eee tia EF ian os ey ae ae ie Be ese ae te See on SS reat ew THE MIRROR THE MIRROR PUBLISHED. EVBRY FRIDAY AT THB FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 ON- TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE 115w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR cea Sie > SUBSCRIPTION RATE $1.00 A YBAR Stratford, March 26, 1926 EDUCATION According to Dr. A. Duncan Yokum, professor of educational research ot the University of Pennsylvanya, the radio, the motion picture and the au- tomobile have turned educational methods upside down. "The average child," says Dr. Yo- kum, "who has a radio is gaining more of a knowledge of the world he lives in than was possessed by the ~ well- educated man of fifty years ago. The children 'have grasped the scientific censtructton of the radio in a way tnat amazes their parents. What we as parents must do now. is to teach them how to apply all of this mass of teal experience that is coming into their lives. It has become our task to makethe child articulate with the world about him." Dr. Yokum recommended the "pro- ject method" to teachers, which con- any desire to attack them. More and more education is becom- ing a practical matter, something for the equipment for life and not a use less enthusiasm. BUYING AWAY FROM HOME A woman writing tells of a trip she made to Detroit for the purpose of shopping there. She has the advant- age of other women in that she ad- mits she went and shopped there, and no person can question that she had a right to do so. That is not the point here, though. This shopper gives her experiences and draws the conclusion that she coud have made just as good a pur- chase in other stores in Canada. In the first place she was doing her buying in a strange store; there was no one there with whom she had dealt pefore. If, after the purchase, . the article does not live up to expecta- tion, she is not in a position to secure redress or even 'lodge an effective complamt. Not only so, but the stores at home ere here, ready to serve her all the time, even to the smallest purchases rer which she would not think of making a trip out of town. The store in Detroit cannot give her that sort of sveryday service. While she was in the American city she made it her business to look around, and she found that styles were much the same; what was con- Buy Your Willard Battery Now We are making a Special Introductory Spring Offer of high-grade Willard Batteries which will mean a saving to you of $2.50 to $5.00. Owing to having recently enlarged our premises we are better able to serve you than ever before. Give us a call when in trouble. © Stratford Battery Service THE MIRROR The Tonic of Inspiring Personality We Ee years was the faithful guardian of an invalid father. It was a service cf love that she willingly performed, gladly pouring out the full measure of her alabaster box of grace. She had very few recesses from her post of duty. But when she was relieved for an hour to take a walk in the open air, she was filling another im- portant niche. It wasn't anything that she did or anything that she said that made her imfluence felt, but the overthow of an inspiring personality. Her friends remarked that just to meet her on the street was as good as a tonic. | All of us 'have at times met such rare and distinguished souls. And what a genuine blessing they have been! When you have talked with them for a few minutes you' have gone out smiling and holding your nead higher. You have stepped along with renewed energy as if some extra- | ordinary tonic had given you a new | lease of life. ' Think of those dark days of the civil war when the American repub- lic was gripped in the throes of dark- ness.. There lived a man. in. Boston with profound faith and unusual mag- | mission school, to his. teacher, who | had spoken to him the first really | Kind word he had ever heard. It is a great moment in a person's life when that person forms an 'wspiring - | friendship. No wonder Dr. Thomas. Arnold | said: "Beyond all wealth, honor, or / even health, is the attachment we form for noble souls; because to be- _ come one with the good, generous and | true, is to become in a measure good, | generous and true ourselves." "GOOD BREAD FOR GOOD HEALTH" OUR BREAD Supplies the needed nourishment and vitamines for the body. Smooth in texture and pleasing to the palate. THE STRATFORD BAKERY J. C. JORDAN, Mgr. Phone 90 ---- a F. C. AWAI Master Instructor HAWAIIN INSTRUMENTS STUDIO AT MASON & RISCH EVERY MONDAY S In Bottles that Sparkle Every drop of Stillman's health-giving milk is sealed safe in sparkling sterilized bottles with cream "inches down from the top." Our service is on every street every morning. Our sleighs are white. Our drivers wear uniforms. Phone 770. ee ee In the Spring a Woman's Fancy Lightly turns to Thoughts of Change! 4: OMAN," you have W our best wishes and support in your de- sire for achange in your home surroundings--take it out on the rugs, curtains and furni- ture--and what a change you can make! 'A a aa a a sists in training the pupils to put into actual practice the scientific theories that have been explained to them. The project method develops the skill oi the pupil by showing him how to make some practical article by scien- zific means. By this means a bewil- edring mass of details are made clear and the child given a more complete understanding of the world about him. Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Yokum sail, the phrases which were used by educational writers were "training the mind,' "mental discipline" and "strengthening the faculties." These phrases indicate a type of education involving school subjects and methods which have little or no bearing upon any task which the pupils may be re- quired to perform out in the world, or any problem which they will have to solve, or any undertaking in which they may be interested. Education, however, that is design- ed to secure mental discipline, ac- C. N. FULTON sidered "new" there was also being shown as "new" here. The range of prices, quality considered, was about Let new beauty, comfort cleanliness chase away dull care, monotony and discom- fort. Start housecleaning early --change, re-arrange your furniture--call on us for new things, shades, cur- tains, stair carpet, rubber pads, linoleums for kitch- en, bathroom, halls, bed- rooms. Clean Up For Easter Furniture for every room. R. WHITE & CO. --Home Furniture --Funeral Service Phone 33 Night 376 80 Ontario St. na. \\\ ee) a) a netic power. He had but to lift his | ' pa hand to lift the fog. When people | TII ' MAN* saw his face they also saw a rift in | O rse U e CREAMERIES > LMITED Phone 800 the same as im this city. | the sky. Even the newspapers made : the striking comment--'Phillips | . '""Where Cleanliness is Paramount" ) ) The merchants of Stratford have to PTTTTTTTTITTTTTTTTPTT TEPPER EPC Wedbhet puakew dawn Motte Bowe aAl matter to take them where they can if I a : an old man sold books at a second a thrown on my is now superintendent of Home Mis- nieet the competition of other merch- Central United Church Bebe be fairly adjusted. | nand book stand. Every Sunday he own resources tomor- sions in Scotland, one is a great evan- 1 22 Ontario wn f] ! MM WT SS The Good Cook Wants --- Sig as Hh ft Good Cooking Utensils GET THEM AT China Hall 10 a.m.--Men's Brotherhood. tra.m.--Morning Worship. Lite,' 2.30 p.m.--General Sunday School. 3.30 p.m.--Young People's Sunday School. 7,00 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject--"The Gifis of God."' Talman J. M. Gotby, L.R.A.M., Organist and Choirmaster. A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL HU ants and the inroads on their trade A Wellesley College student said Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B.A., Pastor This woman's experience was worth Subject--"Sacrifice, a Law of : taught a class of boys in a neighbor- row morning, what can trom outside points, so they must 'M Ali : keep their selling prices at a fair fig- as a ; ee ghia cs Palmer: She ure. These stores do give service at Phone. 51 166 Church St. ni aly cre nig . ri Si all times; they are prepared to stand . aka hae Hd 0 behind the goods they sell, and if SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1926 core ila Sas ashe sary aL nbs gare? dae oe 7 onder in a distant Scottish P : hs) t N an easy «ee ° * 9 SoS ara OY bw "Decision Day and Life Service Sunday metropolis, more than 40 years ago, while; she went and saw and_ pur- i chased, and after it was all over she a fume sree! nee be, Ido? e plie imself at seconc anc books, and no less diligently with Y prominsing boys. 75 boys passed wr through his 'hands and the impress of his soul, was left upon them all. One came to the,conclusion that she could huve done just a swell in her home town, to say nothing of the cost of voing to and returning from Detroit. have no experience--you have no training and no capital. Not one single thing that is cash- able, and maybe a young family to support, or someone you are now assisting. 4 0a ioe) A Stee Vie eee a We handle A Complete =I cording to the doctor, should take but slight account of the usefulness of any subject in dealing with which the disciplime is to be gained. Those ~who are abandoning such phrases as those quoted above main- tain that pupils should be required to acquire. such knowledge and gain auch experience as they will have use for in everyday life. According to this fact, a pupil cannot do, outside of school, anything essentially different from that which he has done in school. Also he will accomplish more in the acquisition of knowledge and skill if he is interest- ed in his tasks than if he is not in- terested in them and does not feel Line of FURNACES All styles and sizes. at prices. that are right. . Phone 175. L. COOK Plumbing Heating Electric 110 Downie St. Phone 175 Subscribe for The Mirror. ---- Beautiful Shoes For Spring In all the new shades priced at $6 and $7 NEIL D. McEWEN 45 Downie St. Phone 1182 gelist in Australia, 13 are missionar- jes and 21 ministers of the gospel, serving the great home churches and the distant outposts of duty in five continents of the world. And if you were to ask any one of those leaders to make a frank confession of his experience, he would likely say: "I am here because 40 years ago @ man in Scotland lighted up my faith and gave me the plan of a new life, through his inspiring personality." It is a great thing for a boy to know that a good man is his friend. To many a lad it is the beginning of -@ new life. "If you will be my friend, Face the facts and be honest with yourself Give yourself a course in the Central Business College, if for no other reason than an invest- ment or a protection against a a probable emergency. yy CENTRAL ~ STRATFORD, ONT. SCUUUUAUORUURCREOEURTOOUEGGEORUEEOE COUUEEQEEREOUTEAULEDEDE) EDERCR TREE EEECEEEEEES J. L. BRADSHAW TUTTE Ee Dr. C. R. Quinlan Specialist in diseases of DOGS and CATS Protect your dog-- vaccinate him against distemper. Phone 1924w 82 Bobdiics | Dr. Michael Steele PHYSICIAN 21 DOWNIE STREET Phones--Office 466, Residence 423 Phone 1580 Residence 1330J FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building)