-- a ate 0 leases GRE very: THE MIRROR PUBLISHKD BEVBRY PRIDAY AT THB FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, [23 ON- TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONB 115w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATB » $1.00 aA YRAR Stratford, September 23, 1927 a oe A NEW ELECTRICAL MARVEL 'Lo invent an instrument that would be more sensitive than a human be- ing was ounce in the mind of the great inventor Edison. His theory was that) ii tnis could be accomplished it would | be very probabie to get some respouse from the other worid. From this) 'statement One must infer that he be-| lieved in another worid in spite of what has been said of him otherwise.) We did read not iong ago of his hav- ing said in an interview that it had/| been demonstrated beyond a doubt! that certain celis could be kept erie indetinite:y. If this be true then it is! possible that the spirit may live on! through correspondence with its new; _ environment after having disassociat- ed itself from present tenancy. There | is one consolation, however, whether we ever have any communication with! another world in this or any other way) we cali enjoy the harmony of keeping: in tune with the Infinite. This is of! much more value while here on earth | than any experience we might have in' communicating with the other world' through the instrumentality of a ma- chines However the electrical mar- } vels of the present age are amazing | and engineers and scientists in New' York have witnessed a new electrical ; invention so sensitive ag to employ' only the billionth of a watt of electric- ity, or about one-fortieth of a fly-pow-! er. By the use of this instrument it! is quite possible for a passing sha-| dow or a dew-drop to turn on the, lights of a city, start or stop a train| or manoeuvre a hattleship. The de- vice, resembling a wireless yalve; is, i | STRATFORD YOUNG LADY aniperes flowing pH, the tube. | Now, the point is that this latter cur-} rent is sufficient to close or open a} switch handling. upwards of twenty-| five amperes, and this in turn is am-! ple to control almost any electrical op-| When the sun goes down the new! tube will automatically turn on! i eration." | lights, and at daylight will turn them) i off. It wili give advance warning | of thunder showers. It will guard gas | and oil stoves and furnaces by turn-| ing off fuel supply in case a flame is) accidentaHy extinguished. It will) count people, motor cars or products | passing a given point. Also it will | invisibly and silently warn in case} intruders enter doors or windows or! pass through halls or stairs, and it | will prove a delicate fire alarm, ANSWERS MISSIONARY CALL People are liable in these times tu, look upon heavenly visions as some-| thing intangible, but every great m10- | : } i | | | tive in life is none other than a visi-! < : } ; tation of some unseen force, or power. __ D.ctionarily a vision means--a divine} revelation, a creation of the imagina-! ition. We often confuse the word vis-| |ion with visionary. 'There is however! a vast difference in a visionary person | /and one who has a vision. The indi-} vidual who is possesesd with a vis-| | ion, and obeys it, has a soniething in} _ their lives that cannot be hidden--a! | something ihat is immaterial, yet the] most practical] possession in life. its, | POssession May cause qa feeling that is) 'not akin to discontent, and continually | / sweeps through the soul like a great) tidal wave, restless and turbulent un | iil it finds a response in activity. lis nothing shori of a tragedy to dis-| i chey the heavenly vision, and the de-} : bris of human lives is only the effect! ; : : eee | ot not having responded to this inner! i ete si i { . light or vision. There is always a} 'something different about those who) unselfishily leave home and friends | to carry out a divine purpose, and | | Stratford has been the home of many} fa such young people. The iast to leave! ;our city being Miss idith. Brown,! daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Brown, | Falstaff street, who left this week! probably the most sénsitive thing of | for Central Africa. On her way there | its kind ever devised. To prove it,! Mr. D. D. Knowles, research engineer | she will spend a year in Lisbon, study- ing the language, and then as a nurse | ' for Westinghouse Electric, and its in-! will engage in missionary work of the; yenter, laid a watch upon a plush | (inited Church of Canada. cover on a table. The watch was not ' "connected with any current or wire, but a bell rang and a globe lit up as! soon as one's hand came within a/ Miss Brown is a graduate of Har-: per, Hospital, Detroit, and has taken | a special Public Health course. She} is @ young lady of fine personal qual-| Fives inches of it. The device is a tube | ities, _ which seems almost super fluous | which lights with a pinkish glow | to rater to, for no one whom has re-! cs ; | when it operates. Using an sca sponded to the call of giving their life} estimal current, it controls a much | for others, but is imbued with the! larger one. "Ordinary relays used in| spirit of the one who said: "Go ye in-| to a the world and preach the Gos-; electrical engineering," said Mr.' | / Knowles, "have an amplifving POWET} pel.' Her parents and her home city | of about 10.000, which means they can| should feel highiy honored in the | control. a current that is» many times | thought that Miss Brown has bad the' greater than the current controling | courage to obey the heavenly vision... them. This new tube has an amplity-| Our sincere hope is that she may live | ing power of about 1,000,600. Its tin-! long to serve others and thus enjoy | jest fraction of energy, the billionth! the reward she justly deserves. of a watt, is sufficient to start a cur-' rent of as high as twenty-five milli-| Sib athe ie The Sisco: THE VERY. BEST Try the T. V. B. Bread That's all we ask! Ina very short time you'll notice the difference in the way you feel. It's energizing and vitalizing-- one of the many reasons for this is because it's the most easily digested bread made. Buy a loaf today! T.V.B. BREAD CO. Phone 2345 56 Huron St. "Just over the river" FURNITURE We have many good values in Chesterfields, Dining Room & Bedroom Suites You will have to see these suites to appreciate their value.. We have everything for the Floors from Barry- more Rugs to Johnston's Wax. DOWN & FLEMING FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE 94 Ontario Street. Phone 314 Phones; Store, 314; Mr. Down, 308; Mr. Fleming, 311. ovdpinnactorinqpnpesnnnanetinieemesigtcaamiganasaapee daerantnamhemacier ee Tee nce saree aaae haaaea -- atone cheguatnreee at hashes eee aenaee aan Batteryless Operated from the Electric Light Socket Marconi's New One-Dial Radio Achievement Pequegnat's Music Store 97 Downie St. Phone 1598 en who surround us with the things - eare to admit. On the effect of their _of yellow coloring material into the whitewash for a cold north room, and ; Someone put a touch of rose or viue' make the race happier, brighter, and | | in the whitewash, and lo--a pink : com: better. | for daughter, and a blue room on nat! | bright, sunny side of the house. House furnishings--What a world of romance, of sentiment, of happi- Ress, to some--to others, a continual source of irritation and disappoint- ment amounting almost to tragedy.| t¢ Who is there who cannot recall at this very moment, some one place, a home whose very atmosphere carries the suggestion of peace, quietness, dignity and the innumerable somethings which go to make a home? Yet, with such a vivid picture in our mind's eye, it is with difficulty that we recall the pattern in the rug, the design of any individual piece of furniture, or the exact placing of a lamp. We are conscious only of a perfect harmony of design, color, and arrangement. Not one single element stands out or intrudes, as it were. Each individual piece has been se- lected with infinite care and exhaus- tive study. The color schemes are the result of thorough understanding of shade values and effects. The re- sult is a home in which happiness and content are a part and in which in- itiative receives its greatest stimulus. These homes are of inestimable value in the development of the nation. * * * Such effects are not a matter of chance. They are brought about by the painstaking research and study of manufacturers, retailers, store clerks, interior decorators, etc., who comprise the house furnishing busi- ness. They are the ones who have made it more than a business, they have made of it an art, and like all true artists, they glory in their ac- complishments. They have learned, first to build up @ mental picture of the finished work, starting with the bare room as a foun- dation and building piece by piece, first the wall treatment, then the floor coverings, the major fyrniture, the draperies and right through to the Jamps and various other occasional pieces with which the picture is made complete. They have learned to re- peat the process with boudoir, living room, dining room, hall or kitchen, and especially to fit them al] together into one complete harmony of color and design. To these men and wom- with which we live in such intimate association, we owe more than many training and on their painstaking ef- fort depend our comfort and our hap- piness. Not so very many years ago, nine out of ten women in this country were 'content with homes in which the walls were considered quite all right if finished with a coat of whitewash. One day some radical housewife con- eeived the idea of putting a handful she was delighted to see how much brighter and more cheerfuj the room THE MIRROR {Electrical Wiring Fixtures and Supplies Louisa Vostello says, "Color is en-, e : ie SPs oe Work Guaranteed tangled sunlight." Who does not love' om Estimates Free sunlight? "Shen women realize the! DAN WOLFE possibilities, will they not seek to = THE NEW tangle and capture some of this sun-. S d 5 light for their own personal use and | U 8) ny S u Ss 105 Ontario Street pleasure, e Suite 2 Washer Phone 2007 : Doubtless she cigemread he self or her taste, individuality and percep- | quite daring, quite a radical. *.0n,, tions, is helping -unquestionably to | thoughtful minds are those which love | Ruskin says, "The purest and most | Let us give you a demonstra- color the most." As window treatments reveal to| passersby the character and taste of | the dwellers within, folks will learn. to make friends with color, and grasp | and enjoy it to the full on, and in} their windows. | tion at your home or call in and see it at our store. L. COOK if3 Downie St. Phone 175 FUNERAL SERVICE R. WHITE & CO. 80 Ontario Phone 33 Night 376, Each and every individual who is | not hide-bound by habit and custom. who dares to show to the world his | To the Comfort that lies In a "Spring-Filled" Mattress White's exhibit at Stratford Fair brought home to Stratford people the famous new Simmons beds and the most luxurious of the new Simmons mattresses--"The Beautyrest." Hundreds of people were so im- pressed with the buoyant restfulness of the new "Beautyrest" mattress that they said-- "Pm going to have a new mattress and it's going to be One of those good Simmons Mattresses." SIMMONS BEDS In the new attractive styles, Wal- nut finished steel-- Single size, 3 ft. 3 ins. wide 34 size, 4 ft. wide Double size, 4 ft. 6 ins. wide Priced $8.95 to $25.00. WHAT?'S INSIDE YOUR MATTRESS ? Most old mattresses are about as responsive to a person's weight.as a good oak floor. - Some of them are so hollowed out they give you curvature of the spine. SEE THOSE FLEXIBLE LITTLE SPRINGS? If you sleep just once on a mattress built with a centre so soft and yet so Jive that you feei it sup- porting you--never again will you want to sleep on an ordinary mattress. SIMMONS "SPRINGFILLED SPECIAL'--the mattress that more and more people are buying, double size .......$29.00 SIMMONS "BEAUTYREST"--zreater depth, the very heaviest ticking, the finest mattress anyone can buy $29.00 SIMMONS SPRINGS All sizes 4.95, $6.75, $9.00, $10.75 SANITARY MATTRESSES--now made i 4 re ee , $25.00, nt pet 7.50 The new Slumber King $12.00 in several popular grades at R. WHITE & CO. 80 Ontario St. Home Furniture and Funeral Service. appeared when the cream-wash had! > -G@ried, : ais