GERMANY AGREES TO YIELD = UNITED STATES DEMANDS Count Bernstorff Declares All Diffigulties Will Be Settled at the End of a Fortnight. A despatch from New York says: Count von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador, states that all the diffi- culties between this country and Ger- many concerning German guarantees js: of safety for American ships and passengers will be satisfactorily set- tled at the end of two weeks' time. He told reporters at the Ritz Carlton that, while he had no statement to issue, he could state definitely that he would receive no more advice from his Government for a fortnight. He and Secretary of State Lansing, he said, are in perfect accord as to the method-to be used in settling the re- maining difficulties that still exist be- tween the two countries and recom- mended that the American people be counselled to patience. RESPA INDICTED FOR DYNAMITING Will Be Tried on Charge of Plotting to Destroy Factories in Windsor. A despatch from Windsor, Ontario, says: Charles Respa, held in connec- tion with the dynamite plot in Wind- sor last June, was committed for trial after receiving his preliminary hear- ing at Walkerville before Magistrate Miers. The feature of the hearing was 'the appearance as a witness of William Lefler, former night watchman of the Peabody plant, one of the buildings wrecked, and who is now serving ten years in the penitentiary at Kingston after being found guilty of assisting in the outrages, Lefler was a witness for the Crown, and a very willing one. He declared that he had first met Respa in the office of Albert Kaltschmidt in De- troit, and that he was given two suit- cases to take across to Windsor. He said Respa and Mrs. Charles Schmidt appeared on the night previous to the explosion, and that he had given them the suitcases.. Respa, he said, told him to be careful, as the grips con- tained dynamite. He declared that Respa and the woman left in the di- rection of the river, and that a few hours later the explosion followed. He said he met Respa and Kalt- schmidt a little later in Detroit, and that the latter said: "Well, we jarred them a littie, and we will do it some more. We are going-to blow up the whole town TOTAL LOSSES 87,630 T THE DARDANELLES A deapateli from London says: British casual: elles ties at the Dardan up to August 21 were 87,680. The pe of killed- in that time was 17,608. These figures were included in the grand total of British casualties pub- lished earlier in the week. e announcement says that the number of officers killed was 1,130, and the number of men_ 16,479; wounded, 2,371 officers and 69,257 men; missing, 873 officers and 8,021 men. sk aoe? SURE ONDON BELIEVES A despatch from London says: The principle of compulsion is now ad- mitted on nearly all sides as being necessary within a short time, the speeches of both Premier Asquith and Lord Kitchener being so interpreted. It is believed that compulsion will be held back to try the effect of ap- proaching the men registered on the pink forms, that is, those eligible for service. If this step fails, there will be no alternative to conscription, THE NEW ARMIES READY TO FIGHT Kitchener Says 210,000 Men Sent to France Have Been Well Tested. A despatch from London says: Lord Kitchener in the House of Lords read a carefully prepared and opti- mistic speech on military operations. In the course of his address the Sec- retary of State for War made the in- teresting disclosure that the German attacks with gas, liquid fire and as- phyxiating shells, lacking, as they do now, the element of surprise, have failed in their object, and have lost much of their offensive value owing to the steps taken to counteract them. Lifting the veil of secrecy, he an- nounced that eleven divisions of the new army had reinforced Field Mar- shal French's force in France, and others would follow quickly. He, too, spoke optimistically of the situation on the various fronts, expressing the opinion that "the Germans have shot their bolt" in their offensive against Russia without achieving their object of destroying the Russian arm As far as the Turks are concerned, Lord Kitchener said there was an abundance of evidence of "the pro- cess of demoralization having set in.' In Mesopotamia the resistance of the Turks had terminated. me WOMAN RAISES FUNDS FOR 1,196 AMBULANCES A despatch from London says: Miss Mary Booth, a relative of the principals of the Booth Line steamers, has succeeded in collecting-funds to w now collecting funds for a hospital for paralyzed and other permanently in- jured soldiers as a further memorial of the same even DOG TRAINED TO PHONE APPROACH OF ENEMY A despatch from Paris says: Ac- cording to the Gazette de France, a certain French regiment possesses a dog which is sent out from advanced sentry posts at night with a telephone strapped over his mouth and a wire connecting the instrument with the post. If the dog hears the Germans approaching he barks quietly into the telephone. D7 THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 A despatch from Ottawa says: Mon- day, October 11, was fixed as the date of Thanksgiving Day at a Cabinet Council. Give Dick this 5 famous Bird Tre. and grain, rightly pro contains a cake o' Bird Send for sing fe ros Nicholson & Brock, 1D Please fi of Brock oB Name Heres a Free Treat for Your Canary AML Brock's Bird Seed and a Cake of Brock's Bird Treat cial treat. mailed to us will bring a generous sample--a week's supply--of -- he and acake of Brock's Brock's contains aeahing but clean, fully ripened sceds omy tonic and a dainty Asteat' for your pet. If you prize your bird, and -- sol brightit song clear and sw for Brock's this free pont and Dick will Francis St., T cracard free poshoge of Brooks Bird Seed ech ca esaNSeN Lhe Ll Dy The attached coupon Also every package s Bird Treat--a splendid lumage to be 1D stdin ee 4 __ billy country. . A Donkey Cart of the Italian Red Cross for Mountain Use HIS novel conveyance is now in use by the hospital cor ps of the Italian army to carry wounded men to the hospitals from the heights on which much of the fighting occurs. These little donkeys are similar to West- ern American burros, having been bred In the Alpine districts, and are exceptionally fitted for traveling in rough- ----= The Leading Markets ; Breadstuffs. Toronto, Sept. 21.--Manitoba wheat, new crop--No. 1 Northern, $1.03% No. 2 do., $1.0144, on track lake sote| prompt shipmen t. Manitoba oats--No. al, on track, lake ports. "American corn--No, 2 yellow, 83c, on track lake ports. Canadian corn--No. 2 yellow, 84c, on track Toronto. 2 C.W., nomin- Very Men He Was . . . . | Ontario oats, new crop--No. 2; Prominent Russian who is here in | white, 38 to 39; No. 36 to connection with war contracts for his He According to fights outa, Government revealed the astounding ter, per car lot, 90 to 92c; slightly}fact that the man at the head of the ugh, 80 to 85c; sprouted or smutty,! Russian special investigation service 70. 5 85c, according to sam entrusted with the work of discover- Barley--Good malting barley, 52 to! ing German spies in Russia was him- ~~ feed barley, 45 to 48c, according) self a German spy. This man had to freights outside. ; CZAR'S SECRET SERVICE HEAD WAS HIMSELF A GERMAN SPY Betrayed Weak Points of War Preparations to A despatch from London says: A! Expected to Arrest been known to the Russian court for years, and only proofs of the most in- disputable nature led to his exposure. Then prompt action was taken. He was tried by court-martial and con- victed of having betrayed the weak points of the Russian war prepara- tions to the very Germans he was ex- pected to arrest. His execution fol- lowed immediately. uckwheat--Car lots, fomiesl. ac- outs to freights outsi Rye--No. 2, nominal, 75 to 78c, ac- sorting to freights outside. . Manitoba flour--First patents, in ber, 961%4c; December, 9235 to 93%&c. Linseed, cash, $1.64%; September, $1.64; December, $1.64. jute bags, $5.75; second patents, in 'z a jute bags, $5. 25: strong akers', in Live Stock it jute bags, $5.05, Toronto. Toronto, -- 21.--Best heavy Ontario flour---New Winter, 90 per a $7.7 to $8; batchers' cattle, cent. patents, $3.80, seaboard, or To. ¢ apes $7. 40 to $7.60; do., good, $7 zonto freights in bags, prompt ship; ; do., medium, $6.25 $036.75) -755 mop 253 em Millfeed car lots, delivered Mont- , $6.50 to $7; do., good h : ss fo" to $6.25; do., rough bulls, ts--Bran, per ton, © $25; bulls, shorts ton, $27; middlings, per fsa -75 to vi 25; buteliers' cows, aoe r . o., good, $5. $1.8 7 do., em $5 to $5.75; do., os eine 7 Bs to $55 feeders, 00d, - 7" bi Country Produce. stockers, 700 to 900 Ibs., . Ps to $7; canners 'and cutters, $3. 15 t Butter--The receipts are fairly $55 milkers, aasiet, each, $65 to $100; good, with prices steady. Fresh dairy, do. ereamon iedinga each, $35 24 to 27c; inferior, 22 to 23c; cream- to $50; post a $50 to '$95; i at a oi 29 to 80c; do., solids, 27 = é6 t 4 ringers ae. Boake, & ght (a) c. , - ' Eggs--No. 1, 23 to Ste je per dozen, to $4.80; yearling lambs, " in iy a, ao lots; extra at 26 calves, mcdium to choice, $7 to $10.50; oney--No. I light (wholesale), 10 hogs, off cars, $9.65 to $9.90; do., fed to 1144c; do., retail, 12% to 15c. ' d, "$9. 50: is fas $9 15 'ombs (wholesale), per doz., No. 1, Montreal, Sept. 2 oi--A few anatl #250 to $8: No. 0 to $2. lots of good steers Ege at $7.50 to a - Poult 'ra ed chickens, 20 to 21c; fowl, 16 to 17c; ducklings, 17 to $7.75; a Pha oe = 18c; turkeys 22 to b4e. common and medium at $5 to $ --'The market is steady; while some small lots of choice butch- ers' cows brought $6.75 to $7, and the lower grades from $5 to $6. 50; pose aus sold at sm Fl to is per cwt. tet ere is a steady deman rom can- Provisions. ners for canning stock, and a fair Cured meats are quoted as follows: | trade was done in bulls at from '$4. 25 Bacon, long el a to 14%c per Ib.,' to $4. 50, and cows at from $3 to in case lots. --Medium, 18% to $3.50 per cwt. Ontario lambs_ sold 19c; do., heavy, 14% to 1c; nie 15 | at $7.50 to $7.75, and Quebec stock to i6e; breakfast bacon, 20 C;' at $6.75 to $7. Sheep brought from backs, " plain, rd to 24¢; boneless | $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt; calves from backs, 25 to 25%4c. | $5 to $20 each as to size and quality; tack tle a mice: emily, 12 3 © hogs, selected lots were made at ' '4 234 i$ to at compound, tubs, 10%e; do., | i gt oo 22. Fee OnE, eee oe pails, 1 Lie. Ja: are, 14% % to 15c; do., twins, 15 to 15%c. : ------_--___--k_--_____--__ BELGIANS FORBIDDEN "TO BOYCOTT GERMANS Hay Market. Baled hay, new--No. 1, ton, $15 to $16.50; No. 2, ton, $13 to $14; baled --= straw, ton, 6/50. A despatch from Brussels says: Gen. von Bissing, the Governor-Gen- Business in Montreal. eral of Belgium, has issued an order Montreal, Sept. 21.--Corn, Ameri-'against the boycotting, blacklisting, can No. 2 yellow, 89 to 89%c. Oats, insulting or threatening otherwise to No. 2 local white, 43c; No. 3 local' jnjure Germans or persons showing local he = German sympathies or trading with firsts, $5.85; seconds, S6.35; strong German firms. The maximum penalty inter patents, choice, for infractions of the order is two | $5.50 to $6.25; straight rollers, * to years' imprisonment or a fine of 10,- | $5.50; do., bags, $2.10 to $2. 45. Roll- 000 marks ($2,500). The term of im- | ed oats, barrels, $5.35 to $5.40; bags, prisonment can be extended to five | 90 Ibs., $2.45, $ to $33. Mouillie, years when disobedience is jee by a he oe \Caciee. Bsct ee | nee: betasae ts wollaats erns,-15 to 15%ec inest Easterns, | ------ cig to oo Butter, choicest I geet . . Saved His Life. ' to ray seconds, 28% to | ggs, fresh, 30 to 31c; select- | ; ed, 28 to 29c: No. 1s tock. 93° to 24e; | A is -- that no -- _ 0. 2 stock, B1e. Potatoes, per bag, is lampooned more unjustly than doc- car lots, 60c. Dressed hogs, abattoir tors. Many of the stories at their killed, $13.75 to $14, 25. Pork, heavy expense, however, are both amusing anada short a, bbls., 85 to 45 and good-natured. A recent addition pieces, $28 to $28.50; Ca anada, short to the list is the tale told by London cut back, bbls., 45 to 55 pieces, 27 to Tit-Bits about the Chinaman who af Sie: Lard, com om oem, B78 was -- if there were good doctors 10%4c; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs., net,|' 12% to 138¢. "Good. doctors!" he exclaimed. "China have best doctors in world. United States Markets. i Hang Chang one ood * doctor; he era ae Sept. 21.--Wheat--No. ; great, he saved my life. '1 hard, $1. ; No. 1 Northern, 95%} " 'You don't say so! How was that?" { to 99450; + D) Northern, 92% to' "Me velly bad," he said. "Me callee Seiees pombe, ro 'Decenber, | Doctor Han Kon. Give some medi- | 91%. n-- ow, 72% to cine. Get velly, velly ill. Me callee i. pi One 5 white, 33g to 38c./ Doctor San Sing. Give more medi- \""Duluth, Sept. 20.--Wheat--No. 1 oe og Se eels Sone ay Bis. hard, $1.01%; No. i Northe ern, imebly callee Doctor Hang Chang. | $1.00%; No. 1 Northern, 98 He no got time; no come. He saved Montana, No. 2, hard, 98%c; Sestem: my life. 0} German reinforcements. -| Teutonic GERMAN FORCES TO FIGHT ITALY Combined Supreme Effort on the: Part: oF eaten Bas Tia eh Planned. general Austrian offensive against the Italians is now looked for as the re- sult of the arrival of a The object of the expected attack will be to check the Italian advance which the Aus- trian troops, unaided, failed to halt. Reliable information is to the ef- fect that Germany is prepared to aid the Austrians, so that a combined cupreme effort on the part of the allies is expected on the Italian front. Such an effort, it is believed, is aimed by the central pow- ers at favorably influencing the Bal- kans. It is an open secret that the Italian general staff since the outbreak of hostilities with Austria has expected German aid to the Austrians, hence the Italian military chiefs are prepar- ed for such an event, and it is confi- dently asserted in military circles here that even if the reinforcements to the Austrians are stronger than reported they will not alter. the situation on the Italian front, now so favorable to Italy. Italian Mountaineer detachments made raids against the Austrian posi- tions 10,000 feet high at Villa Corna and other peaks in the upper Genova valley. Climbing the most difficult ground and glaciers, the Alpines reached the enemy's entrenchments RUSSIAN ARMY HOLDS ITS OWN Driving Back Enemy in the South' and Delaying Him in the : North. A despatch from London says: Stern battles are being fought all along the eastern front from Riga to the Roumanian border, and while the Germans advance slowly in the north and centre, the Russians in the south are repeating their suc- cesses against the Austro-German armies, which are now being driven back across the River Stripa in Gali- cia, and have been forced to retire westward, north of the Galician fron- tier While these Russian victories natur- the Russian armies are still able to take the offensive when well supplied with ammunition, there is no inclina- tion to exaggerate their importance. The engagements, however, keep the Austro-Germans busy, and make it imperative to send reinforcements southward which could be used to bet- ter advantage in the north, where operations of much greater moment are being directed by Field Marshal von Hindenburg. This General, who began his offen- sive against the Vilna-Dvinsk railway a week ago, has not yet established himself on the line. His cavalry, which did reach it, has been driven back. Nevertheless he has driven the Russians across the Dvina_ River, north of Dvinsk, placing that city in a rather dangerous position, and has also made some progress north of south of Vilna, toward Grodno, the Russians are offering stubborn resistance and have the Ger- mans firmly held. Something of the same kind has happened in the cen- tre; Prince Leopold has been delayed in his advance. i Mackensen has passed his through: the Pripet marshes and is now in possession of Pinsk. F'rom this point southward the Russians are advancing and have reoccupied a num- ber of villages, but they are not likely to push their advantage much farther, as to do so would make their northern flanks vulnerable. tached to the decision of Russia to call o the colors the reserves of the terri- torial army. Should the age limit be fixed at 35 years, this fresh call would mean the possible addition of eight million men to the Russian armies, including the men who had passed } through the first line and % empted Naturally, all of these could not be armed and equipped, but Russia could have the pick of them. we RESIST ASPHYXIATING GAS. French Army Carries Travelling La- boratories to Fight Poisons. A new service has been installed in the French army, that of travelling laboratories. New weapons with which the enemy is fighting, asphyxi- ating gas and poisons in other forms, caused the French authorities to make preparation for combating them in the most effective way. Much secrecy was observed about the arrangements, but already in June forty travelling laboratories had been distributed among the armies. In July more than ninety were in opera- tion. German estimates of the number of Russiatis captured are undoubtedly exaggerated, although the number of illed and wounded is probably some- where near correct. Against these figures must be placed the German losses, which close observers state must reach three- quarters of a million in killed, wound- ed and prisoners. This does not in- clude the Austrian losses, of which no and partly destroyed them. They re- turned to their own positions witRout being seriously assailed. Analysis of the explosive bombs being used by the Austrians has revealed the presence | of large quantities of prussic acid. er When a clergyman announced that there would be a nave in the church an old lady whispered that she "knew the party to whom he referred." "Who is your favorite "My husband." "Why, I wasn't aware | that your husband's talents ran in that | direction. What does he "Cheques." w riter 2" | | write 2" ~! unable to make a name for himself. accurate estimate is possible. | Rissia's Wheat Crop. Taking all crops together, the yield iwill be about 2,000,000,000 bushels. | The winter-sown grain is harvested | already and also a large proportion of |spring-sown crops. The figures ar- | rived at are 446,000,000 bushels bet- iter than last year's total, and 291,- | 000,000 bushels in excess of the five- year average. Of wheat altogether there will be harvested 571,000,000 |bushels. For export there will be available some 450,000,000 bushels. He is a poor sign painter who is Troops Gathering on Swiss Frontier A despatch from Basel says: French and German armies near the Swiss frontier are showing uncom- mon military activity. Heavy re- inforcements are arriving, and artil- lery duels are becoming fiercer daily. On both the French and German fron- - tiers between the town of De# and Basel civilians are being moved from the border villages and towns. Czar Grants Amaesty to All Political Prisoners A despatch from Rome says: It i! has ordered amnesty for all politica persons affected is said to be abeut on s stated that the Emperor of Russia \1 prisoners in Russia. The number of \ hundred thousand. A good deal of importance is at- das students, or men who are not quite up to the physical stan- A despatch from. Rome says: Aj dard Ai bb b> i ----s. 2s