THE MIRROR Success W. E.°D: Somebody has defined success as the power of using one's self as na- ture intended. The definition ignores the familiar standards almost univer- sally recognized. The time has come for use to revise our estimates and put the emphasis in the right place. Encyclopedic knowledge attainment, but it doesn't constitute success. A great fortune may repre- sent a great achievement, but it does- n't necessarily spell success. Success is not a definite object to be gained, or poimt to be reached The measure of any person's success is the abil- ity to give natural and worthy expres- sion of his individuality. may be an A very interesting sidelight into the character of Carlyle is afforded in the misfortune that came to his first man- uscript of "TheFrench Revolution." The manuscript was loaned to John Stuart Mill and a housemaid of Mill's burnt it as rubbish. It was a sad ex- perience for Mill to call on Carlyle and confess the tragic story. Anyone could express passionate pity for the author. But Carlyle proved himself a hero as well as a genius. There are few braver stories in the literary realm than the story of the wearied, worried author facing the loss of many months of toil, and then turn- ing and re-writing his first volume. The Christian charity of Carlyle is seen in his remark to his wife on the fatal day--'Well, Mill, poor fellow. is terribly cut up; we must endeavor to hide from him how vyery serious the business is to us." Emerson might have added the name of Carlyle to the list, when he affirm- ed that there was power in Washing- ton and Lincoln and Burke inexpres- sibly finer than anything they ever did or said, For there's nothing on earth comparable with the majesty and beau- ty of a man clothed and endowed with* . individuality, unique in virtue, integ- rity and power. The production of "The French Revolutinn" was a mea- sure of success for Carlyle. His real success was the amazing self-conquest that made it possible for him to be calm and charitable and undismayed in the face of a great disaster. Everybody im the world was meant to succeed. Success is not for the few but for the many. You just have to be yourself, your best self. If you fwmd the, truth about yourself and live that truth you are succeeding. If you are finding new gifts in you every day new pow- ers to be expressed, you are succeed- ing. If you can be more, do more, re- lease more of yourself for good, it doesn't matter whether you live in a palace or a hut, you are succeeding. "But no person, no matter how great is the pomp and splurge of achieve- ment is succeeding, if his own individ- uality is not richly unfolding and pro- fusely pouring itself out in the fellow- ship of service. If a lark is to succeed - GRAND MILITARY TATTOO AGRICULTURAL PARK Under Auspices General Aid Committee for relief purposes 7 Bands Fireworks Vaudeville FRIDAY, JULY 16th the lark must give forth song. If a rose is to succeed it must perform the function of a rose and bloom with fra- grance. If a bee succeeds the bee must have fellowship with flowers and produce the sweetness of honey. And when the real song that lies in your heart is finding expression, when the talents that are latent in your life are fragrant service when the rich personality of your soul has gathered such sweetness that it is just bound to overflow, you to are suc- ceeding. The measure of success is self development and _ self-command. blooming im v2 Pay 75c and $1 when you can get | Records Three. OR | $1.00 PEQUEGNAT'S MUSIC STORE ee 5 ee We Succeed because we give per- sonal service and sat- isfaction to every pa- tron. Eyes examined. Glasses Fitted. A. REID | For 8 Years Stratford's Leading Optometrist. 25 DOWNIE ST. PLUMBING, HEATING EAVETROUGHING Estimating on all classes of work CHAS. STIMORE 43 Brunswick Phone 529 { HATS In the newest weaves and style, with or without fancy bands, payne, a $1.50 to $4.50 Leghorn Straws, with fancy bands..2.75 to 5.00 Panamas with fancy bands ...$6.00 All sizes from 634 to 7 P. J. KELLY } mets q eel Phone 1580 Residence 1330J FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. uates are in demand. SUMMER CLASSES | Concentrated courses, specially arranged for Collegiate commier- cial graduates, will be given in our Summer Classes. We filled seven office positions last week and have calls from five firms this week. Call at our office Satur- day morning and let us talk matters over. McLACHLAN BUSINESS COLLEGE 74 ONTARIO STREET i a ciads | (Beacon Building) Ve -- = SS Sone raceme } } Our grad- Phone 1633 Or 239. gay THE MIRROR HERE AND THERE By "Doc." Many a careful driver has difficulty in avoiding running into debt. * * * Have you ever noticed that even near relatives are extremly distant when you are broke. * Be Wouldn't it be nice if you could wear a New pair of shoes a few days before putting them on. a * ra he is born becomes older that he years too soon, As a more about twenty person convinced was Ea * * are a good many streets in the city that havo no name on the corners and it would be work on the part of the city fathers to have pro- minent street sigus placed at all cor- ners. This would not only be a great help to citizens but also to strangers of whom there are always a good many at this season of the year. There cs x * There was much discussion in an English city recently whether the public houses should be closed at 10.30 or 11 p.m. One of the town coun- sellors emphatically opposed any ex- tension of time as he considered that if any man could not get drunk by 10.30 he wasn't trymg very hard. as to e * a The other day we had occasion to be in one of the local banks and was just going out when we met an old friend of ours, a traveller from Kit- chener. After the usual handshake the took place. the fellow I cheque | might following conversation "Say, Doc, wanted to want to cash need to be identified. today, you're just I have a thought I By the way, the their meet, and what's doing payday at shops or are people taxes?" We assured him that it was just between pays and people were mot yet paying their taxes, and that this was not the bank where taxes were payable, but that this was the usual everyday business. "Well," said Joe, "That sure looks prosperous for Stratford You wouldn't see a limeup like that in cities two or three times the size. paying * And that's that. FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES DR. JOHNSTON'S ALLOUS - OF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company STRATFORD, ONT. Subscribe for The Mirror | | en i iientinin ean i When You Can't See Print Distinctly There is no use trying to correct matters by turning 'the' paper this way or that or squinting or frown- ing at it. You might better by far face the fact squarely and admit that you can't see as well as you once could. Then when you have done that hurry tous for an exam- ination, and wear the correction which we find necessary. Likely we could make you see to read as well as you ever could, J. Welsh & Son Jewellers and Optometrists 83 Ontario St. Stratford Told Stairs Covered Refinishing Oid Floors French Doors and every kind of Wood Repairing. ---- We can give you special prices on hardwood flooring, as we buy material direct and save you jobber's profit. W.R. BRADSHAW | 186 Water St. Phone 748 na ao WOOD HARD WOOD HARD SLABS HEMLOCK SLABS All first-class wood Cut any length. R. Fiebig PHONE 535 In That New House you are planning to build of course you want only the best of material used and installed by competent workmen and that is why we would like you to give usa trial with your Plumbing, Heating and Wiring. We are sure you would be satis- fied with the job when it is finish- ed. L. COOK Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 175 110 Downie St. Supplies the palate. T. HILL, Mgr. 'GOOD BREAD FOR GOOD HEALTH" OUR BREAD the and vitamines for the body. Smooth in texture and pleasing to THE STRATFORD BAKERY needed nourishment Phone 90 DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone 314 YR POMinc Fak 30% a von v COAL ANTRACITE COAL ,/POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Lennox Coal Co. Phone 44 J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533F Gordon Block A Monthly Income Assured at Age 60 J: See: BRANCH MANAGER Continental Life Insurance Co. 191 Ontario St. Phone 1499J We.can meet your needs in Insurance DON'T SUFFER | EZO Will positively relieve the worst case of ECZEMA ate DRUG cite DR. A. L. BAKER a , DENTIST Gordon Block, Phone 1533] W.B.ROTHWELL INSTRUCTION IN 4 PIANO - VOCAL Studio--90 Coburg Street PHONE 374w Bm WM = Peter & Sylvester 3 = Will do your Repairs in = = Plumbing Heating : = Electric = = Phone 210 12 Ontario = i a 'Try a Hamburg Sandwich COUNTER, 52 Wellington AT THE QUICK LUNCH 20c ----~ TIRES! Phone 140w Res. 140J We have solved the problem to repair tires that STAND UP oo --That's saying a lot, but we mean it. GABRIEL SNUBBERS save your car as well as yourself. | SOLEX CARBURETORS are guaranteed to save you money, (Worth investigation). Bl LL KE | L 114 Ontario St. ~ TIRES! | ON,