ASIA SIA MINOR AND SYRIA COASTS -- OBJECTIVE OF THE ITALJANS Two More Hours of Darkness and Turks Would Have Been Cut Off on Gallipoli tre A despatch from Paris says: The Official Journal publishes the declara- tion of a blockade of the coasts of Asia Minor and Syria from the island of Samos to the Egyptian frontier, to date from August 25. This conveys the first hint of the proposed landing place of the Italian expeditionary force against Turkey. Stories of wounded men who have arrived at Alexandria tell of how nearly the allies came to gaining a eat success in one of their attacks. an Austrian officer declared that if the allied forces had had two more hours of darkness they could have covered six hundred yards of ground which separated them from the Sari Bahr hill, generally known as Hill 971. Once this hill was in the allies' hands, the officer declared, the Turk- ish communications would have been cut and it was for the possession of this hill that the dominion troops fought so bravely but futilely. BRITISH AIRMAN SANK SUBMARINE Bingle Handed, He Dropped Bombs on Undersea Craft Near Ostend. A despatch from London says: From aa of the sky came a weapon that destroyed an undersea boat last week, recording in the annals of his- tory the first time that an aircraft sent a submarine to the bottom. Lieut.-Commander Bigsworth won for himself the distinction of having accomplished this feat. Single-hande- ed, while on an 'air patrol" near Os- tend, Belgium, he tackled a German U boat and within a few minutes his victim, completely wrecked, sub- merged for the last time. "Tt is not the practice of the Ad- miralty to publish statements regard- ing the losses of German submarines, important though they have been, in cases where the enemy has not other source of information as to the time and place at which these losses have occurred. In the case referred to above, how- ever, the brilliant feat of Squadron Commander Bigsworth was performed In the immediate neighborhood of the coast in occupation of the enemy, and the position of the sunken submarine has been located by a German de- stroyer." Concerning the recent -bombard- ment of Zeebrugge, Belgium, by a British fleet, the Amsterdam Tidj says it has learned that a large number of | B the fire of the soldiers were that 90 severely wounded tie C done, it adds, wai apparently very great, as a shed built for submarines was completely destroyed and with it some sub- marines. The significant announcement in the Admiralty report that it is not the praétice of the Admiralty to pub- lish accounts regarding the losses of German submarines; together with the statement of the Earl of Selborne, President of the Board of Agriculture, in the course of an address to a depu- tation of agricultural landowners that the navy now has the submarine men- ace well in hand, lends color to recent unofficial reports to the effect that the British have of late months capture a very large number of these sub- mersible vessels, and that many others have been sunk. The number, sunk has been variously stated at from 20 to 40, but this statement is the only official admission that there, were others than those previously an- ; nounced by the Admiralty as having been destroyed. MUNITIONS MOVING TO EUROPE RAPIDLY. June Figures Were About a Quarter of the Entire Year's b Business. A despatch from Washington says: That a great part of Europe's enor- mous orders for arms and ammuni- tion did not begin to move from the United States until comparatively re- cently was indicated by export figures issued by the Department of Com- merce. The statistics, covering the) 21 months ending with June, showed that, while exports of war supplies increased tremendously over the pre-' ceding year, the greater part of the increase--in some cases from one- fifth to one-third of the entire year's exporta--lett the United States in ne. The twelvemonth period showed ex- rts of explosives valued at $41,476,- 188, as against $6,272,197 in the pre- ceding year. More than one-fourth of that total--$11,689,744---was ship- ped during June. Gunpowder showed exports of $3,234,549 in June, com- pared with $5,091,542 for the year. Sixty-two aeroplanes were exported | 5 June. In the preceding year only 4 were shipped. Nearly eight times As many automobile trucks were ex- ported in June as jin the entire year -- nded June 30, 1914. June exports of passenger automobiles and trucks were valued at $13,364,800, and for the year at $60,254,685. In the ALLIED _ AIRMEN RAID BELGIUM Sixty French, British and Belgian Aeroplanes Participate in Raid. : A despatch from Paris says: Sixty-two aeroplanes rose from be- hind the French lines into a grey dawn recently, wheeled and manoeu- vred into four groups, and sped away towards Rhenish Prussia. It was the biggest and most formidable squadron of fliers that had ever set out as a body to bombard an enemy position. Saarlouis, over the heights of Del- lingen, a small town in Rhenish Prussia, was the objective, for at Saarlouis is a great German factory where shells and armor-plate are be- ing made. From the moment that the outfliers, the scouts, crossed the Ger- man front until the army of aerial ; invaders had returned the crack of anti-aircraft guns was incessant. The losses, if any, are not stated by, the War Office, nor is the probable | amage. But it is hoped and expect- ed here that the damage was great, as it seems it must have been, from the huge quantity of explosives car- | ried by so many aeroplanes and drop- | ped on a single target. This raid was duplicated by one of equal proportions against the wood of Monthulst, north of Ypres, in Bel- gium. In the squadron which sailed forth there were 62 machines, but they were not all French. British and _seropianes participated. were observed . ; -- ». So far as official reports have dis- closed, there never had been previous- ly an air raid of such magnitude, so} far as concerns the number of ma- chines employed. In a few earlier | ventures of the kind 30 or more aero- | planes were used. Press despatches have indicated that the principal belli- gerents have built great number of | velopment of this branch of the ser- vice since the outbreak of the; war these machines are now sent forth. in flotillas for organized assaults on a large scale instead of being despatch- ed singly or in pairs, principally for observation purposes. Fr SURVIVORS AWARD HONOR BY BALLOT | A despatch from London says: The Victoria Cross has been awarded to | Capt. Willis, Sergt. Richards and Pte. | Keneally, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, by an interesting, though not unpre- cedented, method of suffrage. The comrades of the Ist battalion of the Fusiliers displayed extreme valor during the landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula last' April. The awarded three crosses. The survivors nag ae Willis, Richards and Keneally s having performed the most signal , octs of bravery and devotion. oie. $200,000,000 ANNUALLY FOR SOLDIERS' FAMILIES A despatch from London says: In sentencing a soldier for fraud in con- nection with separation allowances, | Magistrate Sir William Treloar re- ; marked that he understood the nation , was now paying something like £40,- | 000,000 ($200,000,000) a year in these allowances to families of sol- iers absent at the a front. | , 58 UNDERSEA RANT I N THE GERMAN FLEET | A despatch from Ce Copenhagen says: The German undersea fleet at present | comprises fifty-eight submarines, ac- cording to a neutral authority who | has just returned to Denmark from Germany. Germany's Baltic fleet, ac- cording to the same authority, con- sists of 88 warships. Six thousand the pioneer service of the army, it is tated. oy DROPPED 2,000 FEET FROM FLYING SEAPLANE © A despatch from London says: Sub-Lieut. John McLarty, ' Royal Naval Flying Corps, was killed | receding year they were $26,574,574. | while flying a seaplane over South- igures for barbed wire, harness and | 'ampton Water on the English coast. saddles showed similar export condi- | The machine met with a mishap, and tions. McLarty fell out, dropping a feet. tember, 96c; December, 95%c; aeroplanes, and as a result of the de- | King | & marines from Kiel have been sent to | finest westerns, 1244 the eastern fighting front to reinforce | easterns, 11% to 12%. Butter, choic- 27%. Begs, fresh, 57 to 28c; | selected, 26c; No. 1 stock, 28c; No. 3 tock, 20c. Dress hogs, abattoir | compound, tierces, 375 lbs., 10¢; w of the pails, 20 ibs. 1 hind a barricade ef cartwheels te Having left their horses tn the rear this party of German nat taken. up & position Df The Shoe eet os S eh the eastern engage an enemy outpost. The Leading Markets s: Breadstuffs. ge Aug. 31 Manitoba nae --No. orthern, $1.23% 0. Northern $1.21%4, on [Ae e@ ; No. 3 Northern, $1. 18%, Port foie, These quotations are on & | "brant settlement" basis. Be , Manitoba oats--No. 2 C. W., on track lake ports, "prompt 'settle- ly ent.' neato corn--No. 2 yellow, 85c, on track lake ports. ;, Canadian corn--No. 2 yellow, nom- ina Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 51 to 2e; No. & white, 50 to 5i1c, according to 'freights outside; new oats, 40 'to- sample. Peas--No. 2, nominal. y--Good malting, periaz Manitoba flour--First 'pa ee e bags, 'ST; second patents, ag ags, $6.50; strong bakers', in | bags, $6.30, Toronto; in cotton bags, 10c more. Ontario flour--Winter, 90 per cent.' patents, $4.60; do., new, $4, seaboard or Toronto freights, in bags, for. prompt shipmen Millfeed--Car lots, a Mont- | Teal freights. Bran, per ton | shorts, $29 per ton; middlines, per ton; good feed "flour, $1.90 bag. $30 per Country Produce. Butter--Fresh dairy, 25 to 26c;° inferior, 20 to 22c; creamery prints, 28 to wolic ce; do., solids, 26 to 27c. Eg --No. 1, "22 to 28¢ per doz., in! case oo extra at 24 to Honey----No. 1 light (wholesale), = to 1l4%c; do., retail, 12 Be. Combs (wholesale), § per le No. i, $1.50 to $2; No. 2, $1 to $2. Poultry-- Chickens, yearlings, dress- ed, 16 to 18c; Spring chickens, 20 to 216} fowl, 14' to 15c; ducklings, 17 to Cheese--Large, 15 to 15%c; 15% to 15%c for twins. Old cheese, "21 tbe. Provisions. fa tg nny clear, rd to 14%e r lb. in case lots. --Medium, Ts. to 18%4c; do., heavy, Zver to 1bc; | rolls, 15 to 16c; breakfast bacon, 20 to 23c; backs, plain, 22 to 23c; bone- less backs, 25 to 26c Lard--The inant is quiet; pure lard, tubs, 11% to 12%ec; do., pails, | * 12 to 12%4c; compound, tubs, 10 to 10%c; do., pails, 10% to 10%4e. Psy Hay and Straw. d hay, new, No. 1, ton, $17 to s18" ano. 2, ton, $15 to $16; baled straw; ton, $7. Business in Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 381.--Corn, can, No. 2 yellow, 90 = -- Canadian Western, No. tra No. 1 feed, 59c; No. Pp local white, 41 Ameri- _Oats, | ex- 58c; No. 3 local white, 57c; No. 0-} cal 'white, 56c. lour, Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, $7.10; ---- $6.60; strong bakers, $6. 40; patents, choice, $6.25; straight mid ers, ; Winter patents, _ $6.26; " straight rollers, $65. to -60; do, be oi 50 to =. a Roll, barrels ton, car lots, $17. Hy to nate Be 'Cheese to 12%; finest est eed 28% to 28%c; seconds, 27% to | Bac' $29; Canada short cut back, bls., 45 to 55 pieces, $28.50. Lard, net, 1044c; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net,- 12% to U. S. Markets. Minneapolis, Aug 31.--Wheat-- No. 1 hard, $1.16%4; Le 1 Northern, $1. Mi . a1. 165 No. 2 Northern, es GOOD PROGRESS IN i. 8 white, 45 to ANELLES Bul Flour unchanged. Bran, $20. Duluth, Aug .--Wheat--No. 1} hard, ya 10% ; No. 1 Northern, $1.09; 2 Northern, ; . . ame! No. hern, $1 04 to $1.01; Mon: Objective Aimed at Not Yet Gained, pee ie bid; December, 96c bid. Lin- But a Decided Advance Has seed cash , $1.6144; Senteunher, $1.61 asked; December, $1. 61 bid. Live Stock Market. Toronto, Aug. 31. -- Best heavy steers, $8. 50 to $8.65; butchers' cat- tle, choice, $7.60 to $7. 75; do., good, 7. hye $7. po. do., medium, $6. 40 to aa, mmon, $5 to $6.65; haichore bulls, choice, $6.50 to $6.25; snd good bulls, $5.90 to $6.25; do., ugh bulls, $4. ne to $5.35; butchers' to $6 5; do. Been Made. A despatch from London says: Re- cent operations on the Gallipoli Penin- sula have enabled the British troops to extend materially the area in their position and to connect their lines along a ront of more than 21 miles, according to an official statement. The statement indicates also that additional troops have been landed on the peninsula, although no details are to 800d, » $5 to $b. Se: "2 'to $5; do, $4 "oot £ given on this point, and it is stated . sf good, $6. 50 to $7.50; stock-|simply that "further reinforcements ;|have arrived." It is stated that the losses haye ne very heavy, but that uffered more severely sets at rest , rumors cwt., '75, several days. crediting the British a ee iS ; pas with haying either cut off or 4 and watered, > to 3° 10; 'do. outflanked the Turkish forces. -- ate $8.65 to $8. In the first attacks the Australians » Montreal, yo oy --There was a ir demand for steers and sales of fair sized lots of good quality were made at $8 to $8.25, while fair stock brought ye $7 to $7. 75 and common from $5.50 to $6.25 per cwt. Butch- er's cows yd $5.25 to $7.25 per ewt; canning stock, $3.50 to $4.50 per cwt. The demand for lambs was | good, and sales were made at $7.50 $8.50, ate sheep brought from $4. Htc 5.50 per cwt. Calves from > $90 pod as to size and quality. fogs firm, choice selected lots at $9 to $9.40 Per ewt., -- off cars. GERMANY'S THREAT TO THE BULGARIANS Fate of Belgium Promised If Coun- try Sides With the Allies. A despatch from London says: Telegraphing from Bucharest the! Balkan correspondent of the Times | providing for the punishment of every says reports have been received there person who without adequate reason from many quarters to the effect that | refuses to undertake or carry on work the Austro-German forces which are | of public interest which is demanded being concentrated along the northern | by the German authorities and which bank of the Danube for the projected | is suited to his calling. invasion of Serbia will enter that | Punishment also is threatened to country through Bulgarian territory | any person who hinders work ordered via Nga Belogradchik and Sofia. iby the Germans or induces other per- Times correspondent, who! sons to decline to work. umnailty is well informed, declares he has reason to believe the Bulgarian Government has been notified of this intended aggression with the admoni- tion that opposition would be futile : and the suggestion that it co-operate | with the central powers. The fat Belgium, he says he has 'diy 'hs | been cited as an object lesson of what might happen if resistance were offer- ed, while Bulgaria has been told that | if she acquiesces in the plan she will be given a free hand in dealing with | m erbia. and New Zealanders reached the sum- mits of Sari Bahr and Chanak Bahr, commanding positions on the west coast of the peninsula, but through the failure of the new landing party at Suvla Bay to make the progress expected the troops from the domin- ions were compelled to fall back. An- other attack was made last Saturday, but on this occasion, having lost the advantage of surprise, the British could not reach the summit. The Turks are making a very stub- born defence of their positions, but the allies have confidence that with the strong forces at their command and the assistance of the fleet the Dardanelles will be forced before the arrival of the unfavorable weather, which is due towards the end of Sep- tember. TO FORCE BELGIANS TO OBEY GERMAN ORDERS A despatch from Brussels says: General von Bissing, military gover- nor of Belgium, has issued an order Germany Admits It. In the German answer to the Bryce Commission report on atrocities in 'Belgium it is seriously stated that old men, women and children were ;spared to the greatest possible ex- 'tent. But the world will ask what | possibility imaginable could require the sacrifice of children as a measure 'necessary to the safety of the Ger- an army. Such a statement is a confirmation in itself of the Bryce re- Much will depen', the correspon- | | port. --Baltimore American. dent asserts, upon the attitude of | Makes a * Difference. "The only thing. I have be | to say jing bill is far too extravagant. Last' eek you had six blouses in the wash. | | Why, my own daughter never sends. more than two." "Ah, that may be 'mum," replied Jane; "but I have to.! A despatch from Geneva says: The Your daughter's sweetheart is a bank, Tribuné says, under 2 Ryucherest date ' cierk, while my young man is a chim- lin that thousands of Roumanian ney sween. It makes a_ difference, ! j wor. en in all parts of Germany mum." 'have been given notice to leave the; country and are returning to Rou- | mania. Roumanian banks\at Arad, Temesvar, and other cities in Aus- A despatch from os Atiens says: Ad- tria, have been closed, the Tribune' vices from Turkey state that the asserts, while passports have been Sheik-Ul-Islam, chief priest of the issued to large numbers of Rouman- , Mohammedans, has declared a holy to disapprove an attack upon Serbia. i ROUMANIANS HASTEN | TO LEAVE GERMANY " HOLY WAR 1 DECLARED. cask, ians in Kronstadt. | war nar Italy. {| The Russian army now is in splendid SHELL CRISIS OVER, DECLARES RUSSIA All Necessary Supplies Are Now Going Forward With Prompt- ness. A despatch from London says: The shell crisis in Russia is over, accord- Chronicle's Petrograd correspondent. The quantity of munitions, the statement continues, has been more , plies are going forward promptly. fighting condition, it is stated, and the machinery of the international administration is gradually being 4 adapted to the new conditions. "The word 'evacuation,'" says the correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, "is losing its terrors in the minds of the people, who are beginning to re- gard the idea of somewhat protracted mobility as a measible military scheme. The Daily Mail's Petrograd corres- pondent also telegraphs in an optimis- tic vein. e says a new phase of the Russian operations is now beginning, in which the Russians will have two useful allies, namely, autumn mist and autumn d. "Already,'" says the correspondent, "seven Teutonic armies places are _ floundering marshy districts, where there thick fog in the morning and even- ing, and where the rains are turning the roads into deep mud. Amid the lakes and bogs, where the operations must now take place, the Germans will often be obliged to move in nar- row causeways under the concentrat- ed fire of the Russian artillery, which thus will be able to inflict terrible losses at small cost. The foggy wea- ther will prevent the German airmen feeling out the Russian positions. "Afi indication of what the Russians will do next is given in an official announcement that the time has come for the Russian armies to select a suitable position upon which to re- main until it can be made to serve as a point of departure for a decisive ad- vance. In other words the Russians now plan to dig themselves into a fortified -- front such as exists in the we DIVISION IN RA INR RANKS OF TURKISH CABINET A despatch from London says: The Times Mitylene correspondent says there a a: heen a soli in the Turkish eto -- sa gr nan er Gil in Toler. The Grand Vizier, pom oy ing to the correspondent, has threat- ened to resign unless the reported treatment of the Greeks and Armen- ians ceases. Enver Pasha, the War Minister, offered the Grand Vizierate to Rifaat Pasha, President of the Sen- ate, but Rifaat declined the office and is now trying to bring about peace in the Cabinet. a ABOLISH MARTIAL LAW THROUGHOUT PARIS A despatch from Paris says: Mar- tial law has been abolished every- where in Paris outside of the zone of military activities. The decision of the Government in this respect is in- terpreted on all sides as a sign of confidence in official circles that the interior administration of France will not be disturbed again by military operations Police officials, whose prerogatives have been somewhat confused during the period of military rule, show great satisfaction at the removal of all dan- ger of conflict of authority and at the possibility of pursuing reconstructive measures. Shia caetanatraet A inscnseicset MOST POWERFUL ARMY WORLD HAS EVER SEEN Universe Will be "Du "Dumb with Admir- ation" When It Realizes Fact. A despatch from Paris says: "The Government now has under control all factories able to preduce cannon, rifles, projectiles and explosives," said David Lloyd-George, British Min- ister of Munitions, in an interview with Charlés Humbert, new editor of the Journal. From what Mr. Lloyd- George showed him, Mr. Humbert be- lieves British preparations in many ways are more ample than those of the French. He declares the army now in training will be one of the most powerful the world has ever seen, and when, later, it will be possi- ble to tell what has been accomplished by the British, the universe will be "dumb with admiration." Ro GERMANY CALLS OUT + LANDSTURM RESERVES | * the Austrians. A despatch from Amsterdam says: As a result of the serious situation | facing the Teutonic allies in the Bal- 'kans, Germany is preparing to mobi- lize more troops. Advices from Ber- * |lin state that the Landsturm #eserves 'have been notified to be ready to re- ; spond to a call to the colors, , GARIBAL Dr S GRANDSON wou NDED AT THE FRONT A despatch fro om n Udine, Italy, says: Ezio Garibaldi, son of Gen. Ricciotti Garibaldi, and grandson of the gres®" Garibaldi, has been severely wound- ed in the face during the fighting with { } Fa f