Atwood Bee, 30 Sep 1915, p. 1

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Vol, 26. No, 50. ATWOOD, ONT. THURS SEPT, 30, 1915. H. Swine, PROPRIETOR. _ The Bee to January 1 st 1916, for 25 cents * THE NYAL one 4 Do You Enjoy That Cold ! If you do not we suggest a box of Laxative Bromide It does not matter so ee just how you caught the cold but you know you ras aerenery eye's leaking, all stuffed up generally and the human machinery _ badly clogged all over. Liver, Lidneys and pores all on strike. Laxative Bromide Quinine starts everything work- ing again and almost before you realize it you are feeling alright again. Don't dilly-dally with your cold until it becomes chronic. Take 'Laxative Bromide Quinine 25c a box. oP SIS poldabcanbigd G. COCHLIN, (FB |PRIZE WINNERS AT THE ELMA FAIR. HORSES. ~ Agricultural--Foal, 1 W. Morrison, 2 W.A. Dickson, brood mare, 1 A. l-year-old, 1. Sam Smith, 2 Allan Petrie, 2-year-old, 1 Walter Bros, 2 Jas. Robb, 3 year-old, 1 Jas. Nichol, 2 Jas. Robh, span of horses, 1 A. Robb, sweepstakes, Walter Bros. eayy Draft---Foal, son, l-year-old, 1 A. Fleming & son, A. Robb & son, 2-year-old, 1 Dick- horses, 1 W. Scott, 2 Andrew and. General Purpose -- Foal, 1 Nin Ward, 2 Wm. Inglis, brood mare, I Wm. Inglis, 2 Nin Ward, 1-year-old; 1 Fred Fisher, 2-year- -old, 1 Luke Lucas, 2 J. Cowan, 3-year-old, 1 F. ) 2A son Bros, 2 Walter Bros, span of|° piictghal | son.--John McDiarmed, Judge. J. Love, brood mare, 1 J. Love, 2 mee |x Len Hamilton, l-year-old, 1 Smith Pipes, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. BARREL AND BAG SALT. The Star Grocery Grapes. The grape season is now at its height and we are | now offering the finest quality of blue, green and red grapes at most attractive prices. Do not delay, buy now, every year their are house-wives who find they have waited. to long to secure the best prices, i do not make this mistake, but call at the Star Gro- | cery as we will have a boos supply this week and Peaches will not last much longer, the Crawford i Elberta are the last to rippen and are at their best now, so be sure to get yours this week. PEARS AND TOMATOES We will have a few baskets this week and next, and | expect it will be the last for this season as both pears and tomatoes are getting very scarce. | E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 ll Bros, 2 Jas. Hamilton, 2-year-old, 1 Fleming & Son,°2 A. Robb & Son,|* Fleming & son, 2 Andrew and Jas. |: 1 A. Robb &| Jas. Robb, sweepstakes, Dickson Bros. | | Fisher, eweotietakes, L. Lueas, best a heavy brood mare and foal, A. Robb | Roadster--Foal, 1 R. J. Coghlin, 2} iF s,land 2 H. Ronnenberg, any tpr kind ducks, 1 and 2 J. Richards, ti ys, 1 Jas. Hamilton, pigeons, 1 * Me Cowan, langshans, 1 Geo. ike of 1915 -- Barred rocks, -1 oddard, 2 W. Blackwell, white oaks, 1 EI, Goddard, white leghorns, L-#1. Goddard, 2 Jas. Hamilton, rewn leghorns, 1 J. Cowan, wyan- es white, 1 and 2 H. Goddard, dottes, any other kind, 1 and 2 Sonnenberg, buff orpingtons, H. el, 2 H. Ronnenberg: houdans, 2 H. Goddard, dorkings, 1 and Goddard, games, 1 and H. Wur- uff leghorns, 1 and 5 H.-God- rhode island reds, 1.S. Peter, 2 Chapman, light brahmas, 1 H. el,~2 H. Ronnenberg, bantons, Richards, pekin ducks, 1 and 2 onnenherg, any other kind ducks Richards, 2 H. Ronnenberg, tur- » J. Hamilton, collection of ltry, H. Goddard. GRAIN. fall wheat, red, 1 H. Ronnenberg, Fall wheat, white, 1 Oats, white, 1 H. nnenberg, 2 Wm. Struthers. Peas, ll, 1 Jno. Seelhoff, 2 H. Ronnen- . Sheaf flint corn, 1 Wm Strut- sweepstakes, Wm. Holman. Carriage -- Brood mare, 1 Luke}| R. J. Coghlio, 2 Wm. Struthers, 3- year-old, 1 Tig Wood, single carriage McKenzie, saddle horse, 1 Ivy Smith, Kenzie. Watson bicateven. Holman. CATTLE. Shorthorns --- Bull one yr old over, 1 A. Stevenson, sotheh cow, and 2, A. Steyenson, 2 Stevenson, 2 Joseph Guy, 1 yr old, |3 heifer, 1 Jos. Guy, 2 A. Stevenson, bull calf, 1 Jos. oats W. aed y beifer calf, 1 W.A . Di a heifer, 1 and 9 J; Ballautyie.. 1-year- old heifer, 1. J. Ballantyne, bull calf, 1 Wilbert Struthers, heifer calf, 1 and 2, John Ballantyne. Jerseys -- Milch cow, 1 and 2, A. Simpson, 2-yr-old heifer, 1 A. Simp- seg, l-yr-old heifer, 1 and 2 A. Simp- son. Holstein--Bull one yr or over, 1 Jas. M. Boyd, milch cow, Newbigging Bros., 2 J. Boyd, 2 yr old, 1 New- bigging Bros, Jas. Boyd, 1 yr old, 1 H. Richmond, 2 Newbigging Bros., bull calf, 1 Newbigeging Bros, 2 Jas. |} Boyd, heifer calf, 1 and 2, Jas. Boyd. Grades --Milch cow, 1 W. Gilmer, 2 Wilbert Struthers, 2 yr old, 1 A. Robb & son, 2 W. McClory, 1 yr old quantity of old hens, chickens, roosters, ducks, etc. , highest market values, either | cash or trade. a bs} _---___ Get our prices before shipping. i We supply empty crates. & ! WwW. R. ERSKINE, AEROS --- J. CECIL HAMILTON ALEX. MORRISON atitaher Conveyancer ~ Licensed Auctioneer for Coun- Solicitor- for Imperial Bank -of ties of Perth and Huron. Please Canada. Money to Loan give me a call. Oflice--Muin-st., Listowel, next Charges moderate. to Dr. Foster, dentist. ATWOOD ONT Gq SS SS SS SS SSS 2 i and 2, W. A. Dickson, : For which we will pay the jj heifer, 1 A. Robb & Son, 2 A. M. Sweeton, heifer calf, Wilbert Strut- hers, 2 WW. A. Dickson, steer calf, 1 | boyine, 1 A. Stevenson, 2 A.°M Sweeton.--Judge, Tig Wood. SHEEP. i Leicester sheep -- Aged ram, 1 R. Sanderson, shearling ram, 1 R. Sand erson, ram lamb, aged ewe, shearling | ewe. ewe lamb, 1 and 2 R. Sanderson. Oxford Downs -- Aged ram, 1 Jas. Nichol, ram lamb, aged ewe, shearl- ing ewe, ewe lamb, 1 and 2 Jas. Nic- hol. Shropshires -- Shearling ram, ram lamb, aged ewe, shearling ewe, cwe lamb, 1 and 2 Newbigging Bros. Hos. Berkshire -- Aged boar, boar pig, brood sow, sow pig, 1 and 2 J. Cowan. Chester White--Brood sow, 1 Wil- bert Strutbers. Yorkshire--Aged boar, 1 A. Steven- son, boar pig, 1 A. Stevenson, brood sow,- 1 Wilbert Struthers, 2 A. Stevenson, sow pig, 1 and 2 A. Stevenson. Pair bacon hogs, 1 A. Steyenson, 2 J. Cowan, herd cf hogs, 1 J. Cowan. * POULTRY. Barred rocks, 1 and 2 H. Goddard, white rocks, 1 and 2. H. Goddard, white leghorns. 1 and 2 H. Goddard, brown leghorns, 1 and 2 H. Ronnen- berg, bamburgs, 1 and 2 J. Richards, wyandottes white, 1 J. Hamilton, 2 W. A. Dickson, wyandottes, any otber kind, 1 H. Waurdel, 2 H. Ronnenberg, buff orpingtons, 1 H. Ronnenberg, 2 S. Peter, houdans, 1 and 2 H. God- dard, dorkings, 1 and 2 H. Goddard, minoreas, 1 and 2 J. Richards, games, l and 2 H. F. Wurdel, buff legborns, 1 and 2.H. Goddard, rhode island reda, 1 Geo. Chapman, 2 H. Ronnen-' berg, Hight brahmas, 1 and 2 H. F. Wurdel, bantams, H. Wurdel, geese, 1 and 2 Wilbert Struthers, pekin D. Saunders, 2 John Ovans, 3-year- |) old, 1 R. T. Carson, single roadster, 1 John Watson, 2 Wm. Holman,| Lucas, 2 Wm. McClory, 2-year-old, 1}- horse, 1 John McKenzie, 2 Alex.) 23. Cowan, nireopelnias, John Me: . Shera' s special--Fred Stevenson.» yr old, 1 £ 1 yr old steer, 1 and 2 W. A. Djckson, fatted *| pumpkins, 1° Alex. ,2 W. A. Dickson. Sheaf of any er kind corn, 1 J. Cowan, 2 Jos. ro. Coll. of grain, 1 H. Ronnen- , 2 Jno. Seelhoff: Barley white, . Ronnenberg. Roots. ate potatoes, 1 Wm. Struthers, 2 ichards, early potatoes, 1 Wm. thers, 2 J. Richards, rural New kers, 1 Wm. Struthers, swede rnips, 1 J. Richards, 2 J. Seelhoff, y other kind turnips, 1 G. Chap iaan,2J Richards, mangolds, long , 1 J. Richards, 2 S. Peter, man- s, yelow, inter. 1 G. Chapman, . Struthers, mangolds, any other d, 1 G. Ohapman, J. Richards, d carrots, 1 G. Chapman, 2 J. hards, coll: of roots; 1 G. Chapman tg coll. of potatoes, 1 Wm. Richards. man, beets, round, 1 Wm. Strathers, 27 J. Richards, radishes, summer, 1 'S. H. Mitchell, 2 S. Peter, radishes. winter, 1 J. Cowan, 2 J. Richards, cabbage, red, 1 -G. Chapman, 2 8. Peter, cabbage, winter, 1 G. Chapman, 2 J. E. Rowland, onions, yellow, 1 Chapman, 2 J. Richards, onions, yel- low danvers, 1 J. Richards, 2 Wm. Struthers, onions, large red, 1 Geo. Chapman, 2 J. Richards, onions from dutch setts, 1 Wm. Struthers, 2 John Seelhoff, garden carrots, 1 Mary Mor- rison, 2 J. Cowan, parsnips, 1 J. Rich- ards,2 G. Chapman, dutch setts, 1 W. Struthers, 2 J. Seelhoff, cucum bers, | H. Ronnenberg, 2 S. Peter celery, 1 G. Chapman, ears field corn, 1 Wilbert Struthers, 2 W. Struthers, ears table corn, J. Seelhoff, 2 Wm. Struthers, black beans, 1 W. Strut hers,.2 W. A. Dickson, white beans, H. Ronnenberg, 2 Wilbert Struthers, beans, any other kind, 1S. H. Mitchell, McKay, 2 Geo. Gordon, squash, 8. Peter, 2 6a Gordon, citrons, 1 J. Richards, 2 Peter, tomatoes, 1 Mrs. McBain, ° Wm. Struthers. musk melons, 1 8S. Peter, collection of vegetables, 1 S. Peter, G. Chapman. FRUIT. Alexanders, 1 G. Chapman, cul verts, 1 Wilbert Struthers, 2 J. Cow au, st. lawrences, 1 J. Cowan, snows, 1 A. Bishop, northern spies, 1 J. Cow an, 2 H. Ronnenberg, king of tomkins co, 1 A. Yuill, 2 H. Ronnenberg, russets, 1 Wilbert Struthers, 2 Wm. Struthors, greenings, 1 H. Ronnen- berg, ben davis, 1 A. Yuill, 2 A. Bis- hop, tallman sweet, 1 A. Bishop, 2 A. Yuill, winter, any other kind, 1 H. Ronnenberg, 2 A. Bishop, fall, any other kind, 1 Wilbert Struthers, 2 A. Yuill, fall pears. 1 H. Ronnen- berg, 2 W. Blackwell, winter pears, 1 Wilbert Struthers, plums, 1 T. Rat- cliffe, 2 W, Blackwell, grapes, dark, 1 J. Horn, grapes, white, 1 J. Cowan. DAIRY. Crock butter, 1 A. Yuill, 2 A. Simp- son, butter in Ib prints, 1 A. Simpson 2 A. Yuill, Hay Bros. special, 1 A. Simpson, H. Porter's special J. Row- land, Ersman's special, home-made bread, 1 J. Seelhoff, 2 W. Struthers, Ear ag sien 8 special, 1 Mary ewe 2H. Duncan, 3 A. McKay, buns, 1 Mary Morrison, 2 S. Mitchell, scones, 18. Mitchell, 2 H. Dunean, layer cake, 1 Mrs. Ed. Hamiltor, 2 8_Mit- chell, apple pie, 1T. Ratcliffe, 2 A. Yuill, canned fruit, 1 E.' Hammond, 2 Mrs. Ed. Hawilton, tomato catsup, 1 Wilbert Struthers, 2 Mary Morri- son, bottle of pickles, 1 Wm. Strut- hers, 2 Jas. Hamilton, home made soap, 1 H. Duncan, 2 Mrs. A. Camer- on, honey etickiled 1 J. Horn, bis- cuits, 1 H. Duncan, 2 J. Seelhoff,| workingman's supper, 1 E. Hammond 2 Mrs. Ed. Hamilton. PLANTS. . Begonia, 1 J. Coghlin, 2 Mrs. J. Fisher, foliage, 1 Mrs. J. Fisher 2 A. Dickson, cut dahlias, 1 E. de ge Peter, cut flowers; 1 Mrs. Fisher, 2 Mrs. A. Cameron,. gladiolas, 1 Mrs. A. Cameron, 2 Mrs. A. Terry, Asters, 1 Mary Mofrison, 2 Mrs. Cameron. DOMESTIC WORK. A Quilted quilt, 1J. Seelhoff, 2 E. Hammond, quilt, patched silk, A. Yuill, 2 Mary Stewart, quilt, patched cotton, 13. Seelhoff, 2 Mrs. A. Camer- on, crochet counterpane 1 Ei. Ham- mond, 2 Mary Stewart, quilt sewn on cotton, 1 Mary Stewart, 2 Mrs. A. Terry, knitted counterpane, 1 Ivy Smith 2 Mrs..A. Terry, slumber robe 1 N. Hermiston, 2 Mrs. E. Hamilton, fino shirt, machine made, 1 A. Yuill, soldiers sbirt, 1 M. Morrison 2 Annie Menzies, soldier's socks 1 A. Yuill, 2 Mrs. 3. Fisher, kitchen apron and cap 1 M. Morrison, 2 Mrs. E. Hamilton, wollen mitts 1 Mrs. E. Hamilton 2 Mrs. A. Cameron, wollen shaw! 1 A. Menzies, 2 M Stewart, rag mat HOok- ed, 1 A. Menzie, 2 Mrs. A' Cameron, coll. of domestic work, 1 Mrs. E. Hamilton, 2 Mary Stewart. Fancy Work. Day slips, 1 H Ronnenberg, eyelet Stewart, punch work on linen, 1 N. Hermiston, 2 Mrs. Terry, work in cotton 1 N Hermiston, 2 A. Yuill, crocheted jabots, 1 Mrs. Terry, tray cloth 1 A. Menzies, 2 Mrs Por: tér, fiye-o'clock tea cover, 1 A. Men- zies 2 Mary Stewart, pin cushion, 1 A Menzies, 2 N. Hermiston, pillow covers 1 A. Menzies, 2 N. Hermiston, work bag. 1 N. Hermiston 2 A. Men zies, underwaist 1 Mrs. Terry, 2 N. Hermiston, sofa pillow unpainted. 1 pillow hand painted, 1 Mrs. E. Ham- er, 2A. Wonks, Har in Sabon, 1A. E. Hamilton, fancy Porter, 2 Mrs. E. Hamilton, slippers, 1 N. Hermiston 2 H. Ron- Mrs. E. Hamilton, cornation derwear, 1 A. Menzies, 2 Mrs. Terry ool. of fancy work, 1 N. Hermiston 2 Mrs. E. Hamilton. FINE ARTS. Mrs. McBain, landscape, 1 M. Mason, M. Mason, painting on satin or silk, 1 N. Hermiston, flowers in oil, 1 Mrs McBain, 2 Mrs. E. Hamilton, crayon sketches, 1 Mrs, E. Hamilton, 2 M. Mason, coll. of pictures, 1 M. Mason. 2 Mrs. McBain. CHILDRENS COMPETITION. Hemmed handkerchiefs, hemstitehed apron, 1 C. Parker, writ Parker, writing for boys, 1 Alfie Mit- chell, 2 Fred Guy, second-class draw- ing, 1 Mary Harvey, E. special, 1 C. Horn, 2 C. Parker, E. H. Swing's special, 1 C. Campbell 2 L. Candler. TOWNSHIP OF ELMA Court of Revision re Voters' List Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Perth at the Agricultural Hall, Atwood,. on Wednesday, the 13th day of October, 1915, at LO o'clock a.m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Elma for 1915. Dated the 27th'day of September 1915. Gro. LOCHHEAD, Clerk of Elna. J. yery large, embroidery 1 A. Menzies, 2 Mary crochet Mrs. E. Hamilton 2 A. Menzies, sofa ilton 2 H. Ronnenberg, center piece Menzics, 2 N. Hermiston, emb. in silk, 1 M. Stewart 2 N. Hermiston, hardanger or norwegian work, 1 Mrs. towels, 1 N. Her- miston, 2 A. Menzies, emb. for girls, '!1-Pearl Struthers, battenburg, lL Mrs honiton lace, 1 Mrs. Porter, tatting, 1 Mary Morrison, 2 N. Hermiston, bed room nenberg, table runner, 1 Mrs. Camer- on, 2 H. Ronnenberg, tea cosy, 1 A. Menzies, 2 A. Yuill, dresser scarf, 1 Mrs. Cameron, 2 A. Menzies, hand- kerchief, 1 Mary Stewart, 2 Mrs Port- 'ler, initials on linen, 1 A. Menzies 2 braid- work 1 H. Ronnenherg, 2 A. Menzies, damask hemming, 1 A: Menzies 2 M. Stewart, baby's bonnett, 1 Mrs. Ter- ry, 2 Mrs. J. McBain, set ladies un- Best animal, | Marjorie Mason, 2 2 Mrs. E. Hamilton, panels painted, 1 1 M. Mason, 2 Mrs. McBain, plaque, L M. Mason, lead pencil drawing, 1 M. Mason, 2 Mrs. McBain, pen and ink | 1 Cora Parker, darning on socks etc, 1 Cora Parker, petcil drawing, 1G. Horn, 2 C. Parker, button holes, 1 C. Parker, ing for girls, 1 Lottie fammond, 2 C. Coghlin's ANNIVERSARY. « The fic laccant us weather on Sunday morning preyented many. from a dis- tance attending the morning service in connection with the anniversary of the Presbyterian church, although the congregation in the evening was Rev. J. 8. Duncan, B.A. of Lucknow, preached soul stirring sermons; the rev. gentleman is de- 'lcidedly an original thinker judging from the manner he brought out the the more striking and beautiful les- sons contained in his subjects. Mon- day evening tables were loaded with everything tempting to the appetite of the most fastidious, which is only a. repetition of former tea meetings in this respect. The ladies of the con- gregation did their utmost to meet the wants of all and their efforts to please were duly appreciated. The intellectual feast took place in the body of the church, which was filled to the doors sometime before the hour of commencement arrived. The programme consisted of-anthens by the choir, prayer by Rev. Mr. Me- Cullough, of Ethel, chairman's ad- dress by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Mac- Donald, solo's by Miss Carrie Rae, of St. Marys, addresses by the Rev. Mr. Marshall, Rey. Dr. Husser, Rey. Mr. McCullough and Rey. Mr. Shaw. All those taking part did remarkably well, the choir deserves much credit for the way it rendered the musical part 'under the. leadership of Mrs. (Dr.) Kidd, the addresses were very interesting being appropriate for such an occasion andthe solos rendered by Miss Rae, delighted the audience so much that she was heartily encor- ed after each number, Miss Rae possesses a sweet voice and rendered her selections with much ease and grace and at any future date she will be welcomed back by an Atwood audience. The proceeds amounted to upwards of $300, _DIRECTORS MEETING A meeting of the 'directors of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company was held in the Secre- tary's office on Tuesday, the 21st September. All the members of the Board were present; but Mr. Steyen- son. The minutes of the August meeting were read, confirmed and signed. Claims for losse8 by lightn- ing from the following were paid-- Jno. Bannerman, Logan, horse killed, $190.00 ;-Jas. M. Boyd, Elma, pure bred Holstein cow killed, $100.00 ; Henry Seelhoff, Elma, calf killed, $15.00; Thos. J. Hymers, Elma, calf killed $19.00; J. E. Hurst, Morning- ton, cow damaged $40.00; J. S. Pur- vis, Grey, culf killed $18.00; Jos. O'Grady, Mornington, barn. damaged $7.00; Adam Schade, Wallace, hei- fer and bull killed, $80.00; Geo. Mc- Knight, Wallace, was paid $20.00 ,|}for damage to his drive barn and ,/and contents by fire supposed from steam thresher. Applications for in- surance were accepfed amounting to $98,600. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday the 19th October to meet at the usual time and place. -- J. R. Hammond, Secretary. CHEESE FAIR. Cheese was again on the upgrade at the Listowel Dairymen's Exchange Friday of last week, the prevailing price on the street being 14¢c. The highest bid on the board, 144c, was refused. Eleven factories were represented and they boarded 2790 cheese as follows: Millbank 400, Wallace 365, Elma 355, Molesworth 300, Elma & Mornington, white, 255, Brunner 250, Trowbridge 240, Silyer Corners 200, Marion Beaver 170, Ethel 145, Fordwich 110. ENGLISH CHURCH On Sunday next, Oct. 3rd, service will be held in St. Alban's church at 3 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. R E. Page, of Brussels, who will al- so conduct the Harvest Thankagiv'ng services at St. Dayid's churgb, Hin- fryo, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. that diy, CASTORIA For Infants and Children eats OS bears Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years: shan as a oe yar aint Didi lindindntatrrdindndindratindndin tinct ciin tetas: stantial allalind nti inlaia indian tintinndindialindl Benne

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