The Elma Fair held in this village on Wednesday was a decided success The woather wasideal which brought smiles to the directors faces and a o'clock a large crowd had gather- Are exhibits in the upstairs of or hall were probably never better, while the down stairs was not nearly so large as former years. The main attraction was the show ring for the horses, most classes were filled and the judges gave very good satisfaction by | in good humor with their many selec- in most cases, although a raw dealt was pulled off in the roadster class. The Kincardine Pipe Band kept all tions. The concert in the hall in the eyening was largely attended and the programme given by Messrs. Brazil and White, of Toronto, gave the crowd a good laugh in rendering their ntimbers, while Mrs. Templan of Kincardine, received hearty applause in her numbers as soloist. Strictly made to measure by the Mr. Joe Wilton, of Midland, spent Tuesday in town. THE LONDON ADVERTISER THREE EDITIONS Morning, Noon, kvening 'Western Ontario's Greatest Daily All the News ail the Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2.00 per year Circulation Dept, London Advertiser Fair will be given in our next issue. a few ee this week with Mrs. Crooks Mr. Wm, Scott, Warden of Perth, was in Stratford last week selecting jurors for the fall assizes. Mrs. Joseph Cooper, of Donegal, is in the Stratford Hospital and is be- ing treated for an abcess on the eye. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coleman and Mrs. Jno. Coleman, of Brantford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. The prize winners at the Elma} Mrs. A; Harris, of Listowel, spent yt al alent ea panties ht, and which has becn in use for orcr 30 -- the heh ha of an mado under his pcr on 'i ° Miss Inez Ballantyne, nurse, of | Leslie this week. al nal supervision since its infancy. Individual Ladies Tailors--Montreal Wookstock, is yisiting at her home. 'Rough on Rats" clears All = Bete ns Imitations and "*Just- el bert, his. scorer ------ == |out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't die in eons that trifle -- 5a a ae er tho health of y . . the house. ldc. and 25c. at Drug I - Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses Fall Fair Dates [and Country stores. What is CASTORIA ~ AbWOOE xi sassvesesevees . Sept. 21--22| Did it.ever occur to you when try- PrN FN Ess ce - . os . Blyth ...c.cceeececeeeeeees Sept. 28--29| ing to get someone on the rural line astoria is a harmicss substitute for Castor Oil, Hii Fit positively guaranteed---garments finished in Brussels.........-sece0- Oct, Ist that some people must rent the line ecto, Drove sot Goothing Syrups. Ts ts Pleasant, at I _ : rphino nor other Narco 14 days . ee ssuauesereasenents sa oe = by the year and use it by the hour. substance. Its ago is its gnaranteo. It destroys Worms Milverton .........00+06+ ept. 23--2 Rev, aid Mrs. W. D. MacDonald and allays Feverishness. For moro than thirty years i¢ Mitohell .icissscsccveceses Sept. 28--29| . : a Eee las been in constant uso for th licf of Palmerston Sept. 23--24 willbe at-home at the mange, At Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teethin Otnronbien -- for Li " Stratford : Sept. 2!--23 wood, Friday, Sept. 24th, afternoon Diarrhea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels We are sale agents for Listowe PhgHiadt css <cocecaceens Sept. 23--24 and evening and afterwards on Mon- assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Gorrie..sesce ecseeccceeees Oct. Ind | 49¥8- Tho. Children's Panacca--Tho Mothcr's Fricnd. Mr. Lorne Vallance who has been teller at the Bank of Hamilton was transfered to Listowel last week. Mr. Renvie, of Listowel, is now acting as teller. GENUINE CASTORIA ALways Bears the Signature of H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Gowdy & Co., Limited "The Store for allthe People" LISTOWEL Tho anniversary services of the Donegal Methodist church will be held Sunday, Oct. 17th. A tea meet- ing will be held Monday"evening fol- lowing. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. sahara aakaeaboeaea aa Atwood Meat Market = Dtep. -- At Palmerston, on Satur- In Use For Over 30 Years se daa, Sept. 18th, 1915, Richard Gra- Ko CENTRAL zy -- . ee The er The Kind You Have Always Bought . ' 7 was held on Tuesday afternoon to the ' vaue Any, NEw YORK CITY, All kinds of choice fresh meats on hand a am Sener auction He Gar coneanv, new vena é Home-made sausages, Bologna and Headcheese is Mr. John Rowland has purchased} " Mr. A. Hays' interest in the bakery here and will take charge of the busi- ness October Ist. Mr. Hays intends STRATFORD, ONT. at reasonable prices. Highest cash prices paid for hides. Ontario's Best Business College BS Onr instructors are expetienced. Pup- }| removing to Hamilton. 7 ils get individual attention and gra- < Terms strictly cash jj duates are placed in positions. We The Harvest Home Thanksgiving We'll Tickle Y our Palate sk aiid ee ee way ler cay services of St. Alban's church were ; a mw ns Sond f . sa - held on Sunday. The two seryices , end fe f talogue . J. M. Smith, Proprietor se baie . 'ocala can. catalogue and were largely attended, the Rev. Mr. and your economical bump at the same time with our bak- "aS Lang: Ford. of Listowel, preached two ing. We not only have a reputation for making good SK Phone 11-2 ES very appropriate sermons. quality bread, but we are experts on all kinds of D. A. McLachlan, Principal, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hinks announce the engagement of their daughter, *| Rose Pilgrim to Mr. John Sanders Rowland. The marriage will take place about the end of-September. ee and aoe John Graham, Mr, fa Soe rast Raiclite | Re i q i o fod Mike Mina Graham attended the FARMERS' BUSINESS D- A. KIDD, M. D funeral of the late Richard Graham on Tuosday afternoon at Palmerston. AND Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, PIES, BUNS, etc aly, AV, A, AU, AU AUD AU AI AIL A Ie Ae tz SESE SEN ek lial AS TS TAP GAP AY AP GIS ALD AT AE A OA Oa GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public. The reasonable prices we charge for our baking makes it Try one of our cakes. cheaper to buy than bake. Miss Theresa Seigil intends giving an entertainment in the Monkton 7 _ Accoucheur, Coroner Methodist church, Friday, Sept. 24th, | LEEPER EEEEEEE TELE EEE EEE EE PE EEE LEE TESTE EET EET EF SALE NOTES Executiye Officer of Board of |under the auspices of the Monkton t Health Patriotic Society. D fail to|¥ Ww Receive Specia! Attention Specialties -- oun eer ee ee ail tol 5 <> hear this talented élocutionist and|*¥ reader. Adinission 25c. Mr. Wm. Burnett, principal of Monkton public school for the past. year has resigned his position to tako the principalship of Milverton public | Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. Listowel Business. COLLEGE inter any titno. ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. ROBINSON, MANAGER cold floors to freeze your feet when you jump out of © principalship of Milverton public] -- Ded inthe mornings. In- former principal of the school tus\f Stalla guaranteed been re engaged until New Year's. fq Canadians in England are referred ' Ei I toas 'the millionaire soldiers." Why ?| + Wana) R NACE They are paid $1.10 per day, while | > the pay of the other nationalities runs 4 and-be comfortable during the coldest days & nights: J. ROGER, Atwood | 'German 5c. Some ground for Cana- |} By dian distinction on pay day. HARDWARE and TINWARE : FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER s 2. 8 5. oe Ba sBecbe cle Bochest. 4c oBecSeehe ole alle slesks beberle rr > es Yk 8.5, 2. .%. Backs Beskecle ole of 6 aie the wee wht Wit Se Ne ae * ank or Hamilt ie 2g =| | Tor particulars write - | Edwin G. Matthews, \ ONT. ESTABLISHED: 1872. LISTOWEL, rT es 8 BES, BeBe So cke Be cllecfesks I. rs * ahs oe ie 2) - Cvecutens' Notice to » Cenditons F IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF |? WILLIAM HENRY JOLLY LATE OF } 4 1 THE VILLAGE OF ATWOOD, IN THE | 4 : COUNTY OF PERTH, LUMBER MER- |° CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER a. ee ae the aie ie ie i ae Se 4 4 a - . - eer rs gr OoT7 fa | NoTICE is hereby given, p t to "ce " The War Summary most from the very day the great Furepean war began In Angust last. the outstanding feature jn Cunadian journalism leer: the conftict pmo Tho Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1914, Chap- ter 121, that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the thas been "The War Summary" daily on puges 1 and 2 of THE oe gee . an! In the concisest possible form the t h ven his re said William Henry Jolly, deceased, pen picture of the developments in all parts ¢ the world. W 'hile "he Ved vals I d 7 detalis of the movements along the extended frontiers he ' not hee n who died on orabout the seventh day Synopsis of Canadian Northwest overlooked, tt regders of THE GLOBE have been enabled to follow , c 'i 915 * " intelligently and with contide nee the general outlines of th tupendons f August, 191 J, are required to send Land Regulations. conflic he War Summars* THE GLOBE is reproduced datly by by post paid, or to deliver to the un f seve ral. papers throughout the Dominton, ars] > , a H HK «ole head of a family, or any male over ------ arene sal te us 18 yeara a pay pomed oC ergeane ' F; towel, the Solicitor for t "xecutors tion of available Dominion land in Man The Editorial Page owel, 2 ° =. ec od eg SS jn Mani. THE GLOBE on its editorial pare has striven to place before the of the sal istate on or before the | must appear in person at the Dominion Lands public in proper perspective the broad backgronnd . of the titante eleventh day of October, A.D. 1915 Agence Bettye mm 4 i ean ac a tan struggle. This series of articles has attracted the attention not ou °o ae ': ? by proxy may madc at any ion Lande the Canadian people, but of lead men and jonrnals in all carte fm itheir namos and addresses with full Aicency Y but not Sub-Agency), on certain c! i ag! ge t "and the lt ink emg nag an "i cans gaa fa | particulars of their claims, a state- |' Dutlos--Six months residotice apees and cul- ation of d clear-cut on churac- in ely to flow trom the ce hostilitles ! n that bold anc teristic of THE GLOBE'S editorial page. News Service he above features, in addition to a cable and letter service from the front unmatch went of their accounts and the nature if the securi'y (if any) held by them duly verified. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after |* tivation of the land in cach of three ho Lyi no may live within 'alos mites of 4 homestead on a farm of at certain conditions, <A habitable house "¢°y hg qu uired execpt where residence is performed in ne ¥ doar tain districts a homesteader in in, | 1 ae GLOBE ter iu the lead of , . ; Canadian ad tad partly explain the phenomenal increase © 33 1:3 the eleventh day of October, 1915, standing may phigh 35.001 aetna --_ Note the bright ra od 8 cent. in THE GLOBE'S circulation during recent months. the Executors of the said Estate will tlee---Six idence in oach of of this "Empress" t proceed to distribute the assets of the | three years efter carning hewestof patent: pearance Other Features P a iad '. gnid deceased amongst the parties Patent may be 0 ined nn on an hemnostead Shoe, perfect i in every line and ercia ages, ¢ woman's . n col wn agen, tes otc witht the *dditional pages in Wedve bay's issue devoted entitled thereto having regard only to | \teitter who has exhausted his estead detail; made on one of the Farm" and, Country, Lite." are maintained af ghieh sangard of | MH |the claims of which they shall then | ifpatatricts.» Price A per acre, Dutleo di lw the s P g * . id a et S National iene and has given it by many thousands the have notice as aforesaid, and said | mM x months in each of three yar, newest lasts design by largest circulation of any morning paper in the Dominio Mm | Executors will not be liable for such cultivate 5 50 no "eatfenton ae a house Seto reso: biggest wena ae oe makers i i }- " Local and City Papers assets ct any nse pg Al livestock may. be ber subattnted for cultivation j in Canada. We are agents for By all means take your logg] paper, but in the seid Ay! metropolitan S00 oF PEtEous ORS OMe under certain condities * CORY. CMG pe W. newspapers HE LOBE. unquestionably offers ¥ 76 © greatest value shall not have been received at the Pepa din iy Me at gn Interior. Empress" Shoes for Women. had in Canada. Order it age lial aeiterene dollar time of such distribution N.B.-- ee ee publication of thin ad- p ' P.8.--According to sand. Kitchener, for four months--three dollars per year z 4 ecinbaneet arlene ee paid tor OTRAS. Needs no in. the big war has only begun. : Dated at Listowel this tenth day - THE GLOBE, Toronto. of September, A.D., 19165. = Alison Jolly aod Thomas G.| Mr. and Mrs. Gale, of Brantford, A ERS are Ballantyne, Executors, by George |spent the past week with Mr. and ' | i Bray, their solicitor. Mrs. J. P, Greensides.