4 THE MIRROR Special for Saturday | Player Piano, slightly used, walnut case, thoroughly overhauled, with $25.00 worth of rolls. $450 AS Po0G Wa Mews. gs | Practice Piano, 7 1-3 octaves, walnut case. iy goed condition .2o 08 ok oe Lo ee ORGANS--6 octaves, walnut, oak and mahogany cases, thoroughly overhauled, 30 S$ 1 @) re $20 to choose from............... TERMS IF DESIRED | Practice Piano, 7 1-3 octaves, ebonized case thoroughly Qvernauled =... a fe RISCH- LIMITED Central Methodist Church Sunday Evening, February 3rd, 7 p.m. D SUBJECT : Outwitted By His Son A story sermon ew er em eR oe ee TOPE RTH ee we Ret ss | 1 Don't miss hearing this interesting story. REV. J. W. MAGWOOD, Pastor t-- a a » A man is willing to be pushed to the front, but he doesn't want to be shoved. DR. K. H. BRUCE Chiropractic Specialist Gordon Block Phone 926F ---- ( . | $1. Down Buys a Bicycle { Calland we will tell you how HOME BAKING AND CANDY! Sale, Saturday, February 2nd, 4-7, at Loretta Convent, Grange | WETTLAUFER'S Bicycle and Motorcycle Store 108 Wellington Street at 9 Gallagher's Herbal Remedies Are known the world over, having been on the market for 47 years. Gallagher's Kid- ney Remedies have been the means of sonie inost miracu- lous cures. It contains no mineral drug and if givena fair trial will positively relieve Inflammation Irritation Dropsical Swelling Gravel or Other Solid Formations oS ee ew ee DS ee This remedy is made of such well-known Herbs as Buchu Leaves, Mandrake Root and Juniper Berries. ener ON SALE AT |W. F. WALTHER 149 Downie Street Gallagher's Herhal Remedy Co. Toronto, - Can. ee = AVAVATAGUTAAT AVATAR Classic THEATRE FEATURE PICTURES | AND | HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE UNITE Coming Auction Sales HOUSEHOLD GOODS February 2nd, 167 Nile Street February 6th, 271 Albert Street February 16th, 61 Church Street tener sone ( { ( { St. entrance. JONES, Auctioneer Progressing Favorably. Maybe no boy in the city has any more friends than Harold Myers, son of Ex-Ald. C. R. Myers, Albert St., and they were sorry. to have learned that he was overtaken with an acute attack of appendicitis, An operation was performed Wed- nesday and on inquiry at his home as to how he was getting along The Mirror was glad to. get the reply that "He is progressing favorably." Its Important That You Give Your Watch Attention --~and it is equally as important that you take it to the right place, Maybe our increasing patronage says more about the kind of work we do than anything we could say in an ad- vertisement. { \ Official Watch. Inspectors for the C. N. R. a GILLIES & EMM 23 DOWNIE ST. Our Entire Winter Stock of Fashion and Personality Modes are Reduc- ed in Price. "4 OFF Silk Street Frocks Cloth Street Frocks Dinner Gowns Party Frocks Winter Coats and Wraps. McBRIDE & C0. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Cor. Ontario and Erie Sts. -- | THE MIRROR : 5 Happened With a Bad Accident Duncan Ferguson, junior, met with a very painful accident the other day having dislocated his thumb as well as breaking it, while playing ball. It was necessary to have an operation on the thumb be- | SKATE GRINDING TIRE CHAINS Harold A. Heuther Tel. 1113w Next Carter's Garage Bigger Bargains fore having it reset. Duncan, how. | ever, is doing well, and it is hoped that he will soon be back to busi- ness. PETER BORMAN City and County Auctioneer Some folks pays dey bills wid cash, some wid checks and some wid reluctance.--Cally Ryland. shack ihe chats Inquiries Answered Than Ever '3 Piano Bargains On account of being crowded for room we are offering three unprecedented bargains | PRACTICE PIANOS *0° 2 760: FPS The pianos have been thoroughly overhauled and are in good shape and such an opportunity to buy a practice piano does not often present itself. | If your Phonograph needs adjusting phone 1598. We ave an expert repair man at your service. We have just 50 left of our specially priced records, which'we are clearing maturday oto Go a eo Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Floral Designs Always a good Assortment Pequegnat's Music Store Opera House Block Fhone 1598 were S Still the crowds come and go away with marvelous bargains. Come and see for yourself. The new store with the new prices is MicMORRAN'S (Thornton & Douglas old stand) Phone 84 56 Ontario St. F. Le SOUDER FRESH - FRUITS - IN - SEASON Bargains in Nearly Everything Bargains in VIOLINS of ail kinds. 123-127 Downie St. Madge's Meat Pies 10c, 3 for 25c Fresh, Appetizing, Palatable, Ontario St, near Court House fl David Burns | HORSE.-SHOEING Wood Work of all Kinds 20 Years' Experience Next to Arlington Hotel, Erie St. Stratford + Ring 44 when you want COAL ano WOOD LENNOX COAL CO. | tetintieterttesteeteetiatet | IF YOU WANT HEALTH If anyone thinks that a man doing hard manual labor cannot live on a FISH diet, just consider the Japanese. They eat 200 pounds of fish per person each year and are regarded as one of the best physically developed races on the earth. There's health in Fish--honest food value--nutriment that re- builds the worn out tissues, makes brain and brawn and good red blood --THERE'S HEALTH IN FISH! Leave a standing order for fish at Ubelacker's Fish & Meat Market PHONE 87 (a Y Buy Lots on Thornton Park and Make Money If you havea house for sale or to rent list it with us---we have inquiries daily. We are ready to handle all classes of Insur- ance. If in need of protection see us at once. We have the best policies on the market. rn a THORNTON PARK LIMITED Windsor Hotel Block, Stratford Ld \