THE MIRROR « (LLL DSL DD LD LLL DLDELDELLLL LLL, Boys' TEN BUSINESS COMMANDMENTS Official Opening of New Collegiate of the New take place p.m. The be held in Here is a set which a well known Liverpool house has placed on the desk of its clerks: First.--Thou shalt nét wait for some- thing to turn up, but pull off thy coat and set to. work. Second.--Thou shalt not go about thy business looking like a "guy," 'for thy personal appearance is thy best letter of ®ecommendation, Third.--Thou shalt not try to make excuses and rebuke those who chide thee. Fourth.--Thou_ shalt told what to do. Fifth.--Thou shalt not fail to main- tain thine own integrity, or do anything which will lessen thine own self-respect. Sixth.--Thou shalt not covet anoth- er fellow's job, nor his salary, nor the position which he _ has got through hard work. Seventh.--Thou shalt not fail to live within thine own income. Bighth--Thou shalt not fail to blow thine own trumpet on the proper Now is the time to get the boy occasion. , i ring Outfit. Ninth.--Thou shalt not hesitate to his Sp gv Cree A, HENRY A CLARK say "No" when thou meanest "No." : ; y Tenth.--Thou shalt give every man a TEACHER OF . square deal. VIOLIN and PIANO ' 47 Downie St. Phone 217 The official opening Collegiate Institute will on Wednesday next at 3 opening ceremonies will the New. Auditorium. The principle address will be given by the Hon. W. D. Martin, Minister of Agricul- ture, and Hon. Dr. J. D.. Monteith, Provincial Treasurer. The public meeting will be held in the evening beginning at 8 p.m., when Cannon Cody, former Minister of Education, will speak. A musical program will be given by the students' of the school. The school will be open for - inspection by the citizens from 3 to 5 Pim. and.from 7 to 10 .p.m..), The school presents a fine appearance and 'is now occupied by the students. Those from Hamlet school having been moved during the present week. Parents of students are spe- cially invited to visit the school. The annual "At Home" will be held on Friday, April 8th. Confirmation Suits in Blue Serge -- the cor- not wait, to be rect thing for the Boy, one long and bloomer. Come in and see. Boys' Shirts, Stockings, Caps, Neckwear, Sweaters Customer--Can I change these pants at this counter? Clerk--Well, I'll tell you, mister, we have quite a few women shoppers, so maybe you'd better go to the dressing-room in the rear. Phone 1435w Studio-- 159 Mornington St. -------------------------------------- Wally Hern's Old Stand Read The Mirror Ads. sy : DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. SATURDAY SHOPPERS Will appreciate these wonderful savings on every-day necessities in quality merchandise. HOSIERY At 50e At2 Pairs for $3.75 | SPECLALS IN THE BARGAINS At 2 Pairs for $2.25 Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose,-- silk over the knee, with elastic top, very neatly fashioned, extra spliced heels and toes; colors Pa- loma, white, Tille, sugar cane, mauve taupe, rose taupe, hoggar and black. Sizes 8% to 10. Regu- lar $1.50 pair. and Saturday (Or 2 pairs, same shade, for $2.25) At 39e Ladies' fancy stripe and plain Silk Hose, assorted colors and black, sizes 8% to 10. $1.25 pair, for At 50e¢ Ladies' Art Silk Hose, fine quality, with extra spliced heels and toes, silk over the knee, colors grain, peach, black, piping rock and pab- lo; sizes 8% to 10. Regular 50 WRG DAT) TOT «..:-0cvssnesnreeeneedts alles UC Ladies' Silk Hose, fancy wide rib with white clox; wool heel and toe, sizes 9%, 10. Regular $1.50 IT, LOT A iicacwatuvshess PRA 50c At 95e Ladies' silk-and-wool plaited Hose, silk on the outside and wool inside, silk over the knee; colors rose taupe, fawn, toasi, peach and black, sizes 8% to 10. Regular $1.25 per pair. BPP CHES) HELE Gs wudcicendicoctenionce 95¢ At 2 Pairs for $2.75 Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, silk to the top, spring needle knit, elas- tic top, colors grain, Mother Goose, iris mauve, Malacca, evenglow, gun- metal, white, Lido and black, sizes 8% to 10. Special,, per $1 50 PAI os ceesesetecasses Bisistaon ow (Or 2 pairs for $2.70) At 25¢ Children's heavy henge Hose, in black only, sizes to 10. Special, at pair 25¢c Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, silk to the hem, with all silk foot rein- forced with lisle in "essen and toe, all new shades, sizes 8% $ to 10. Special, pair ........ 2.00 (or 2 pairs for $3.7.) At 99e Ladies' pure thread Silk Chiffon Hose, silk over the knee; colors moonlight, biscuit, nude, blush and woodland rose, sizes 8% to 10. Regular $1.50 pair. | Sale price: ...:.. EES veneered 99¢ At 50e Children's Silk and Wool Hose, as- sorted colors and sizes; to clear at, pair 50c SILK VESTS Seven dozen only Silk Undervests, opera top, spring needle and flat knit, run through with silk ribbon, beautiful quality; colors L pink, peach sn Dr es Gh sizes 36 to 42. egular .00 each; on sale at 59c white, . STAPLE DEPT. 12 only pure Irish Linen Table Cloths, assorted floral and conven- tional designs, with border all around; size 64x64. Reg. $2.50. Friday and Sat. .... $1.98 15 only full bleached Krinklette Bed Spreads, gize 72x90, hemmed ready for use. Regular $2.50. Sale price 10 pieces stripe Flannelette, good range of patterns, in grey, blue ' and pink stripes. Regular 25c yard. On sale Friday and Sat- $ urday at 5 yards for 1.00 25 pairs hemstitched Sheets, size 72x90, with 24-inch hemstitched hem at top, 1-inch plain hem at foot --good heavy quality, regular $3.50 Bale 2.89 Sale price Five dozen hemstitched Pillow Slips of good quality, pure finished cotton; 2% inch hemstitched hem. Size 33x40, 42, 44. Regular 69 95c pair. Sale price .....4.. C | DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED . oan