se rat - 4 ration: 'Building during the whole poke 7 i : a . Vol.- 26. No. 27. - r aie . 'The Bee to 7 anuary 1 st + E. H. Swine, Proprietor. 1 6, for 25 cents -- He aes TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURES iN FOURTEEN DAYS Ladies' Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses THE NEW FALL MATERIALS ARE READY We positively guarantee that the garments will fit and that the workmanship will please you. Photoaraohs of the garments shown on living models may , satin with real lace colarette and wore pink roses, played Lohengren wedd- | She' be seen at the store. 'Women's coats --- ready to wear The new fall styles have arrived. They are very moder- ately priced. You place yourself under no obligation to purchase when you come to look. Gowdy & Co., Limited "The Store for allthe People" LISTOWEL Mr. John Huston, of Maitland, has taken a trip to the Western provinces. Mr. William Dewar, 13th con, has been laid up suffering from an attack of sciatica. Baptist Anniversary Services. Will be held on Sunday in the Baptist church, September 12th. Sermons will be preached at 3 pm. and at 7.30 p.m. by the Rev. Wm. Walker, of London. A union choir will furnish music for the occasion. A special offering will be taken in | '°° derned smart. aid of the Church Funds. On Mon-| fhe roof of the new Methodist day eyening a platform meeting will} church was completed last week be held at eight o'clock when splen- | by putting on slate shingles. did addresses will be giyen. The offering will be devoted to missions. C hil ar en © ry FOR FLETCHER"S CASTORIA Stratford citizens propose to raise $50,000 by direct taxation for the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Mr. Eric McBain went to Hamil- ton'on Saturday and will attend the} "After all, there's mighty little mar- gin between being smart and being ---_--- -- THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 10th to 18th ' SPECIAL NOTICE. The Management of the Western Collegiate Institute during the year. | %° Fair, through the efforts. of Hon. ir Me Da font y APU! At C athe 0 eben ALES E wi) 328 sn lint a ~"-- wares "pag: ' Phe an Exhibit i in the Weane- ryeenue to We sendiog out weralees 2 news 'for the Kaiser. Exhibition of a number of curios, shells, machine guns, and 4 large number of very interesting articles of warfare, which will occupy over 1000 feet of floor spaco, also an Exhibit of | articles, etc., which havd been pre- pared by the Red Cross Society for; Tyo financial meeting of the Strat: | the use of the Soldiers at the front.) forq District of the Methodist church | If you buy out of town, and we buy out of town, and all our neigh- hais buy out of town, what in thun 'der will become of our town? Eyer think about it ? This will afford an opportunity of a, was held on Tuesday of this week at with the Atwood Presbyterian church lifetime for Visitors to the Exhibition crotford. The Rey. Thomas Maun- to see these interesting articles. Sin-| jn) D., is chairman of the district The Rey. J. S. Duncan, of Lucknow, gle fare over all railroads west of To-| 144 Rey. Jas. Husser, M. A., financial | will preach morning and evening. _ sist An old time tea meeting will be held | °® Tuesday morning for Winnipeg. 'on Monday night. ronto startivg Sept. 10th, good ull | ncvetary, Sept. 20th. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Friday last as Mr. David Allen was | proceeding along the Logan-Ellice : ; A (boundary from Mr. R. Raycraft's to dian Contingent for the astern /y7)'y "Harris' with his threshing rig, battlefields. jhe met with an accident that will The fifteenth annual session of the cost him several hundred dollars for W. M.S. of Stratford District will Be/repairs. As he was crossing the bri- held in the Methodist church, West | dge over the big ditch one of the Monkton, this Friday afternoon and )stringers gave way causing one side evening. Miss Sparten, a returned 'of the bridge to collapse precipitating missionary from China, and Rev. Dr. , the engine to the bottom of the ditch Husser will be the speakers at the; upside down. Mr. Edward Strickert evening session. Mrs. S. Hl. Mar- | used his engineand after many hours shall, of St. Marys, is the district or- labor finally succeeded in pulling out ganizer and Mrs. L. E. White is the. 'the damaged engine. Fortunately no secretary- treasurer. one was hurt. -- -- | Mrs. R. Brown, of London, daugh- | ter of Mrs. William Ellacott, of | Elma, after spending sometime visit | ing friends on the 14th con. Teturned | to her home last Sunday, prior to her } husband taking leave with the Cana- Leslie-R ilidech. Fairyiew Villa, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Richardson was the scene of.a quiet but most interesting event on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 7th, when their only daughter Orville Annie became the wife of Mr. William) James Leslie, second son of Mr.-and|J. M Mrs. Robert Leslie, of Elma, the Rev. R. A. Cranston officiating. The bride's aunt, Miss Trayers, wore pink duches ing march as the bride who unattend- | some f mecklace. After a brief ed svas given away by her father, be- | trip to Dnto and. Niagara Falls, ing gowned in three piece suit of green | Mr. 8. Matheson. will take up silk poplin with fagoting and real lace trimmings and hat to match with os- trich trimmings, and wore Corsage bouquet of gold and bronze orchids, and lily-of the-valley. The bay window in the drawing room was decorated as a miniature flowér garden enclosed with an anti- que picket fence entwined with smi- es after the bridal couple entered, be gate was closed by- little Miss Bertha Leslie, sister of the groom. While the Register was being signed Miss Trayes played Mondelsohn march after which a dainty luncheon was served. Tho grooms mother wore black duchess mousseline and Corsage bou- quet of mauve orchids the bride's mother wore burnt charmeuse with sand colored silk embroidered yeiling, . and a bouquet of cream roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a set of mink furs and to the pianist a Cameo ring. Amid a shower of rose leaves and confetti the happy couple left on the afternoon train for Niagara on-the- Lake, the bride travelling in a black suit with kakai wool embroid- ery and black hat, the best wishes for their future happiness goes with them from a large circle of friends. Mreand. Mrs. W.2G:eipalie, ik Mes tae Wm. gnu of Cranbrook, } port of haying a sple Following were in Stratford on Monday--Mrres. Kendall, Stanley Ford Ben Candler, Robt. Cunningham, Jas. Vaughn, John Sanders, Geo. Brown, Robt. 'reeman, Wm. and Cris. Fish- er, Harvey [Eirskine, Miss Annie ' Erskine and Helen. Auniversary services in connection will be held on Sunday, Sept. 26th. Particulars later. Following took in the Toronto Ex- | hibition--Mr. and Mrs. Ii. G. Coghlin, Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit Ilamilton, Dr. Roe, R. A. Thompson, Alex. Morri- son, Jas. Donaldson, Cameron Dick- son, Wm. Stevenson, Henry Duncan, Albert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Roger. Miss Elsie Steiff, daughter of Mr. August Steiff, of the 16th con. Elma, under went an operation for appen- dicitis on Saturday last which was performed by doctors McKenzie, of Monktov, Kidd of Atwood, and Fer- guson of Ethel. Miss Brown, of Monkton, is the nurse in attendance. | Since the operation she is making | very satisfactory progress towards re- covery. | SS Finest shoes for Ladies e have them in all makes WALK OVER ~ SCHINBEIN'S Daily Stors News make 25 Men's s, extraraincoat | heavy. worth $12.0 OUR PRICE - - $8.50 New coates for fall 1915 Our range of Ladies', tes We are showing many different in fancy cloaks and tweeds, all of which are new. Big assortment to choose from and the prices are right as we bought them early. Ask to see our coats, no obli- and Children's coats for fall is now complete. gation, we consider it a pleasure to show you them. Headquarters for boys clothing we hana. Lion Brand and Sovereign Brand boys clothing, the two best brands in Canada. _ Special bargains in school suits for boys Saturday and next week. FREE--We will give free a military cap-gun with every esis suit. Blanket sale - Satuiday ivcsaaeuebl acad~ hey ats 1 1-4 0n sale $1.25. nelette blankets in grey and white. 12 1-4 on sale $1.50. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON, Listowel, family attended the Leslie Richard- ment of the bowlers, theson--Holman _ Listowel, on Wednesday | ptember Ist, when Miss} 5 of Brooksdale, by the Rev. bl. = The bride was taste- 4 the Queens' Hotel, Hespeler, died on dding was solemnized at Thursday of last week after an illness piman, of West Monkton, | ada. in marriage to Donald T. | and competed with the best shots in the world at Bisley. Mr. Joseph Wayper, proprietor of CASTORIA For Infants and Children' In Use For Over 30 Years serie bears f seyeral days. Mr. Wayper was at ne time champion gun shot of Can- He was also a crack rifle shot e Signature of dd in a gown of cream k crepe-chene with lovely ings and travelled in a suit ue serge with black hat. re the groom's gift a hand- Mce on the groom's farm where the best wishes 'friends follow them for a f and prosperous wedded >. ----- ISTOWEL own man between 40 and fge, came to town lat. luring private board for a le' walking by the Grand al on Sunday noon, he nly ill and going into a p hotel was found dead xy. 'The deceased was a pame to town from Brus- d suddenly in the town- yon Sunday'Aight, Clover- pin his 43rd year. The is yisiting his neighbor, Sunday night, when he "THE NYAL STORE " Children will eat green applesif they are let at them. The hours of painful regret that ensue se2m to teach no lesson of moment. The apple always was a great temptation. So long as children are children it is safer to heve a reliable remedy on a handy shelf, than at- .e npt to corner the apple market. opi: tes, but by its direct antiseptic action on the vo" -e' converts the "green apple poison" and soothes the irritated bowels, gently checking the dysentery. We have plenty of remedies for Summer Com- plaints, but we have to place reliance on Nyal's Wild Strawberry Compound. When all who use a remedy are enthusiastic in its praise and we know from its composition that it is safe, we feel justified in asking you to ac- cept our recommendation. Only 25 cents a bottle, Ce CG. COGHLIN i Nyal's 'Wild Strawberry Compound. It contains B pain in the head. Medi- immediately summoned, extinct before a doctor irs. Allison are yisiting abeth Brooks is' visiting Mr} and' Mar Ge ftenian spent Sunday at Harriston. Mr. hnd Mrs. Wm. Peters, spent the holiday§'at Hamilton. Mr. Gladstone Perry, of Mitcliell, spent Labor Day in town. Miss Hannah Leslie, of Toronto, spent the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Allison, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Shera. Mr. C. W. Harvey and sister left Mr. Rumbull, of Southampton, was a Sunday yisitorin the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shera, of Gorrie, spent Monday at Mr. Wm. Shera's. Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson, of Stratford, spent the holiday in town. A dance is being held in the Music hall this Fridsy evening from eight to tivelve. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, of Minnedosa, spent Tuesday with Mr. Qa SS SS Pires, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. BARREL AND BAG SALT," | The Star Grocery 5 quantity not so great, | eyery indication points to the juciest, best developed fruit we have had in years. It is perhaps unfortunate that the-trees are | not carrying the quantity of peaches that they have in former years. From the standpoint of the housewife, however, this is not a misfortune. It simple mean that with less peaches to the tree, the size and quality will be above the standard. This will be an unusually good year to can, preserye and jam peaches." With so much uncertainty about the crop from year to year, it would pay the thrifty housewife to put down an extra supply. It | is certain that there will not be any improvement in quality and i the price promises to be moderate. PLU MS--are also in fine condition, the Burbanks and other good | varieties are already on the market, the Burbanks is the best i Japanese plum, Bradshaw and Gages will follow and everybody knows how good they are. | TOMATOES--We never had nicer stock and prices are very | reasonable, buy your tomatoes for canning now, pickling season is now in full swing and we will have in small and large cucum- bers, red and green peppers, cauliflowers and all kinds of pickling spices. le. ie Greensides &: Son | Phone 5 and Mrs. Geo. Lochhead. Mrs. Idyle, of Clarksburg, is visi!- ing her daugoters, Mrs. Walter Black- well and Mrs. Cameron Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Leslie and son wedding at Palmerston on Tues- day. Rev. Mr. McDonald will spend the week at Warkworth. He will be accompanied homo by his wife andj} children. Mrs. Alair returned to her home in Port Colbourne. on Monday after spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peebles. Mr. Fred Terry and bride, of Ross- port, and Mrs. Terry, of Monktor, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Terry, on Labor Day. Mrs. Tindall, of Wingham, Mrs. Taylor and children, of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham, of Gorrie, spent the holiday in town. All girls interested in Red Cross work are requested to meet at Mrs A. Terry's Monday evening, Sept. 13th, at half-past seven for the pur- pose of organizing a society for mak- ing surgical supplies. The bowling tourninant that was to take place on the local green on Labor Day with fiye rinks from Lis- towel and eight rinks of Atwood had to be called off on account of the wet weather much to the disappojat- ee ae : Live Poultry tl il We are in the market for any Capron | 1 Se ee a a P 5 arabs ah <" = ee quantity of old hens, chickens, roosters, ducks, etc. ! ---- = or ee Or ee ee eS For which we will pay the i | highest market values, either cash or trade. Get our prices before shipping. : We supply empty crates. i (Ww W. R. ERSKINE, ees: | SoS The safest and surest thing we know. of is } PS re, Pe oe Oe ee PG SY ey ON a oe PUTT VOTE VOU CUT TE UUUUONY wuUVuUUYY. pevuvvuevuvevuvvvvvewew AAneshsbAesais nbAbsbAsAALAA