SAY BRE RE at LCR RI TS RR MNNEDE Te meS A EL nt THE MIRROR ;: ] iF tinuous peace of 100 years between oca nterest | these two neighbor nations it will be ee @ a memorial of precious and _ noble The news that Miss Lillian Swan- s0n, who has been ailing some time is improving will be welcomed by her jJarge circle of friends. sentiment, as well as a bond of inter- national unity and a construction of great utility and service. We perambulated through Delaware Park and Forest Lawn cemetery. We stopped before the. majestic monu- ment erected by the Buffalo Horticul- tural Society to perpetuate the mem- fi ory of Chief Red Jacket, more prop- Mr. Frank Macklin, of Toronto, was | erly called Sa-Go-Ye-Way-Ha, who in the city yesterday. Mr. Macklin | died at Buffalo Creek in 1830. The conducted a most. successful dry | inscription on this monument is not goods business here for a number of | Oly striking but prophetic--"When I years, and his host of former business | 4M gone and warnings are no longer associates and friends are always | heeded the craft and avarice of the glad to see him again. white man will prevail. My heart ae fails me when I think of my people, so VIA OF C.N.R. soon to be scattered and forgotten." We stopped at the Churchill taber- (Continued from page 6) nacle and saw the mechanism of the tain can pilot people in a car as well | broadcasting station. We stopped at as boat. He was our generous host | the new Shea's, Buffalo and listen- for the afternoon and we circumnavi+ | ed to the great Wurlitzer organ, that gated the city in his luxurious lim- | supreme achievement in musical ex- ousine, cellence, and shared the thrills of We stopped at the new Peace {| Pola Negri's faultless performance in Bridge that will be open for automo- | Eric Pommer's stirring romance "Hos bile traffic by July 1st. This marvel- lous expression of engineering skill te] Imperial." We stopped at the Hotel. Buffalo, spanning the Niagara at Buffalo and Fort Erie is 4,900 feet long, and 100 and met the angel of sleep who with wistful and benign fingers applied the feet high and wide enough that 4 cars ,; Magic touch to tired eyes. Today it can easily drive abreast and leave a sidewalk 6 feet wide. The erection all seems like a dream. But it is a very pleasant dream that will trail of this great structure with its 17,500, | happy memories through the years, 000 Ibs. of steel will cost $4,500,000. xy But commemorating as it will the con- Dr. C. R. Merrill attended the semi- annual meeting of the Western On- tario Osteopathic Association in Brantford this week. Subscribe for The Mirror. ; Boys' Furnishings We are ready with boys' requirements for spring wear. Boys' Suits, with long trousers......... $8.65 up WU a la ar oe ece.. 95c Shite oe is ce ea eae ok 75c Flannel Prousecdeececs cc oiak ei ine cn se 1.39 Khaki tice 2 OE EL ek $1.15 Pure Wool Sweaters, all sizes ...... ...... $1.95 Bottom Cotton Stockings................0065. 50c Cashimieré Stockings 5.20) e ci oitcnesecne- ses: 75c¢ Boys' Caps, Braces, Underwear, Boy's Belts. Bring in the Boys and get their outfit. FISHER & CO. 47 Downie St. Phone 217 Wally Hern's Old Stand DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. MILLINERY BARGAINS Save abundantly by purchasing your new Hat tomor- row or Saturday. Thirty-five Trimmed Hats in splendid color assortment --Silk, Straw and fancy fabrics. $4.00." - Sa@burday Gay. :/..0 pple $1.98 Fifty very stylish Trimmed Hats--trimmed with rib- bons and flowers to match or harmonize with any suit or costume. Val to $7.00. Frid: and Saturday, a Sev ENN eS seal $2.75 : NOTION COUNTER BARGAINS BOTS GL. Liiiieieebisseoyccsnees uavuljen aoe 2 5 C 100 pieces of Lingerie Ribbon, colors pink, blue and white, Reg- ular 5c yard. On sale at GB yards. FOr .....cerccccceessseeresner 15c Three dozen ladies' Combinations, fine elastic rib, lisle or Egyptian 500 yards Bloomer Hlastic, 4-inch ae de a lar $1.25 { wide, white, worth 8c yard. y) 5 loone meet pra tk 75c ON: BAlO. .....:nive, 5 yards for Cc -- UNDERWEAR 350 yards of Bloomer Blastic, %- inch wide, white, worth 8c 25 yard; on sale .... 5 yards for Cc 50 strings of Pearl Beads (nide- structible), 24 inches long; pearls in graduated sizes; worth 25 75c per string; on sale at .... Cc BARGAINS Five dozen ladies' woven cotton Bloomers, colors pink, sky, Nile and white; medium and large sizes, regular 60c and 75c. On sale at 50c and 60c DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED LADIES' COMBINATIONS . cotton, opera top or short sleeve, | SILK HOSIERY The reductions on these goods are unusual, so provide well for future needs. 25 dozen ladies' Art Silk Hose, silk to the hem, extra spliced heels and toes, colors nude, grain, peach, sil- ver and black; sizes 8% to 10. Friday and Saturday, 50c. 95 per pair, or 2 pairs for ........ ts Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, silk over the knee; colors" grain, naturelle, rose taupe, toast, white, silver and black. Sizes 8% to 10. Saturday $1.00 pair, or 2 pairs for $1.90 Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, full fashioned, (Onyx make); colors shadow, atmosphere and black; sizes 81%4 to 10. Regular $1.50 pair; on sale at .... $1.19 Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose-- silk to the top, extra spliced heels and toes,--"Spring needle knit"-- colors Mother Goose, iris mauve, evenglow, champagne, moonlight, grain, zinc and black, sizes 8% to 10. Special--$1.50 pair, $ or two pairs FOP ....... eee 2.15 Saturday's Offerings for Economical Shoppers LINENS AND COTTONS Decidedly interesting prices to those who wish to save on these household necessities. Five dozen pure linen glass or tea Towels, size 20x30, with red or blue typed borders, (made in Ire- land). Regular 35c each. 9 SACULA AY. oo.:e ess l C Six dozen fancy Bath Towels, size 18x36; colored stripe centre, with plain border to match. Reg. 90c pair: Selling at «0... 719¢c Siz dozen fancy Bath Towels, size 18x36; colored stripe centre with plain border to match. Regular 90c. pair. Selling at vckass. APS TSN epee ay G Cc Two pieces of Unbleached Sheet- ing, 2 yards wide, good firm, even weave. Regular 45c yard. SAturaay <ca.sices 3 5 Cc 12 only pure linen Satin Damask Table Cloths, assorted floral de- signs with border all around, size 70x88 inches. aa ee $2.59 $3.50. rs t : ie salinities aie ahs: ae ssineencidedaanil aM Ss