| THE MIRROR SS ee eT a ne a until the last day in October A Wonderful Sa of Keady-to- W ear The first person phon- | THIS MEANS ONE THING-- ing the name of this urday morning will be ? any show during week Winner to call at our Watch our ad. next 8 Beginaing Saturday and Continuing actor to us Sat- that real, marvelous values are to given 2 tickets for | be offered to the public. at the Classic. High-grade garments that were store for tickets. made to sell for far more than these 'special sale prices. ---------- ------- = = Fea, © week. 7 I 50 Dresses of Poiret Twill and Tricotine | Misses' and Small Women's Suits Reg. to 30.00 for 12.95 Reg. to $39 for $9.95 ii Misses' and women's Dresses, made in newest | Wonderful Coats at this low figure. In this styles. Coat dresses, straight line effects and panel styles. The selection is exceptionally var- ied and distinctly different. Colors, black, navy and brown. Misses' and Small Women's Dresses Reg. to 35.00 for 11.50 12 only Dresses in this clearance, Swiss Taffet- tag Canton Crepe and Crepe-de-Chines in light and dark-colors. Sizes 16 years and 36 bust only. Girl's Serge and Flannel Dresses Values to 13.00 for 6.75 30 Dresses of fine quality Serge and Broad- cloth Flannel in best styles, pleated skirts with oF smartly bloused uppers. Embroideried styles ue and middy blouses. Ages 6 to 14 years. lot are better values than we have ever offered. '"'Burberry" type in checked back tweeds and ! Lovat cloths, fur-trimmed Bolivias in navy only. Sizes 16 years to 42 bust. Misses' and Women's Fall and Winter Coats, reg. $35 for $12.95 10 only sample suits in small sizes only--'Tric- otine and Velour in smartly tailored styles. Col- ors, navy, black, brown. Women's Coverall House Dresses Reg. 1.50 for 79c All-over House Dresses of dark avy print in a variety of patterns, small, medium and large sizes. | DUNCAN FERGUSON CO. | DONT' BE LATE Did you sleep in this morn- ing ? Our Alarm Clocks will call you in lots of time. BIG BEN is our leader__he never fails__ always on time--$4.50. Others from $2.00 up. BUSHFIELD "The Square Deal Jeweler" 25 Downie Street , a Ce ogy UN ent am om Tomorrow z a picture off the ------S=-- SSS F AVRUERTT EREDAR PEAT | Big Meeting Sunday See Reid Toda y. Comdt. Hurd, Financial Repre- | sentative from New Brunswick, N. B., of the Salvation Army, will speak in the City hall on Sunday, at 8.15 p.m. His subject will be, "The Underworld."' Special music by the Band. : 'Smashed Bicycle Howard Muma who is an operat- or at the Classic Theatre, did see reel and what might have been a real accident at the corner of Falstaff and Downie streets when a bicycle ran in front | Stratford's ee Sete Optician of his car. He didn't hit the rider, 25 Dawnie St. just the bicycle. Red hose, red shoes, and a pow- der puff. Nothing more? Isn't that enough. ie a rE | The drama is a place where Jesus 'of God do not be afraid to leave LOCAL T TERES Mr. John McDonal reprasentnee in Stratford hi Henry's organization. Heh = not made it knows as yet the new Cc whoever bate him will be ee oe He will however, do business at the old stand. Prof. Manly Baker, wis is" an old Stratford boy and brother of Dr. H. Baker, has been visiting in the city for the past few days Prof. Baker is now science teache at. the Kingston University, and one of that University's mos thought of lecturers. He i another old boy that has good. few hi in this world intrinsical ly evil. "No matter how danger a thing is in itself redeem it an make it the Lord's, but if it is" morally rotten give it to the devil Christ can be magnified, and i the duty of the Christian to patro- nize the wholesome play, and any- thing that is necsssary you. cannot | afford to throw overboard. ae The Christianity of to- Aas nist be a Christianity of © Fearlessne and there is not au impulse put in, the heart by God but must find oo expression, and the Christianity that shall dominate the woud must be the cross; the preacher -- who. does not lift 'up the cross, - the: people. will leave. Every calling should bes a 'bel calling, and there are plenty of doctors, preachers and nurses wh¢ do not think of profits, and h believed that the time will come when men will just seek a liveli- hood, but the passion of their sot will be in their work. A man in business has a right to look for profits, but not to make it the sole purpose of his business. No man -- can be satisfied with his life's work -- by looking at what he made, The Christianity that invites men to-day is a Christianity of Free- dom, but the most beautiful and inspiring theory does not make you. a Christian. No one becomes a Christian until he faces Jesus and. says, "'V'll follow Thee," otherwise - you will break down; and if you would know the comforts and joys the nest. Miss Agnes Cullis and Mr. Marsh _ Magwood sang Stainer's "Love Divine'? as a duet. These. are. two singers who have good voices, and the duet was most expressivel rendered. Miss Della Kaiser's solos. are always appreciated, and he voice in " Consider and Hear Me' showed to advantage,