THE M IRROR Local Interest Two important changes in traffic laws came into effect this past week when the new law making it compul- ~Sory to carry lights on all vehicles "after dark became effective and also the government commenced to tight- en up the regulations governing driy- ers' permits. Both are moves that _ are important. The need for a law _ compelling all vehicles to carry lights after dark has long been recognized but the government are very slow in putting such a regulation into effect. Now it is law and for the first time the motorist will have some reason- able protection on the highway. The enforcement of the drivers' permit Yaw was expected and is in line with the forecasted action of the govern- ment in making an attempt to weed out the incompetent driver. € * + * The fight between the City Council and the Public Utilities Commission _ still continues and the latest move is 'the refusal of the city to pay its pow- er and light bills. The matter is to be discussed at a meeting soon but _ the commission has the usual remedy, to cut off the "juice" if the bills are not- paid. That seems Qrastic but the effort the city council is making is purely a holdup game and one that _ legal advice to the commission says is wrong so that tit for tat would be fair play. The outcome of the battle will be interesting. . The Pythian Sisters, a new frater- nal organization made its bow to the public this week with a pleasing | little entertainment in the city hall which scored quite a decided success. The new lodge evidently has a live bunch of officers and ought to soon rank as one of the leading women's lodges in the city. 4 * « « Early Tuesday morning there were two bad. automobile accidents on the St. Marys Road in which three persons suffered. severe inquries. A car driven by Wilfred Pauli was forced off the road and completely wrecked. Wilfred had a leg broken and an arm broken and Miss Ruth Jarrott, clerk in James Pequegnat and Son's store, suffered a broken leg and many painful cuts. A third occupant of the car, Miss Doris McCarthy, escaped with slight injuries as did also Norris Heinbuch. On the way back to the city from attending this accident Highway Traffic Officer J. J. Palmer, crashed into a car driven by Fréd Marran, when the latter turned into his gate in front of the officer. A broken collarbone and a broken leg was the result of this smash. All three of the severely in- jured ones are reported as doing nice- ly in the hospital. IT MAY BE WORTH WHILE Chairman Wigglesworth has _ de- voted a great deal of thought to the changing of the school hours. This he is going to propose at the next meeting of the Board. Very probably it will meet with the approval of its members as well as the parents. Any- thing that will lessen the possibility of an accident should be welcomed, and an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure is an old axiom worth following. Very many hair breadth escapes are noticed at the noon hour, particularly when children are madly rushing from school. In- deed, the change should little or no material difference, as there are a great many children around the schoo] long before the hour mention- ed, and as early as 8 a.m. These chlidren are often seen sitting on the cement steps, which might be men- tioned but it is not a very good practice, particularly these mornings: when they are yet clothed in summer appare], make Established 1885. Purchasing With Confidence Our wide knowledge of Diamonds inspires confidence. All our mountings are fashioned by expert craftsmen. A viSit will convince you. PEQUEGNAT'S Phone 854 e CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES, LTD. Saturday Continues The Big Special Selling of Women's and Misses' Dresses $10.95 and Black Satin Dresses Special $17.50 All of deen made from satin of good heavy weight and lustrous finish--some of them using contrasting crepe, embroidery Just one of the many styles is pictured here. Their quality is just as unusual. these dresses. and flowers for trimming. Handsome Dresses of Flatte Crepe in a score of pretty styles, in such popular shades as rosewood, reseda, navy, rose, blue, green. <i ee 6 oe 6 & ov Special . Gt C:'6 OOO 0 6 66.6 4) 6.0 6 6 Oe 6 % 6 6.0, 2a Sizes 14 to 44. Canadian Denartiient Shared: SUCCESSORS TO DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED Sizes 14 to 44. oe oe © eee ee eee * "$10.95 imited