THE MIRROR 9 "ROASTING | PANS FOR THE CHRISTMAS TURKEY | Pertinent Patter \°""""":": ae x a * | Here's a letter sent to The Mirror : . -cani ee a a . LS t , (Continued from page 1) The Hospital Board re-organized the | for Santa Claus, dictated by a four- i } . j ] oti y Pp Ta QqiCc w6 | ca | pags other night, electing Police Magistrate| year-old Stratford boy: ical English Christmas production,| J. A. Makins to the chairmanship} __ ¢ s os itd sae : ' i ' : | Dear Santa Claus,-- Aladdin." Citizens who hail from} again. One thing about the hospital | + the old sod will be reminded of their board when it gets a good chairman it : ah ance you, dont ee all ye ser oo : em : i the litt children--remember them life in the old land by the visit of this} hangs on to him. The board this year ; 3: . ce wr ; kee pee 3 : : ER ig : | ell. Will you please bring me horn, ever popular Christmas pantomime. It| has several problems, one of which is} -- bowtie ee Tee + - ', r4 J Pere cre : . jf : ss | ees" a ie '| mouth organ, Toonerville trolley, is one that is produced yearly in Eng- rather serious. That is the matter Of| : : : or Ae : 5 Felix cat, books, handkerchiefs, a lit- land and with other similar produc-| an enlargement of the nurses home. | i a SD : aig ' : aye " ce ji | tle iron, teddy bear suit, set of tin tions holds the boards im English| The present accommodations would be} _. : q : 'hy " igi i : | dishes, slate and pencils to write on theatres during the Christmas season. | utterly inadequate if the Board of egheat ide Health did not permit the use of the i i rsa] . 5 aK ; rencil, candies, nuts, oranges, cray- With an attempted bank robbery at} top floor of the Isolation Hospital as} ? : % . : : . . ons, drum, flute and anything more Monkton and a holdup at Granton and|a residence to help out the regular | : ' i ] . ; : "| you can think ol. When you get my an unknown man found murdered at|home. But even with that there 18} ¥ ) : i letter, be sure to write back to me St. Pauls, Stratford seems to be head- | need for more room and the idea of a | slate with, elephant, scribbler and a Se ee ee See sagt Sk a aN It DN it a ET REE ERS TON oslecince - re selina geade aaa Saas pice Seth rc = Nt x Sit tc i Si ep _ eects S a jas contin: =. we - a i. ae ee tests = Sisges a eee oe -- sai <A =H ra, eS bee BS ek A big variety to choose from. SS ieee ait el jright away. ing into something in the nature of al separate building seems to be fav- | s be ai atid yas : Santa will have to visit Jim Myers' crime wave. So far there has peen| ored. The present home could prob- J) L. BRADSHAW no serious crime in the city itself but|ably be substantially enlarged if the) there seem e plenty of it around | funds were forthcoming and it is to be} CHINA HALL the district and police officers are on hoped that this will be possible. | fae ith PITT store to fill this order. Your little boy, UEREEEREEQLEEDEREEOREE COCCEROGQOGEOCCROEOUOMEREGESEOURGGUREROD AREER EROOES ir toes watching for a possible out-| There ar ar things such as better : ee 5 : 5 their tor ie cone eve k There are other things such as better) j1,,qware clerk trying to sell Pat a "Be jabbers," says Pat, Till just ak. Stratford has 'ery luck i s for erating room and like , Aes ; . break. Stra rd has been very lucky lights for the operating room a a ike | stove, said: 'There's a stove," Pat,| take two of them and save the whole any years a it is alm as ars é fF whic il av 2 | ' : +1799 baits for many years and it is almost a case | matters all of which will have to be 'that will save half your coal bill. thing. of expecting something to drop here met : as the board finds it possible.' ee "THE WONDERFUL" For Everybody "Maybe no other contribution is so wae Maile as the i in- fusion of the spirit of good will. The approach of Christmas and / 4 the festive season finds us as it will you--desirous of expressing --_ os eal a Fach ath Robe ached Ou nA Be the existent t spirit of good will to our employees and our friends. oe ee, agar nh ie ae! fe igs get : : : q : compact combination Sy , : 4 . eS ea, Oe ee ee el Why Vien . Lunch Kit. and Ther- especialy it came Peres ees Jai mos bottle. Can be E from our assortment of had in different sizes. Satety Razors, Straight Razors, good tools. Moderate- We realize fully that the co-operation of. the public | f has : eg 24 St a Home if Priced trom Shaving Brushes, Shaving Stands, | ly priced. been an uns f ee y & Mirrors, Razor Strops, all suggest een force in the growth of our business. This the man-_ 4 sre i as (aaa have 95c to $1.35 themselves as useful men's gifts: -------- -~- 'es : fe as a a favorite bathrobe . e y agement gratefully acknowledges and take this opportunity of ee ae - E ; Cie ; it--from lee es, warin, 7 : ; hice een Lett eee : oe é iH pl ices ef é Aen a ie comfortable flaunels sincerely thanking you, and hope this Christmas. will: be 3 Bee oo 4 co ee ae ool * . ee seen Gos , "6 a snappy-looking outing flannel happy one = the New Year prosperous. 3, > es: : : snappy Keobiaeewtne S094 | ae 2 PRE ons a but warm, in attractive color combinations. Have a iook. iH : SS A tH WV : Tools make _ splendid | : gifts for men or boys. Give Dad a nice new ei ae ee 2 2s ine ire ee preety K nab lis ee TRC REE LST 2 Gea Ne . isa t ey A sa Sawin talib hisenings aia auntie ae ervernenenerverneanae * 7 tang corny 4 ee eer grneeey . Tree Sets artistically The housewife will ered but safely light the greatly remember you Pyrex Ware will give her year- family Christmas tree. a dozen times a day round pleasure and convenience be-' Our electric Christmas for giving her a set of cause these wonderful baking tree decorations are stainless steel cutlery. dishes can be served right from absolutely safe and Sets packed in a neatly the oven to the table. Moderately consist of all the new partitioned box. priced. shaped bulbs. LET'S GO an OR Ks. SHOP James K. Myers pASMELLY || room it * Seale ; aORE Te ae ait