Stratford Mirror, 6 Jun 1924, p. 2

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proximately at pre-war levels. Iron | But only how did you die? tastes! prodtion exceedingly | gator Gauown, | The Fletcher Johnston Press for Good Job Printing 20-Days F ampaign and the Objective $60,000. | 20-DayS valle ea state of i i cets i a ST ren Mporan foreign markets. propos your recent apt editorial : It is Prices generally have undergone a | How Did You Win."' 44 1! : i 2 THE MIRROR - THE MIRROR 3 i ; gate = 4) 4 TH c rl RROR have been built long ago but for | f es 7" ij one thing. The one reason why . Mackenzie-Mann did not carry out Few Are So Situated : PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THB | the contract with the City council ; ; | FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 ON- | at that time was because the On- But they can CCotS & Vm ae i! TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE 115w | tario Railway Commission through petency if not a fortune ta FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR the influence of Sir ACaTs gee AVE allyou can trom month to month and let the British Mort- i would not permit of them using ae sia pani nek hyo len nedveen . any power other than Hvdro. (OF gage Loan Company put it to work for you, under conditions f ) EES Aik tary . . where it will have the greatest earning power and security. 1} course, continued this gentleman, ¢ a SUBSCRIPTION RATER - ($1.00 A YEAR ihe Contes sabi ed aa ha & 4% half-yearly paid % half - yearly paid on which was composed o r. J. D. on deposits. three year debentures if a S ford. J a ioe Monteith, A. Waddell, B. Williams, a ry ti ab tratford, June 6, and other prominent citizens, could Oh t+ A T 4 (ij Hole not see their way clear to concede Ir 4 rts nr Haye WTA n, if ae oi : ' ? : ) 1 aa) with this arrangement. If any in- na i A Thoughtful Act- terruption occurred sothat it would ! J. A. DAVIDSON, Manager it Once in a while a man will kick | not be paced get eee andl on eT : ) i a a banana skin off the sidewalk, but | © asserted this gentleman, they ' y e : Lf a | the other day we saw a lady stoop would have no other means to fall Will be built on the New Arena Property, corner of North Street and the River Drive if F down and pick one off the sidewalk. back on after the money had been 3 , i} | This incident may seem to be hiard- invested. DIAMOND HALL Do n t Wea r ® ° ? i ly worth while mentioning, but it ] ou n O t e ul ers () in may have saved someone from a HOW DID YOU DIE? e c e e i aa bad fall. We were, however, inter- ech sotuneg een peRO aE A LARGE. Shoes With F ie ew ested in learning who this lady was, a) CARS Vout Way TO ALL al a. and found her to be none other | With a resolute heart and cheerful? THIS COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE SHOULD APPEAL | iB than the wife of a policeman, who Or hide your face from the light S OCK Bi h e i eels | ih : undoubtedly caught the spirit of s, of day : : ; hi wi that which permeates the good men ag 5 ss soul and cpaene __well assorted, coupled with : | 4 oe which we have in this occupation ay ARTO ay sot cng tem aatiated s fair prices, gives us the oppor- fe B Nn 'D) own | e.e | eit) in Stratford --that of protecting Me urrees PE eat $ a Bee . : ® iF if a ; : ; ° | Or a trouble is what y te 3 tunity of serving you in. a : ® o nves O a if i society, and one which should have jm elsomtanes ae. Sn eae ie manner eminently satisfactory i ] 1zens \ e 7 . if aie || the respect of citizeris generally. eae yee the fact that you're to you and Auhsahven, h ea | 1 | As people go through life would it rurt that counts, , boa? U N U i re. _ Do you realize that the Lo 1 a i not be well to follow the example But only how did you take it? We have a very complete Do you want to see our ee at chet: be sit in com ye tie 'n° Ningats ree | ty ho of this good lady and remove. that rauge of Watches, Rings, Dia- present ae hee a ort and watc ar ie chee Piad | ) ae which is liable to cause another to 3 : i monds, Silver, Cut Glass, TO THE roved y thea ition oO } . : , aa i an fall. You ge aan a -- p Wel, Novelties, Pearls and many He Canada S National Game Colborne, London, Wood- ak ei. Pe Dig igi kala as other lines. : : stock made big profits last rae aa | a ay ee Come up with a smiling face. Superior Shoe Repair se f f b re are, ) a ) at ; Britain s Trade Better. It's nothing against you fo fall Try us and be a permanent- Artificial Ice Arena ree trom obstructions: year. in 1 a 4 The facts contained in the state- down flat, ly satisfied customer. with your next shoe repairs you want the players to be h di (ode site. i | ee ment made the other day by H. B. |} But to lie there that's disgrace. E treated as men ? Then help As a shrewd investor, we i = ni, a ae ; Hh eS . To be used summer and win- d's A bilit ii a Allin-smith, U. S. trade commis- | The harder you're thrown, why ~P-Phe- 119 Ontario Street a as Voll build a clean, sanitary gp siiagh ee elamipe sce eta eaegieny | i ie sioner at London, in an address at the higher you bounce ; ter for Hockey, Skating, oley under better conditions and ' a) the department of commerce is en- | Be proud of your blackened eye. Phone 941 Ball, Basket Ball, Dancing and ICE ARENA less money invested. is a ecmenags oo --. as good It ae the fact that you're licked GILLIES & EMM Public Meetings ? ; i it news for Canada as for the mother that counts. N Ist to A ril af | land. The interdependence of na- | It's how did you fight--and why? : 8 t A | to be on ron eink sgt THEN i 1) eo tions and commerce is just as great fe. the See eore a B Then 00S rena * |st and give them a chance. ' of >» ie as that of individuals. The state- | And though you be done to the Diamonds Wedding Rings || Phone 312 Phone 312 I y i ae ment of Mr. Allin-smith will un- death. what then ? 23 DOWNIE ST 4 a hl i | oy eae be most encouraging to | [f you battled the best you could, N R Try Scotty s i Pod vanadian pasines: men, and is an | Tf you played your part in. the : | i i) example worthy of emulating by world of men, 37 Ontario Street oe. e.°® ! on mu | ere who - at the sad ae the | Even the Critic will call it good, PETER BORMAN Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing itizen a are O er -t bi at country's affairs: "" British busi- | Death comes witha crawl, or comes t ; hy , | ve Lon ob ae ness," said H. B. Allin-smith, "is with a pounce City and County Auctioneer | Eadie ae § ee ui a ee actually better to-day than anv | A : Pe he Fy cies oe RA RE en So ee : Pag : 1 Gat ae | : 2 4 : nd whether he is slow or spry, Inquiries Answered 115 Downie St. -- ee ° ll be read for the canvasser and assist 1n making this ei ear) time since the war. Coal output | [t isn't the fact that you're dead If you are the red-blooded citizen we think you are you wl Pat y i Hi ; and export trade to-day are ap- that counts, pie a successtu i if remarkable deflation and the cost AN OUT OF TOWN READER | * << : i 7 of living there shows a reasonable ' f C h b l d r f r months bial stability," said Mr. Allin-Smith, e 1 Method Church sh. balance spread over rou |} | i '""The unemployed, in insured J S RUSSELL entra et O ist ure Shares, $10 Each, Hal asi, P i | | trades, at about 1,050,000 is little Meee Sunday, June 8th, 1924 ETE i | a over one-half what it was in the Registered Architect : : 1 . worst post war period. Finally, * a & nm Reid and very significantly, the British Phone 266] Gordon Block imi e 4 | alone, among leading European na- Rev. Dr. Rochester, of Toronto, General Secretary of the Bal | tn tions are balancing their budget." Lord's Day Alliance, will preach in the morning. The even- ' te dHaveB Bal ; L f a) ing service will be under the direction of the Boys' Workers. a Bat Would Have Been Built In 1914 | }) W . Several of the boys will have part in the service "11° { th 1 ( . ba In conversation with one of our | }}{ Great est ire rs : Old Merchants Bank Building Bi Headquarters e ail citizens regarding the proposed ex- tension of the Toronto suburban | }} Assurance Co. REV. J. W. MAGWOOD, Pastor electric road to Kitchener, Stratford, | }| M. J. McCAFFREY, Mer. i Grand Bend and to Lake Huron he 161 Front St. Phone 788w Special Music--Choir of 50 Voices Everybody Welcome | | { said: the Stratford section would | Gs yy | b 4 ) : : i | "eer i

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