om OT sents ema woe * Sakti wi = pea ANE NPE ERR en THE MIRROR Od v2 ye from some recent communications. To the Heart Throb Editor : Iam keeping company with a girl who loves dancing. I take her to as many dancesas I can ; but she dances more often with other young men than she does with me. The last dance we attended, I mentioned that I wanted to have the honor of having the first dance with her, but instead of complying with my_-re- quest she waltzed off with another young man. Now I haveconcluded that she is slighting me, don't you think so? her, but all she said was, "Jim, don't be so foolish as to get that idea into your head. You should know me better than that." |For atime I discontinued going to see her, but we became friends again. That is the only thing I do not like about her. Apart from this, we never disagree, for when I goto see her she is so nice ; but when we go to a dance or to a friend's house she acts entirely different. She is certainly a swell dancer and a swell girl, but I cannot stand being slighted in this way. No matter how much I think of this girl, I am not constituted to stand for this in- difference to my wish. cannot understand her. '"Constant Lover."' My Dear Constant Lover, -- You will be a long time on this earth before you will be able to in- | terpret the action of some girls; as was shown in 'Bringing Up Father' the other day, when he wanted to go to the seashore for his holidays. The way he got his wife to go there This, I mentioned to | I simply | wasby pretending that he wanted to goto the mountains, then she | would be sure togo tothe seashore. | If you were not so anxious to dance with your lady friend she would likely be more anxious to dance | with you. Of all the contrary | things in the world--that is, when | they are contrary--it's a girl! Of | course, they are not all like thatall | the time, but a great many are, part of the time. When they are, don't | bother reasoning with them, for you'll lose out. Of course, your | young lady may be only having a | little fun at your expense. She | knows that you are a little jealous, and there are girls who just delight in pastime of that kind. You might ; keep company with another girl who | would not enjoy dancing with any- | one but you; yet not like herso | well as the one whom you are keep- | ing company with now. The danc- | ing portion of your courtship days | does not take up much of your time, | and, besides, she must bean attrac- | tive girl or the other boys would /not always be wanting to. dance | with her ; or probably it's 'because | she is such a good dancer, as you say. Do not stop keeping company _ with her if that is the only reason you have for doing so, and do not | let her see that it is worrying you | somuch as it is. Let her dance | with the other young men all she | wants, and you do the same with other girls, and see the effect that will have, When she finds out that | you don't seem to care, then she | will care. ---------- McLEOD i Stratford, Ont. Can you remember the name? Try it---then order it and try it. McLEOD MILLING CO., LTD. a FLOUR Telephone 89 ---- With The 7 25 Year Point 2m, Duofold Jr. $5 Same except for size Lady Duofold $$ with ring for chatelaine Come try the Lacquer-red Pen that holds nearly twice the ink of ordinary pens. Its Native Iridium point is as smooth as a jewel bearing. Plain black or Chinese- red barrel with smart black-tipped ends~ resembles fine lacquer--handsomer than gold! Come get one on 30 days' trial, \ ANTHRACITE BOULETS Pe Try Our Guaranteed Cleaning Le Bon Cleaners and Dyers F.A.Johnston W.J.Murph Save $3.00 a ton on your fuel bill. Once tried always used. N. R. FIEBIG | 33 Falstaff St. me French Cleaning, Steam Cleaning Dyeing, Pressing, Repairing and Alterations of Ladies' and Gentle- men's Wearing Apparel. We call for and deliver. 17 George St. Phone 934F All work done in the city. if GA ULLUNDULESUSESSSSERCRRLDTADREDEDDEDGEURERDEDDAGERDERDLEGEDEDRGEAD DOGS ILL PIANO SPECIALS FOR SATURDA Classic Player inne maho with $25.00 worth of Rolls........... Reduced Stanley Player Piano, walnut case, with $25.0 worth of Rolls Pee eee see tenes S. H. Mason & Risch Upright Piano, thorough- ly overhauled Homer Studio Piano, maho O60: 8 8 Obie 166-0 66 ----e----eereere $300 $400 A $299 gany case...... Reduced $100 gany case, 88-note, Seema wee eee eerseerese @eree Terms Arranged on All Instruments. MASON Ph one 171. RISCH- 97 Ontario St., Stratford, Ont | VELLVE TRL E PTTL PEER DEED ERE ED ERED TEER EEE EEE ee ee THE MIRROR 7 NS ee TS TT TILL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LL articles. TERMS CASH. GOQQUUNGNQUNNGQQQQUUUOOONUNGQQQQQUUUUUNOOOOOOUOOOOLOOOUUUOUOAHONO0O000UHLUGUULUUQQUQUUUUUUUUUUUUUOOENEONSGQUUGNSOUORLOSNS4A0Q0S4QOC0C80P00NROEORRUPEOONEEEAOUOEOUOOEOOUOUTOEOEEOOOTAGOESSEGUOOUOU EPO Auction Sale, on Saturday, May 31st, at 2 p.m., of Household Goods At Windsor Hotel Sample Rooms, Albert Street, Stratford - rit} 26 = ae < <ayvaral tal las bd >; mee wi hg ETS, esk Consisting of piano, leather upholstered oak davenport, oak parlor chairs with leather Seats, an table , chairs, rugs, cary desl ? ar ' : 2 are ritehes) abl couch, office table, verandah settee, beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, stands, toiletware, kitchen table, cot, and mumerous other 114 AVON, modern brick bungalow. 118 AVONDALE, partly modern brick cottage. 436 ALBERT, partly modern frame. _ 2 365 ALBERT, modern frame in first-ciass condition on large lot. 612 ALBERT, partly modern brick. : 306-308 ALBERT, partly modern double residence. 123 BAY, partly modern cottage. 147 BAY, sleie a 7 modern cottage. c cider oe 85 BLAKE solid modern brick terrace. 480 BRUNSWICK, frame cottage. 254 BRUNSWICK; brick cottage. 273 BRUNSWICK, modern cottage. sas 204 BIRMINGHAM, large modern white brick. 12 CAMBRIA, modern brick bungalow. JRCH, partly modern cottage. Ba CALEDONIA, nate modern small frame. 501 DOWNIE, large modern red brick. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 587 DOWNIE, partly modern brick. 219 DOUGLAS, 2-storey red brick, modern. 314 DOURO, modern brick. 29 DALY Avenue, modern frame on good lot, with hen house aud garage. . w On wun xX 34 HOME, modern brick. 254 NELSON, partly modern frame. 56 NILE ST., Factory Building on good lot. 81 NORMAN, modern brick bungalow. 565 ONTARIO, partly modern brick with barn. 393 ONTARIO, modern 2-storey brick. 158 PERTH, partly modern brick. 286 & 288 QUEEN, double modern brick, all but furnace, empty 104 TRINITY, partly modern frame. 172 WATER, modern 2-storey brick. FOR EXCHANGE on a House or Lot or an Agreement of Sale--A new Player Piano. ; PHONE Coxe 3 --_--_--~_---rrEr~rrrrrr nnn eee EER U AUCTIONEER AUCTION OL L 6 ERIE, modern frame with barn and 4 extra lots. 2 FRONT, modern brick bungalow. 55 FRONT, 2-storey red brick, modern, shed, metal garage. OO lly RL ITVUUULAAUNANSUNQNQQNQ408000L00000000OOLL FULULULEULOOUUUEEUELOOCEAMQGROEEAEE EDLC UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUALGLLQGS AUS --4 Few Are So Situated But they can acquire a com: petency if nota fortune h and let the British Mort- k for you, under conditions any i wor : gage Loan Company put It to and security. st earl ver where it will have the greatest earning powe A' 5% ee - nay Bare on : three year debentures The British Morigaye Loan Cn. S AVE allyou can from month to mont half-yearly paid on deposits. J. As DAVIDSON, Manager 7 ---- a 4 ' George Kelterborn & Son : MEAT SHOP | GROCERIES and PROVISIONS | arriving every day. ee eu cc sods | KELTERBORN'S Phone 885 135 Ontario Street 2 mA TT ; | | F. Le SOUDER FRESH - FRUITS - IN - SEASON Bargains in Nearly Everything Bargains in VIOLINS of all kinds. 119-123 Downie St. SPRINGS AND AXLES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sole representatives best makes. Springs delivered within 24 hrs. after we have received your order and often carried in stock. Bring Your Old Shoes Stratford Auto Accessory House to the Superior Repair JOHN PFEFFER, PROP. Hospital 94 Shakespeare St. Phone 1317w | Run down heels and ety cage? syverv shoe is cured whole an . ) rr) sat sade to look like new. WEAVIN Have your old car- Big staff of quick repair men. pets made into new mea ' rugs in your town. We bear compar- Su erior Shoe Repair ison with the best. p . J. H. ASQUITH 119 Ontario Street Phone 1090w 312 Huron St. Phone 941 SFECIAL FORD POLICY Public Liability and Property See New Star Cars Damage. $15.00 Premium ALL MODELS H. JOHN BUTLER ROY BROTHERS & co. 72 Ontario St. Insurance Broker Cor. George and Downie Phone 349m _ ~ : Che Royal Guardians || pR. A. L. BAKER MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. DENTIST a M. STEWART, Mgr. Gordon Block, Phone 1533] Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford PHONE 413w ees prema ter e + ay si ti cae nana ang and we a e See Sa raceeel ce ett eoseemretammibent-arinaiie mtn treet -- ne - inh RIE oS Ree