ate Vol. 26. No. 29. af ATWOOD, ONT. RSDAY, SEPT, 25, 1916. H. Swinc, Proprieror. 'The Bee to January 1st, 1916, for 25 cents "THE NYAL STORE "' BEEF IRON and WINE This is a delicious tonic worth trying. We blood, peptonized, digested, beef to feed the tissues and choice wine as an appetizer. If you feel worn- out, tired and run-down, you need atonic; you deal of it--like all Nyal remedies it is of highest quality. Wecan sell you cheaper kinds, but you never ask anyone to buy the second bottle---they always buy it without asking. Delicious in taste, it contains iron to enrich the will be glad you paid a $1.00 for Nyal's. E. G. COCHLIN, couldn't find a better one than this.- We sell a great never so low eer supply present. See us before buying. : The Star Grocery | Peaches This will be the big week for Crawford Peaches, quality was never better. We will have a good supply for our Fall Fair and the prices was for No. 1 peaches as at rer t,he "ichigo ~ We will have a big for Fall Fair day. EPR DI EG IN DIO OS ELI BSS SSS SSS SSS SSS --=) i GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE i TOWN | |E. T. Greensides & Son | Phone 5 = SS Se SS SS Live Poultry We are in the market for any | quantity of old hens, chickens, roosters, ducks, etc. --_ For which we will pay the highest market values, either | cash or trade. | -------------- Get our prices before shipping. We supply empty crates. |W. R.. ERSKINE, *7"°°> ALEX. MORRISON Licensed Auctioneer for Coun. ties of Perth and Huron. Please give me a call. Charges moderate. ATWOOD J. CECIL HAMILTON | Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. MoneytoLoan - Office--Main-st., Listowel, next _ to Dr. Foster, dentist. ONT SSS SSS SEH) a urge' WAR as well as England's. . Canedn HAS givén of her manb MORE men. ' YOU should do your shate. . A young man who COULD g0, worthy of the name of MAN. ah The boys at the front are EXPE are undergoing hardship and fighting the protection of YOUR homes? Never in the history of the British Bmpire was the call for help more nt. . F ' ; 'The Mother Country needs the prayers, the money, the moral support of every citizen in the Empire; but moat of all, she needs the MEN. Canada must do her share. The great strugglein Europe is CANADA'S | ball, Atwood, Saturday, Sept. 18th. Canada can, and HAS given tier for at and her prayers. ' but Canada can, and WILL giye Men are more urgently needed thau anything 'else, just now. Enlistment is a PERSONAL matter, . Every young man in Atwocd must carefully consider his position, and tinlesé his circumstances abeolutely forbid his going to fight, he should get into training AT ONCE. but' WON'T is a COWARD, and not CTING you to join them SOON. Why should YOU sstay at hema, in ease and comfort, while THEY pada's battles--YOUR battles, for To The Young Men of North Perth| Business Transacted At The ce. -- . Council Board On Saturday. The municipal council of the town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural Member present --Reeve, William Scott; Deputy-reeve, Sam Smith; Councilors, Wm. Coates, John IIl- man and Charles Vallance. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the reeve and clerk. A notice was read from Robertson and Coughlin, solicitors, Stratford, re claim of Dayid Allan, for damages to engine by breaking through a culyert and filed ; also a communication from the Hydro-electric Power Commiss- ion was presented and the clerk was Rothwell, rebate on assessment re Coleman drain, 29.76: Thos. May- berry, grayelling con. 2, t. I. e. & m. 2.00; D. Robertson, rep. bridge lot 2, com6, 1.00; Isaac Ducklow, rep culverts con 9 and 10, Gr. road, 50c, rep culyertlot 21, con 10, 1.00: Alex. Struthers, rep culvert lot 21, con 10, 1.00; John Peebles, rep culvert lot 21, con 10, 2.00; Wm. Scott, dam- age to sheep by dogs, 28.00; J. B. Riach, work on road lot 9, con 14, 15.00; Wm. Hurst, belting for stone crusher, 6.00; Albert Pfaff, plank for culvert lot 31, t. 1. e. & e, Elma's share, 5.95; A. Kuhry, gravel per Wm. J. Near, cont. 1.20; I. Parkin- Besides, how will YOU fee!, when the struggle is over and they come marching home, heroes all, who have * done their little bit "'? Do you realize that you are P: LEGED and LUCKY in having the chance to do battle for Oanada and the Empire ? TAKE HOLD and join with your bums, for Oyerseas Services. Join NOW. Next year, or eyen next month, may be TOO LATE. You can join RIGHT IN LISTOWEL. The Recruiting Office is open alf day, and all evening. Come to see me at the Armoury, NOW. & Horace E. Ruwald, q LIEUTENANT, Recruiting Officer. Cheese Awards af@ Western Fair. Trowbridge Man We Silver Trophy. Sec. 1, June colored cheese -- 1,- D belly, Scottsville, 3, Wm. Morse, Wim. Moise, Trowbridge, 2, D. Men- "Eaiibridge, 4, L. Silyer, St. Thomas, zies, Listowel, 3, H. E. Donnelly, 5,30. Brodie, Glanwortb, 6, H. Straffordville, 4, L. H. Schneider, Saitver. Atwood, 7, W. J. Murphy, Gadsbill, 5, H. Youn, Listowel, 6, G: B Bain, Lakeside, 7, H. Hammond, | Moorefield. : di Sec, 2, June white cheese -- 1, 0. & J. Donnelly, Scottsville, 2, W. His 6, Auguat white cheese -- 1, POuthbertson, Stratford, 2, L. H. wider, Gadshill,.3, Wm. Morse, ridge, 4, HE. Donnelly, Straf- t | Seahager, Atwood, 3, H. BE. Donr i | Stradfordyille 4, Wm. Morse, T I Siuies wre tow cturiig and the quality is good ff and the price reasonable. f r Game, 5, H. Youn, Listowel, 6, C. & pelly, Seottéville, 7, D. Menz- AG towel, 3, G. Bain, Lakeside, 4, War ville, 5, H. J. Neeb, Tavistock. Morse, Trowbridge, 5, J. K. Brown, Sec. 8, three Canadian stilton--1l, 7 Fal . Perch. 3 a? ao ' iF sh tr Stoo, a 4 es . \ x Ul ~ ~ bd : rs Bec. 8, July colored cheesé--t, 11. Youn, Listowel, 8, Wm. Moree, Trow- | §; Wade, Lambeth, 2, D. Menzies, Lis- bridge, 4, H. E. Donnelly, Strafford- authorized to correspond and endea- gon, ditching lot 29, con. 17, 10.00, yor to have the Commission's engin- rep culvert s r 30 & 31, con 16, 2.00; eer attend the next meeting of coun- Jos. Johnston, cement tile and team- cil ie further information in regard ing 30.00; J. W. Fisher, account for to the matter. plank, 6.10; Wm. She irons for Moyed by Vallance -- Smith, that drain, Atwood, 1.50; Fred Ritz, gra- the clerk be authorized to give the yel per Wm. Near, cont. 12.70, ditto owners of lands assessed in the Chap- Alex. Inglis, 4.80, ditto Wm. J. Near, man drain credit on the collector's 12.00, ditto D. H. Matthews, 6.35 ; roll for 1915 from the amount due Wm. Scott, signing deb re Johnston said drain and also the owners of drain deficiency, 1.00; A. M. Sweet- lands assessed in the Coleman drain on, signing deb re Johnston drain credit on the collector's roll for 1915 deficiency, 1.00; Stanley Struthers, frown the amount due the Coleman putting in concrete tile lot 32, con 12, drain and also the owners of lands 3.00; Geo. Chapman, completing assessed in the area of the Hammond Gordon award drain, Atwood, 24.00, drain credit on the credit on the col- ditching Main st, Atwood, 12.00; lector's for 1915, the proportionate Jesse Peachey, ditching, Atwood, share of the amount due Hammond 5.00; Albert McBain, gravelling, At- drain. wood, 1.00 ; Chris Diehl, bal. grading Moved by I!lIman--Smith, that the s r 25 and 26, con 17 and 18, 6.00; reeve and clerk issue orders for the Arthur Partridge, assisting removing payment of the following accounts: engine, 2.00 ; Ed. Marshall, assisting Atwood Bee, printing forms re Board removing engine, 2.00; Chas. Lucas, of Health, $6.00, postcards and print- gravelling, Atwood, 2.25, drawing tile ing re Main North West drain, 1.34, 2.00; Hy.' Fleishauer, gravel per J. postcards and printing re Peet drain, J. Lambert, 19.60, ditto Wm. Peblke, 1.50, pt contract printing 35.00; D. 13.00; Wm. Robb, rep culvert lot 21 A. Kidd, M. O. H., investigating, pla- con' 10, 1.00; carding. disinfecting and other work, drawing tile; 50c; 62.00; Fred Ballantyne, OD gr , e der 5.00 Coates, 81 yds per Wat Ward, 12.15; ship business. Leonard .Coghlin, wood, on 'Saturday, Oot. 9th, 1915, yds gravel J. P. Aitcheson, 14.06; Ed. at ten o'clock a.m. for general town- Ethel and ©. J. Donnelly, Scottsville, equal, 6, H. J. Neeb, Tayistock. : Sec. 4, July white cheese -- 1, King Clendenning, Belmont, 2, W. Morse, Trowbridge, 3, L. H. Schnei- der, Gadshill, 4, H. W. Seehayer, At- wood, 5, H. E. Donnelly, Strafford- yille, 6, C. J. Donnelly, Scottsyille, N. I. Purdy, Belleville. Sec. 5, August colored cheese -- 1 J. L. Koch, Gowanstown, 2, C. J. H. Youn, Listowel, 2,C. J. Donnelly, Scottsville, 3, W. T. Oliver, Atwood, 4, H. E.- Donnelly, Straffordville, 5, Connolly. Bros . Thamesford. Highest aggregate number of prizes won in dairy instfuctor's groups--l, R. A. Thompson, Atwood, Listowel roup, 121 points; 2, T. F. Boyes, Lambeth, London group, 47 ; 3, Geo. M. McKenzie, Ingersoll, Stratford group, 22. It MIGHT happen ! Remember also your sons' futu will ask them what part they had in t Parents who will not let their bo time comes. "> The time is RIGHT NOW. Let them see that you approve fully. Send your sons to me TODAY-- To The Mothers And | | Fathers of North Perth The British Empire is calling for MEN. YOU have sons at home--fine, strong boys. They should be in kbaki, fitting themselves for seryice at the front. Some of you have already sent one, or two, or even more sons to fight. Some of you are PREVENTING your sona from going. Do you not think it is a PRIVILEGE to send your boys--ALL of them who are able--to fight shoulder to shoulder with other Canadian boys, for the protection of YOUR homes and YOUR country's fair namo ? Remember what the Empire's onemies did to the BELGIAN homes, and the Belgian mothers and fathers and children. Would you like the same thing to happen in ATWOOD. res. In years to come THEIR sons be Great War. Do you like the idea of their having to confess that they were SHIRKERS ? That word has an ugly sound; but every fit man who COULD go to the front, but who DOESN'T, isa SHIRKER. ys go are SHIRKERS, too. THEY are shirking their dity in another way. It will be hard for you to say good-bye" to your boys: but thousands of Canadian Citizens haye done it -- and YOU will be able to, when the better still, BRING THEM HERE. Come to see me anyway. I should like to have a talk with you, I am at the Armouries all day, and all evening. Horace E. Ruwald, LIEUTENANT, Recruiting Officer. LIST OF RECRUITS. Albert E. Waddell, Peffers. Herb Thomas, Wallace Tp. Job Packer, Molesworth. Harold Parkhouse, Atwood John B. Holton, Molesworth Arthur N. McGuire, Milverton Arthur Vance, Paisley Robt. B. Tremain, Listowel. James_A. Agnew, Listowel Henrf Bristow, Lebanon William John Perkins, Listowel Charles S. Nicholson, Listowel William I. Cook, Stratford. Mr. Jesse Peachey left for London on Monday. Private Jas. Vaughan spent a few day8 in town thig week. Born.--At Milyerton, on Sept. 14 to Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Candler, a daughter. » Miss Julia Bedore, of Monkton, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry. Mrs. M®bt. Anderson and Miss Sarah Boyd spent a few days of last week at Howick. '|special offering will be made in aid Sam Hiles, 40 yds per Jno. McKen- zie, 6.00, 154 yds gravel 2.32; 8. S. GEO. LOCHHEAD, CLERK. Nineteen Prizes Comes to Atwood. Last week at the Western Fair-- Mr. Andrew Stevenson received fourth prize on his two-year-old heavy draft colt, and seven prizes on his Yorkshire hogs; John Ballantyne received the red ticket for his two-year-old stal- lion, "Prince Langside" ; John Ovans also got first on his two-year old roadster and second on his one: year- old; and sold his two-year-old for a good figure. John Cowan received eight prizes on his Berkshire hogs. The number of animals shown from here were 25 and receiyed 19 prizes. This speaks well for this district as they were shown against full classes and from all parta, including prize winners at the Toronto fair, ON THE FIELD OF HONOR The publishers of The Family Her- ald and Weekly Star, Montreal, are making a strong bid for that beauti- ful picture, full of pathos, entitled "On the Field of Honor." It is assumed the publishers of the Family Herald: have in mind using it asa presentation plate If that is so there is a great treat in store for readers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star this autumn. In past years The Family Herald of Montreal has been noted not only for the wonderful ex- cellence of that journal brt for many beautiful pictures it has presented to its readers. The Family Herald has a name for succeeding in anything it undertakes, and we feel sure if it is humanly possible to secure " On the Field of Honor" that the publishers will succeed in getting it. " On the Field of Honor" is attracting wide- spread attention in Europe. METHODIST CHURCH The morning service on Sunday will be conducted hy the Rev. R. P. Bowles, D.D., L.L.D., Chancellor of Victoria University, Toronto. A of the Educational Fund. Dr. Bow. jes will preach at Donegal in the Of the Presbyterian Church, At- wood, on Sunday, Sept. 26th. Rev. J §. Duncan, B.D., of Lucknow, will preach at 11 am. and7 p.m. On Monday evening, Sept. 27th, an old- time tea meeting will -take place. Brief addresses and musical selections by the choir assisted by Miss C. Rea of St. Marys. Tea served from 6 to p.m, Admission, adults, 25c; children 15c. 6th LINE, ELMA Mrs. Medd is visiting on the 6th. Miss Helen Hamilton is home from Toronto. Miss Daisy Vine spent last Tues- day and Wednesday. at her home. Mr. Stanley Hamilton was in Woodstock and London visiting last week. The Maple Leaf Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. R. Prido's on Thursday. : Mrs. T. Johnston and daughter, Mary, spent last woek in St. Thomas and London. Mrs. Thos. Edgar and hor mother Mrs. Kargus spent a few days lust week in London. -' Mr. Wm. Bocth accompanied by his niece, Miss Clara Johnston, took in the London fair. * Mrs. Carr and son Gordon return- ed to their home in Toronto after spending a month with her father and mother. Notice. -- All accounts past duo must be settled by the 30th of this month, or will be pl ig other thands for collection.--W. Blackwell. CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears , the Signature of -- 4 afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. > ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Pay tore? ay We mae ee Pw es are eee Pee ee Oy ae te ae ee ee ar ees