-and~ = '"Polichinelle' THE MIRROR In Premiere Recital. Displaying extraordinary: ability as a pianiste, Miss Mabel Capling, A.T. C.M. the young Stratford artist who is making remarkable strides in the music world, amazed and delighted a large audience at her first recital given in the Collegiate Institute audi- torium Wednesday evening. In a pro- gram of selections from the greatest of the old and modern composers, Miss Capling showed a polish and an understanding in her playing that won for her the highest praise of those who heard her. She has a finish and a sense of tone that are given greatest expres- Sion in the difficult technical phases of the compositions she played and her interpretation of the various num- bers was all that could be desired. Her magnificent performance reflects much credit on her teacher, Miss Cora B. Ahrens, Mus, Bac. L. T. C. M., who assisted her in the recital along -with Albert Steinberg. the talented young Toronto violinist in whose playing last night was reflected the success he has already won. Miss Capling gave the following program: "The Prophet Bird' and "Romance, op. 28, No. 3" (Schumann) "Romance" (La Forge); 'Valse Ara- besque'"' (Lack); 'Valse' (Levitsky) (Rachmaninoff). In the duo numbers with Miss Ahrens she played the Valse from Suite for two pianos, Op. 15 (Arensky); "The Er)-King"' (Schubert-Heselberg) and "Marche-Heroique" (Saint-Saens). Mr. Samuel Dunseith and his. tal- ented wife, Alice Sovereign Dunseith, have left New York City Saturday for Russia. They will visit Rumania, and | Germany and will then spend some time in Milan, Italy, where they re- sided for a few years while Mrs. Dun- seith was starring in grand opera. Mr. Dunseith is a brother of our pop- ular health officer, Thos. Dunseith. "LOVE: (IN: A EITTLE "HOUSE" The above words is the title of a poem appearing in this issue of The Mirror. It was written by a Stratford lady, whose home, we would imagine, is symbolic of the sentiment therein expressed. She is a very busy young mother, who has found time to write many other timely pieces that aur readers will truly enjoy. We appre- ciate so much her having made these contributions and it's only because she requested us to withhold her name that we are doing so. EASTER From the Robbers' Cross of Doom, From the confines of the Tomb, Comes to us our risen Lord To His own again restored. With His blood He bought award Promise from His Father God, That through His death, who would might be, From guilt of sin forever free. Now Christ is risen, hear His word: I go to have a place prepared, That where I am, there also ye Who love your Lord, may ever be Oh God, our Father grant this day That we with cleansed hearts may pay Full meed of praise for promise given. That earth's redeemed may meet in Heaven. ALBERT CARMAN. April. LT, 192%, SPELL I PLLLELL DALI N Hats 3.75 to 6.00 Caps all at 1.50 Shirts 1.75 to 2.95 Sox 25c to 1.00 SWEATERS WE ARE WITTH YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN Mens and Boys Furnishings READY Boys 3 piece Suits $6.95 to $10.95 Flannel Trowsers |.39 Kakki Trowsers |.39 Boys Blouses 95c Boys Stockings 50c Neckwear 35c to 1.50 Boys Jumpers 1.29 to 1.95 $2.95 to $7.50. 47 Downie St. re) .°) FISHER & CO. Phone 217 Wally Hern's Old Stand meme ae - DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. | Special Satur day Bargains LINENS AND COTTONS Two pieces of White Terry Towel- ling, 16 inches wide, very absorb- ent quality. Regular 20c yd. 15 Saturday... C Tereer errr ee eeeeee Five pieces pure Irish Linen Tow- eling, 16 inches wide; red or blue stripe borders, suitable for rollers or kitchen hand or tea towels. Regular 15c yard. Saar ay. «F.5d cach Bieri cabs 4 124c Five pieces White Saxony Flannel- ette, 27 inches wide. Regu- 16 lar 20c yard. Ten dozen Table Napkins, odd pat- terns, (size 22x22), half dozen toa pattern, all pure linen; to $ clear Sat. at per doz. .... 1.95 Two pieces full bleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide. Reg. 50c. 39 per yard. Saturday ............ Cc 10 dozen pure linen Hand or Tea Towels, red of blue stripe borders, Size 16x32. Worth 35c each. Saturday .... 4 for $1.00 LADIES' UNDERWEAR FRIDAY BARGAINS Ladies' Bloomers of fine quality Broadcloth; colors peach, sand, pink, mauve, powder blue and white. Saturday, ee ie 9 5c Ladies' Bloomers, of Habutai Silk, colors pink, maize, coral, blue and peach. Saturday, palr xian $ 1.50 Ladies' woven cotton Bloomers with silk stripe; colors green, mauve, pink, blue and white. 39 Saturday, pair ........... High POLE C Ladies' fine ribbed Cotton Vests-- short sleeve, or built up 35 shoulder. Saturday, each .... Cc Ladies' Gowns of fine quality Dim- ity, yoke prettily hemstitched and trimmed with contrasting color. Regular $1.25. Worth $1.25. Saturday, pair, 98c 10 dozen Ladies' Corselettes of pink coutil; long line model, elas- tic insets over hips; hose support- ers attached. Sizes 30 to 38. 89 Saturday, pair occ Cc | JUNIORS' DRESSES One rack of Juniors' Dresses in very pretty patterns, made of fine quality printed Broadcloth, trim- med with plain material in harmon- izing color. Sizes for girls of 6 to 14 years. | Saturday, each ............ ee $ 1 65 TRIMMED HATS You will recognize these as the season's smartest Hat models and will be prompted to buy two at this price. 50 stylish trimmed Hats, of Straw, Felt, Silk with straw and silk trim- med with ribbon, flowers and orna- . ~AN eolors.. Reg. Tea Sat. py algae $ 1 95 LADIES' GLOVES Ladies' fine quality Silk Gloves with fancy turn-back cuff; buff shade only. Sizes 6 to 7%. 5 Reg. $1.00 pair. Friday, .... Ladies' Silk Gloves, gauntlet style, extra heavy quality, assorted sizes, colors navy, ae mode and white. Regular $1.75 pair. SUEY GS ete ees 79¢ LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE 10 dozen Children's heavy ribbed black Cotton Hose, sizes 6 to 10. Saturday, all sizes at, DT es ciety toes ac dk pinsswrs aut 25¢ Children's fine ribbed grey Lisle Hose, ribbed to the toe, sizes 6 to 10. Saturday, pair ....:. SUR Eg 7 (Or 3 pairs for $1.00) Ladies' Art Silk Hose, silk to the hem, extra spliced heels and toes. Colors grain, nude, silver, peach, black and sunburn. Sizes 8% to 10. Saturday, pair, 50c; OP ATOR AON. iyo cyiiseeressennigvteds 95c Ladies' full fashioned pure thread Silk Hose, extra spliced heels and toes. Colors atmosphere, French nude, black and shadow; sizes 8% to 10. pair. oo. 1 19 BUNGALOW NETS Five pieces of Bungalow Curtain Net, in neat patterns, ivory and white, 45 inches wide, dainty lace edge. Regular 75c yard. MHL CUP OAS. iii eislivelesssccdevec eee ibaa 58c DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED PSP O-PS 0 SE ee Pe