THE MIRROR PUBLISHER'S RATES On both new and re- newal subscriptions for all newspapers. PROMPT SERVICE Phone 292w Lightfoot's Book Store 83 Downie Street | | | ; i] i Stratford Girls Discuss The Husbands Wanted The other day anumber of women | were conversing about the kind of husbands they wanted and one said Give me a man that is kind. Another wanted a man who was ed- cated. Another a man with money. One said that she would not marry | any man who could not buy her a | home and keep her comfortable. The only girl after all who really loves a man is the one who says she | willtake him for better or for worse. | principal reason i The they Well, most men get better. is because Characteristics Most Admired in the Men They Want to Marry. have to, but men do not always know that the thing they are doing, they must do, and often not only / do, but undo, That is because ofa woman's subtle way. She cau com- pel without your knowledge. Not one of them said a word about their future husband's char- acter except one. This girl wanted a | clean man and didn't care whether he had neither money or education. Any man can be eligible in this case, | and if any young man wants a real | fine girl, and you can fill the bill, J promptness. We are already nearly that! Let Us Make Stratford the livest city There are still too many snappy, promising young business men in Stratford who are carrying unreliable, out of date watches that hold up appointments, director's meetings and their owner's destinies. Not a bit of excuse, either, for you can have your pick of the world's famous watches at our store. To encourage you to buy now we make this offer: Every ' But we can't be thoroughly up on our toes--we can't be real "go-getters" and "doers" until we begin to better realize the value of time -- the importance of L sore watch purchased for $15 or over we will present the pur- chaser with a new Waldermar Chain. PEQUEGNAT'S JEWELERY STORE CORNER OF ONTARIO AND DOWNIE STS. send your name and address, along with your photo, to The Mirror and we will do our very best to get you this girl. The other day one of our carrier boys was settling a dispute as to whether a dog was a thoroughbred or not by this means: "If he is a thoroughbred his mouth will have a black roof." In the human kingdom: it is dif- ferent though. Its the man with the clean mouth and who is clean that is the thoroughbred gentle- man, Men with clean mouths are not as numerous as they ought to be, but when women want and de- mand a clean man, clean in thought --in living and in speech, the moral standard will more quickly be raised. A man who is clean spoken, who does not swear, and treats others with respect and is courteous and kind to everything and everybody, is looked upon as a paragon of virtue ; but there are so many millions of such women in the country whose virtues is not even thought of as anythIng worth mentioning. If you women of Can- ada would demand this kind of a man you would get him. 'In fact, you can get anything you want, no matter what itis. Men, of course, are often a little wild, but are cap- able of being tamed. In fact, they are more easily tamed than any other kind of an animal. Probably it is just as well to get one that needs some training and then you will have something to do. Not only that but to conclude, that most of them, be they ever so nice looking in the bottle, will not taste quite so nice as he looks. We>al- most said something about the op- posite sex in this direction, but then comparisons are odious. Now thes get the best you can, and if you do not get the best, make the best of a bad job. SCOTT THE CLEANER AND DYER 37 Ontario Phone 312 Dry Cleaning, Pressing. Repairing, Altering and Dyeing Ladies' and Gent's Apparel. Goods Called For and Delivered ~~ 'Have Painting and | | Paper Hanging | Done now at winter prices { r., PROST Baie cave. -- SPRINGS AND AXLES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sole representatives best makes. after we have received JOHN PFEFFER, PROP. 94 Shakespeare St. Springs delivered within 24 hrs. | your | order and often carried in stock. } Stratford Auto Accessory House | Phone 1317w Read The Mirror's Advts. Re a OP PEAT Ca Be a ee Nia aa : tes : THE MIRROR =] UTOEUUAUOYNEY AYGQUUUUCLUOOOLGUAGAGANSOUEEOEUUAUGOOGUOOEEUUUOUAGUUGEAUUREOOOUUOUUO AO BHATT UUNANAAUANUUUENASUAGAARAANUUNIUUAAL SERVICE ALL-WAYS mattresses, good wardrobe, kitchen cupboard, 6 odd odd extension table, washing machine and wringer, baby crib (white enamel), baby desk and chair (white enamel), paper rack, toiletware, lawn mower, tools, sealers, s ornaments, pictures, mirror, window screens and other articles. GEORGE BRADLEY, Owner. We Represent One of Canada's Best Life Insurance Companies --- "The Continental Life Insurance Company" Ce 'a HYQUQNEQANQQVTOUVEOUCCUEERUEAAUOOLUUOOUGOLOOUOQOOOCONECLTEEOUAOOGOSEAAAN E22 ALBERT ST. AUCTIONEER NON ON ON NOOO cll cl ral electric reading lamp, electric iron, fern stand, telephone oak medicine chest, mahogany bedroom suite, (bed, dresser, chiffonier), brass bed, diners, small oak heater and pipes, small tables carriage (reed), child's doll swing (reed), child's tep ladder, curtains, parlor lamp (coal oil), dishes, These goods are all of high-class quality. SEU UAL CALL LA LALLA MALOU ULLAL ULL WIM MOMMA T Auction Sale of Household Goods Saturday, February 2nd, at 2 p.m. Sharp, at 167 Nile Street Consisting of McLagan gramophone (mabogany) and records, 3 piece mahogany parlor suite, 2 parlor rockers, couch, mahogany jardiniere stand, smoker's stand, oak dining room suite, (round table, buffet, china cabinet and diners with leather seats), new Hyslop man's bicycle, new congoleum rug, stair carpet, rugs, linoleum' chair, hall rack, umbrella stand, jardiniere stands, iron bed, dressers, stands, springs, parlor table, TERMS CASH, BS || HNNUNNUUALUQVEOUUUUUEL4UUDULSUUUQEUEOUGSEOO LEU LOUEAYOEEOREUENOREOUOEEEAGEEOENUEOLEUGOOURUGGOREUAOGLAUGOALLL WS ag '4 yh : na Nee | Good Reason. Redd--They always call a ship she, @on't they? Greene--Yep. "Well, do they call an airship she, too?" "Certainly." "Why?" "Because _ they're flighty." inclined to be The Industrious Squaws. "Don't you think the American In- @ian was badly treated?" "Yes," answered the inexcusable person. "The Indian had a plan worked out by which he could loaf while the women worked and the white man came along and broke it up." Convinced of It. "Mr. Gloom," began the bore, drag- ging forward another bore, "this is Mr. Sniggles--" "I don't doubt it!' coldly interrupt- ed J. Fuller Gloom, walking away. One Reasori. "Why are you opposed to your wife's voting?" "Because, judging from her house- cleaning orgies, she will go in for too Maany sweeping reforms," No Playtime. "T understand you have quit playing politics." "Never did play it," replied Senator Sorghum. "With me politics was al- ways business and hard work," Not a Fair Audience. Miss Sue Brette--And did you har> a fair audience at your play last night? Footelighte--Nothing fair about it. They hissed. A Good Investment. "So you have installed one ef those instantaneous heaters?' "Yes. I find it pays to keep my husband in hot water." Fixed Expression. "There is one queer thing about the go-called auto face." "What is that?" "It is net a mobile face." Her Iilustratior. "Nature herself teaches us that @uecess depends on system." "I admit she's made a shining ex- @mpie in her soler system," } | | j UHOUTUVONOSEOAEOANSEOOATEEUQUEEUOUEUGROAAGEUROUUEEGUUCGOOHAAEOAEUEOOAEEAOEEOGAU ESTHONIAN COLONY. Proposal to Settle One Hundred Families In Canada. Sir' John Pitka, K.C.M.G., rear- admiral (retired) in the Esthonian navy, formerly in the Imperial Rus- sian navy, is visiting Canada in con- nection with the migration of a num- ber of Esthonian farmers. He called at the Department ofImmigration and Colonization, Ottawa, to discuss the coming as soon 2s Possible of 109 | farmers who have capital, with their families from Esthonia. The principal purpose of Sir John's visit is to get information on whi part of the Dom- inion he considers it would be best for these families to settle in. If they are satisfied with conditions in this country it will mean that many more faruilies will follow. Esthonia, which is one of the new Baltic Siates formed during the war out of part of the old Russian Em- pire, is chiefly an agricultural coun- try. It has an aréa of about 32,000 Square miles with a population of 1,750,000, so that, as Sir John point- ed out, its population is rather con- gested and there is a desire on the part of many of the people to emi- grate. Conditions, he says, since the War are not very good, and as the Esthonians were on the side of the Allies throughout the war, they pre- fer to migrate to Canada, where' geographical and climatic conditions are more nearly like their own coun- try than in any part of the British Empire. Sir John Pitka has a farm near Reval, the capital of Esthonia, which is a city of about 166,000. He has gone to Western Canada, where he intends to spend six weeks look- ing over settlement prospects. DR. A. L. BAKER DENTIST Gordon Block, Phone 1533] O. K. SHOE REPAIR 16 DOURO ST. Parcels called for and delivered. N. HOHNSTEIN, - Prop. If Your Battery Needs Attenfion, see STRATFORD BATTERY SERVICE WE ARE EXCLUSIVE BATTERY SPECIALISTS Cc. N. FULTON, MGR. PHONE 800 MOTORCYCLES Automobile Skates and Shoes HAROLD J. HAGARTY First-class Repairing 182 Erie Street Have your old car- WEAVIN pets made into new rugs in your town. We bear compar- ison with the best. J. H. ASQUITH Phone 1090w 312 Huron St. Prudential Assurance Company of London, England Licensed for Fire Assurance in Can. Assets exceed Seven Hundred Million Dollars. Largest Company in world. H. JOHN BUTLER 72 Ontario District Agent Tel. 349w af