Stratford Mirror, 18 Jul 1924, p. 3

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oe eT 6 5 a Se ee é i ear os pa THE MIRROR 5s 4 + it 4 THE MIRROR uk i ; j meme A . it ; Ernie Martin Doing Fine It Didn't Last Long. | PELE een semamere: ' if imi ! rnie Viarti . / : avi ni 66 LNT | Page The Pessimist, Please! | Ernie Martin Doing Fine Biligpd Mas were daving Md YEARS YOUNGER LOOKING ae = = A ratepayer writes The Mirror: Cat th th- a combat on Ontario street the oth- aah = = | 'The windows of Stratford stores | len fruit is scarcely wortht ite er day, It appears that while one That's what the continued-use of soft water would do for 4 = = | exhibit photographs of the beauty | ering at all," but this isnt yk was wating on a customer that the everyone. Make them years younger looking--it's hard water = = | spots of the Classic City, and right- | about boys who fall from i sissank ty other had tried to make a sale of that hardens the skin and makes people years older looking than i = a = | ly so. May we suggest that the | Ernie Martin who fell from . au his goods, but they didn't come to ARIN they really are. : : : Hi 7 = | Chief of Police and the Fire Chief | tree & short time ago 1s worth a blows, and both decided that that It is now possible to have it running from every faucet in . = OF UJ fil y = | gather snapshots of the shacks and | great deal... He broke ae 4 which they had started to scrap your home. For full information about installing the wonderful i = = | ugly buildings of the city, and ad- | the fall, but there are a lo ap : a about didn't Mat-ter, Well that's Permutit Softener, phone or personally consult-- = = | vise inexpensive methods of im- | cells hard at work repairing it NOW SHOWING iieway with? mance neighborly | = TO BUY = provement. Our Building Inspec- | again and very alan sy echcaubpylches a disputes anyway. | PETER & SYLVESTER ) = = | tor insists on new buildings of a | to play football or climb trees again. WM. S. HART 4 | 12 '-Qnkaish Se Bice gen iM = = d nd Chevs = | standard, but no action {ts taken in | It wasn't his fault, however, it was 4 It looks as though there will be It Is proving that people do ET Pi = OF S q es regard to the tumbledown shacks | the branches that broke. IN q another wet spell in Saskatchewan. know good loa" i ing = | already in existence. Many of these | ; aaa ' : ret | | | ME UUUCANNANUATEOEALANATOOEOUANVOSOUOESAUONOOEO a | Jack and Min went out for a spin i = Both aa bre Touring = | are owned by the older residents of | Milk Standard to be Raised ; Wild Bill Hickok q Has Increased The Cost | TINE Gece Rattan a, = = __ Beside the running water: ih = : = the city, the pace of improvement That the milk panne fe eae E No one would think of attribut- Prices like these are sure = $ = | Right by the mill they hada spill, IK = AT ss | Deing Set largely idtay: a ME stisciote' the eighteen Sianieibesabas la seabed 4 ing the high cost of paper to women to win your patronage-- = = And some think they auto. de = = | A little more pride of ownership! in the city was seriously deficient in a wates ihe bic the facts. A rag = @ = Peet fii = Y HOTEL = butterfat, was the information re- MON. - TUES. - WED. ia WTR hic figsd "et lone 3 dozen Men's Cross back os = | Little Old Horner he hated the cor- awe = CIT Pa aled he meeting of the Board i - ; : | ; and Pulley back Braces, pair = a i meet iH = = me NE es tiene Anas ha Since that times are not what they | 39c c= = oi fend be daisies ee an i int = -- r@) ea aera 5 . 6 Di hy re Ss i : i [Senin road te Twa al dw ob Bee Re kia oo ate ow de ee oad as = 1ere once he emolisha a pie, 2B = BARNS zs by Sanitary Inspector Thos. Dun- The Bedroom Window 4 ae oS as sinus oF 4 dozen Men's Rubber Belts = VI O I N = | For now he is older, more cunning f Wl = = seith. Several ral considerably pre ith May McAvoy 4 dresses and it would mean six or black, tan, grey. Each... 19¢ = = and bolder, ii i = Wellington Street = low bylaw et as cap ei Say. mr a seven pounds of rags for paper. Arrow Athletic Underwear = = He's searching the cellar for rye! i = | 8 wi acl was Hsia e canis a se 4 Now when a woman throws away | all sizes, agarment,.......- 89c = = --JAcK RiInry. ; , alers. a ' : ie om = i TAMIL IUNUTUUUUUU0N000000011 : fA: f 4 oe oe : BO a THURS ia) FRI. + SAT. : A a couple of dresses It means only Penman's Balbriggan Shirts = = ii HIN : : rie peiay ma ae 4 about three or four ounces, and Drawers, garment... 83¢ = ca g ' 3 cc see = = Stratford. It was felt that the a _Penman's Balbriggan Com- = oe acd = Hitt FOR SALE--Vacant Lots on Erie FIRST- CLASS WORK standard of 3.25 per cent butterfat BUCK JONES | It isn't so bad cold weather in "a ee ee ba ue | ~ oer ee pea ae = 1 S. RUSSELL i ; se Rail- In all branches of was low, and that it ought to be 4 Spring, -- "impsons Balbriggan Shirts = Low, instruction _ Book, c= ; i i i Ag Hides a) raised to 3/5'per cent. if id' Fj r] But winter in July does not seem and Drawers, garment... 59¢ = Rosin and Chin Rest. = Registered Architect WH , : P Bok Se. Me Amateur Photography Upl S iemahi a just the thing. Simpsons Balbriggan Com- = = || Phone 266] Gordon Block Hit fa ee eee q binations, per suit ....\. $1.23 = = vn ria Office. DEVELOPING NTED % ia : Someone said to mention the fact Men's Work Socks... 29c = A. J. FLANIGAN = iis i PRINTING WA ¥ in our columns that Mc was get- 4 pair for..............:..$1.00 = Everything Musical os ' i Hh 0 be Ganled BF Phe p ting down to work early these SPECIAL = verything Musica = Read The Mirror i ENLARGING Bee nek nine: dete if Ane mornings. When we come to | | = 110 Ontario St. = * ; ' i is Men's Bl verall - =| am Th Ar gate 24 Hour Service ust 10, 1923. Party having ae 8 Hoke tee Sy batch | Lodi prleristaahe "$139 SULT Advertisements e Season's Prettiest We turn out the ed work in "ad kindly call at Mirror But when black is "red"' by thous- | Men's Blue Work Shirts, : ce. ; eed : 8 ands of people will be when he puts MACH Ay cid hoe ere 98c his ad in The Mirror. | The ] a Bathing Gregory & Jury i Goda ae ee C eveland Sunday News Leader 5 ® omplete Book Novel "A Lost At all News Pea a a Not Much to That | BARGAINS HERE This Week: lar en TOE sss "I am ashamed of: my failure to | Costumes Harry Smythe keep abreast of modern science," said | SSS NEW CONFECTIONERY PLUMBER the learned professor of zoology to | ) . j Repair Work Eavetroughing the young housewife. "Take the elec ; Home me Made Baking Sheet Metal Work tric 'ght for instance; I haven't the The Clothier Those contemplating new BRN Bea tog i ok oy get 2 978 87 Avondal least idea how it works." . hone ore OL Mila. Wi Deiaieson. Mase costumes this year will Fresh Cakes, Pies ---- 2 cir Roun Women @RVS lth A pt ine hae 3 ' izin ' ile oy, hv id. "I's 4 7 ¥ find this store most help- and Pastry Decale, whan : vara 5 eee ful. Come tomorrow and : See New Hudson Coaches a button a the light comes on-- | bt ak : Ice Cream and Soft Drinks . Hwee at these 4d) Geak lcs ° ° (Q's ne ' rit ~ e "We e . em ee prices HA : Balloon Tire Equipment | Read The Mirror Ads. People were so delight- One Williams Piano in are very moderate. MILTON S ROY BROTHERS & CO. ed with our last sale of | use for only two years-- HOME.- MADE BAKERY Cox George and Downie new Columbia Records | an instrument which was 114' Downie' gt that we have decided to | taken in exchange for a Special Orders Phone 738] sell one hundred more at player piano. Exception- Jennette | ica OTE Read The Mirror Ads. the same price as we did al good tonal quality. The 3 a few weeks ago. All the model is an upright grand Fashion Shoppe new song hits -- instru- and recognized as one of : mental and vocal. Come their best makes. Regu- Phe Grey Sipe: od the tccuc Motor Out to La ke S cle You'll enjoy in and let us play a few | lar retail price of this | eee Se oe oe Sena ee ee Where pleasure runs as freely as a river and | where all outdoor sport can be enjoyed 3 or ] y, Q 5 Q QO Ld . . a = ® Boating - Fishing - Bathing - Dancing Che Royal Guardians MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE Co. J. M. STEWART, Mgr. Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford The Williams Piano is an unusual Opportunity to bny a piano at an exceptionally low price, Pequegnat's Music Store a Hard and Softball Diamonds--Play your games at Lakeside STRATFORD BAKING (0 GROUNDS FREE TO ALL PICNICS 163 Downie St-Phone 90. LAKESIDE SUMMER RESORT a. McMillan, Prop. EE eames Read The Ads. in The Mirror 4 RE ee a Se ere at a aoa z : Ss! PHONE 4i3w

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