THE MIRROR Pertinent Patter (Continued from page 1) Stratford can pull a fair proportion of that number it will help out here con- siderably for the loss sustained when recent industries left this city. All loyal citizens rejoice in such news as this and merchants should be particu- larly happy. Just how many Strat- ford will get is of course still a mat- ter of conjecture but this city ought to get a fair share. As a matter of fact The Mirror reported that this vice is when it beats out Press on such an important despatch 'matter was under consideration, in last week's issue. This just shows how far ahead The Mirror news ser- Canadian as this one from Ottawa. * * * q The merchants of the city have been busy this week in getting their | places all decorated up for the Do- minion Day celebration. The town al- | most overnight took on a very gay appearance and with the co-operation of public institutions and merchants ' the city will present a gay appearagce for the holiday season. * * * Stratford's Junior Baseball team, | which is the only ball team playing | in an outside league this year got a ( bad bump on Tuesday at Guelph. Just when the game was nicely start- | ed the umpire, a local man, ordered | Gee, the best pitcher the team had, | out of the game. That crippled the team and the score went against them. Some action may be taken on this as it is reported that badly | the umpiring was very one-sided The boys have been doing well so far and -- wom quite handily in a WANTED----Middle their game gainst Galt on Saturday. Local Interest aged lady to take charge of a home weeks. Apply 34 Hibernia. Mr. Thos. Hounam was in Galt | for two' | THE MIRROR DIAMOND JUBILEE ROGRAMME Special For Tonight AND SATURDAY derwear, regular °75c. Garment Tonight and Saturday.... z Two-piece Balbriggan Un- ----------_ OST ET peeeeierted ee on ee a ET REY rte simerneesn te mete whhnamieiaiednet - TOLER TT NIT AIRE ore arm gE > . ees a = Somat enamine cneaitaatitencinine enna teeta eee | this week attending the funeral of his uncle, James Hounam. The 7e- } ceased resided in Preston, and was a well known and a much respected citizen of that place for a number of years. Stratford, July 1, 2, 3 -- seen : a ptt co LAO EE PITT EEN IMT Rae ROY REYNOLDS Quality Clothes 18 Wellington | ---- Phone 1423 Friday Program pe SUS 7 , 10.00-- Monster Parade. Four Bands, Floats, School 7 y SSie Die ie El Children, Decorated Automobiles, Decorated Diamond Bicycles, Clowns, Animals and Novelties. Dec- orate the family car for the occasion--be at the Jubilee Clothes flats at 9.30 to secure your position in the parade. Beit cis enteed wae 2.00--Civic Picnic at Queen's Park, Perth Regiment \\\ will give you an air of distinc- ' ' | WS Band in attendance. tion. You will be properly Inter-School Athletic Meet. dressed for any occasion if you Girl's Baseball Tournament. put yourself in our hands, It's Boys' Baseball Tournament. PS re teaens!ecion. 1 Patriotic Addresses. Perth Regiment Band. you are properly dressed for special occasions 'Amusement Games. Refreshments. It's our business to know the prope; clothes to be worn at different functions and all occasions, At youl service always. Full dress suits, tuxedo suits, The Heintzman Piano Co. have truly shared in ; a frock suits, business suits, full Canada's progress, since Confederation. F Bei eae Gibeedechery: Hees : haberdashery, hats, etc. Let us look after your require- ments for the great holiday 4 - celebration--Canada's Confed- se eration Diamond Jubilee. 7 OCT aS re 5 LTT atmo! =P P CD A Ae a A i | i came ee . & 7.00--Chimes Program. 8.00--Band Concert, Salvation Army Band. Special Illumination of the lake. Music from the water. 8.30--Decorated Canoe Parade, valuable prices. Dec- orate your canoe, or loan it to someone who will. 9.30--Grand Fireworks Display. We, Too, Have Faced in Canada's Progress CONFEDERATION'S Sixtieth Anniversary Sixty years after Confederation, Canada stands forth a leader in the British Commonwealth of na- Saturday Program tions, a land of promise realised for 9,000,000 peo- K FLLY ¢ 9.30--Aquatic Meet. : | e, ; le. P. s | 10.00--Baseball-- Kitchener vs. Stratford. ef : 4% : In the short span of three score years, a group 1.30--Finals Ladies' Softball Tournament. Finals Men's Softball Tournament. 2.30--Old Time Sports -- Football Game; Lacrosse Game. 7.30--Band Concert, C.N.R. Band. 9.15--Jubilee Street Carnival Dance. A large manufacturing "concern, such as Heintzman Co., and a country like Canada, have a marked relationship in their efforts towards the attainment of pre-eminence. Growth and devel- opment always mean obstacles to overcome and trying circumstances to surmount. Long before Confederation, Heintzman Pianos were prominent in Canadian homes, and is there anyone who will not admit, the influence of music and song in the forming of the character of a coun- try's citizenship? AMEE TD) RE I seertnpmepReN me of colonies, scattered over an undeveloped terri- tory, continent-wide, have grown solidly together into the great united Dominion. Eighteen years after Confederation, the Jewellery Store of James Pequegnat and Son, start- ed in the Jewellery Business, so that we have now enjoyed the long business life of 42 years. In this we have much to be thankful for, and at this par- ticular time, acknowledge the trust and confidence you have placed in us. TL ee FOR GOOD Tea AND Coffee TRY J. L. BRADSHAW: CHINA HALL Me 8 CELEBRATE IN STRATFORD & : You will watch with interest the additional march of progress, not only in our great and glori- ous country, but in a concern, who wil] continue to contribute much fo its welfare, by way of giving employment to hundreds of Canada's intelligent and educated workmen. The Heintzman Piano Co, management and staff wish our local celebration here unstinted suc- cess. It is our sincere hope that its promoters, who have so unselfishly worked to this end, will be awarded with fine weather and a large patronage at the various events to take place in their three days demonstratior. Sunday Program Special Services in all Churches and Sunday Schools. 2.20--Community Thanksgiving Service. Special sing- ingand Special Music. 6.30--Chimes. 8.00--Band Concert, by the Salvation Army Band. STRATFORD'S GREATEST DIAMOND STORE Special prices for Diamond Jubilee , Jas. Péquegnat and Son Join the Crowds Fook ics bes - - = , 3 Was Fy SESse vitetseesseseaneansenewen HEINTZMAN & CO., LIMITED B. H. Britton, Mgr. 1310Ontario S treet EOE eee OMANHAEEANOGEUNM The Fletcher Johnston Press For Fine Job Printin 7 [ter icenrani@ |e) a5 #* ~ Réad The Murecaade =