Interesting Things About Doings At New Y.W.C.A. Building operations and the hun- dred and one things connected with getting settled in a new building have caused this column to be neglected for some time. But now we have some time at our disposal and a great many interesting things to tell our readers about the inside running of this lovely new building. Hundreds and hundreds of people throughout the summer have gone all through the building and we have had visitors from one end of the Dominion to the other. People have been specially sent from Toronto, London, Guelph, Brantford, Woodstock, Kitchener and Hamilton to see this building. The new Windsor joint Y. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A. and this new Stratford Y. W. C. A. are the two outstanding buildings at present in Association Work in the Dominion. We are beginning to get our year's Program in shape now. Last Satur- day morning we started the Junior Gymnasium Classes. These very ne- cessary and delightful classes for the children are held every Saturday at 9.30, 10.30 and Tuesdays at 4.30. Visitors at any time may drop in to See the work the girls do. The fol- lowing girls signed up the first week and a great many more are coming out this week: Doris Bradshaw, Mary Myers, Elizabeth McTavish, Gertrude Nethercott, Peggy Riggs, Ada Riggs, Phyllis Riehl, Rosie Beech, Lawrie Beech, Hileen Pratt, Lois Pratt, Betty Edgar, Cynthia Carter, Olive Plas- kett, Helen Hunter, Annabelle Wil- liams, Alona Cameron, Rena Myers, Jean McMillan, Rose Kreisler, Alma Davis, Helen Davis, Pear] Rohfritsch, Marjorie Evans, Jessie Scott, Beulah Caley, Opal Hodgins, Jessie Holmes, (Continued on page 4) a - ~ ----~ AUCTION SALE-- OF AUTOMOBILES, ACCESSORIES TRUCK. MACHINERY, OFFICE FIXTURES AND ALL EQUIPMENT OF HOLLIDAY-ABRA ESTATE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927 AT 1.30 P.M. SHARP AT 91 ERIE SIf.. STRATFORD OF McLaughlin roadster, Chevrolet touring. Chalmers touring. Dodge touring, Ford ton truck, Willys-. Knight coupe sedan, Overland tour- ing, Overland roadster, Maxwell touring and machinery, including air compressor, electric drill, brake re-lining machine, Low-way jack, taps and dies, tires, tubes, chains and all parts and accessories, office furniture and typewriter. Prospec- tive buyers can arrange to inspect above goods by applying to J. STEVENSON, Trustee. Terms cash. £ 73 Jones, auctioneer. ; Sas g aa STRATFORD, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1927 Pertine en t Patter BY THE PHILISTINE Stratford evidently has one of those more or less insane persons, dignified by the name of "Firebug." The fire the other night at the plant of the Stratferd Brick and Tile Com- pany was without any doubt set by someone, probably the same someone who a few hours later set a fire to a haystack just outside of the city on the Hast highway. There have been other fires in the not far distant past which bore very strong suspicion of being incendiary in nature.and it is about time that a strenuous. effort was made to catch the author of the mischief. It is a task that is most difficult but the police should have every assistance from the ordinary citizen for this is a matter that con- cerns everyone. Not only is the run- ning at large of such a creature a menace to property, but to life also, and a most severe punishment should be meted out to the offender when he is caught. * of * The report of the city assessor, re- leased the other day was rather sur- prising for it indicated an increase in the population while it had general- ly been expected there would be a decrease. The increase while not large is therefore the more gratify- ing under the circumstances. A significant point however is the de- crease in income assessment, due largely to increased exemptions but is a reduction in the city's assets so to speak. When it is realized that despite this decrease there is a big increase in the general assessmnt, something of the burden borne by the taxpayer can be realized. The load in this city is heavy, very heavy, and little is done to relieve it. Not only is the assessment high, but the tax rate is also high, since the amount of money it takes to operate the city seems to go up steadily. Ratepay- ers at the coming election should make sure and get a business adminis- tration, pledged to economy, a council not afraid to make cuts where it is possible that the load of the taxpay- er might be lightened. * * - When strawberries, nice ripe, sweet ones at that, are produced in Strat- ford near the end of September then the citizens can throw out their chests FILM EVER } Collegiate Auditorium, LOWELL THOMAS Who was in Stratford a year ago has been ' secured again by the National Council of Education To show and explain his famous picture-- Through Romantic India and Into Forbidden Afghanistan Shown for three months in Londen and two months in Paris. THE BEST EDUCATIONAL Tuesday, October 11th AT 8 O'CLOCK RESERVED SECTION $1.00 (at Kenner's) GENERAL ADMISSION 50c PRODUCED. ¥ -- Communication The Editor, The Mirror, City: I notice in the "answers" to Musical Question' (on the front page) the "English Horn" is described as a brass instrument. This is not cor- rect. An English Horn (Cor Anglais) is a wooden instrument of the double reel family, sounding a fifth lower than the oboe. It is in fact, a Tenor Oboe. The French Horn is a brass instru- ment, but not the English Horn. Yours truly, A Former English Horn Player. Thank you Mr. Horn Player. We are always willing to learn, in fact learning is one of the things that makes living here so interesting.-- Editor, and sneer at Southern States even if it is only for a little while. However, joking aside, it is a matter of satis- faction to realize that there was warm enough weather in September to ripen strawberries for apart from the pro- duction of good fruit the householder will feel the influence on his pocket in reduced coal bills. Ba * * On Sunday some seven of the churches held rally day services for their Sunday Schools. This is a big event in the life of the Sunday Schools and one that is looked for- ward to by the pupils. There is a very pleasing program usually and exercises of the various classes, to- gether with the promotion of scholars and the presentation of prizes. While to the outsider there may not be anything very interesting in these programs, to those taking part they are most attractive and do a lot to Continued on Pee 5 W. B. ROTHWELL ™ TEACHERIOF VOCAL -" PIANO nee rene STUDIO: 42 WATERLOO STREET OPP. Y.W.C.A. PHONE 1858J H 4 ig FI a "y a space, pwhaeaas lame Se aoa aac aig a So Sane SIRENS