San aac cane eaten bdenaie sasahatn canoes eee salient ie pans, Aiea 6 ina E =< kaa SCRE nailah adel usaiponah anand 6 eee SS --T--mrazz_ HERE AND THERE By "Doc." Ask the average small boy wheth- er he would rather be Premier of Canada or Babe Ruth and we can guess the answer ninety-nine times out of a hundred. In a report of a runaway in a large city, we read that a horse hitch- €d to a buggy became frightened when it saw another horse and bug- - BY. A class of motorists who should be severely dealt with is the hit and Tun driver. Anyone who will put an- other car into the ditch and not re- turn to offer assistance is a most con- temptible person and should not be allowed to drive again, With the world series of baseball over we may now expect to hear more about hockey. The big leagues start for their training camps in a week or so and there will bé many changes in 'the line-ups, A Sultan at odds with his harem, Thought of a way~he could scare 'em. He caught him a mouse Which he freed in the house, Thus starting the first harem-scarem. A doctor says "sitting in a strong wind makes one drowsy." A sort of sleeping draught as it were. Several newspapers have been re- producing a picture of the world's smallest bible. Since then several others have come along claiming to have the next smallest. We _ won- der how successful a contest would be| for people having the least read | bible. é A man may not spell correctly or write legibly but if he is wealthy he can get his cheques cashed just the same, ; At the time that Russell Scott. who hanged himself in the Chicago jail | last week, first proposed a bridge | crossing the Detroit River from Wind | sor to Detroit, a great many people | thought. the idea out of question. | Now that same project is to become! a Teality during the next two or three years. Any guy can feel gay when he's off for a day with a rod or a gun or an auto; but the fellow worth while is the chap who can smile when he don't want to work but has got to. A trip through the country at this ceeecmapeene eee on the Highways The Highway Safety Committee has been organized in an effort to secure 'more careful automobile driving and hence a decrease in the number of accidents on the road. Our Program in Part Pledges of generous support already have been received from a large number of individuals and corpora- tions who are in a position to assist in this movement. The support of the Press has been pledged almost unanimously. Offers of Stations to broadcast talks on Safety are also acknowledged with thanks. The organization of meetings at which Safety will be discussed in- dicates a deep interest on the part of Boards of Trade, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs and other Public Service Clubs. The co-operation of the Ontario Motor League with its membership of 30,000 shows that this large membership heartily and energetic- ally supports the sarety movement. On highways and on city streets there will be even a more strict enforcement of The Highway Traffic Act and municipal by-laws through co-operation of the high- way traffic patrol and the entire police forces of the Province. The call for more safety on the highways has been sounded throughout Ontario, Will you respond? The motor car traffic in Ontario has increased enormously. To date this year 360,000 motor vehicle licenses have been issued. This is more than twice as many as in the year 1921. There has been a similar increase in the number of foreign cars which visit Ontario. At times during the past summer, as many foreign cars were on our highways as those of provincial registration. : Everyone who uses the highways, whether as motorist or pedestrian must become conscious of the new condition which prevails. Each individual must act in accordance with the general principles of safety and always in the exercise of care, common sense, and courtesy to others. , The Executive Committee is composed largely of men representing #rovince-wide organizations. In addition, invitations have been sent to all Editors, Heads of Municipal Governments, Chiefs of Police, and Presidents of Boards of Trade, Automobile Clubs and Service Clubs in the Province to act upon the Advisory Committee and to co-operate through Suggestion and carrying on in their respective communities localized campaigns for greater safety. To the School Inspectors, School Teachers, and School Boards of the Province a special appeal is made. A sad feature Of the record is the number of children whose lives have been snuffed out or who have been injured because of thoughtlessness on the part of themselves or the driver of a car. This is an effort in which all citizens of the Province can and should unite, both in a public and private way. As a badge of support of this movement this windshield sticker has been provided by the Executive Committee. It will be available at all filling stations and garages in the Province. The Committee confidently expects it will immediately appear on every car operating on the roads of Ontario. It reads as follows: " I'm for Care and Courtesy Are YOU? If you are for safety on the Highways wear this sticker on your car, The Committee will be glad to receive suggestions from all who are interested in this movement. Address Highway Safety Com- fet = 8 Cal Chairman:-HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister ot Highways W.G. ROBERTSON, Secretary Ontario Motor League; J = mittee, Department of Highways, Toronto. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - F.. He WYSE, Secretary Ontario Safety League; 8. J. DICKSON, Chiet of Police, Toronto; - MARSHALL, Secretary Ontario Boards of Trade; J.P. BICKELL, Registrar of Motor Vehicles; R. M. SMITH, Acting Deputy Minister of Highways; ADVISORY COMMITTEE All Editors, Heads of Municipal Governments, Police Chiefs, Presidents of Boards of Trade, Automobile Clubs and Service Clubs in the Province of Ontario. LL time reveals a beautiful sight. Na-} make a wonderful picture. We not- ture has given to the trees _ their! fall colors, and the different shades iced one spot particularly beautiful | where the woods were on a hill and just below a field of corn, a long row of golden pumpkins of all sizes in the foreground. We stopped for a mo- ment or two to admire the view and thought of the old song, "A Picture| No Artist Could Paint." READ THE ADS. Down&Fleming Funeral Service Rooms ' 94 Ontario St. J. S. RUSSELL Registered Arehitect Phone 1533F Gordon Block Phone 314 Mm Pacuwe ret Sit ene. _. Mirrorettes (By Eromdiks) No wrong can live long if we all discuss it. Wishes are the servants of men. Without knowledge the leper re- mains unwashed, the slave unfreed. One should die proudly, when it is no longer possible to live proudly. . Always think yourself as part of God--and act accordingly. Sensuality, intoxication and cruelty are the oldest joys of mankind. There is a cohesiveness in ignor- ance. Those who want a mask have to wear it. The dice of God are always--load- ed with Equity. " When an apple falls to the ground, it shows the unfailing law of gravi- tation. No one should pass judgment upon any subject which they do not clear- ly and distinctly understand. Liars need good memories, or else they may speak the truth, and pbe- little their profession. Local Interest Better Get Them. According to "Bill' McCarthy, the bicycle man, we had better get those reflectors for our buggy and bicycle before the boogyman or the speed cop gets us. See his advertisement. Business is Good. There is a hardware man whom we have never yet heard complain about "business being bad, and last week was one of the best he has had since start- ing in business. Here's a conversa- tion you might have heard while two were passing kis store last patur: day evening. We'll call them Nit and Wit: Nit: "What's that racket in that hardware store?" : Wit: "Oh_that's Jim Myers turning over his stock." GET VALUE FOR - YOUR MONEY by buying your Stove & Furnace Pipes FROM L. COOK 110 Downie 'St. Phone 175 Plumber and Electrician We handle the best. AScotch Baker , Was once asked "'How he made all his money? His cated was: 'He never tried to make money, but did en make good bread."" T. V..B. Bread Company are making new 'customers every day for this very reason-- "WE MAKE GOOD BREAD." Whether you are Canadian or English, Irish or Scotch or any other nationality you ll enjoy our bread. Give us a ring and one of our drivers will call with A SAMPLE LOAF T.V.B. BREAD CO. Phone 2345 : 56 Huron St. "Just over the river" "Tea that always pleases me" is China Hall English Breakfast Tea of course it does! TTL og J. L. BRADSHAW CHINA HALL (THT Agent--"When are you going to pay for that sewing machine I sold you?" Mrs. Deerie--"Pay for it? Why you said that in a short time it would pay for itself." The Fletcher Johnston Press For Fine Job Printing this invitation as though it were a personal one. 131 Ontario Street. We Too, Shared In Their Praises--- The great singer, Edward Johnson, visited Stratford the other sat we ep egies people simply showered him with applause. He was pronounced by all who hear truly Canada's greatest singer. The Heintzman piano company are naturally proud to think rar ape Pe ce os is his choce. At the concert Friday evening the Grand dices poten " rage a: f es a i from this wonderful instrument the n's accompanist brought forth this ; Bi ng peels Its responsiveness--its subtility of = were of such a ergy' ard es i The soft and pianomisso passages ld only half reveal their beauty. fe Miah a 5 of ke brook, or the rustle of the corn, and the crescendos grand and majestic. You are invited to come and try this piano at our Saloon. We hope you will accept HEINTZMAN & CO., LTD. s 4 Phone 769° a POTTER EEUOE REESE EEE EME Rea <o2o SRE RIE RT DRG ae Te