THE MIRROR 3 Bees Se It must be a question of selectivity.| doesn't know, nine times out of ten, 2 made in 26,803 homes. Treatment | : es > a A dolar will only go so far, A| just what makes or aac kare es THE MIRROR for defects was given in 10,216 cases. q 4 yoo :' cs a flock of dollars will only go so far.! he's the proudest thing alive if it's Letters of advice were sent to the | WRF ee ons So folks select the things they wish) just right. "es Everyone CUBLIGHED | -BVRBY,PRIDAY {4% THE | mothers of 4434 péwbornbabica 'and lea to spend their dollars on.} Eventually--which may mean this FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 9ON- In Case of of (a lect the things which seem to them} Fall--the old saying "the last shall be Ghacid swatch their stebir. Se TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE I15w YOUR HOME SHQULD most important or alluring at the} first" will come true and Home will Ad ccm bho a wenken 4 t - FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR That is an index to efforts in hun- ¥ , COME FIRST| time. r come first. ek seca'. lee that you can at ret) dreds of localities. -- C Cc e n Man is naturally a home-loving ani- "(By Gypsie Dysert Locking) 2 3 ' end upon. The conquest of disease and_ the} re r ae i a oe = who has a new| ™al, although he may not realize it. The Moree hit. dep P ee eee re maith: SURE) CF the Highway h Ne < S need of suitable| He likes to get home at the close of : Ours is the store that has al- stition have become co-operative re-| ome is badly ee . i raw . * Petts ; j furniture for her breakfast room and| @ til ed, stuffy day. He likes to a " inva heen noted for its depend sponsibilities. Such undertakings no If you cannot produce your Motor Vehicle Operator's pe og living room. She has talked about| UP @ big, downy chair to the fire- : Sng ae ae AE, Stratford, September 4; 1927 _longer are regarded as an intrusion License when called upon, you are presumed 6 : place of a chilly evening and read a a ae : ! this need for six months, and tried - ; into private affairs. to be an incompetent Driver ee | et en cats the wherewithal to} ls 1 erence lamp handy and the More mothers keep their children, el ge Oo accum humidor is portable. He likes to ENDURANCE REAL FACTOR . > j i i finance her desires. In the back of : sige ¢ avhot ing' winuita of ic eadtaisiae oe: 'ee ee Rise fee ene anes Always carry your Motor Vehicle Operator's License | her mind lay the half-formed notion | lounge in ais pubsiegele taper ai on : thon at the Canadian National Exhi-| ,, : ; , when driving a car. Your license is your authority to that spring would be a good time| Summers day: FUNERAL SERVICE "11° : : ness. These are not the least of the drive. It is illegal to be in charge of a car without it 4 é his shady porch. He likes to sleep F & mm bition on Wednesday was a feat that! comforts of the twentieth century. : : & : to make her selections. ( 1 1es : : : : ee a in a good bed and awake to cheerful R. WHITE & CO. took a bit of doing. To Vierkoetter} : seas In case of accident or infraction of The Highway Traffic _* But when spring arrived, one|'? 4 8 the bureau's dietitian made 4,790 per- sonal talks on infant feeding. nr a ne Tan ee SUBSCRIPTION RATE - $1.00 A YEAR Prices as low as you like or as high as you want to go. : ; i ari : 33 Night 376, re . ialists went the victory and he deserved it. $$ Act, your Motor Vehicle Operator's License will be called thing and another kept her from eater ices ck 4 eee cman Watch apecalie It was not a race... It was an endur- for at once by the traffic patrol or policeman. At any : deciding on the furniture and one| A man likes the gee ing o an oa 25 Downie &St. ance contest in which the man withi} "% POUBLE ATTRACTION time, on the highways or on town or city streets, officers | fine day her husband got to looking} the atmosphere of it, pee he ie the: ability. to- take purishment +hé AT THE of the law may ask you to produceit. Ifyou are unable at the new autos. The car they had} dom stops to oo oe = : ra hee Wek This Miter. longest won out. There was no ques- to do so, you are subject to a fine. even consciously to detine It. u AAO tage Nae been driving was in quite good condi- tion particularly of speed but rather l { If you have not yet applied for your Motor Vehicle BES. tion, but certain repairs were begim-| . 2 = a matter of enduring the cold and ' Operator's License, secure it atonce. Application forms gee ning to be necessary and, after talk-} : keeping up the grind until the desired can be had at any garage. Anyone who has driven 500 ~ Be ing it over, they decided that the fur-| 7#------ end was attained. SMART NEW HOSIERY miles, and for 6 months continuously, and who has no ae ' niture could wait a little longer, and In all of which there is a very def- pieunues COR CALL physical disability which may interfere with the opera- : : F : it might be wise to trade is the old 3 ; inite application to every day living. tion of a car may be granted a License. Examinations :| car while they could get a good deal. : ; It isn't always the fastest man who The GLOVES are "Kayser" | will be given to all other applicants. | ee So now they have a shiny fai. . wins. It is the man who is able to/{ who enjoys the reputation of The Motor Vehicle Operator's Licenses are a measure of eee. | as car which they enjoyed very muc =. Wee ; ' : earry on his daily work in a steadfast, making the best gloves in the protection of yourself and all others ontheroad. Identi- during warm summer evenings, and capable way who is the winner in the world- Of fine chamoisette, fication of drivers will lead to the weeding out of the Be they have put up with those bumpy end. The flashy chap is here today| hand-sewn, in fashionable pull- incompetent and reckless. caer, | ia i leather rockers so long that another and gone tomorrow and when the | on style, they retain their beau- : : - 'gis tnenthes or.s0°doesn't really seoxt steady man is still going strong and|{ tiful fit after washing. THE HIGHWAYS MUST BE KEPT SAFE aE. to make much difference. Of course, 'nine # ni ivi ili In light Shades with fancy }} . Hodes ae there are couples in their "set" that vig a Matte tte: the brilliant Roy itchine me 50 " ene ae "The Government is determined, through the ge... aad » Bee ey entertain who eclipsed him in early years is|) § Peete, oe apie Highways Department, to put a stop t¢ reck- 5 fea they would hesitate Mage hs bis often wrecked by his own brilliance|{. 2&W scalloped cuff at $1.50 pair. | less driving and to secure for the average i | Boe Their home is typical of hundreds : and long forgotten. This might seem| "HUDKNIT" full fashioned {| citizen the ie ag safety when travelling LS, of Canadian homes. Home has come ee SAE eae ae on the roads"--The Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, bs to decry brilliance but that is not|{ Silk snl be i cogetsaae ses soameee 4 Prime Minister, in the Toronto Globe, August : sevgnd. ; the intention. True brilliance where|} Weight, is proving very popular. {| 19, 1927. 2 a ee Why is it? Is it because the fam- a Extra reinforcements, lustrous a : F ' rer ra j Dp ng 2 ily is hard up? Is it because every there is a proper balance to keep the thread silk, wide tops, are all q y , ing g , . ; 3 ¢ : i i i nortgaged far into scheme of things ona level keel is/) "worth-while features, | Ontario Department of Highways io eee Fae faa te Th Sample Lamps are the newer styles--no God's. greatest, work. -but there 4s at In the new Fall shades, per The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister ff ese id } ; ig fac illiancy ri vthing | ' a question of selectivity. surface brilliancy without anything pair $2.00. : q e back of it that brilliancy is only a) Canada is prosperous. Canada 1s d bt the lamp you have always longed for 1S curse to its possessor, SPECIAL! well dressed. Canada is royally en- ou "The race ig not always to the | Chamoisette Gloves, two- {{/_ > ee CR ee: igessecitee pacts through SE the Swift' and that old adage was Lena dome, in soft Autumn shades }} Fee a = Bs Gren gee (ete 2 eee q _ town in Ontario and you wi among m. cated most clearly in this great swim-| with ae ce stitching. All D 5 Hy 5 TTE a ct Bee Ba be meine é : ae ming contest for while Vierkoetter|} %!2€S, pair $1.00. R : UJ R ~ of Main street. jn dee e ; ; ff beautiful lighted or not--origin- AE aS t » Vv. Hi. F a shingle bob. ly shimmering colors-- effects as be efas Ad ' , : Ww m stockings. She has a shing Lovely shim g pate abek ee ee ce ak. $F Oe Do n& Fle ing P, Her chin is dusted with Coty's face int ti different expensive looking! 3 : "i DENTAL SURGEON ° a Be ie ~ nan ' frock is --interesting-- ieee have taken his measure. Steadiness | Sietinliat ia Peanthoce Bieetisécy Funeral Service Rooms . powder and her crisp -- sete: al shapes 4 sins ie } ' made over a Vogue pattern. , and endurance wins. Donald p. Fraser | 94 Ontario St fe $ Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie blocks down you will find her mother 1. 308 THE CHILD'S CHANCE PHONES / OFFice 602 '| Phone 314 MR. Peeling Tel. 311 Fe extracting the music of the world i . ( RESIDENCE 105iw ag ES | ' eS » In the days of Queen Anne of Eng-| Ontario Street - | a ee Oe Would ou T oll ne eee nO ee so | : : send - : ERT nr Tale ceeWermemesciey er . | hundred dollar dial. In the back yard W De ed th "i ee ee re Ta et rte. aston P = : 2 Pe : : ee fa her dad is tinkering with a six cylin- ; om from the to the queen herself only one sur- der coupe, rand vived more than a year. = tS the price? . get ee, ° 9 ee wo hundred miles away in one|ll} --that you could save $8 or $10 on P lot. Lamps com- That was centuries back but infant! 5 T HER R eee Base sof our great cities you will find one like ? lete at-- Bee is are no two alike: etea mortality declined comparatively al gains in ies es hs poor working men. that there P of those poor, i é - ; slowly until a few decades ago. He works in a factory, shop or mill. thet each is supplied with frosted bulbs ? $1 2.50, $13.00 Birth rates had to be high if na-! SUESS....... 000 ' : 3 His daughter is earning good money : ae ay a Christ 16.50 $18.00 ) | = Be n before Christmas $16.50, | tions were not to have a stationary i i < as a stenographer. His boys, being||} that you won't have this chance agai or diminishing population. 29x4.40 creseeeeeees BBLS CHANCE 2 = a " $21.00 $23.00 | | i ta- ©. Nitie - better. educsted. Uae : E Floor Lamps and when they Of every 1,000 babies born in the See us for tires and all tire ia ee used to be at 20, are making good --that its a sale at SAMPL e! 4 ae United States now only 66 die at wants. A new lot of HATCHETS AND AXES. at peer that Be BS as mechanics, salesmen or skilled | are gone, they re gone. birth. , «Be = | | ; we consider exceptionally reasonable. These specials will tradesmen. More than likely ae | is working, too. All right. Pool} , ies oe | -Physiclans know more and know how = a fy @ not be matched for some time to come. We carry €very- jj baa the income of the poor, poor work- | : . to apply their knowledge. Parents oe ] é -e] thing that you'll find in a first class hardware store. = or" ee ing man's family and. what have) & are better informed. So the average at you? a . age span lengthens. _ y Pie b= te , ' Zz : en Ss No; one doesn't see much in the . Nivht 376 ) In Kansas City last year workers|l]| The Tire Man JAMES K. MYERS | opapcte Sin teedtne, menor ff, Home Furniture and Funeral Service Phone Ae NMEA co-operated with the local children's # af ment and panics. Canada isn't broke. | : bureau in a campaign to improve Phone 140 : 51 Downie St. | Phone 162 - Canada isn't helplessly in the hole. |! juvenile health. 49,218 visits were i= 'a ; , Medical education is the answer. | | | |