Away back in ' the' beginning of things it was decreed that it was not good for a man to live alone. Man needs somebody to love, somebody to work for, somebody to serve. From a rib removed from the left side of man woman was*made, tongue and all. Somebody has suggested that man has lacked something ever since. But the married man who has filled that void near his heart with the woman of his choice, has discovered his bet- ter and more complete self. : One of the noblest inspirations ever given man is the companionship of an amiable and noble woman, When Thomas Carlyle's heart was suddenly stunned by the unexpected death of his wife, he moved about blindly for months, and then he wrote up on her tomb: "In her bright existence she had more sorrows than are common, also a soft invincibility, and a nobie capacity and discernment. of heart and life that are rare. For forty years She was the true and loving helpmate of her husband, and by act and word unweariedly forwarded him in ail things worthy that he ever did or at- tempted. She died in London, April 83, 1867, suddenly snatched from him and the light of his life as if gone out." There is no doubt that Jeannie Welsh contributed much to lifting her illustrious husband, Thomas Car- lyle, to a place of greatness and pow- er in the literary world. Countless is the number of men living today who have been helped and inspired by their wives. Whole volumes might be written even of the truth we know.. The London Daily Mirror quotes Sir Austen Chamber- lain as referring to his wife in a public speech as follows: ~ "For thirty years she hag been my inspiration and my guide. She has known every secret of my public life. She has shared my hopes. She has sympathized with me in my anxieties. She has sustained my courage when I was downhearted. She has been my inspiration any my guide." And Lord Reading, just after the close of his term as Viceroy of India, referred to "the lady who has stood by me in times that were difficult and sometimes anxious." ' "Krom my wife,' he said, "I have received the invaluable support which a good woman can render to a weak man." We should keep in mind these glow ing tributes in a day when they are all too rare. Here and there an un- fortunate marriage is dragged into the light of the Divine Court and given wide publicity through the press, but of the countless happy homes in the world we hear little or nothing. In ancient days a wise proverbial writer declared: wife findeth a good thing." Euriphid- es, 400 years before the Christian era, said: - "Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife." The poet Shelley '"Whoso findeth ae still more eloquent praise: 'Win her and wear her, if you can. She is the most delightful of God's creatures; heaven's best gift, man's joy and pride in prosperity, man's support and comfort in afflic- tion." And Longfellow has expressed the same sentiment in time honored verse: "As unto the bow the cord is, So unto the man is woman, Though she bends him, she obeys him, Though she draws him, yet lows, Useless each without the other." Home is the foundation of society. It is the father's kingdom, the chil- dren's paradise, the mother's world, the centre of its bliss, the security of its influence, the crowning inspir- ation of its life is woman. has expressed She fol- Once at a dinner Henry Ward Beecher told his sister, Mrs. Harriet Beecher-Stowe, that her "Uncle Tom's Cabin" had been translated into Ital- ian by a monk; and that a letter full of adulation had been received by him, in which he stated that if he eculd kiss the woman who wrote the book he would die happy. Mr. Beech- er then added: "Well, I sent him a photograph of you, Harriet, and noth- ing has been heard from him since." Towne--Do I understand you to say that Spender's' caSe was really a faith cure? Browne--yYes. You see the doctor and the-druggist both trusted him. __ THE MIRROR In heavy plate orin solid silver the service you select here will | give increasing pleasure as the time passes. See the new de- signs here. Gillies & Emm DIAMOND HALL 25 Downie St. | FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES JOHNSTON'S CALLOUS. OF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company STRATFORD, ONT. Plumbing, Heating Tinsmithing and Ventilating Phone 459 Orders Promptly Attended To. * * * J. E. Commerford 199 Ontario Street HENRY A. CLARK TEACHER OF VIOLIN and PIANO Phone 1435w a Studio--159 Mornington St. Phone 1580 Residence 2198 FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) (--= ~~ ) Ye Olde Firme Heintzman & Co. great musical instrument. play them for you. 131 ONTARIO ST. --and now we are in our /8th year-- Our 77th Anniversary Sale is over, and a look backward over the past year is truly en- couraging. The sales in every city as well as Stratford were most successful. These results are simply the investment of years of thought and unselfish study to the construction of a THE HEINTZMAN PIANO USERS ARE ITS BEST ADVERTISERS. The Stratford branch and its staff take this opportunity of thanking you for your splen- did patronage during the past, and are glad to be able to say this store has enjoyed the largest patronage it has ever had. In this the people of Stratford and surrounding district have evidenced the fact that they appreciate the best. We invite you to come,in and see our new stock, or to have played for you the new Victor Records and Player Piano Rolls. All the newest are here now and it will be a pleasure to HEINTZMAN & CO., Limited B. H. BRITTON, Mer. \ s PHONE 769 ees - the old-timers are wrong, when they ie little = Struck by an-auto and had her leg -ed on Friday, the 13th, that her house HERE AND THERE By ' "Doc,7* Friends, like money, are sometimes gcarcest when most needed. * * bd some cannot make' a od impression even with a rubber stamp. . * * *% The sandwich said to have been made in the seventeenth century. Replicas of the original are Sometimes glass people 14rst was at railway lunch counters. * * * (entering store)--"Oh, Ikey, What is that awful smell in here?" Ikey--"Oh, that's the business, it's rotten.' K 53 4a 912 * * * A dentist is about the only man who can tell'a woman, to close her mouth. and get-away with it. * * * ' Some girls say mien are all alike and what we are wondering is, why do these same girls want ,three or four for? . * * * K Either. we are getting jumpy, 9r Say we always had spells of weather like this. ) " * * * We were delighted dollars 'knocked off our license at the first of the year: 'but now they rob us of that joy by hitting us yp for' four dollars more. .I suppose we may be thankful.our. family larger:,}: and that we have all driven over 500° miles. ye * * * When you have decided that you and wifey will have luncheon at the restaurant and you meet a couple of | lady friends whom she says we would would be delighted to have join us and have exactly $1.85 in your pocket. What do you say? * He Ed No doubt those hundreds of Am- erican motorists who were held up at the border over the week-end, owing to the exceptionally heavy traffic, would like to help to rush that bridge across the Detroit river. * * * girl in Kitchener, cat across the road, while asing .a was broken. Some of her friends wonder- ed if the blame for the accident could be credited to the fact that it happen- number was 91; being divisible by 13 Seven times and that the cat was black. 3 f * * * Bob Jenks upon his wedding day Was a most excited creature; He handed his bride the marriage fee And tried to kiss the preacher. You never hear the bee complain, Nor hear him weep or wail; | But if he wish he can unfold A very. painful tail. * * * And that's that. Ikey and IzZy were separating after an evening together,.when Ikey said: - "Au. revoir." "'Vat's dat?" asked Izzy. . "Dat's 'good-by in French.' "Vell," said Izzy, "carbolic acid." cases. } to have five { | 4 | ties with your friends. "Scholl way. 32 Wellington St. ------ TO YOUR FEET? Are you constantly dreading to enter into sports or social activi- Because your feet are constantly annoy- ing you don't be a slave to your feet, Come in and see our Foot Specialist-- he will let you know how to correct the cause and have healthy, happy feet -- The Dr. ROBERTSON'S SHOE STORE Stratford, Ont. Opposite City Hall ------ CIT-RO-LAC --A real Buttermilk, smooth, creamy with a zestful flavor that acquaints you at once of its health-giving Gualities. %%: 40 Prescribed by lead- ing physicians for stomach disorders. Ioc per quart in sealed steri- f br ity a Ee PHONE 770. StillmansCreameries | LIMITED 4-ROOM FLAT TO RENT Bathroom, Hardwood Floors, heavy wiring for electric stove, water free. Apply-- J. E. COMMERFORD 199 Ontario St. Phone 459 : lized bottles. er hE eee The Schoo! Gir or boy--the laboring man, mechanic or brain worker . 'will find the needed ener- Se sy in f afr ea) A a The bread from our bakery is im- maculate -- snow-white and free from every impurity. The best is uone too good for our customers. Try our bread once and yoy'll be ane too. : i The Stratford Bakery : SAT Tn eT i De Oe Mate Phone go UR URL UR UR ULL ERR UU URAL , lhl beet feipkeigbeig reign COAL" Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. Phone 314 MR. DOWN Tel. 308 MR. FEEMENG Tel. 311 Your Lawn Mower Called for and delivered. Now is the time you.should have it sharpened and repaired. W. E. McCARTHY Phone 781J Wellington St. ish furniture. Phone 91 'Vat's dat?' asked Ikey. "Dat's good-by in any language." The Home Furnishers Furnishing a home is not just collecting bits of furniture--there must bean individuality of taste and this comes largely from experience. We have been home furnishers for thousands. of: Stratford homes and never before have we shown such a large stock of up-to-date and styl- We invite you to come and see our new stock Greenwood & Vivian Housefurnishings LIMITED 26 Ontario St. COAL! ANTHRACITE COAL: {| _ POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Cornish Coal Co. Phone 44 J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533F Gordon Block [i] CoRR DON'T SUFFER | EZO Will positively relieve the . ae worst case of ECZEMA STANDARD DRUG STORE | AL COKE 'Phone 176 > 198 Nelson Street ¥ Peter & Sylvester Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 210 12 Ontario (00 a, Buu The Comfort ! ofan old pairof shoes is worth § considering as wellasiheecon- | omy there is in having us re- pair them. Superior Shoe Repair Phone 941 mo I1g Ontario DR. S. H. SUTTER | LS 2,06, DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry | PHONES SOrrice 602 ° Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie 49 (RESIDENCE 1051w | |