"Come in and. see us on Fair Day "TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st You are invited to smniice this store your headquarters whether a visitor or shopper you will be cordially wel- comed. We are ready for fall with new _ FURS, MANTLES, DRESS MATERIALS, CLOTHING, Etc., at close cash prices. Gowdy & et Limited "The Store for all the People" LISTOWEL All kinds of choice fresh meats on hand Home-made sausages, Bologna and Headcheese at reasonable prices. Highest cash prices paid for hides. Terms strictly cash J. M. Smith, Phone 11-2 Be Cy csennsensenel The Ae AU, BU, STF. AE, AU, AEA, AIL ATA, Proprietor IY FIA AD AE AP AL GIS TIE TIP TID IR TIE SUZ, AT AZ Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Pald up - - $3,000,000 Surplus - »- ++ + . 837 60,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS AND SALE NOTES Receive Special Attention t Ho ! for Listowel Tuesday A bigger and better fair than ever This is the day to choose your FALL and WINTER GAR- MENTS and FURS. Our range is most complete now. and we are showing all the very newest in garments and furs. Store will be open until 10.30 p.m. Northway Garments Our stock is large and prices are right. New styles made up of fine cloth. Special range of coats at $10, $12 and $15. Coats same as shown in heavy black cloth at $20 _out--Rats,Mice, ete._Don't ; dition: tivath on ree y homesteader may live ache 'niga rules of of his the vielnit '*Rough on Rats" the house. dc. and 25c. a oisiae and Deadly, stores. Fall Fair Dates Atwood . Sept, 21---22 Blyth . Sept. 28--29 Deasele ee a Oct, Ish. Listowel....#.........:... Sept. 20--2 Milverton'. ePaiieeenaaanes Sept.' 38--2 Mitchell.........0c...000e Sept. 28--29 Palmerston.........+.+. ». Sept. 23--24 Stratford:...........00+ » Sept. 21--23 Wingham.... ........s05 Sept. 23--24 Gorrie......- ae eee Ook 8nd H. B. MORPHY, Kc. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Best Business College Our instructors are experienced, _Pup- Ue get individual attention and gra- duates are placed in' positions, We are mer applications we eannot meet. dente may enter at any time. Send en ont te catalogue and see if it interests ve D. A. McLachlan, Principal. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. HE <ole head of a fami ly. or any male over 18 years old. may homestend a quarter-sec- tion of available Don int on land.in Manl- toba skatchewan or 'Alberta. Applicant corres person atthe Dominion Lands y or Sul-Agency for the District. Entry «but not Sub-Agency), on certain con- Duties--Six months reside aie be a Ley cul- of the land in each o} on n fasn of at icas "7c et owe ee A habitable fiduec ony fo erent after en! iz ho nr ; res aire eration 'Pre-et mption patent m ay be obtained as soon as homestead | patent. on cortain rconditke ey fed his somemees tain atetre ts. Pr side 'ix mone ia each of i rect a house worth $300. rto ne » subst iinted. tor poly Bort under certain conditions WwW. WOCORY, G.ALG., f. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B- U nauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement wi Tnot be paid for,- 4438s. GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public. Listowel, Ontario D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Lxecutiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties--- Bye. Gar, Nose and Throat Houtfit from Mr. Blachford's to Mr. son, Wm. Gray, Sid Bristou, Walter xy may be mi ade al any Dominion eee ter, Miss Maude and Olive McCourt, field, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, "| Mrs. J. A. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- where residence ix performed in| bert Struthers. In cortaln, "aah a homesteador i rt ai ; sete hoon prea pha quartcr y nape jong: 1 aid a i) par re,= cer-| James Barton of Donegal were held .|Sunday afternoon. Becker; widow of Police Lieutenant 'Charles Becker, who was electrocut- ed at Sing Sing for instigating the 'killing of Gambler Herman Rosen- thal, resumed her position as teacher in the New York public schools. My- only wish is to be let alone, she said: On Tuesday evening while Kesso & Sons, were moving their threshing Henderson Robb's, the engine went through the small culyert at the school house on the 10th con. No damage was done to the machine, but the bridge was somewhat damaged. The Thanksgiving services of Union Church will held on Sunday, Sept. 19th, at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Rey. Moorehouse, of Trowbridge, will preach. On Tuesday eyening the Rev. Mr. Wren will give ao lec- ture in aid: of the Red Cross Fund under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Admission 15 and 25c. The anniversary services of the Baptist church, Atwood, was held on Sunday. Owing to the wet day the congregations were not as large had the day been fine, however those present were treated to two helpful and profitable sermons delivered by tho Rey. Wm. Walker, of Lorton. The union choir rendered excellent music for the occasion. The church was decorated with flowers. The to missions and the Rev. Mr. Walker gave a very interesting address. The following took in the London Fair-- David Watters, Donald Murray Jno. Ballantyne, Jno. S. Cowan, Jno. Ovans, Andrew and Fred Stevenson, Sect Hamilton, Nesbit Hamilton, Walter Bell, Alex. Lawrence, John Miller, Geo. Ellacott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shern, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Porter, Adam Willoughby, Hugh Porter, John Monday evening meeting was devcted | ~ Rew York, Sept. 13. Mie. Helen| Worms,Convu ¥ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimie Signature of sh lichen Mothers Kiow That Genuine Casioria For Over Thirty Years 'ASTORIA THE SEHTAUR SOMPARY,. NEW VYeRK CITY, ' pea GPS a Roger. Silas Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lochhead, Jas. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrison, Arthur Simp- Hamilton, Stanley Ford, Chas. Coul- Miss Jean and Cora Hiles, Jack Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porter- Exclusive and Original Styles OF THE NEWEST FALL HATS Perfect examples of Canadian and American si styles will be fully displayed at our -- The funeral services of the late A short service was conducted at the house ufter which the funeral proceeded to the Methodist church where the funeral sorvico wns conducted by the Rev. Dr. Tlusser. Notwithstanding the stormy day, the attendance was very large expressing the high esteem in which the late Mr. Barton and his family are held. Interment was made in Donegal cemetery. The deceased was seventy-one years old and leaves a widow, two sons and five daughters, besides a number of other relatives and a wide circle of friends to mourn his loss. In polities he was a staunch Conser vatiyo and in religion a Methodist. Ho had been many years a resident of Elma and was of her most success- ful farmers, and most highly esteem- ed citizen. Mr. Daniel Barton of Atwood, is_a brother and Mrs. Mc Court, of Elma, a sister. Diseases of women and children. | . + | Listowel Business -- COLLEGE | Enter any time. lor particulars write Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, CNT, Furs will be given in furs. We are showing many new} styles and novelties in furs. Ask to see them. Half Price 25 Ladies Silk waists, reg. up to $6.00 on sale half price for this day only. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON | Listowel 3 Ontario | Extra ordinary bar gains, Note the bright enappy ap- pearance of this "Empress" Shoe, perfect: in every line and detail; oad on one of the newest lasts designed by the biggest woman's-shoe makers in Canada., We are agents for "Eeuseee? Shoes for Women. Needs no breaking i in. D. WATTERS 'Executors' Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY JOLLY LATE OF Ve VILLAGE OF ATWOOD, IN THE CouNTY OF PERTH, LUMBER MER CHANT, DECEASED, Novick is hereby given, pursuant to The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1914, Chiap- ter 121, thatall persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said William Henry Jolly, deceased, who'died on orabout the seventh day of August, 1915, are required to send hy post paid, or to deliyer to the un- lersigned, George Bray, Hesq., Lis- towel, the Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate on or before the eleventh day of October, A.D. 1915 particulars of their claims, a state- of the security-(if any) betd by them duly verified. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after he eleventh day of October, 1915, the Executors of the said Estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the anid deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice as aforesaid, and said Executors will not be liable for such issets cr any part thereof to any per- son or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the timo of such distribution. of September, A D., 1915 Alison Jolly and Thomas G Ballantyne, Executors, MILLINERY PARLORS Saturday, Sept, 18th MISS L. B. STUART. te a We'll Tickle Your Palate and your economical bump at the same time with our bak- ing. We not only have a reputation for making good quality bread, but we are experts on all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, PIES, 3 BUNS, etc TI: e reasonable prices we charge for our baking makes it Try one of our cakes. Wm. Lambe Baker, Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor cheaper to buy than bake. their names and addresses with full | ment of their accounts and the nature | | Dated at Listowel this tenth day | 4 by George 7 Bo ale oBo os Bho abe Boake le oe Peers : Secleclacte s ar aaa ok ra PP ee es -- Bray, their-solicitor. "No cold floors to freeze feet when you jump out of bed inthe mornings: stalla guaranteed oe CLA wR "FURNACE and be comfortable during the coldest days & nights. Atwood J. ROGER, + HARDWARE and TINWARE FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER i : your i In } Pe Ss Pers TTT... oo ote 6 SSS, be deeded