N THE MIRROR MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS YEAR Mr. B. H. Britton has returned to the city after spending some time in Toronto attending a special meeting in the head office of The Heintzman Piano Co., following the close of the firm's financial year. One could easily tell from his look that things went well during the past year. The best ever,-was the terse way he expressed himself when asked p casually, "If the year was a good " one. - Our company, he went to say, are more than satisfied with the business which has been turned in from the local branch. Should you make men- tion of any thing I say to you in -- your paper, I would appreciate your drawing attention to the fact my first year in Stratford has been one of the most pleasant years I have ever spent in any place. You have a delightful city, and a most- cuitured and musical people. In fact, said Mr. Britton, who is an educated and train- ed musician himself, Stratford has the finest class of 'musical people that he has ever been in contact with. Yes, we have had a fine year's busi- ness, wesare pleased to say, but this success was only attained through the hearty support and co-operation of every member of the staff. Mr. Brit- ton's eulogy of his staff is typical of the man. Indeed this is a charac- teristic of nearly every successful man, and another outstanding mark of his make-up is his optimism for next year's business, he enthusiasti- cally said, "Will be bigger than ever." REASON WHY PEOPLE SUCCEED These who have met for the first time the owner of the Harry Lott- ridge All-Canadian Shows are always surprised at the success that so young a man as he has made, but after conversing with him for a while one finds that he has not only studied what the people want by way of en- tertainment, but business itself he finds most fascinating. Nearly every big man has a set of rules for him- self, but he has a few very interest- ing business maxims for his em- ployees, that are well worth while quoting and are of his own making. Give more than I expect and I will give you more than you expect. I can afford to increase your pay if you increase my profits. Mind your own business, and in time you'll have a business of your own to mind. f Don't lie. It wastes my time and yours. I am sure to catch you in the end; that's the wrong end. . Don't tell me what I'd like to hear, 'but what I ought to hear. I don't want a valet for my vanity, but one for my dollars. Don't kick if I kick. If you're worth while correcting, you're worth * TTT FATAL Ss Mr. Lottridge has made as many | For Vacation Wear Gruen Watches Smartness -- originality of design and color to harmonize withthe new summer styles. Gillies & Emm DIAMOND HALL 25 Downie &t. GOODYEAR TIRES 29 x 4.40 -- regular price $11.00. SATURDAY-- $9.50 Cronk's Tire Shop Phone 423 15 Ontario BAF SSRAS AAS SARS SS Every day in the week-- you should use our bread-- then the phrase "daily bread"' will have a new meaning for you. We use the very finest grade of wheat flour, sweet creamy milk, and every mod- ern Sanitary device to make our bread the highest quality bread that human hands can produce. The Stratford Bakery J. D. STONE, Mgr. Phone go MY friends in Stratford during his visits here as have many people who have lived here for years. He is just the kind of boy that makes _ friends, wherever he goes, and people are al- ways glad to see Harry as well as } his shows, | } yesterday?" Heintzman Hall Dalues Best of All Secure one for your Summer home. Dozens of slightly used PHONOGRAPHS Marked away down in price--some slightly used, others nearly new-- just the style you want and the price to suit. Large stock of all the latest records. Your catalogue is waiting for youn. If you donot receive one by mail, it's-yours for the asking. We are representatives for the new and wonderful McLAGAN PHONOTHETIC HEINTZMAN & CO. Ltd. B. H. BRITTON, Manager. 131 Ontario Street. Phone 769 Travers--A burglar got into my house at three o'clock this morning when I was on my way home from the club. Waters--Did he get anything? "He certainly did- The poor beg- gar is in the hospital. My wife thought it was me." Read The Mirror Ads. "Why did the foreman- sack you "Well," was the reply, " a foreman is one who stands around and watch- es his gang work." "I know; but what's that got to do with it?" "Why, he got jealous of me! Peo- ple thought I was the foreman." a net et ae one ee Teen eee a -- cee ae We Have a Few Exceptional Bargains in Victor and other makes of GRAMOPHONES | -- PRICES FROM 00 we AND UP TERMS--$1.25 WEEKLY MASON 97 Ontario Street. LIMITED Phone 171 HERE AND THERE By "Doc." Only ten more days to the next holi- Gaye: * +* * The crossings of the C. N. R. at Downie street are in a bad condi- tion and very rough for motorists, Some spots especially need attention, : * * Eo With so many Atlantic, Pacific and other long distance flights we are Somewhat up in the air ourselves to know who's. who. : : ¢ * * The man who laughs at the idea that someday we will be all going around in individual} airships, should Temember the time when the hen laughed at the incubator. be Sere: Hairdressers say that bobbed hair is going out. Parents interviewed on the subject say that it-is not only going out but refusing to come in again at a reasonable hour. eo hee At this time of the year the daily papers on Monday morning are full of motor and drowning accidents. * * * The dumbest girl we know said that she just knew that a coupe was an inferior type of car because every time she went out into the country the roads were lined up with those that had stalled. * * * Mother (after visitor had gone)-- "You dreadful boy! I saw-you stick your tongue out at the minister just as I entered the room. Why did you do that?" Bobby--"Why mother, I just show- ed it to him." He said, "Little man, how do you feel?" and I thought he 'was the doctor. * # * A friend of ours told us that he never has any trouble with his wife. He lets her have her own way one time and gives it to her the next, and that saves a lot of disputes. Z am * * In a hospital ina certain city there is a sign which reads: No children allowed in the Maternity Ward. * * * And that's that! "Ah! That's Just A Fine Job"--- We often hear these words while a customer is exam- ing his old shoes that we have just halfsoled. We are surgeons toold soles. Bring yours along today--no long waits. Superior Shoe Repair 11g Ontario Phone 941 EZO Will positively relieve the worst case of ECZEMA STANDARD DRUG STORE mS ig Bs Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. MR. DOWN Tel. 308 Phone 314 MR. FWEMSNG Tei. 311 Only by seeing this Kroehler Livingroom Suite on our floor can you realize the extra values being offered. Upholstered in taupe mohair with reversible cushions in ask. Price as shown .. DOWN & FLEMING FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE 94 Ontario Street. Phone 314 ------ COALS: COKE 198 Nelson Street Phone 176 Fixtures We have always a large stock of Brass and Nickle Plated Plumbing Fixtures. CALL AND SEE THEM L. COOK 110 Downie St. Phone 175 Paper Hanging and Painting Work well done. Prices reasonable. A. D. FLETCHER 32 Norfalk St. Phone 1406m nae: ca COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Cornish Coal Co. Phone 44 TUM TT Stainless Steel Cutlery Imported direct from England. FUNERAL SERVICE R. WHITE & CO. 80 Ontario Phone 33 Night 376, Peter & Sylvester Dessert and Table Knives, white Ivoried handles at from $5.00 Per dozen upwards. Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating Electric Phone 210 12 Qntario MU J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect ! | Phone 1533F Gordon Block * * * % |. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL FOTEGCCDDURROERRGCEDOEGREU URE E EEE ERER GEE EDELCUUEEO CHEESE POCRELEEERD UEDA DGRUSEEUUEROGGGROGUEORESEEREOUUGOULEAEUEOECEEREEREGGSTECUEDEETE DR. S$. H. SUTTER : ii. S:, 0.0 .S: DENTAL SURGEON Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry Your Lawn Mower Called for and delivered. Now is the time you should have it sharpened and repaired. W. E. McCARTHY Phone 781J Wellington St. Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie S Orrice 602 PHONES | pesinance 1051w Robertson Must Pay The penalty of buying too much merchandise. Store loaded to ceiling--Piled on racks and tables. ' We need the cash. Must raise $10,000 in 15 days to satisfy all. Entire Stock Going at Sharp Reductions Your dollar will double its buying power at this great sale. ROBERTSON'S SHOE STORE 32 Wellington St. = SI Re es 2 ES a ARTERY P= iaeuneeeasteeeee Oar andneeuee ee one NS lane acre ~~