abanu ctw Tata Sanam gs, pense te a on * THE MIRROR WILL MEET STRATFORD CITY COUNCIL SOON In the near future, it is expected, a committee from the Perth County Council will meet with the Stratford City Council for the purpose of dis- cussing the Northern Gravel Road. At present it is in a very bad state of repair and as a result this city is losing a lot of trade that otherwise might be directed to Stratford. The County will ask, it is under- stood, the City to bear a portion of the cost of improvements. It-is felt that a great.deal of the trade that Kitch- ener merchants are now getting from the district which the Northern Gray- el road serves will be diverted to Stratford, if the road is placed m a good state of repair. FOR SALE 7-room brick house, all conven- iences and in a good locality; garage; would make an ideal duplex. No reasonable offer re- fused if sold at once; as owner is leaving the city. Reply toG. R. H., care of Mirror Office. ~~~ We Are Proud of Our Showing of Easter Shoes See our New Strap Slippers. Here you will find a range of every kind of shoe from which you will delight to make your choice. ROBERTSON'S SHOE STORE "The Little World of Shoes." 36 WELLINGTON STREET. a R. T. Orr, President of Historical Society, Talks to '"'Y's'" Men's Club at Dinner On Tuesday evening the "Y's" Men's Club held its fortnightly ban- guet at the Y. M. C. A. The feature of the evening was an address by Mr. Thomas Orr, entitled, "Historical Stratford." Mr. Orr is president of the Strat- ford Historical Society, has given much time and attention to the ex- amination of records and relics of the beginnings of the settlement of this part of Ontario with white peo- ple, which service is invaluable. Early policies and politics were des- cribed. A brief history of the Canada Company, the Germany Company and many interesting incidents in connec- tion with the settlement of the Huron tract were given. The surveying and building of the Huron road, the Governor Simcoe road from London to Toronto, Dan- forth road _and Yonge street was de- scribed. The evolution of Stratford from the tirst roadhouse built by the road- surveying party, to the present time was graphically sketched and __ illus- trated with lantern slides of photo- graphs and drawings. The address was received with marked appreciation. gains: Phone 1598 Spring Specials PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS RADIO We have a very fine range of pianos at prices that will surely meet your purse. Here are a couple of the best bar- A Colonial Piano in walnut satin finish, regular $425 for $325 An Evans Piano, regular $450, for Phonographs at Prices That Say "Buy !" VOCALION, regular $195, for VOCALION, regular $155, for VOCALION Soloist; regular $160, for MASON & RISCH with 20 records, reg. $165, for -COLUMBIA, 4-spring, regular $260, for COLUMBIA 3-spring, regular $175, for VICTOR, table model, with 20 records RADIO SETS AT REDUCED PRICES - Freed-Eisemann Neutrodyne, complete, regular $220 for $175 Day-Fan Neutrodyne, complete, reg. $220, for Premier, 5-tube set, reg. $160 complete, for Crosley No. 52 3-tube, complete, reg. $98.75, for. .. . $62.50 _ TERMS TO SUIT Pequegnat's Music Store Majestic Theatre Block TOP COATS To Suit Everybody ! From the Little Boy to his Grandfather Our New Spring Topcoats are easily the best that ev- er graced our racks. New cloths, new styles andata price to suit any purse. Navy, Blue and Fawn Top- coats for boys and girls 2 yrs. to 12 years-- $6.50 $7.50 $9.50 For the. young man and his elder, plain cheviotsand fancy tweeds-- $15.00 to $60.00 Scores of Coats to choose from See us tomorrow for your New Topcoat. CUMMING-- THE CLOTHIER { Billie Y. Donaldson y Phone 203 40 Wellington St. HERE AND THERE By "Doc." He called his sweetie his Easter Egg, 'cause she was hard __ boiled, painted and hard to beat. * * * "Daddy, do you remember when you first met mother?" "Yes, dear, it was at a dinner party and there were 13 at the table." * * * As the condemned man said: "Well, n® noose jis good news and I'll. be hanged if it isn't." * * * Who was the local young lady who drove up to a service station the cther evening and asked for some red oil because 'her rear light had gone out? '4 * s s. A good many men would not only have the word "obey" left in the mar- riage ceremony, but would lengthen the sentence to read, "Do you prom- ise to love, homor, obey and learn to cook?" * * * The sidewalks in Stratfotd during the past week were a disgrace, and worse than you would find in any other city. This condition would be practically eliminated if a proper snow bylaw were in force in the city, and many dollars saved to the city, which is now spent in cleaning? The walks by snowphow. ss * * A splendid suggestion for a mem- orial to the late Sir Adam Beck is © that proposed by W. G. Weichel, mem- ber for North Waterloo, for a monu- ment topped by a large light placed upon the high hill at Baden, near where the late Sir Adam worked as a boy. Can you imagine anything more appropriate? This would be on the highest point in Ontario and would be seen for miles in all directions, and represent the torch carried on, after being thrown to us by Sir Adam. And that's that. . The welfare of each of us is de- pendent upon the welfare of all of us.--Theodore Roosevelt. ---- At Publisher's Rates Morning Delivery of All Newspapers 15c PER WEEK LIGHT FOOT'S BOOK STORE 83 Downie St. --_ i THE MIRROR UP-TO-DATE SPORT NEWS By J. J. O'Leary, Mirror Sports Editor Spring Mirrorettes, "Mhie' Appel of Tavistock would like a tryout with the Bards. Here's a shortstop willing to work. Roth, who played centre for New Hamburg hockey elub, reported to be a good pitcher. Get busy- boys A Scottish footballer, ready to don his togs, wants to try out with the locals. Bill (Pat) Cameron says he has the makings of a good one. See 'Pat' he will put you wise. Leila Brooks, international skating champion and title holder, fell through the ice this week, into the sea of matrimony. Howie Morenz, flashy centre of the Canadiens, bulged the twin twice on "Wagle Eye'? Lehman, the daddy of all net guardians. Some feat, some hockey player and then some. Mickey McPhee had Tavistock railbirds believing he was Doc. Car- son for awhile, but Mickey says he tried to emulate the local dentist and he forgot to use a Chaplin mustache. Toronto Varsity will play Port Arthur this week in the Allan Cup fmal at Montreal. Sweeping everything before them so far, the Students have earned this honor again, but they will be pitted against one of the most formidable jockey teams in amateur hockey when they clash this week with Port Arthur. They will meet much sterner opposition than they have encounter- ed and it is doubtful if they will take a fall out of the Ports Percy Leseur of Windsor has not given up hope of heading a_ profes- sional hockey team before long. Knowing the game from A to Z, and wised up to every angle, he will try hard to nail them Yankee _ dollars, that are so close to his hand. Should Perey be successful, an addition will have to be made to the arena. Montreal Maroons meet Ottawa Saturday night for N. H. L title hon- ors. The winner of. this series will meet the Victoria Cougars for the Stanley Cup, emblematic of the world's championship. Midgets Will be Provided With Summer Sports J. H. MacQueen, physical director of the Y. 'M. C. A... (will .. organize juveniles, midgets and. juniors in baseball, softball and_ football. All boys desirous of taking part in any of the above sports be sure to attend the meeting tomorrow night, Saturday, at 7 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. ---------- Tavistock Defeats Wally Murr's = ----s Sextet game at Tavistock last week "Wally" im a tat and exctins eamition 4 Mature HasHer Own Way ' Murr's sextet went down to defeat by a score of 5 to 4. Brilliant stick- | handling featured the game. Mathers | and Hamerble starred for Tavistock, while Murray, "Mickey" McPhee and Comeran were the shining lights for | the Transportation team. After the game a supper was given at the Arlington Hotel, Tavistock | { be true sportsmen, making all provis- ions for a real welcome to the Strat- | tord boys. All who made the trip fully appreciated the royal welcome | and supper tendered them by Mr. | Honey and his hockey. club. '"Mick- of revealing eye trouble, and if you have any reason to believe you are so handicapped we can help you. We have the best equipped op- tical examination room in West- ern Ontario. PEQUEGNAT'S Established 1885 Stratford's Oldest Exclusive Optical Practice hockey clug proving themselves to | v . ey' McPhee acted as the jester of | the party, and filled the role to per- fection. A good yoker and humorist, who kept the party roaring with laughter. Line-up: Tavistock--Strahm, goal; Eckstein | and J. Baechler, defense; Mather, centre; C. Tuehl, left wing; Haber- mehl, right wing; H. Tuehl and W. Baechler, subs. CG N. R. Trans.--R. O'Brien, goal; McPhee and Pauli, defense; Cameron, centre; Murray, left wing; Easson, right wing; Hill and Hesson, subs. Referee--'Chick" Appel. Furnishings For Easter Wear Shirts, Hosiery, Ties, MUST HAVE BEEN. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, First small boy: "I don't like this book. The hero's a nut." Second S. B.: "Why?" First S. B.: "It says he 'took a bath every morning."--New York Sun and Globe. Hats and Caps for the well dressed man. P. J. KELLY Agent for Borsalinoand King Hats Sweet young thing (driving through suburb) "Would you like to see where I was vaccinated?" He (with enthusiasm) : "Sure." S. Y. T. (pointing toward a_ house which they had just passed) : "Well, right in there." 5} = ----------------§, OOO tas ee EW: GILLIES &.EMM DIAMOND HALL "23 DOWNIE ST Subscribe for The Mirror We have installed a great many Oil-O-Matics in the city. Wedon't know of a single owner who would go back to coal. Oil-O-Matic installed means no dust, no dirt,even temperature. Guaranteed absolutely safe in every way. TOMATO . 41 HEATING Phone 210 DISTRIBUTORS PETER & SYLVESTER 12 Ontario St. ee ee ee ee a sp tee