sg i Renan RATS AP Ta a cde i ieandied = Fingig se a 8 _ Local Interest Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cousins, Albert street, have left the city for Detroit, where they expect to reside for some time. It is to be hoped that they will - enjoy their stay there, but soon re- turn to the city "where they have Many warm friends. = 53 Mrs. E. W. Lucas is here with her _ two beautiful young children, her daughter, Babs, and son, Jack. She - was formerly Miss M. Nicholson, and is spending her holidays with her sis- ter Mrs. C. Corke, 325 Douglas street. She is also a sister of Mrs. Roy Hod- gins, one of Stratford's most popular soloists. A rink composed of Mrs. W. E. - Howes, W. E. Howes, Mrs. Jas. McKie and Dr. Bothwell, skip, went to Galt * on Wednesday and took part in -the mixed tournament held at Soper Park - and were successful in bringing home - second prize. _ from a great many outside places and _ the first prize was won by the Stev- There were § rinks enson rink of Woodstock, which is considered one of the strongest in Western Ontario. , A ladies' rink composed of Mrs. W. _ E. Howes, Mrs. H. F. Schmidt, Mrs. Jas, McKie and Mrs. Chas. Dingman went to Tillsonburg Thursday, to take part in a ladies' bowling tournament. THE MIRROR Pretty little Betty Bell, of Windsor, is.again visiting in the city. She has a host of young freinds here who as- sembled on the eve of her birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Snedden, 150 Nile street, right royaHy enter- taining her. Brown--Ste wart A quiet wedding was solmenized at the Central United church pars- onage, Thursday at 1.30 p.m.,when Hazel B., the charming young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Cambria street, became the bride of Mr. Carrol Brown, of Toronto, formerly of Wyoming. The ceremony was performed: by Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A. A dainty luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, shortly after which they left on their honey- moon which will be spent at Niaga- ra Falls. The happy young couple will reside on Victoria Park Ave., Toronto. Their host of young frriends wish them much happiness and joy. THE FLIP FLAPPER "I've never kisSed a girl in my life," remrked the painfully proper young man, "Well, don't come buzzing around me," announced the little flapper. "Y'm not running a prep school.'--Ex- change. / Subscribe for The Mirror --------oo -- Look At These Terms The Hydro Shop will assist you to get that electric range you have _been wanting for so long by making terms which are among the lowest in the city. $5.00 DOWN $8.00 Monthly Choice of three stan- dard makes of all guaranteed ranges-- ---McCLARY --WESTINGHOUSE --MOFFAT One day only, July 23, Saturday | HYDRO SHOP | PHONE 1278 ---- i ee f CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES LIMITED z 4 $1.50 each. Canadian July SaleSpecials forSaturday are very éxtraordinary July Sale values in various departments of the store. _ Listed for tomorrow's selling THE SMARTEST OF SUMMER HATS GREAT SAVINGS 25 only Ladies' 'T'rimmed Hats, blackand and good assortment of colors, in straw, silk-and-straw aud silk, smart styles, most becoming shapes, worth 1 00 4.00 to 6.00, to clear Saturday Ca 1 table elegant hats, all the seasen's best styles, large and small shapes, black and colors, reg. 5.00 to 9.00. yA 49 eS To clear Saturday at 5 dozen Girls' and Misses' fancy straw hats, all new colors, nicely banded and trimmed with corded silk ribbon, worth $2.50 to $3. 50. Saturday choice 2 dozen little boys' fine Straw Hats with rolling brim, colors white, sand with brown and brown with sand, reg. 15 Saturday e Final Clearance of Spring and Summer Coats Spring Coats, including Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Silk, Satin and Novelty Tweed ; beautifully tailored and trimmed | --regular to $27.50. All to & 50 | clear at Py Tailored Silk Dresses 25 only, beautiful Dresses of Celanese Silk, newest tailored styles, with pleated front and tie belt ; lovely pastel shades, with white collar, cuffs and pocket. | Sizes 36 to 40. | | | Sale price | Special Purchase Sale of Ladies' Knitted Sport Suits 25 Ladies' Knitted Sports Suits of silk- and-wool; pretty combination colors. Regular $12 oo. | To clear _and toes, twenty-five shades to choose from, - WOMEN'S HOSIERY JULY SALE SPECIALS Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose, reinforced heels sizes 8% to 10, worth 1.50 pair. Saturday Pute Thread Silk Hose, extra 'spliced heels and toes, double soles, all colors, also black and white ~ sizes 8% to 10, worth $1.00 pair, Saturday 25 dozen Ladies' Silk Hose, silk to the hem, good color assortment, sizes 814 to worth 75¢ pair. Saturday to clear at 50 dozen Ladies' Mercerized Lisle Hose, extra spliced heels and toes, elastic ribbed top, colors nude, flesh, fawn, champagne, grey and silver. Regular 60c pair. Saturday Department Stores, Limited |