oe pt gn See ite iets A ai Pc cass sass ' res So) Rasitoinl Meteaes Side one eS a Ah ga Sn ee ea i (etna erie , nae arn Noe ae ese eres me ~° ie ta os . et ee ae THE MIRROR FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES | CALLOUS ORE A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. THE IRISH ASSIZES Judge--Before I pronounce sen- tence,- have you anything to say against the evidence? Burglar--Shure, yer honor. Values You The Biggest and Best Had a Chance of Buying Have Ever reg. $450, on sale clear at New LeSage Piano, satin walnut, Columbia Phonograph, (3-spring) very slightly used, regular $135.00. On sale (in- cluding 12 selections)............ en iaes cai 14 beautiful Piano cased Organs, to 500 Records, to clear at.................. ..++-d0C €ach 100 Player Rolls, to clear at $289.50 $22.50. $13.75 35c each 97 Downie St. © Pequegnat's Music Store Phone 1598 What I can't get over is being identified ' by a man who kept his head under- | neath the bed-clothes all the time I _ was in his room. There Are a Great Many Things About Our Bakers-- | you can find out by using our bread. We are adding new customers every day ; that speaks well for our clean and sanitary bakery as wellas for the quality of our bread. The Stratford Bakery Read The Mirror Ads. | j | } | i } | OUT IN THE FIELDS WITH GOD A sacred cantata which will be well worth attending will be given by St. John's United Church choir, Sunday evening, 8.30 p.m., Lakeside Park. Mr. Chas. H. Walker, the choir leader of the church will be ably as- | | | sisted by Miss Florence Ryerson as reader. It is reported that a bigamist in jail for having six wives is enjoying his liberty. * * * No man ever lives to be as old as he feels at the age of 21. * * * tunes treating obesity cases. Buying an automobile and getting married are very much the same. It is not the first cost that counts, but the upkeep afterward. ---- Your Appearance Counts See our Stock of FALL HATS They are exceptionally Stunning in color and styles. ROY REYNOLDS Phone 1423 Quality Clothes 18 Wellington there's a ae ENVELOPES BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS FACTORY FORMS en ee Nene nh en anna painting. : SERVE YOU. WEDDING STATIONERY The Fletcher Johnston Press Printers and Publishers of The Mirror difference === The painting of one man is subtle and elusive, while the painting of another is dull andstupid. Thereis just as much difference in printing as there is in For quality printing let our printers TELEPHONE 115w FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS -- Saturday Specials Don't miss this opportunity All men's, young men's and }f boys' light color suits on sale $f 1-4 Off Regular Price 25% off any light color suit in the store, | Some odd suits for men and young men, up to $32.50; Jubilee Sale Price $8.95. About 25 suits at this price to choose from. All Straw Hats heavily reduced. eee lots of girls who have never had a buggy ride. | ines ps elt) ¥ eet we y PAS. fe dhs Cee Beets So a as eects cat te is a a. ee ys eS SRBC, te ote eee eS \ SRE pment - pure delight to a good choice. . ed to match other pieces in the room. 4 - or shirt-waist box, covered in the pre- ~--hanging wall bracket for books. THE MIRROR FURNISHING THE LITTLE GIRL'S ROOM Here is a subject which it is a undertake, and one where ingenuity counts for as much as any amount of money to spend. It is the first little cocoon of association and surroundings from which a daughter will emerge to assert her own tastes, and it is important that it be planned with the happiest touch, albeit the simplest. The chintzy wall- papers are reasonable and "little girly," and it is among these that some dainty and appealing little de- Sign can be chosen as a background for the pieces that will fill the room. Tie-back, ruffled, sash curtains of | dimity, dotted Swiss or organdie are fresh at the windows, and small cro- icheted, hooked or woven rugs of one of the delicate colors, as well as the cotton chenille machine-made rugs are As far as the furni- ture is concerned, painted pieces are best for children, as a rule, and lit- tle girls love the pastel shades. A set of painted furniture can be made "up--even a metal bed can be lacquer- ' Don't overlook the inspiration of a first dressing table. The draped tables are one of the easiest of house- hold furbelows to make. Whether a- child is very young or going on toward the teens, some sort of catch-all in a room is necessary, if things are to be kept tidy. It may be used for toys when she is little, or for books and sewing when she is older. For this purpose a commodious chest vailing heavy material of the room is a prescribed addition. It may form an attractive window-seat with a downy cushion or two. Another use- ful, and very pretty, accessory is a Line the shelves with pieces from the wall paper, with cdgss_ fancifully cut. Some Christmas or. birthday, a small sewing table would be a_ gift that would be a practical inspiration to industry, and a personal treasure that should last a lifetime. Little girls enjoy entertaining in their pretty rooms so that a wicker table on which a tray of afternoon milk and cakes could rest, is welcome. A desk or practical writing-table is mecessary for a schoo] girl, with pro- per lamp equipment. A wicker chair, and another small chair, ought to fill all needs--for girls are simply bound to sit on the bed anyway, and it might as well be counted as a seat in time af emergency. In which contingency, a thought for am un-mussable cover is 4n order. It is not good taste or good management to give a child a fussy bedspread. Let it be a wash- able one of pique with an attractive comforter to liven it up, or an un- bleached muslin embroidered in der very well and quite easily. carefully chosen and carefully hung. Remember, that everything you place before your little girl in her intimate life will make its mental mark later Bonheur's beautiful animal studies for little or nothing. Matinee idols ines may find their way to her walls will have been formed. Phe Hornernakir. A fellow who graduates from a cor- | respondence school is not necessarily a post-graduate. f As for pictures, these should be | GILLIES & EMM on. Good prints of Greuze, Romney | and Reynolds are not expensive; Rosa | are always available, and quaint, old | samplers are often to be picked up | and moving picture heroes and hero- | when the craze seizes her, but until | and after then, the habit of good taste | -- ---- are the "watch" words for elegance and efficiency in watches. Our guarantee goes with every watch we sell, and maybe our large sale of the best makes is the best evidence we can give as to Price : Quality : Shall we have the pleasure of showing you our varied assortment ? Gillies & Emm Watch Specialists 25 Downie &t. Service | Have You Visited J. H. MOORE'S BOOKSTORE ? We invite you to call and look - around. Our special this week is- Sporting Goods. Patterson's Bookstore FUNERAL SERVICE R. WHITE & CO. 80 Ontario Phone 33 Night 376, Rote Sanitary tape bows tn place of THE quality at a moderate price felt, roll edge from the sunny South of all felt; new, sanitary 80 Ontario St. wool. Both are reasonable and laun- THE "SOUTHLAND" MATTRESS--Cotton THE "MARSHALL" MATTRESS (as illus- $25 0 0 trated above) with cotton cover o THE "SIMMONS" SPECIAL SPRENG-FILLED -- the mattress that more and more people are DUyING 65 8 « do ose ts oe ; "OSTERMOOR" MATTRESS--s the best felt mattress ever built. THE "DOWNEASE" MATTRESS -- hich €4 @ QQ) & THE "KING" MATTRESS -- Pure cotton $1 2 50 a $9.75 THE "SPECIAL FELT" See ae Qs a Home Furniture and Funeral Service. | GETTING MORE BENEFIT OUT OF YOUR SLEEP Comfort --THE FIRST REQUISITE You MUST have a good mat- tress. Sleep on your side-- Sleep with knees doubled up-- Sleep in any shape that you find comfortable. On a good mattress that con- tinues to "fit your curves." HOW LONG SHOULD PEOPLE SLEEP ? Here again the mattress that RESTS you is a factor. Eight hours on a good mattress is bet- ter than ten on a bumpy, worn- out one. R. WHITE & CO. Phone 33; Night 376 Ce eee en here i errinemnnge--aeninrerer ser gan te farns pein sorerp ines