ee ee fa THE MIRROR Central Methodist Church Sunday, May 18th Sermons by OF H Sunday School Anniversary Morning, Afternoon and Evening Rev. Applegath AMILTON rt Special Music--Choir of 50 vv Voices Everybody Welcome W.B.ROTHWELL INSTRUCTION IN PIANO - VOCAL Studio--$0 Coburg Street PHONE 1533w 4 Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare's Great Love Story Presented by NORMAL STUDENTS It's Fashionable to Wear a Corset | CITY HALL May 22 & 23, 8 p.m. Admission 50c | (Tax extra) ' t ~ A This is your opportunity to share in remarkable values, by purchasing a Corset ata fraction of its regular price. We are offering six different models at greatly reduced prices for Friday and Satur- day only. Clearing at-- 89c to $1.79 Jennette Fashion Shoppe The Grey Store on the corner 57 Ontario St. Phone 192 ~IMUUEUVCUUUUUUENEUU EUAN One Tire One Tube Guaranteed--for $10.00 Bill Keil | TIRES and ACCESSORIES 114 Ontario Street Phone 140w 7 - Phone 885 2 George Kelterborn & Son MEAT SHOP GROCERIES and PROVISIONS New goods arriving every day. Cured and Cold Meats--all kinds. KELTERBORN'S -- "a ~~ 4 135 Ontario Street a oe | Scene from "PIED PIPER MALONE" featuring Thomas Meighan, which is now showing at the Classic Theatre. -- TheBestHat | and Cap Val- ues in Town are to be found at Cum- ming, the Clothier's store. Wesell you Hats and Caps at prices that most stores ask from $1.00 to $1.50 more. For instance our Caps that we sell at $1.50 each, can't be bought any- where else less than $2.50. MEN'S HATS In this season's newest shapes $2.50 $2.95 $3.50 $3.95 $4.50 $5.00 Colors--Pearl Grey, Dark Pearl, Slate, Fawn, Brown, Ocean, Beaver and Parrot. Sizes 654 to 7%. Our Famous 1.50 Caps They've gained wonderful pop- ularity, no question about it, they deserve a large sale. Fancy tweeds, Donegals, Covert Cloths, Velours, etc., made up in score of styles, silk lined, unbreak- able peaks. Step in tomorrow and see our Hat and Cap Dept. show- ing* you'll at once realize that our values are all we say they are and more. CUMMING, The Clothier Billie Y. Donaldson, Mgr. Tel. 203. 40 Wellington St. Read The Mirror Ads. SHAKESPEARIAN PLAY BY NORMAL STUDENTS According to custom, the Normal Students are preparing to presenta Shakesperian play on Empire Day. This year it will be his greatest love story, Romeo and Juliet, edited by Sir Henry Newboldt for schools. As usual, there will be two castes, one on Thursday night, May 22nd, and the other on Friday night May 23rd. The costuming will be cor- rect and everything in keeping with the play. 'The students solicit the patronage of lovers of the immottal Bard of Avon. NORMAL STUDENTS VISIT THE C. N.R. SHOPS Not very often such a number of young ladies are seen entering the C.N.R. shops as was on Saturday morning. Together with the youig gentlemen students and their teach: ers, John Roberts, the superintet- dent of the shops, arranged for them to visit the building at this time and see the machinery in 0p- eration. Those on their way tothe market Saturday morning wondered what the occasion was. One pe son wanted to know if the young ladies were looking for positions there. It was a very umique idea and must have proved interesting: Many citizens who have listened to this whistle blow for years have "° conception of the magnitude of the work which is done in this building. Its good to see these students take an interest in machinery. Then the men whom these students saw work- ing there are interested in the 2 thetic school as well asthe practic school in which they work. -- ] , om aooooert Flowers for All Occasions Call or Phone Pequegnat's Music Store Phone 1598 itouneweree 97 Downie street fe Ne ee «5 een or e ee atte Fe ge ed Sa gael en -- ee, a The New Arena Canvass to Start Monday, May 19, 1924 Charles Farquharson Heads Organization Drive. A meeting of interested citizens held in the Chamber of Com- merce rooms, Tuesday evening, divide the city canvass among twenty group leaders, each leader to handle as many canvassers as would be necessary to cover his district. It is hoped that the major part of the canvass will be com- pleted before tenders are opened on June 2nd, 1924, so that the Directors can proceed immediately with the placing of contracts. Mr. C. Farquharson is head of the Organization drive and hopes to use the cld "Merchant's" Bank property, Albert street, as headquarters. If you are interested and can spare a few hours to canvass, make your wish known to Mr. Farquharson or any of the Direc- tors. Your help will be appreciated. a final arrangeinents were made to ee i EAE SCRE ATL Men's Suits Tailored to your measure Fit, Style, Workmanship Guaranteed or your MONEY REFUNDED Specials for Victoria Day Delivery: $25 - $30 - $35 The little store with big values OxfordCustomTailors Branch of Snider's Thrift Store 95 Downie St. Stratford Sol Snider, Mgr. Heintzman& Co. Weekly Piano Bargain " ------ a eee & e Z _ an a nee Chickering (Boston) Upright Piano" in nice Rosewood case, beautiful tone, thoroughly over- hauled in first-class condition Special $165 Easy terms. Heintzman & Co., Ltd. 131 Ontario Phone 769 Patent and Smoked Elk, in the new cutaway style. Made by "Chums." See these in our windows. The Price-- $4.95 NEIL D. McEWEN 45 Downie St. Tel. 1182 | @ Fleet Foot Tennis Shoes | This is a '| Sanitary Age There are dozens of different ways of doing plumbing, but | our way must be right for our | business is growing each week Reasonable Price | @ for first-class work is one the reasons of our business growth We are now getting well established in our new quarters-- 199 Ontario Street J. E. COMERFORD Phone 49 | Sandals} "Creamalt" 100 per cent. Whole Wheat Loaf contains every- thing the human body needs. 163 Downie St-~Phone 90. Get Your Equipment Now! Get ready now. Equip- ments for every kind of Out-Door Sport. See our stock of Baseball and Football Supplies. Lightfoot's Book Store 83 Downie Street We'li Save Y ou Money Before discarding Your Old Battery -- Bring it to FULTON Stratford's Expert Battery Man 122 ONTARIO ST. Phone 800 LAWN MOWERS Sharpened - Repaired Called for and Delivered. Prices Reasonable. BICYCLES It will pay you tocallin and see our Bicycles and terms. A full line of Accessories. Repairing a Specialty. Wm. E. McCarthy Phone 781] 71 Wellington J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 266] Gordon Block FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES CALLOUS - OF Phone 1580 Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. (Beacon Building) Residence 13303 FRANK P. GIBBS Stratford, Ont. A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnsten's Callous-Off Company STRATFORD, ONT. See Our Stock of BALLOON TIRES Harold A. Heuther Next Carter's Garage Tel. 1113w You and I know that prices have dropt. The newspapers know it too, and won't it be fine when the storekeepers find out about it ? Read The Mirror Ads. seat eee ee 2) Ge eee