame house and woodshed, bank barn, straw shed and drive house. Apply to John Hall, R. R. No. 3, Atwood, Ont. 188 H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton A meeting of ed directors of the Elms Farmer's Insur- ance cultural Hall, Atwood, on August 17th, 1915, All the members of the board were dent occupied the chair. - the board which 'were. adjusted paid as follows: A. E. Tindall, 7 Elma, steer-killed July 26th, $60.00; | parte James Holman, Elma, calf killed, Se DIRECTORS MEETING ted and of | 1844. Former Mornington und Elma Resident Dies at Strassburg The death of a former Mornington' and Elma resident in the person of Mr. Alexander P. Fraser occurred on Wednesday, August 11th, at Strass- burg, Sask., to which place he moved from this section several years ago. The late Mr. Fraser was born in Inverness, nd, on October 4th, He came to Canada with his parents when a boy, residing for a time in Galt before moying to these August 7th, $18.00; Geo. Logel, Wel- | Parts. lesley, calf killed July 28tb, $20.00: . 8. Pirie, Grey, lamb killed Aug- ust 7th, $5.85; James Lucas, Grey, calf killed August 9th, $15.00; Geo: Brown, steer damaged July -- $48.00; R. J. Remmick, Logan, barn damaged Oct. 19th 1914, $10.85; H. Mogk Sr., Ellice, lamb 'killed August 7th, $6.00; T. E. Alexander, mare killed August 16th, $150.00; Alex Rae, Elma, colt killed August 8th, $80.00; Jas Carnochan, Elma, colt killed August 13th, $75.00. A claim was also presented by Alex Grant, Elma, for damage to a lamb, which was laid over till next meeting. Applications for insurance were ac- cepted amounting to $121,100.00. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday, September 21st to meet at the same time and place, J. R. Hammond, Secretary. Besides his wife he is survived by a brother, John Fraser, of Bayfield, three sons, Alexander, Dayid and Donald of Strassburg, and threo daughters, Mrs. Donald MoKenzie, of Strassburg, Mrs. James Donaldson of Sault Ste Marie, Ont. and Mrs. John Foreman, of Elma. Monster Garden Party To be held on Mr. Thompson's lawn, Atwood, Friday, August 27th, under the auspices of the Y.P.8.C E. of the Presbyterian church. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Listowel Brass Band will be in at- tendance, Splendid program will be provided, addresses by resident min- isters, solos, duetts, choruses, etc. Everybody come. Admission 25c., Children 15 cents. This is to extend to you an invitation to visit the store to-morrow and days following to inspect the new Fashions for fall - Women's Coats Dress Materials, Suitings, Coatings, Ktc you will be impressed with the painstaking way in which we have prepared to meet your needs for the new season Very moderate pricés rule Gowdy & Cé., Limited "The Store for all the People " The by-law in favor of hydro-|, LISTOWEL * LISTOWEL BUSINESS ge OLLEGE OE =/Profit Sharing Yeu LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE ' BEGINS 'ON Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1915 school. school year from September 1915 E already have more students enrolled for the coming year than have eyer entered at s fall term opening in the history of the Our aim is to enroll 100 new students during the this--and we fully expect to be--we will share our profits by handing to June 1916, and if successful in Our Savings Department will help you save. ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. ROBINSON, MANAGER Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan, each student registered during the year, a check for 10 per cent. of the Tuition Paid Amos Weber p m, $7.80; W. GC. Hewitt, gravelling con | gr road, $1: Jas. McCrae, oak joists and work at 'Ban k OF: Hi, ami ilton ESTA BLISHE Did B72, GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Mauin-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Please giye me a call; Charges moderate. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. i K sole eer 7 aS Samily. or any male 18 years 0) er ud a ¢ he mrter-ne "« 4 tion of rattan Dominion land in Mani- toba, Sask ewnn rta. feant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District niry by proxy may be made at any Dom inion ap - Agency (but not Sub-Age ney), on ¢ ertain uties--Six months residence mpon and way tivation of the land in each of three yoara. der may live within nine miles of nes S a farm of at least 8) acres, ae ce san conditions. A habitable house is r te : rod exoupt where residence ix performed ie mee it cortaln, districts a homesteader in good sanding prac ho gg one ae uarter- Se p along side his howe 00 per ac Dut enix mon mths residence in "each of est ad patent; Pre-emption -- as ao as homestead er who t may take a purchase a n district Pri hom: ig stricts. ce r acre uties-- ATWOOD ONT|i Must real x months a anon of three years, cultivate 30 acres and & Use ee $300. area of cultivation is a bjec to reduc- tion in case rough. serubby or pe ac land. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Live stock may be faba it ited for cultivation ' under certain condition: Y. C.M.G., Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of ee of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children, ut, N.B.-- pene orized ins na ton ee of oi ad- vertisement wi I not be paid fo -*Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't die in' the house. ldc. and 25c. at Drug } and Country stores. of the iisteter of the Interior. | > bridge sr 5 and 6 con 7, $7407 W. C. Hewilt, 31 yds gravel per A. K. Hewitt p m, $4.65; A. K. Hewitt, 67 yds gravel per A. K. Jfiowitt p m, $1004; Jes. Johnston, cement tile, $4250; David (McPherson, gravel per Wilson Littlé cont., $19.50, 16 yds gravel per Jno Henry pm, $2.40 Albert Wison, rep culyert sr 10 and 11 con 7, $1.00, 87 yds gravel per G. JI Porter p m, $4.55, 100 yds gravel per A. G. Forman pm, $15, 80 yds gravel per Thos. Klinefeldt p m, $12, cement gravel per Thos. Klinefeldt p m, $3.90, 514 yds grayel per George Gordon p m, $7,73. cem- ent gravel per George Gerdon p m, $1.10; Jas. Scott, statute labour ret. undone per Jas. Barton p m, $7.55, work and team on grader s r 30 and 31 con 13, $1500; Donald Carson, | rep bridge s r 30 and 31 con 8, $8.00 Wm. Humphrey, rep stone crusher, $2.50: Robt, McCullough, overseeing graveHing lot 15 con 16, $4.00; Wm. Strickert, putting in concrete -tile.s r 20 and 21 con 16, $7.00; Wm. Mont- gomery, bal. clearing road lots 26 to 28 con 17, $10.00; Wm. A. Gray, gravelling s r 20 and 21 con 1, $61.88 W.E. Freeborn; overseeing gravel ling s r 20 and 21 con 1, $5.25; Chas Lucas, rep culvert con 7 gr road, ™1$100; Albert Gordon,. crushing 283 yds gravel, $99.05, grading gr road, $3.50; Alfred Machan, 5 yds _ gravel per Geo. Elllacott pm, 75c, 16 yds grayel per Jas. S. Manton pm, Moved by Messrs I!![man and Smith --That the council do now ad- journ to meet again in the Agricul-' tural Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, eptember 18th,1915, at ten o'clock a, m. for general township business, GEO. LOCHHEAD, Clerk. J? BeATRAL y hy "Mju Z STRATFORD, ONT. FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 3 th Central Business Co!lege, Stratford This is Ontario's best practical trainiug school with Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy depart- ments. Our courses are thororgh and instructors are experienced. We place graduates in positions Write for our free catalogue and see if it interests you. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. "Cushion The Cushion Sole, Empress Shoe." We are one of 500 Agents who sell thie Comfortable Shoe. D. WATTERS Write now and let us know that date as possible. Our past record of fair dealing, coupled with the success of our ex-students and graduates, who, by the way, are our best advertise- ments, is going to enable us toreach our ideal of 100 New Students for profit sharing year -when your are coming. The best time to enter is at our fall opening--cr as early after ADDRESS Edwin G. Matthews PRINCIPAL LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE si2.0 00 0 10 10 WiRRIPE® Dut not Bault Ste. Marte, Ont. MANY THOUSAND FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN secret gust 26 28th--From Toronto and stations West and Nerth - ae ioeetne melons ox. tne Ware NMarie, Ont. an4 East in the Province of Lene end Dut not East of or the Province of Toronto to Sudbury 'tnnipag, etc.,eee nearest C.P.B. Agent, of write-- "M. @. MURPHY, " Dtetetet Passenger Agent, Can. Pas. Ry.. TORONTO

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