No. 34 STRATFORD, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1926 DEALERS TAKE GOOD CARE OF CUSTOMERS A whoiesale coal deaier said to The Mirror the other day that the dealers here have 4aken. good care of their custemers are few, if juring "the season. There any, cities where the deal- ers have stocked so much fuel, This dealer spoke. very .much --in . favor of coke ps.the moat economical fuel that can be used. His cheaper than: coal, and the ashes from coke is from 6 to-& percent. less than coal, and has a much larger percentage of heat. -However, 'there is much to learn about getting the best resuits rom coke. The fite: shouid seldom be shaken, and an occasional poke is about. all that is needed.. The fire should be kept in a level with the door, said this gertleman. In .. conversation ~ wih anoth gentieman the other day he said a government should build coxe ovens; or subsidize some firm to buiid them. Coal'can be had from Nova Scotia to pe shipped a8 far east-fs Fiaemiton, and for Windsor:and ie oatéie Ontar- 40, from the U.#.°A. "The Haemiiton By-Product-Coke-and. Ovens, Limited, built e plant some years ago and now can't meet the yale eel Sahn forty ovens, DoW in ase by t m, they have just edded another $055 ovens, and this saine firm: produces gas which is be- ing : Coke, he de- clared, was the only -saivdtion for this country's fuel. question, Sir Henry. Thornton, in his address at the Toronto Canadian Club, referred retb- er unfavorable to the economy . of. bringing Alberta --coa) to Bastern Ontario. TRUSTEE WIGGLESWORTH READ OF VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE Trustee H, Wiggtesworth- was elect- ed chairman ef the Vocational Com- mittee- at its organization meeting. The only other business in addition to the passing of accounts and lixe routine details was the appointment of a special eommittee of the Board of Hducation on the secondery school accommodation problem. This com- : named by the thairman on motion of A. F. Waddell, ehairma of the Bag of Fdutetion and con- sists of H. Wigel tes worth, A. Holmes and H. Spencer. .There was no dis- cussion.ot the vocational schoo! quss- mittee was ai 4 TJ a Why? newer cant seep at nights, anymore. Weill, leant sleep.with the piinds up. Why don't you pull them down then'. Because I! cant" reach across the st rest. Taxation Driving Capital Editor Mirror, Stratford, Ont. Dear Sir:--Wtih reference ta P. P. articles in the Beacon-Herald of Jar "uary 30th, 1926. 1. About the 'Old Black Crow, |! would like to call his attention part of a Jetter in the Toronto Star'in which the writer gives some inform:- tion about the Crow. He stated that Mr. Jack Miner handed him a pair of _ field glasses, and told him to look at @ crow that was perched on a stump to | were equal to nearly twice the value | | of nacre ea actcidlnninat rine: | -of, SRG, RESP some distance away, and he was '%s- tonished to-see the crow picking an eye out of a small sone bird, and then the other eye, and then dismem- bered it. ; 2. Of course we are all entitled to our opinions; but as to the advisabil- ity of spending more money schools, and the taxes so high with no relief in sight, the following article in the Toronto Saturday Night might. in- terest your readers: "Sir Herbert Holt, in the course of his review at the annual meeting of the Royal Batk, stated that the total net pro- duction. of Caneda during. 1925 -was upwerd of two billion, seven hundred tmiltions of tama which, it must be admitted, is-a lot of money, put here is the fly in ee ointment, We-.paid To Cover, Says Fair Play for. in taxes: during. that year, Dominion, ~ Provincial amd Municipal, the sum of six hundred and twenty-seven mil- lions. In other words almost a. quar- ter of the net production of the coun- try went to pay the taxes. Or put in another way, our taxes in 1923 the country's wheat crop in the same year. If we were paying our way, not to speek of reducing these debts. per- haps there would be less to complain But we are not. For instance the net debt cf the Dominion stood -at two billion, four hundred and thirty-one millions as of March. 31, last, or an inerease of nearly one Run- dred million. In the same interval, Municipal and Provincial debts have aiso increased to an appreciable. ex- tent. Ima word we are overburdened with governmeént; and overburdened with debts end at the same tinie practic- ally eity and town and every province in the country is wpon additional capital of one sort or another. Cenada will never get on its. feet by such methods. Taxation of one sort or anotber is driving capital to cover, Never was there a. time: when .Cosppied on page A). every insisting expenditure { | influence of environment that no one , could help, after hearing; in part, the -- ' conscious of the value of education. | eveniug's entertainment. are: * Kilbourne, Ethel Pratt, Bezel McKay, "Schenk, Eva Berry. 'Frances Nickawa Simply" _ience was so well entertained, and | seldom, - ed 'before a more appreciative aud- _ dence | Frances United Chureh Wednesday evening. always remember this wonderful gir} president ; Marjory Biakeston, vice-pres- ident: Edna Theodore, treasurer. Delighted Her Hearers Jt was seldom, if ever, that ap aud- if ever, that an artist appear- than the one which heard Miss Nickawa> at the Central The personality of this. extraordin- ary girl so impressively expresses the story of this girl's life, becommg more* This comparatively young Indien girl, who toid her hearers there was not a drop of white blood in her veins, held them under the spel) of her art for nearly two hours and a half. With the spontaniety of.a song bird she read, sang, and told stories of wit and pathos in both prose and poetry. The suppleness and ease. with which she expresses herself is- not unlike a "sapling piné that wars with the rough." Her characterizations were £0 reat that the audience, during her work, entirely forgot her red skin, but wilt who comes from a- people who have only 100 yéars of civilization behind them. In spite of this she has a most charming and fascinating mas- ner and says that her work and sue- cess is none other than the result of Christianity, Civilization and Educa- tion. " Should this talented gir) make a return visit to the city a packed | house would, undoubtedly, greet her second appearance. Mr. Thos. McLean, one of Strat- ford's most popular vocalists, sang two solos which were heartiky en- cored; Mrs. McLean most ably play- ing his accompaniments. Miss Hazel McKay rendered a. piano solo mest expressively. The class of Miss Eleanor Elborn, of the Sunday School, under whose auspices Miss Nickawa came bere, should be proud of the success of the The. .ether members of the. ctass. Doris Wilcox, Marjorie Thorn ton, Edna Theodore, Naomi Piggott, Edna Piggott, CorabeHe Ingram, Esa- bel Cappia, Helen Batebetor,. Merila Ethel Worden, Gladys Fulton, Mar- jorié Btakeston, Alma Vivian, Edith Wade, Daisy Kerr, Ethel Linden- smith, Edith | Knechtel, sap hue Officers of the class are: Doris Wilcox, Marjory Thornton, gd onnc" Me .- 'ChatteringPests Severe "pests, put forth: such an exhibition is very difficult to understand. ~ 'than ai radio stgtions in Ontario, ¢ wind when the weather is' j the women's charapionship. wae very. much in the limelight last -- SKATING CHAMPION RECEIVES 'Censured By 'Jay-Jay Stratford Audience at the bigs Theatre tailed to be up to tie: bee @ pen of snes stamped their like heodtume and looked upon | concert put on by the ONE as a burlesque show. -The offenders were not all you sters, @8 you would think, but chap! were grown-ups, a truly disgraceful occurrence. a ignorance ag eisplayed: last ge The Reicony had more broadcast tuning ip whenever a selection being rendered, Hf these _ talkative Bire and bis fine band. JAY JAY. eae : CANADA WINS SEVEN. oe man, 'of New prinewicl gained six tittes, while Miss Leite Brooks gained Canade week, by winr'ng seven world's: champiorships, a wonderful - to Cenada's athietic prowess. Thunberg of soar who last year ihatentale: before twenty. 'thousand tase hl vee wine: 'the: recipient of a proto ge chronometer, 'a combination time an split second watch. an JONE \ REAL ESTATE #23 AN SURANTE -