* ing of the corner to sustain ite life. THE MIRROR PLRETCHER TARIO ST., EVERY JOHNSTON STRATFORD. FRIDAY AT THE PRESS, 123 ON- PHONE 115w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATE $1.00 A YEAR Stratford, June 4, 1926 TWO FITTING EVENTS Two fitiing events took place dur- ing the last week. One was the lay- stone of the new United Church. The other the' meet- ing in our beautiful city of the Lon- don Conference of that church. The beauty of Straiford may become more or less commoplace t6 those who see it every day. But every now and then we are aroused to a keener sense of its beauty by the remarks made by visitors. The minsterial brethren have been profuse in their praise of our parks and beauty spots. Undoubtedly we have felt the pressure of the money spent on parks and pavements but af- ter all is not what is called intang- ible, the tangible.- The imagination must have the breath of the beautiful And happy should we be to have'such a pleasant envir- onment as Stratford on the Avon on whose hanks "soft stillness and the night become the touches of sweet harmony." Proud. indeed, were those who en- tertained the preachers and the lay- men during. their stay in Stratford-- the city beautiful. The perpetuation of this pride would be a worthy thing to practice, for those who are loyal ) iheir home town are loyal to their know that our guests with a fine opinion city but the hospital- who does not ad- week country. We have gone away of not only our ity shown them. And mire and revere the men who in and week out endeavor to show their congregations the beauty of life, spire them to place the greater rather and in value on that which they are, than that which they possess. MAN AND AN AMOEBA The difference 'between voluntary, rational and controlled activity and any sort of involuntary, irrational and uncontrolled activity is the differ- nee between a man and an amoeha (one of the lowest forms of life). If development is the more effectu- ally brought about through conscious action then why not set about to be- come separated from the lower form of living which is involuntary and un- controlied acting. Probably the prim- ary 'reason for the lack of conscious thinking is because it takes effort to bring the brain to aly task and hold at there. The mind is free 'to go on an excursion any moment it desires, and consequently follows the line of least resistance. There is no other thing that would be so valuable for the youth of our generation to learn as that of con- scious thinking. taught in our Probably this is such teaching is neglected it is rather un- fortunate. for schools, but if voluntary act is a ame of life, and it every: é move in the great counts for or against us. Every in- different, haphazard, unntecessary or careless places us at a disadvantage, while every move great well-con- sidered, effective move helps us _ to- Ward the winning goal. TO A FLAPPER Cute little vamp, with your drug- store complexions, Just for a moment give ear to my You'll never win my tion, Yet I feel glad that you've happen- ed along. Rouge ,on your lips, the hair of you, Hair that is bobbed in the mode of today. Heaven forbid I should e'er have the care of you! Yet you're a sweet little thing in your way. and a wave in Come-hither look in the haby-blue eyés of you, ' W alk that is copied from Holly- wood's queens, Far too much guile for tion size of you-- Can't you remember you're still in your teens? the half-por- Dear little fool, with morality Warped into nonsense, to rot, Please, for wour own sake, to reality! Please quit pretending to be what you're not! --Saturday Evening Fost. your code of disguised in- get down ies | aaa A thoughtful gift and one intended for real service, French Ivory dressing table access- ories. See the graceful designs and note the quality. ie ea a abet aren ss os rea ao mn of ra erent TE ane mele House To Rent That fine brick house at No 49 Trinity Street; 6 rooms ; all modern ; newly built; can rented for $26 month. Apply Albion Apartments Room No. 10. Phone 2170w undying affec- HAMMOC COUCHES Relaxation is as necessary to the mind and a) nerves as food is to the sustenance of the body. We want you to come and see our stock of Hammock Couches. The extra pleas- ure for yourself and family will more than -- repay you for the cost of one of our Ham- | mock Couches. since & Vivian House Furnishin gs LIMITED 26 Ontario Street Phone. : : '"GOOD BREAD FOR GOOD HEALTH" OUR BREAD Supplies the needed nourishment and vitamines for the body. 4 Smooth in texture and pleasing to the palate. THE STRATFORD BAKERY T. HILL, Mgr. Phone 90 - next White Star Barber Shop Our newly remodelled Barber Shop is the finest in Western Ontario. The very latest equipment is here. Cleanliness and Good Service ls Our Motto Ladies who are particular can be assured of having the very latest cut. I. CLAYTON Proprietor | - MARTY BURKE GOES o TO PORT ARTHUR from _riends. He left this +week -eolumns, hone 1580 Résidence 1330J F RANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102. Ontario St. (Beacon Building) | Stratford, Ont. | Dr. Michael Steele PHYSICI AN 21 DOWNIE STREET Phones--Office 466, Residence 423 _its success we wish for those who in . THE MIRROR HERE AND THERE ey .'Doc:" Having been called upon to light the furnace again on Wednesday eve- ning, we have decided that the coal joke has passed the date for joking. * * * A clairvoyant living' near woced prophesied frost for She was not very far might a warm day for Civic Blythes- June 4th. astray. We possibly have her promise of Holiday. * * * A recent arrival to this was asked how he liked our climate. } "Oh," he said, "which one do you mean, this one or the one of a few min utes ago?" country * * ok Mrs. Newlywed could not under- stand why hubby was complaining of his razor not being sharp, because she was sure his beard could not be as tough as the oilcloth she had used the razor to cut that morning, and it was sharp then. : * * % Judge Joseph Chambers of Los An- geles has been making himself unpopular with having sent no less than 330 to jail in one week. These included celebrities, Billy West, Wanda Haw- ley, Herbert Rawlinson and others. Sentences ranged from two to 60 days. The judge is one of the old fashioned kind and reprimands the offenders with, "I walk to work and 80 can you." very motorists, many movie & * * The printing of the New York tele- phone directory is now the biggest single publishing job in the world. It takes between, five and six weeks to distribute the books to the 960,000 re- gular subscribers, As soon as one is- sue is finised, work is started on the edition. It requires a force of } more than 500 men and a fleet. of au- tomobiles, wagons and even push- carts to deliver. The last issue weigh- ed nearly five pounds, has 1,920 pages with 830,000 listings, and as Many subscribers get several copies, the to- tal editon consisted of 3,00,000 dir ectories requiring 500 carloads of paper. Martin Burke returned to Stratford Toronto this week to bid fare- well to his former ociates and} Marty" Has made hopes "Marty" is a good clean living boy | and as 1 before in thiase | good wine he will im-| "prove with age. Followers of sport | will wish him. unbounded success i his new territory. The Ports are for- tunate in getting "Marty" as he will fit in with their machine and. their gain is Stratford's loss, but at that 'the past endeavored to bring honor to our winter sport. Yes, Stratford | FOR CORNS & | A 25c¢ box of the hardest corn or callous w has an honor roll of past participants in sport even though it is one of me- mory. ah grea Well For Our Tailors "I came all the 'way from Toronto get a couple of suits of clothes | gentleman to The other day. when "what said a lirror scribe the asually asked by The Mirror This is that they can do bet- from their home vas doing in Stratferd?' omewhat contrary to the idea me may have that y away town. Our Milk Contains Every Necessary Food Sustains and vitalizing the body of the child or adult. Pasteurization is done in our beautiful snow - white dairy where the atmosphere is as sweet and pure as the breath of the flowers. PHONE 770 ( TILTEMAN N'§ « CREAMERIES 4, English Enamelled Teapots Just received a shipment Teapots and | pint Jugs, finest English quality. As- sorted colors. Four sizes $1.20 to $1.95 Suise 85c Each J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL TEL » r MTT eee no-one peterpan rene TE S000 EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE -- PET ELASERIRIEEEEI EEE EEE <e os a ae a eae ee EAE CALLOUSES ALLOUS - OF Off will dissolve ithout leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. i Callous Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company STRATFORD, ONT. | | } ------------SS The Home of Good Clothes | | For Men, Young Men, Boys and Children. e rimful of Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishings 1000 Men's and Young Men's Suits to select from. 500 Boys' and Children's Suit to select from. Felt and Straw Hats to select from. Caps to select from. 500 Men's and Boys' 500 Men's and Boys' long, devoted to Men's and Shirts, Sweater Coats, etc feet Underwear, Full length of the store, 100 Boys' Furnishings, Moderate prices, satisfaction guaranteed, money refunded as usual } ) } . 500 pairs of Men's and Boy's Odd Trousers to select from. { P. J. KELLY Sole Agent for 20th Century and Fashion Craft Clothes. Save Fuel- Prevent Fires aa et More' Heat - Sootfo Does t SOOT AND SMOKE DISPENSING PRODUCTS FOR FACTORY, HOME AND PLANT SOOTFO WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT WILL DO SOOTEO is a soot remover, which works on furnaces, stoves, ranges, boilers, as well as for removing carbon on oil burning furnaces with no odor or dirt, To get the best results from SOOTEO have your heating system well cleaned, then apply Sootfo a few times a week, and you will never be bothered with soot or fires caused by sooty clogged pipes, you will get an even heat, burn less fuel and always be safe. SOOTKOeliminates the fire risk of burning soot in pipes or chimneys. SOOTFO takes hold of the soot accumulation in coils of your furnace and tubes of your boiler and dissolves it. JAS. K. MYERS Sole Representatives for Stratfcrd 51 Downie St. Phone 162 Have You Patronized Our Lending Library ? 2 Cents a Day 10c a week LIGHTFOOT'S BOOK STORE 83 Downie St. eet YY. j Vell iD, ONT. ~ Phone 240 Downie St.