THE MIRROR FORBES--EDGAR One of Stratford's most popular young men joined the ranks of the benedicts Wednesday aiternoon, -when Agnes F. Edgar, daughter of Mrs. Jean Edgar, and the late Wil- liam Edgar, of Gorrie, Ont., became the bride of John Aberdeen Forbes, Son of John Forbes and the late Mrs. Forbes, of Stratford. The beautiful and charming young bride was attired very becomingly in a navy suit and large moire hat and carried a beau- tiful bouquet of roses. The wedding took place in' Knox Presbyterian Church, and the officiating clergyman was the Rev. George Rowland. The gifts were most expressive of the 00d wishes of the large number of friends which the bride had both in Stratford and Gorrie. She is a grad- 'uate nurse of the Stratford General Hospital, The happy couple are spending their honeymoon in New York and points east, and on their return will take up their residence at 110 Brunswick street. Mr. Ralph Donaldson and his brother, Mr. James Donaldson, of London, and "Billie"? Y¥. Donald- son, of Cummings' fame, have return- ed from a pleasant holiday spent with relatives in Montreal. _ Mr. W. M. White has returned from a holiday spent in a log cabin in the 'Bruce Peninsula. The cabin was, of course, not as elaborately furnished as the little bungalow in his store which has been seen by many Strat- ford people, but then a change is as good as a rest, and Mr. and Mrs. White enjoyed the outing very much. Business, he reports, kept up very | well when he was away, and he took s00d care to continue the tonic of an advertisement in The Mirror dur- ing his absence, having left three weekly changes before going on his holidays. Creasy--Palethorp.--Sept. 3. 1901, at Richmond Hill Congregational Church, by the pastor, J. D. Jones, M.A. B.D., Fred Kenwood, : young-- est son of William Creasy, Manor View House, Exmouth, to Alice Mary, youngest daughter of Wil- liam Palethorp, Worcester House, West Hiil Road, Bournemouth. _---- a r Mr. CH. Walker | Organist and Choir Leader St. John's United Church Teacher of Voice Culture Piano, Piano Theory, Pipe Organ Classes Begin Sept. 1 For Appointment Phone 2092F d oe a DR. S. H. SUTTER L.D.S..D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie ! J OFFicE 602 rial stele ( RESIDENCE 1051w } . , When Oa Get the Boya New Suit Get it at Fisher's. and good goods. Our name stands for economy We thought of your boys' needs when we bought our Fall Suits, and we thought of how much we could save for you when we priced them. FISHER & CO. 47 Downie Street Wally Hern's Old Stand Phone 217 Girls' Middy Blouses, made of extra quality Middy Cloth, blue collar and cuffs. Price, each,-- 98c _ These are busy days for mothers. them much time and worry. Whether it in large assortments. We are splendidly prepared to meet the needs of bo Special offerings tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. and RIGHT in price. DEPENDABLE SCHOOL HOSE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Boys' pure wool Hose, 3-4 length with fancy cuff top, grey and brown shades, sizes 7 to 9 1-2. Price, pair-- 69c Children's heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, sdamiess, spliced hheels and toes, sizes 5 1-2 to 10 1-2. Price, pair-- 5c Children's union Cashmere Hose --extra fine elastic rib, fast dye, colors black, fawns and brown. Sizes 6 to 10 1-2. Price, pair-- 45c to 90c Girls' and boys' extra fine qual- ity ribbed pure wool Hose, 3-4- length, fancy cuff top. Colors fawn, grey and black. Sizes 6 to 10. Price, pair-- i 75c to $1.00 | | i} i} | | | ! SS SSeS DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY NAVY BLUE SERGE Navy blue Serge, all pure wool, fine medium twill, beautiful fin- ish, suitable for girls' dresses, pleated skirts, bloomers, etc., 40 to 50 inches wide, at per yard-- 75c to $1.50 San Toy Suiting, all pure wool, 40 inches wide, in complete range of New shades for fall. Ideal for girls' dresses. Price, yard,-- $1.25 .GIRLS' SCHOOL HATS. Girls' Straw Hats, very smart shapes, nicely banded and trimmed, with corded silk rib- bon; black and colors. Price, each,-- 98c Girls' Felt Hats, assorted shapes in all new shades for fall. also black. Very smart styles. Price, each,-- $2.50 and $3.00 GIRLS PLAID AND FLANNEL FROCKS FOR SCHOOL WEAR Colored Flannel and Plaid Dresses, designed along chic lines with kick and side pleats. These dresses are distinctive in their simplicity. They are in colors of rose, henna, blue, red, brown and green, some _ braid trimmed, others with collar and cuffs of fancy velvet. Sizes for ages 8 to 14 years. Prices,-- $3.50 and $4.75 Girls' pleated Skirts of all wool serge, made with camisole, sizes for ages 6 to 14 years. On sale at each,-- $1.39 Girls' pretty Tub Dresses. of English Broadcloth, in assorted pretty stripes: sizes for ages 6 to 14 years. On sale at $1.89 Girls' Pullover Sweaters, assort- ed colors. Sizes for 3 to 12 years. Prices, $1.39 to $1.69 Buying the school outfits for children is made easy for mothers at this store and saves be a practical dress or a good sturdy coat that is needed, mothers will find them here Also Hats, Underwear, Stockings and Sweaters. ys andgirls with the right kind of apparel for school--RIGHT in style Girls' Pantie Dresses of Ging- ham in neat check patterns, nicely made and trimmed. Sizes for 4 to 12 years. Price, 95c BOYS' BLOUSES Boys' Blouses of stripe cambric, nicely made with attached col- lar and cuffs. Sizes 11 -2 to 14. Price, each,-- 75c GALATEA English Galatea in splendid quality, for boys' blouses, shirts, and girls' dresses; plain and stripe patterns, 27 to 32 inches wide, at yard, 25c to 50c SWEATERS Girls' and boys' Lumberjack Sweater Coats. in assorted colors and patterns, sizes for ages 4 to 8 years. Prices, $1.90 to $2.25 DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED