THE MIRROR If you want to see a dog's eyes sparkle, his ears stand erect, his tail wag with vigor, and every part of his body join in an eloquent and eager appeal, hold a bone before him. Then drop the bone and see how quickly his manner changes. His ears suddenly become limp. There is no anxious question flashing from his bright eyes. The tail that wagged with eager anticipation is carefully tucked between his legs. He tears the meat from the bone rapidly. He is as hurried as if the whole universe depended on him ringing in his time at once. He patience with in- terference, no time for a joke. He may even snarl and look viciously if you intrude too far. He may possess all the qualities of winsome congen- jality by the fireside, but he is a cool, unapproachable autocrat at the breakfast table. I hesitate to concede too much to heredity. There are too many people in the world excusing themselves on that ground already. Blaming their drrascible dispositions, their uncon» trolled tempers, their sinful appeti- tites on other generations they pro- ject their discordant lives before the world without apology and cowardly condone their follies on the ground of inherited tendencies. Well that is what the dog does. And perhaps we are satisfied to be no bet- ter than dogs. Dogs are creatures of instinct. The tendencies of primitive forbears are in their blood. The shadow of the wild pack is on their heels. Their wolfish forefathers in ravenous packs brought down a deer and sunk their fangs wildly into the flesh. "Every wolf for himself' was the motto. And so the dog still bolts his dinner because the instinct of the wolf in him says "Clean up the bone or another dog will dispute your right." If he likes to lie by the com- fortable fire, the self-interest mstinct is asserting itself. If he turns round and round before he lies down he is but expressing the hereditary tenden- cy of the ages to smooth the wild grass before he makes his bed. Hereditary tendencies are mighty influences in the currents of human like, too. There is a sure and cer- tain value in a noble ancestry. Many of the foundation stones for the mak- ing of characters are gathered from the quarries of heredity. Great peo- ple seldom if ever arise from parents of subnormal mentality. Heredity in- fluences our physical constitution and our mental characteristics as well. The sour grapes that fathers have eat- en have set the children's teeth on edge. The stream of natural descent has a wide and deep current. What- ever gets into the current is likely to flow on for generations, But this not all inevitable. our mor- al and spiritual destiny is not fully - determined by heredity. It is report- LA Dog, A Bone and Heredity (W. E. D.) ed that the daughter of Lord John Russell asked her liberal mother one day whether tories are born wicked or become wicked when they grow up. Her mother instantly replied--"They are born wicked, but grow worse." But it isn't necessary that people grow worse. All the operations of heredity do not destroy personality. Every man is more than the sum of his inherited tendencies. Heredity may influence people but it doesn't make them. It has no power to make or mar the soul without our own cons sent. No theory of heredity can an- nul the fact of moral responsibility. Thomas Hardy makes one of his noted characters says--"I was born bad, I have lived bad, and I shall die bad in all human probability." No set of circumstances or tendencies in life can justify such a conclusion. Our destinies are not thrust upon us. I have heard of two pictures which hung once on the walls of an old tem- ple. The first was that of a king forging a chain from his crown. The second was that of a slave forging a crown from his chain. And under- neath the two pictures was this in- scription--"Life is what one makes of it, no matter of what material it is made." In other words heredity doesn't need to hold a man up. SFR EAR oonT on The School Girl or boy--the laboring man, mechanic or brain worker will find the needed ener- gy in OUR BREAD = wim) 8) 8) A The bread from our bakery ts im- maculate -- snow-white and free from every impurity. The best is uone too good for our customers. Try our bread once and you'll be one too, The Stratford Bakery J..D. STONE, Mgr; Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. MR. DOWN Tel. 308 Pbane.014.. tk: rermmee tacaes Phone 1580 Residence 2198 FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) HENRY A. CLARK TEACHER OF VIOLIN and PIANO Phone 1435w Studio-- 159 Mornington St. So you had to hunt up your over- coat agai, put back the comforters, and re-light the fire. A change is not always as good as a rest. But what's the use in worrying, it never was worth while. J goes into our inventory. Sale price purchase. 131 Ontario Street. Walnut case, good condition. O) Cele oy 6) eee Console model, including 12 selections. OF NEW AND USED reduce their stock even at a loss. This loss to us is your gain. Come and see for yourself. Here we can only quote a few prices and particularize on a small proportion of our large and varied stock. ONE SMALL PIANO ORGANS BRITTON, Mer. SS Regular price when new $475. Ye Olde Firme Hold Their 77th Annual | STOCK- TAKING SALE. Pianos, Player Pianos, Phonographs The closing of the Heintzman & Co's business year is an event that is looked forward to, not only by the people of Stratford, but by every city in the Dominion. These annual stock- taking bargain sales mean just this to you--not a single used instrument that can be sold Managers all over Canada at this particular time are instructed to ; x ' Seven good 6-octave piano case Organs, like new; from $7.00 up. Terms, 50c to 75c a week. } } 17 USED PHONOGRAPHS Prices from $8.00 up. Terms, 50c to 75c per week. 12 record selections included with each 1 VICTROLA AND RADIO COMBINATION POETS BRAG rds hs he PRE oe ea $165.00 }) All monies paid on these will be allowed on a new Heintzman Piano within 12 months. Complete Stock of Rogers Batteryless 'Radios. All the latest Phonograph Records and Player Piano Rolls. HEINTZMAN & CO., Limited ' $185.00 | y } i , ' Phone 769 X : ~~ ee nanan one But the girl worth while is the _ girl who can smile In a cloth coat when others wear poses." _ practically disappeared. HERE AND THERE By "Doc." Here and There--By doc .. 2. 2. «a The more we read about tornadoes and floods in the States the better we like Old Ontario. * * * Ve don't mind a reasonable amount of exercise but when it comes to cut- ting the grass twice a week it then | becomes work. * * * The trees and flowers are'as far advanced now as they were on the 24th iast year and' there is promise of a good crop of small fruits. f * ok Two years ago we were too early to see the blossoms in the Grimsby district, last year we were too late. This should be our year to hit the | right time, * * * One crop in Europe that is always harvested green is the tourist crop. | * * * Instead of the talking movies which is being tried out in some American | theatres, why can't we have the movie in which the folks around us do not read the titles out loud? * * * A newspaper asks, "Which Way is Youth Headed?" We would say he will soon be headed for the baseball field" * * * Lady (to messenger boy): 'Does your company ailow you to accept tips?" Messenger Boy: '"'No,. lady--but if they asked me if you gimme one I'd lie like a gentleman to protect yer." * a * If a vessel is a boat then we would say a blood vessel must be a lifeboat. * * * A girl can be glad when she's splen- didly clad, and driving her automo- bile. "seal," * * * Mother was taking her reducing ex- ercises and "Dad' wondered if she couldn't give a few lessons to the household expenses. City Assessor (to Mrs, Newlywed): *"f wish to look over this property to determine its value for taxation pur- | Mrs. Newlywed. "Oh, you can't tax this property, it didn't cost anything! Father gave it to us when we were | married." * * bd Though people are advised to do | plenty of walking the principle handi- | cap to that form of exercise lies in the fact that there is practically no place to practice except on city pave- ments. Automobiles have left no room along country roads for pedes- trians. We had at one time to dodge the bicycle rider on the cinder path or soft springy walk; these have So intent [ have the public been on building im- proved motor and trucking highways | that they have lost sight of the need | y our Lawn Mower | | of preserving the old footpaths and providing new ones. It is true that the pedestrian has nearly vanished, but it might "not have been so if there were places for the pedestrian to use. * * Eo And that's that! Called for and delivered. Now is the time you should have it. sharpened and repaired. W. E. McCARTHY Phone 781J Wellington St. mm «0%¢ re A Sure, Safe Investment No gamble, no chance. Buy lots on the property near the new Peace Bridge, connecting Buffalo with Fort Erie. Getin on thisnow. You'll positively double your money soon. A small deposit down will hold a lot for you. Call and get particulars and full information. Don't delay. The way they are selling is nothing short of sensational. PETER SMITH, - Real Estate Windsor Block, over Harwood's Drug Store Phone 2292 LAWN MOWERS, Mowing your lawn is not hard work -- it's a real pleasure when its done with a mower purchased at our store. We sell machines that run easy and do not rattle or get out of order. No, they are not expensive. Before buying see our stock. 2: o) JAMES K. MYERS 51 Downie St. Phone 162 PTE EEE EEE EEE Oe CIT-RO-LAC --A real Buttermilk, smooth, creamy with a zestful flavor that acquaints you at once \ of its health-giving qualities. Prescribed by lead- : ing physicians fer stomach disorders. COUGGGUEEARDRTDEUCRGERURDERURIAEGUEGTERDR GAGA Gceceeenesncneceanes A graceful, delicately artistic pattern for your Silver, yet quality that will wear until the prices become heirlooms. toc per quart in sealed steri- lized bottles. wee PHONE 770. DISPLAY. ; Gillies & Emm StillmansCreameries DIAMOND HALL 25 Downie St. Subscribe for The Mirror. ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Cornish Coal Co. Phone 44 . a J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533F . Gordon Block i DON'T SUFFER | EZO | Will positively relieve the worst case of ECZEMA STANDARD DRUG STORE COAL»: COKE G. W. HEAGY 198 Nelson Street Phone 176 Peter & Sylvester Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating = Electric m4 Phone 210 12 Qntario = Mee -- > The Comfort j of an old pairof shoes is worth § § considering as well asthe econ- omy there is in having us re- pair them. Superior Shoe Repair 11g Ontario Phone 941 ee * DR. S. H. SUTTER } L..D.S:..D,D.s. DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie ' ¥ Orrice 602 RMONES { ResioeNce 1O51w. a