ity ds ice Teta gem Bi ae lt a ree On anana Iga THE MIRROR Local Interest Hon. Nelson Monteith was in Guelph this week attending the Ex- perimental Union at the Guelph Agri- cultural College. Mr. Monteith was the president of the Union for three years and has rendered much assist- ance to the organization as well as to the farming community in general. Mr. Geo, E. Abra, 215 Douglas street, has been through illness con- fined to his home for a few days. His many friends will be pleased to see him around again in his 1927 "Over- land." Know Little of Cold Weather Ex-Alderman Waugh was in a reminiscent mood today. He told The Mirror scribe that we know nothing much about cold weather these days. When he was a boy the old wood stove went out every night, and the first one up in the morning had to re- light it. Then the old buck-saw and axe exercise has every kind of phys- ical exercise all beat to pieces. THINGS ARE NOT ' ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM A very fine looking young married | woman was seen the other day wait-/ ing for her husband in close prox-/ imity to where he worked. In fact the husband is also a fine looking young man. We complimented the to wait for him, and added this was one of the pleasures that was absent in the life of a bachelor. With reverential mein: this gentle- man said to the writer with accents most impressive: "My dear man, this is my pay day." We were truly sorry that we had spoken. But again we were remind- ed that things are not what seem. In spite of all we hear of the trials of married life marriage is more popular today than ever before. "ih (By Pierce Egan) If you can dodge a car when all about you Are trying hard to do the self-same thing; If you can keep your head and limbs assembled And still to Mother Earth retain your cling; If you can make a pile of all your car- cass Long after spinning wheels passed you by, And try to dodge monster That sneaks right up behind you on the sly; If you can walk in rings at intersec- tions And calmly lose yourself to common touch; If Ford and limousine both oft remind you That each one's bunmper hurts a guy as much; If you can figure which they're turning In one short portion of a second have another purring out way run And dodge them all and safely cross to freedom, You'll be a "bloomin" acrobat, my son. ae husband on his having some one nice ---- they | You Can't Beat These Values Don't Miss Attending Our January Sales. Come in early and get your share of the_bargains. Boys Reefer Coats in blue, grey and brown materials. Sold regularly up to $8.50. Out they go at one price. $4 95 8 aia tape ia EE Sos eee a Se as aN a Boys and Youths Overcoats in good 7 95 S 95 Tweeds, all this seasons stock, sale & and e $1.19 Boys All Wool Jerseys in navy, fawn and _ heather, Siges 24 SP 3G eae oe ee a + 95¢ $2.19 $1.95 Boys' Fleece Combinations, in good quality-- Sale Price ete ee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ay Boys' Pullover Sweaters in fancy colors, regular $3.00, sale price POPC BB eee SHH EEE HES OHHH SHORE D OEE BEHEE Leather Label Overalls and Smocks-- Very Special, each ee ee ee ee ee Stanfield's Red Label Underwear, two-piece, regu- $1 95 tar' $2:50, Sele 9 eee AiG TUN e e Combinations, Gale. 057 ere ek. $3.95 FISHER & CO. Wally Hern's Old Stand 47 Downie St. Phone 217 et & [ 7 continues. and great opportunities. DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. OUR 4ist ANNUAL It means a thorough clearance of all winter merchandise. JANUARY SALE A Store-wide Event that means much to thrifty women Merchandise valued at thousands of dollars will be sold at sensational price reductions while the sale Small lots, broken sizes--and, in many cases, even complete lines have been included. A sale known far andnear for its wonderful values SAVE NOW ON Fur Coats, Cloth Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Sheets, Pillow Slips Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Curtains, Etc. NEW ITEMS WILL BE ADDED EVERY DAY--COME OFTEN DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED Oo