THE MIRROR LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Milton Moffatt of Windsor, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Porter, 124 Cambria Street. Mr. T. Carlton Welsh, who has been in Northern Ontario for the last year, returned to-the city on Thursday. "Mickey" speaks well of the North, but his many friends prefer to see him around here. . R. T. Harding, K-C., and Mrs. 'Harding of Toronto, were among the many out of town people who came to attend the funeral of the fate John Brown. Mrs. Fred Ubelacker is on a mo- tor trip visiting her sister in Den- ver, Colorado. She is accompanied by two members of the family, Miss Shirley and Gordon Ubelack- er. They dad an enjoyable trip there and it is hoped they will have just as good weather for their re- turn. This Often Happens Mr. E. J. Cloney writes The Mirror as follows: "Just a few lines to let you know that I came to Windsor on Monday and have commenced the decorating of Mrs. A. Kennedy's beautiful new resi- gence. I would be pleased if you will kindly send me a copy of your interesting paper this week." Wants To Represent Her Name "Early to bed and early, to rise, Makes men, healthy, wealthy and wise." But two little girls thought that early to school is just as gooda rule. Last Monday morning was not just the kind of a morning that one would expect to find two little girls sitting on the cold, cold ground or on cold, cold school steps. But about 8.15 a.m. there they were. They were waiting tor the school hour. One of these young stud- ents may want to be able in the coming years to be a good repre- sentative of her name which sounds like this--"She-know-eth."' Only Five Ex-Mayors Remain. Nearly everyone spends part of their time reminiscing. While in conversation with Mr. C. N. Green- wood the other day, he said to The Mirror: "I have been thinking how few of the ex- Mayors of Strat- ford remain--only five." They are--]. C. Monteith, C. N. Green- wood, John Stevenson, J. D. Mon- teith and W. H. Gregory. The names are given in the order that they filled their respective offices. When you are figuring on the result of to-day's vote you must consider that five years ago the O. T. A. got a majority of 407,289. Ricu, warm, and generously tailored--. An overcoat with lots of style--and dash-- Two patterns in navy and powder blue. Be a little ahead of the season. Come in and look yourself, over in the BELMONT. R. T. McMORRAN Outfitters from Dad to Lad Phone 84 56 Ontario St. derful DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. - COATS - 50 More of These Won- Coats to Sell At $19.75 Nothing like them in style and quality under $30. ~ Fabrics are Polaire, Zibeline, Blocked Polo and Velours. Many of them with fur-border trimmings of Dyed Squir- / rel; others self-collared and smartly trimmed with large buttons, Good practical linings of satin-de-lux and in- terlined. Sizes well assorted in colors Kafhr, Malay and Dark Brown, Fawn, Sand, as well as Navy and Black. COATS | AO aa lt The Finest Variety of : Coats at $35 to $75 Much attention has been given to the selection of " t_ese lovely coats. Rich, deep, warm colors, everyone new. Mostly fur-trimmed models in all the newest cloths. soft Suede Velours. sire it; or a smart touch of fur-collar only in many in- ree ean meanee se Bape Pena Normandys, Marvello, Kashmir's, Bolivias and tae Fur-trimmed--lavishly if you de- a ES aa ati and stances, and bandings, just as the individual: taste de- mands. The newest autumn and winter shades. |