THE MIRROR : LAWN MOWERS Sharpened - Repaired Called for and Delivered. Prices Reasonable. BICYCLES It will pay you tocallin and see our Bicycles and terms. A full line of Accessories. Repairing a Specialty. Wm. E. McCarthy Phone 781J 71 Wellington attend we ANTHRACITE BOULETS Save $3.00 a ton on your fuel bill. Once tried always used. | N. R. FIEBIG | 33 Falstaff St. ee ee a -- a KK eee --Purity -- Sweetness --Freshness Are things that have popularized our CREAMERY BUTTER and people from all parts of the city are constant users. Prompt deliv- ery Phone 410. Stratford Dairy Co. Limited 116 Albert St. Wasting His Money "What's that for?" said a mother to her son, who had just brought home a barometer. "Oh, it's a great idea, mother. Tells you when it's going to rain."' "What's the use of wasting your money on that when Providence has given your father rheumatics?"' mm vuuuucueeguguuuusuacnggneanaaensestea rennin Try Our Guaranteed Cleaning Le Bon F.A.Johnston W.J.Murphy French Cleaning, Steam Cleaning Dyeing, Pressing, Repairing and Alterations of Ladies' and Gentle- men's Wearing Apparel. We call for and deliver. 17 George St. Phone 934F All work done in the city. You Cant Beat Our $1.50 Caps Anywhere ! We give you $2.50 and $3.00 Caps for the modest } sum of-- $1.90 | They're head and _ shoul- ders higher in style, cloth and price than you can get anywhere else. Don't keep on paying the high prices for caps, if you once wear a Cumming $1.50 Cap you'll be a sat- ished customer and a real booster for all time to come. Sizes 62 to 72. TTITITTT EEL Cc COL owe 2 me Many, many hundreds of Caps to choose from. New goods added every week in the year. CUMMING, The Clothier Billie Y. Donaldson, Mgr. Tel. 203 40 Wellington St. a Read The Mirror Advertisements Irene Rich, Ben Alexander asd Rochliffe Fellowes. in Boy of : Ine NOW SHOWING AT THE CLASSIC THEATRE. Gas Proposition May Be Before Council Soon Nothing Definite Though, Says His Worship Mayor Brown. The Mirror phoned His Worship Mayor Brown re the information desired by " Ratepayer," as to ne- gotations regarding gas plant. "The provincial secretary's de- partment," said Mayor Brown, '"extended the charter until next April, so as to give an opportun- ity during the year for further ne- gotiations, but the by-law has got to go to the people then or before Wash Frocks PPB For Summer $2.49 In Zephyr Checks, Plain Cham- bray, self- trimmed, -- also Organ- dy. Jennette Fashion Shoppe The Grey Store on the corner 57 Ontario Si. Phone 1g2 for a further extension." "Tt is likely," he further stated, "that the matter will come up be- fore the council before long, but as to this there is nothing definite."' Thinks Men Will Soon Be Like The Old Horses Gentleman Has Grave Fears Of Women Running Things. We heard a gentleman say in a barber shop the other day, that "Men would soon be like the old horse pushed out of the way. Girls were seen in a pool room in Strat ford the other day, and its a com- mon thing to see them in tobacco stores buying cigarettes, and now one can hardly go into a barber without seeing them there. Tell me," he continued, " where can a man swear without a woman heat ng him."' "Ves, but the women have an entirely different idea of barber shops to that of which they had 4 short time ago," said the member of the tonsorial craft. " They had an idea that a barber shop was the last place on earth that they woul ever patronize, but now they think batber shops are alright, and its 4 nice change to see them in out chairs instead of the unshaven men that we are in the habit of making as good looking as we can."' "Tn the olden days," said he as be continued stropping his raz! the medical profession did all the barbering. That is how the ff and white colors originated. Re is symbolic of blood and white pur ity. Why barbers are really in tHe professional class." he asserted. Well many of them do give close shaves and short hair cuts. Guess they are professional surgeons *° right. We ought to guard against every appearance of envy. as 4 passige that always implies inferiority whper ever it resides.--Pliny. THE MIRROR 5 Letter Writing Contest (Continued from page 1) cut of clothes be worn, and this season (fortunately or unfortunate- ly) her choice fell upon what she thought had reigned long enough-- 'the crowning glory of any woman.' An advocate of bobbed hair would you gather then I am? Wrong, dear reader! Well, of course, you must declare yourself not in favor, you assert. Wrong again | what then do I write as my opin- ion? Only this: Like all other of the dearly be- loved, much feared, and as such obeyed Dame's rules there are re- strictions--may I writethem? In the other days, eighteen inch waists were worn by persons who should never have attempted squashing 36's into just half ! 'Several' chins were attempted to be concealed or held up by a stiffly boned neck band! and even the Dame smiled often at women, in their loyalty to her, putting aside all common sense. "Shall I Bob then ? Well, study your face; stretch your imagination; think well; look well before you leap." If you are quite--sure that you may obey Dame Fashion's very latest command and not make of yourself a sorry sight, then by all means bob your hair, yet, after all, there are higher dictates! In the Book of all Books one may read at any and alltimes: 'But if a wo- man have long hair, it is a-glory to her ; for her hair is given to her for a covering."' W. W. R. Coming Into Their Own. The answer to the question : 'To Bob or not to Bob," writes Mrs. Hurlock, 20 Louise street, should be left to the individual, but for the maiden with the scanty hair it isto her advantage to Bob. She can curl it like her more fortunate sister. Women are coming to their | own and now have the courage to objectify their ideas. The days are gone when a woman's crowning glory was her hair. The poet would not think that to-day. To- day her crowning glory seems to | be to imitate or copy the opposite Look in the newspapers OF walk into a woman's ready to wear | Sex. or dry goods store and the latest styles are labeled, '«Boyish," so OF | really we must Bob to match them. | But men sit up and take notice. Is not imitation the sincerest form of | flattery, and no doubt the male sex feel honored, but speaking serious- ly this copying is only superficial after all, and this boyish mode is | | but a passing fad like roHed stock- 'ings. A good girl's heart is ever | the same the bobbed hair makes no | difference: they love the boys and | the boys love them, So old girls | and young girls bob your locks if | have a mind to, and copy your | brother's style of clothes if you like | | | as long as at heart you remain as God intended you to be--A good girl or woman. Women Have Gone Crazy. An Ontario street lady writes on Bobbed hair but has not said as to whether we are to use her uame or not, but she is very positive in her opinion. "No," she writes, "I think bobbed hair is a disgrace to any woman over 20 years. I have a daughter who has a most beauti- ful head cf hair and everyone who sees it wishes they had such beau- tiful tresses, but do you think she would have it bobbed. Certainly not. Women should be good, and that will make them look mannish or masculine. Most of the women of to day have gone crazy." Yeo Olde Firme Heintzmant Is only four words, but they tell a long story about Pianos-- about | one about Quality SR an ee ee ee ear S MES WS Te a Be | | | and all that good music | implies. | Heintzman & Co. 131 Ontario St. "To Curl or Nearly every bo oe very important question. -makes and different pri Call or Phone SYLVESTER PETER & 12 Ontario St. IS NOT THE QUESTION! bbed hair looks better curled. But to get the right kind of ELECTRIC CURLING TONGS is a We have them in different 'ces from $1.98 to $6.50. Not to Curl" Phone 210 not be so foolish as to do anything | You'll enjoy the rich fla- vor of our Bread. STRATFORD BAKING. 163 Downie St.~Phone 90. | The Daddy of Them All A gentleman of this city went a- fishing the other day, and among other things that he hauled in was a large-sized turtle. To enjoy the surprise of his servant girl he placed it in her bedroom. The next morn- ing the first thing that bounced in to the breakfast room was biddy, with the exclamation of "Be jab- bers, I've got the divil.'"' 'What devil?' exclaimed the master, feign- ing surprise. "The bull bedbug that has been ateing the children for the last month." FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES DR. JOHNSTON'S ALLOUS - OFF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. | On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company STRATFORD, ONT. ad Flowers for | All Occasions | Call or Phone Pequegnat's Music Store T SHOE SHINE PARLOR 4 Downie St. HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED : 7 Let us clean your Suede Shoes ] ' ' } 97 Downie street Phone 1598 } and make them look like new. i - ---- = «4 -- a a -- pas 4 peauent Better Used Cars OPEN AND CLOSED MODELS PRICES LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED : CALL SATURDAY Gray's Motor Sales, Ltd. Oe irncnl eect APP AARILLN EASY TERMS 172 Ontario St. Phone 816 caper tat OP, Overland Nash Willys:Knight Se a ee a aa aN LOLS A ee er cteMOT ES." |