w THE MIRROR THE MIRROR ------ a ---- SATURDAY WILL BE WATCH J. PEQUEGNAT & SON'S 41st ANNIVERSARY SALE MEN'S WATCHES ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE Perth County's Fair (Continued from page 1) way enjoy the same pleasure. Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Ag- riculture, in his address to the agrh cultural societies at the last conven- tion, said: "The agricultural fairs, we all agree, have done an immense amount of work toward the betterment and for the welfare of agriculture in general, And that is not confined to the Proy- ince of Ontario nor any other prov- The Drudgery of Stoking and Shaking the Furnace Are Ended by Installing the WILLIAMS JLOMAT| HEATING The /H WRIST WATCHES ince. The one convenience so long denied homes is now within reach of all. Matic gives positive and even heat with no more care than electric light. PETER & SYLVESTER Phone 210 DISTRIBUTORS Williams Oil-O- 12 Ontario St. Beautiful Endearments are the many little jewelry | trinkets recently placed 1 in | stock. 5 ps = Sohlb edi tboc 8 Si Hf you can say it with jew- elry,'a gift from our store says it the better way. It's never a trouble to show goods. Gillies & Emm DIAMOND HALL 25 Downie St. TMM Old Stairs Covered Refinishing Old Floors French Doors and every kind of Wood Repairing. We can give you special prices } on hardwood 'flooring, as we "buy material direct and save you jobber's profit. W.R. BRADSHAW 186 Water St. Phone 748 -------------- In any shape you like. ----- - - = HEINTZMAN HALL player action. us play them for you. it may withstand the different climatic changes. air chambers being made of aluminum eliminates all possibility of air leakage, which is liable to occur with a wooden type ac- tion, thus enabling one to obtain the finest artistic results. Manufactured in mahogany, walnut and tumed oak. Just received a new lot of Piano Rolls. Me invite you to call and see the new and beautiful Grand Player Piano in Upright Form § The distinctive feature of this Player Piano is the "all metal" The object in making the action in metal is that The fact of the Come in and have HEINTZMAN & CO. Ltd. B. H. BRITTON, Manager is Oswria St. : Phone 769 HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Corner Downie and Ontario Sts. \ CHIPPENDALE--PATTERSON One of the season's prettiest wed- | dings was solemnized at noon on Mon- day at St. Paul's Church, the Rev. F. | W. Snell officiating, when Janet, | youngest daughter of the late A. Pat- terson and Mrs. Patterson, 72 Cherry street, became the bride of Frederick R Chippendale, this city, son of the late H. Chippendale and Mrs. Chippen- dale of Kennington, London, England. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, F. P. Polley, entered the church to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, played by F. S. Walker (Mus.) L.C.M., and wore a pretty dress of ivory can- ton crepe silk, a becoming veil with bandeau of orange blossoms and car- ried a bouquet of Columbia' roses. Miss Grace Geldart of Hamilton, for- | merly of Stratford, was bridesmaid, |} wearing a dress of poudre blue geor- | Sette, with lace trimming, black silk hat and patent slippers. Mr. J. Sug- , den of Windsor was groomsman. The | Service was fully choral, the choir ; turnmg out en masse to honor their | colleagues, the bride and groom both | being members of the choir. During the signing of the register Miss Dor- | othy hillips sang "Because" very | sweetly. After the ceremony a recep- tion was hei@ at the home of Mr. and ; Mrs. F. P. Polley to guests number- | ing about 50. The bride was the re- | Cipient of many beautiful presents. | The groom's gift to the bride was a | blue fox fur; to the bridesmaid silver | vases, the groomsman gold cuff links and the soloist a fountain pen. Mr. and Mrs. Chippendale left later on a ; Short trip to Toronto, the bride trav- | eling in a dress of grey flat crepe, navy blue tailored coat with grey hat | and shoes to match. On their return | they will reside at 76 Cherry street. ' OL ILOMATI @ ) HEATING if you want to know which heating : System is best, Peter & Sylvester will | do the rest. ; It is a universal fact, that with- ut the stimulus of exhibitions and fairs the high standard of quality which We are continually striving te improve would not be possible. "When I discuss matterg connected with fairs, [ am discussing something which comes very close to my own personal affairs. I am, if I may use the term, a product of the fairs. I have been exhibiting for about twenty- five years and I completed this fall a fairs in general, that is, I completed a record of winning the best display prize and about 90 per cent. of the | first prizes at the New York State Fair, covering a period of twenty years. I made the record of ten years and the authorities in connection with the fair presented me with a cup commemorating that winning, and I was so pleased with the way they treated me that I decided to stay with them amtqd make it twenty years. I completed that twenty years in Sep- tember past. I do not think it would have been possible to have put the energy into my work that Tf did with- out the stimulus of these annual fairs, While there was a tendency during hot weather to slip back a little and lose a little imterest, as the summer progressed you felt that at a certaiz time you had to exhibit once more and show the product of another year, and in competition with the best that your competitors could produce. kept you up to the mark, and that, kept you up to the marak, and that, after all, is the real purpose of the There is nothing like personal effort. I can remember, some years ago, that I competed with no less than three millionaires. They had high-priced labor because money wa3 no object, and it is real work to go uD against the product which these men could produce, but there was always something, and that was those men were hirelings, as it were, and did not take the same interest in what they were producing as the man who was growing it himself, feeding and doing everything that was necessary and to whom it meant his bread and butter." Your fali fair is a worthy enterprise that is deserving of your patronage. fairs. Special AtAtraction at Fair. The attraction committee has ar- ranged with Jack Elliott, "the wizard of the air," to put on his air stunts at the fair Tuesday amd Wednesday -- afternoon. Mr. Elliott was the airman who performed the wonderful air stunts with his automobile at the re- cent Toronto Exhibition. ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE White gold-filled case, 15-jewel movement, guar- anteed. Reg. price $12.50. Sale price ..... ects signs Green gold filled case, high grade 15- peas, Pe- $16 65 quegnat movement. Reg. price $25. Sale price, eV: $8.35 Solid 14-kt. white gold case, special high grade Peque- gnat movement. Sale Price o......ccscccsescsercsnnenerseasesateerenees ote -- -- Regular price $35.00. Seeervrrirret Cr $23.35 --a dandy time-keeper. Sal eprice 12 size gold-filled case, good jeweled movement, regular price $15.00. Sale Price ....-..-aseueeeereeng 16 size gold filled case, fine jeweled movement, a real buy; reg. price $25.00. Sale price $9.75 $16.65 TRY DWELLING WITH HAPPINESS We often hear strangers philoso- phizing about the feverishness of 4 visit or a holiday. "One evening it was a ride, the next a trip to the mov- ies, the next dancing, and 60 on. Al- ways restlessness. We're getting so we can't sit still.' Do we deserve Stevenson's advice and indictment: We are in such haste to be to be writing, to be gathering gear, to make our voice audible a moment in that which the derisive silence of eternity, we forget that one thing, of live. : . We run to and fro frightened sheep. And now you to ask yourself if, when all is you would not have been better to sit by the fire at home, and be happy are done, thinking. To sit still and contemplate faces Of women | the | great deeds of men without envy to be | everywhere in sym- | to remain | --to remember the without desire, to be pleased by everything and pathy, and yet content where and what you are--is not this to know both wisdom and virtue, and to | dwell with happiness? All men are good---good for some- | thing or good for nothing. \sed that the names of the lost doing, | phants were Myrtle and Charlie, con- friends these are but the parts--namely, to like | COAL: The two elephants that escaped from the show are still at large in the British Columbia forests. When C. A Moore and wife of Stratford arrived in Vancouver they were confronted | with the following headline in the Vancouver paper. lie Lost in B. C. Woods." It happen- sequently Mr. and Mrs. Moore were forced to explain their presence in | | Vancouver and were greeted by their were | "J thought you COKE | G. W. HEAGY Phone 176 with lost." 198 Nelson Street C. R. MERRILL OSTEOPATH New Office: 32 Waterloo St. Tel. 221 \ "Myrtle and Char- | ele Here's Your Chance A Solid Copper Boiler Which always sold for $5.00 now on sale at You save money in repairs by buying the best. JAMES K. MYERS 51 Downie St. 3.49 Phone 162 THULE bb -- ~ Fall Term Opened On Tuesday, August 31 egestas. it tapes tl OBO IOI SEIN OA We are now located at 74 ONTARIO STREET, over Kenner's Bookstore CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal Phone 240 Gene ene ae teen ene como anee ! Stratford Fair. Phone 171 The Mason & Risch Piano IS ALWAYS AN ATTRACTION You are sure to find your musical friends at our exhibit at the You'll be made welcome there or at our store. RISCH- LIMITED 97 Ontario St. 5) SAAR RI CAR AAA inborn a Git For Her Home A gift of Furniture for the bride's home is the most appreci- ated of all her gifts. WHITE & C0. --Home Furniture --Funeral Service Phone 33 Night 376 80 Ontario St. Mr. C. H. Walker Organist and Choir Leader St. John's United Church Teacher of Voice Culture Piano, Piano Theory, Pipe Organ Classes Begin Sept. 1 For Appointment Phone 2092F beer ewe es coerce red : | : al DR. S. H. SUTTER L.DS.,0.0.S, DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie { Orrice 602 | RESIDENCE 1051w PHONES - us