THE MIRROR UOPEEEEECDEEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE GE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE eee AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 4 Tay I= Local Interest |. Not... only ~ the» owners greatly raiss David Burns, but many a horse Miss Nina Dillon spent a pleasant has been wondering this last day or visit m Detroit as the guest of : her | tWO where his horse shoer is. Well, brothers. we are sorry to say that he is sick, ess but he is the kind of a patient that Mrs. (Dr.) Merrill has returned to even a doctor can't keep long in bed. the city after spending a pleasant visit with relatives in Tillsonburg, Courtland and other places. The little.friends of Lois Cash, the bright and happy young daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. A. KE Cash, Ontario | Street, will be pleased to learn that she | will soon be around again after a slight | operation. The many friends of Mrs. Robert Douglas, Guelph street, will be pleas- ed to learn that she is convalescing after undergoing a serious operation in the Stratford General Hospital. | \ Subscribe for The Mirror. (a0 00) 0) 1B) 2) ee COLORITE DYE = ALL COLORS 19 a Bottle Barker's Drug Store 36 Ontario Street Phone 521 By Appointment Member of Babys Os Flealth Association J. MAURICE CORBET Gordon Block - Telephone 2090 TRL OO i a PRINCESS THEATR ae TO-NIGHT and TO-MORROW JACK HOXIE, in "The Fighting Romance' PRINCESS THEATRE | 'a it HI i i | 4 il i | (a =m . 2.) 2) 2; VC To His Majesty The Baby z eM ee, a ne nh ee a an a on] DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. The Newest Ideas In Millinery ON DISPLAY AND SALE TOMORROW. We present a marvelous collection of smart new 'rimmed and Untrimmed chic, up-to-the-minute, and decidedly un- usual Hats at very attractive prices. All the new crowns, brims, colors and all wanted head sizes. Exceeding smart and becoming Dress and Tailored Hats, also Sport Hats in both felt and combinations of silk & straw or straw & felt. SS 200 Tailored and Sport Hats Just Received In complete range of new shades, plenty of navy and black for matron ladies wear. On sale tomorrowat the following extraordinary low prices-- $2.98 $4.98 $6.50 100 elegant new Hats fresh from their tis- 50 stylish Trimmed Hats, large and small 50 handsome Trimmed Hats, newest mod- sue wrappings; all colors and black. Reg- shapes, beautifully trimmed, all colors and els ; black and colors, stylish and becoming ular values $4.00 to $5.50. black ; values to 6.50 to 8.00. 4 98 shapes ; values $8.50 to 10.50 $6 50 On sale Saturday Saturday, choice e Saturday choice % wig. etn gaan 2 A