--r 7 - ~ For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That | Genuine Castoria For Over MONTREAL one EE ae =a ~ Exact Copy of Wrapper. Thirty Years CASTORIA THe CENTAUR SOMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Tenders for Drain. GEALED on Saturday, Noyember 30th, the construction of a drain in Grey known as 'Tne Nort Mattian ENLARGEMENT." Tenders must-give the names of sureties be accompanied with a marked che- and que for ($500. OU. Plans and specifications may be seen at ce, Atwood 'or farther Scott. Reeve, The lowest or any tender not necessar- TENDERS. (marked tenders for drain) will be received by the undersigned up till two o'clock p.m. 1918, for} one o'clock, Elma and! stove cos! or wood, cook stove wood oe apply. to Wm. onkton, Ont, or the un- Aucticn sale of Household effects --Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has re ceived instructions to sell by public auction on Saturday, Noy. 16th, al the following :-- Cook ° | burner, heating stoye coal, extension table, emall table, sideboard, fallen leaf table, lounge, 8 day clock, 2 bed steads, springs and mattresses, bur eau, book- stand, hall rack. parlor suit six pieces, centre table, sink, dresser and wash stand. large bureau, 7 rocking chairs, 20 common chairs, a number .of : i 1918, ~ ee eee NE --_------------. J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer ~ Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--North side Main-st., Lis- towel, over C. Tabberner's office. Auction Sale --Or-- Farm, Farrfi Stock and Implements. Alex. Morrison, Auctioneer, bas re ceived instructions from H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer ~ Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. Wim. Longe to sell by Public Auction on Lot 28, on. 8, Elma, on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, '18. at one o'clock sharp. 2 mares 8 and 9 yrs. old, 1 horse 8 yrs. old, 2 colts rising 3 yrs. old, 8 D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Roard of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. cows supposed in calf, 2 dry cows, 4 heifers 2 yrs old supposed in calf, 16 steers 2 yrs old, 12 steers 1 year old, 3 heifers 1 yr old, 7 spring calves, 1 Purebred Holstein buil 1 yr old, 10 .|ewes, 1 brood sow and 9 young pigs, 1 brood sow and 4 young pigs. 7 ft. binder new, 6 ft. mower new, hay loader, side delivery rake, hay car, slings, fork, rope and puilies, manure spreader in good shape, riding plow, 2 walking plows, cultivator, seed drill 15 hose, set iron barrows 4 sections, entral Business ollege, Stratford, Ont. Lady graduates of last term are Manow earning as high as $18 and even $20 per week, while young men are earning still better salaries. We can not meet the demand for trained help. Write us at once for particulars re- garding our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy Depart- ment. Students may enter at any time. D. A. McLacutax, Principal scutHer, 2 farm wagons, hay rack, buggy, cutter, set bobsleighs, 2 sets double harness, set single harness, 4 tons hay, 4 milk cans, 2 creamery cans, wheelbarrow, grindstone, 2 scte double whifiletreos, turnips, mungolds, chains, shovels, forks, milk pails and a host of small articles. Farms -- Parcel 1 consist of 80 acres, being lot 29, con. 7, Elma, there is a good bank barn, small house and lots of good water. Parcel No. 2 consist of 100 acres being lot 28, con. 8, Elma, there is a good bank barn 50x70, straw sheed 30x40, good driving shed, good brick house and brick kitchen, lots of good water. This isa fine farm. Terms on Farms -- 10 p. c. cash on 'day of sale, enough to make up one third of purchased price in 30 days, halance Ethel. A car of coke came here but had to be returned as it was for foundry purposes and not suitable for dom- estic use. Rev. H. J. and Miss Fair, Toronto, are guests at the Parsonage. The latter is improving io health we are glad to state. Total taxes to be collected this year in Grey township is $57,000. can remain as a mortgage at 54% Terms of chattel --$10 and under, _|eash ; over that amount 10 months' credit on furnishing approved joirt notes (land owners as security) or a discount of 6% per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Owing to ill health Mr. Long is obliged to giye up farming. ASTORIA yictures, pots, pars, } = a pra EON I ite te a Mie Se aoe. oS | A You are a farmer. Canada is a farming country. 'Canada grows more food than the people of Canada need. _ To prosper she must sell that sur- plus food. : _. Great Britain is our best customer for grain, pork, beef, cheese and other farm products. Every practical man must.see how important it is to hold the British trade. Canada wants.not only the profit on this trade, she wishes to create a good- will in Britain towards Canadian pro- ducts apd thus assure our export busi- ness for the future. - At the moment Great Britain asks for credit, asks Canada to sell her the roducts of the farm, "'on time." To old her trade, it is necessary to give this credit. This takes capital--immense capital. For Britain's purchases from Canada paid for in cash. In these times, it is not easy even for a nation as wealthy as Canada to - procure money. Certainly, no other country can lend us money. The only At Y a matter of business, what do you think of the plan? are huge, and these purchases must be . ae Rt. CF - This is the reason for selling 'Victory Bonds. : Can anyone deny the sound business sense of this plan of protecting our valuable market P From the standpoint of the man+ who lends, what better security could he get for his money? Where else could he get a five and a half percent. return on such securityP- Where would he find an investment. to pay interest so regularly and with so little trouble to the lender? Certainly Canadians have an opportunity to benefit very directly from this borrowing plan. ~ And the money Canada borrows is spent entirely in Canada--a very large part of it for the very crops the farmer has to sell. Therefore, if the Victory Loan is a success, business in Canada must be ood, the nation must prosper and so able to carry on a vigorous war effort in France and Flanders. As a practical man you must approve of the Victory Loan plan. Then help italong. Put your own money into Victory Bonds; urge your friends to buy; work hard among \ Se. % Me i he way now open for Canada to secure your loyal neighbors to make t panned is te borrow from the people of Victory Loan 1918 an overwhelming Canada. SUCCESS. ; 5 --all you can pay for incash andall ee 'i (ae 7 ypeucancarry oninstalments, ._ : is Silk eae Pe SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY AID VICTORY LOAN ------------------ As 10 instance of how science and industry have co-operated in helping to win the war, it is interesting to note that Sir Thomas White, K.C.M.G., Minister of Finance, has made a special " His Master's Voice' Record for the peepee of actually informing the Canadian Public in his own voice concerning the need of the second Victory Loan. i . _ 5 Science has thus made it*possible for the voice of the Finance Minister to be eard in thousands of places in every part of the Country at the same time. The illustration shows Sir Thomas " caught in the act " as he made his special recording at the Jaboratoriés of the Berliner Gram-o-phonc Company, Limited, S _| The Lungs of 7f ~=©3>- Your Range There is no flue sys- tem just like that of . range learn about the Pandora method of heat. distribution -- it is the secret of good baking and of every " kindof good work a good range should do. It is the lung system of the range. For sale by John Roger M'Clarys - Pandora | Range : oC St. John, N.B. Hamilton Calgary Edmonton Saskatoon 'é SEERA IE Are you a shareholder in your country ae "He could not fight" he would not loan his money Will this be your epitaph, / BUY VICTORY BONDS The satoat and best investment in the world. This space donated in aid of the Victory Loan-- Last year there were 5,285,000 war gardens in the United States. ~ Ié is said that real estate men aro looking forward to a boom in garden lands, Success is the one crime that somo folks refuse to forgiye in their friends. Moon light nights. Grand fall weather. Bee. Fall wheat erop looks weil: yours is not paid, Thanks are due to a number who are squaring up subscriptions to The Go thou and do likewiee if : : 1. M. SMITH